4.华北油田计量中心站,廊坊 065007
2.CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environmental Technology, Beijing 102206, China
4.Metrology Center Station of China National Petroleum Corporation Hua Bei Oilfield, Langfang 065007, China
In order to recognize the priority pollutants reflecting the groundwater quality, one new method for screen the characteristic pollutants in groundwater of the petroleum refining enterprise was established by combining comprehensive score method for pollutant hazard assessment and detection rate, concentration and standard exceeding rate of groundwater pollutant components. Researching on recognition the pollutants in groundwater of the petroleum refining enterprise by this method. The result showed that priority pollutants list included 10 kinds of pollutants in 5 categories: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, total petroleum hydrocarbons, arsenic, anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene. The result of recognition in this method was consistent with the experimental monitoring result. Consequently, the 15 kinds compounds should be controlled firstly in the oil petroleum refining enterprise, especially benzene series and petroleum hydrocarbons.
Recognition process of priority pollutants in groundwater of petroleum refining and chemical enterprises
Evaluation factors and scores of recognition priority pollutants in groundwater of the petroleum refining enterprise
Sequencing results of pollutants in groundwater of thepetroleum refining enterprise
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