Remediation of high oil content of oil sludge-contaminated soil by hot water washing and biodegradation
DING Mingshan1,2,,, TAN Xiaoming1,2, WANG Guan1,2, YANG Huaijie3, LI Zengqiang3, LIN Junzhang1,2, CAO Gongze1,2 1.Sinopec Key Laboratory of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, Dongying 257000, China 2.Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering and Technology, Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257000, China 3.Department of Safety, Environmental Protection and Quality Management, Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257000, China
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of high oil content of oil sludge in oilfields but not directly biologically harmless disposal, the pre-treatment of hot water washing and subsequent bioremediation were carried out. Environmental friendly cleaning agent and optimum working condition were screened. Oil degrading microorganisms were isolated from the soil and used to the bioremediation of the residual sands. The effect of bulking agent and the isolated microorganisms were evaluated. The results of oil displacement efficiency shown that the cleaning agent of rhamnolipid was capable of decreasing the oil content from 107.1 mg·g?1 to 39.3 mg·g?1. The suited condition were determined as follows: dosage of cleaning agent 0.5%, the reaction temperature 50 ℃, reaction time 30 min. After washing, the number of indigenous flora in the residual sands has decreased significantly. Two oil degrading microorganisms were isolated, and a better water holding and oxygen dissolving bulking agent of digestate was screened. The results of bioremediation indicated that adding the isolated two strain and bulking agent were in favor of improving the degradation rete, resulted in the oil content decreased to 4.62 mg·g?1 for 200 days. Oil property analysis showed that saturates and aromatics were preferentially degraded compared with the heavy component of resins and asphaltenes. The combined technology would provide technical support to the high oil content of oil sludge-contaminated soil. Key words:oil sludge-contaminated soil/ petroleum hydrocarbon/ hot water washing/ bioremediation/ oil degrading microorganism.
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1.Sinopec Key Laboratory of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, Dongying 257000, China 2.Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering and Technology, Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257000, China 3.Department of Safety, Environmental Protection and Quality Management, Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257000, China Received Date: 2021-01-26 Accepted Date: 2021-05-08 Available Online: 2021-06-25 Keywords:oil sludge-contaminated soil/ petroleum hydrocarbon/ hot water washing/ bioremediation/ oil degrading microorganism Abstract:In order to solve the problem of high oil content of oil sludge in oilfields but not directly biologically harmless disposal, the pre-treatment of hot water washing and subsequent bioremediation were carried out. Environmental friendly cleaning agent and optimum working condition were screened. Oil degrading microorganisms were isolated from the soil and used to the bioremediation of the residual sands. The effect of bulking agent and the isolated microorganisms were evaluated. The results of oil displacement efficiency shown that the cleaning agent of rhamnolipid was capable of decreasing the oil content from 107.1 mg·g?1 to 39.3 mg·g?1. The suited condition were determined as follows: dosage of cleaning agent 0.5%, the reaction temperature 50 ℃, reaction time 30 min. After washing, the number of indigenous flora in the residual sands has decreased significantly. Two oil degrading microorganisms were isolated, and a better water holding and oxygen dissolving bulking agent of digestate was screened. The results of bioremediation indicated that adding the isolated two strain and bulking agent were in favor of improving the degradation rete, resulted in the oil content decreased to 4.62 mg·g?1 for 200 days. Oil property analysis showed that saturates and aromatics were preferentially degraded compared with the heavy component of resins and asphaltenes. The combined technology would provide technical support to the high oil content of oil sludge-contaminated soil.