4.中国环境科学研究院,环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室,北京 100012
1.Department of Environmental Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China
2.National Engineering Laboratory for Site Remediation Technologies, Beijing Construction Engineering Group Environmental Remediation Co. Ltd., Beijing 100015, China
3.State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
4.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
Based on the existing researches related to thermal desorption technology and dioxins, this paper provides a comprehensive review on the technological process, influencing factors of dioxins formation, and the mechanisms and measures of dioxins inhibition during the direct thermal desorption remediation of organic contaminated soil. Firstly, dioxins may be produced during different technological processes: dioxins present in contaminated soil are desorbed by heating; the organic pollutants in soil undergo molecular deconstruction and recombination, thus causing the generation of dioxins during the heating process of rotary kiln; dioxins are generated by heterogeneous catalytic reactions (including precursor and de-novo synthesis reactions) at each cooling stage in the exhaust gas purification process. Secondly, thermal desorption process parameters can also affect dioxins formation, such as heating temperature, heating time, flowing rate of carrier gas, reaction atmosphere and so on. Thirdly, the presence of metal compounds, water, carbon and chlorine source in contaminated soil can catalyze the formation of dioxins. Additionally, the characteristics of site pollution also have a certain impact on dioxins production. The addition of alkaline, sulfur, ammonium/nitrogen or sulfur-nitrogen containing compounds can inhibit the formation of dioxins during thermal desorption. At the end of the paper, the challenges of dioxin inhibition during thermal desorption are summarized, including the unclear chemical transformation mechanisms of various pollutants, the development of high-efficiency and practical inhibitors, etc. In addition, some future research directions are prospected.
General mechanisms of PCDD/Fs formation during thermal treatment
Typical direct thermal desorption process
Influence conditions of PCDD/Fs formation during thermal desorption of organic contaminated soil
Inhibition conditions and effects of PCDD/Fs with different inhibitors during thermal treatment
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