北京化工大学,北京市环境污染控制与资源化工程研究中心,北京 100029
Beijing Center for Pollution Control and Resource Recovery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
为解决高浓度猪粪收集转运等过程涉及的基础性技术问题,以不同浓度猪粪为研究对象,探讨了含固率、真空度、管径及自然放置时间等参数对管道抽吸流量和非牛顿流体流动阻力特性的影响。结果表明:猪粪含固率由2%增加到20%,其流变指数由0.952 3降至0.300 4,抽吸流量随猪粪含固率增加而减少;抽吸流量与管径呈幂指增长关系,当猪粪的非牛顿流体特性增强时,管径是影响管道黏性阻力的重要因素;抽吸流量的平均降低率随自然放置时间不断增加,15 d后降低率为8.3%,25 d后达到26.2%;对于管道抽吸猪粪而言,高含固率(>16%)条件下实验范宁摩擦因子快速变大,说明此时不再适合抽吸;管道流动特征表现为高范宁摩擦因子(0.006 6~3.020 0)和低雷诺数(10~2 435)的层流特征。以上研究结果可为畜禽粪污环保处理等相关领域提供参考。
In order to solve the fundamental technical problems involved in the process of collecting and transporting high-concentration pig manure, the pig manure with different concentrations was taken as the research object, the influences of solid content, vacuum degree, pipe diameter, and natural placement time on the pipe suction flow and resistance characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid flow were investigated. The results showed that the rheological index decreased from 0.952 3 to 0.300 4 with the increase of solid content from 2% to 20%, the suction flow also decreased. The suction flow rate increased exponentially with pipe diameter, and the pipe diameter became an important factor for affecting viscous resistance when the non-Newtonian fluid characteristic of pig manure increased. The average reduction of the suction flow increased with natural placement time, it increased from 8.3% to 26.2% when natural placement time extended from15 days to 25 days. For pipe suction of pig manure, the experimental Fanning friction factor increased rapidly at high solid content over 16%, indicating that it was no longer suitable for pipe suction; the pipe flow characteristics belongs to laminar flow with a high Fanning friction factor (0.006 6~3.020 0) and a low Reynolds number (10~2 435). This study can provide important basic guidance data for related fields such as the environmental protection of livestock manure.
Schematic diagram of experimental setup
Changes of suction flow under different conditions
Change of rheological index n with TS
Effect of diameter on suction flow at different TS
Effect of natural placement time on suction flow
Changes of rheological index
Average reduction of suction flow
Change of experimental Funning Friction Factor
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