1.中国海洋大学水产学院,青岛 266001
基金项目: 青岛“十三五”海洋经济创新发展示范项目
Nitrogen removal performance of artificial wetland with plant carbon source from seawater circulating aquaculture tail water
SUN Linlin1,,LI Meng1,
HUANG Zhitao1,
DONG Dengpan1
1.College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266001,China
关键词: 垂直潜流人工湿地/
Abstract:This study is focused on the poor nitrate nitrogen removal by a constructed wetland due to insufficient carbon source in seawater circulating aquaculture tail water. The static release experiments were used to compare the static release characteristics of corn stover, corn cob and Miscanthus in freshly sterilized seawater, and study the effect of acid or alkali treatment on the release rule of corn cob. Then the effects of corn cob or corn cob leachate addition on the denitrification of vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland system were studied when treating simulated seawater circulating aquaculture tail water. The results showed that all the three plant carbon sources could release considerable COD, and corn core was more suitable as an additional carbon source due to its low nitrogen and phosphorus release. Both acid and alkali treatment could raise the dissolution rate of C from plant carbon sources, while a more stable dissolution rate occurred for alkali treatment, and it was more suitable as a pretreatment method. In the case of the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in the blank control wetland, the addition of corn cob and corn cob leachate in the constructed wetland could lead to the increase of nitrate nitrogen removal rate by 90.63% and 88.56%, respectively. This study also proved that the plant carbon source addition could significantly elevate the nitrogen removal effect of constructed wetland treating seawater, plant leachate carbon source was effective and feasible instead of plant carbon source.
Key words:vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland/
plant carbon source/
seawater recirculating aquaculture tail water/
total soluble nitrogen/

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1.中国海洋大学水产学院,青岛 266001
基金项目: 青岛“十三五”海洋经济创新发展示范项目
关键词: 垂直潜流人工湿地/
English Abstract
Nitrogen removal performance of artificial wetland with plant carbon source from seawater circulating aquaculture tail water
SUN Linlin1,,LI Meng1,
HUANG Zhitao1,
DONG Dengpan1
1.College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266001,China
Keywords: vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland/
plant carbon source/
seawater recirculating aquaculture tail water/
total soluble nitrogen/
Abstract:This study is focused on the poor nitrate nitrogen removal by a constructed wetland due to insufficient carbon source in seawater circulating aquaculture tail water. The static release experiments were used to compare the static release characteristics of corn stover, corn cob and Miscanthus in freshly sterilized seawater, and study the effect of acid or alkali treatment on the release rule of corn cob. Then the effects of corn cob or corn cob leachate addition on the denitrification of vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland system were studied when treating simulated seawater circulating aquaculture tail water. The results showed that all the three plant carbon sources could release considerable COD, and corn core was more suitable as an additional carbon source due to its low nitrogen and phosphorus release. Both acid and alkali treatment could raise the dissolution rate of C from plant carbon sources, while a more stable dissolution rate occurred for alkali treatment, and it was more suitable as a pretreatment method. In the case of the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in the blank control wetland, the addition of corn cob and corn cob leachate in the constructed wetland could lead to the increase of nitrate nitrogen removal rate by 90.63% and 88.56%, respectively. This study also proved that the plant carbon source addition could significantly elevate the nitrogen removal effect of constructed wetland treating seawater, plant leachate carbon source was effective and feasible instead of plant carbon source.