1.浙江大学环境与资源学院,污染环境修复与生态健康教育部重点实验室,杭州 310058
2.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所,温州 325005
基金项目: 浙江省重点研发计划专项(2015C03005,2015C03007)
Purification of aquaculture seawater and stimulation of shrimp yield by Salicornia bigelovii ecological floating beds
WU Yingjie1,,MA Luyao1,
CHEN Chen2,
YAN Maocang2,
ZHANG Xiang2,
CHAI Xueliang2,
WANG Qiong1,
FENG Ying1
1.Key Laboratory of Environment Remediation and Ecological Health, Ministry of Education, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2.Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute, Wenzhou 325005, China
摘要:为了探讨不同覆盖面积生态浮床对养殖海水的净化效果及其对北美海蓬子和南美白对虾生长的影响,以不设置浮床为对照,在养殖对虾的水面上设置了3种不同面积北美海蓬子生态浮床,覆盖面积分别为25%、50%和75%。实验进行期间每2 d监测1次水质,实验结束后测定海蓬子和对虾产量,并对氮和磷进行衡算。结果表明:15 d后,50%覆盖面积生态浮床对水体总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮和CODMn的去除效果最好,去除率分别为 44.90%、34.43%、44.45%和35.64%;75%覆盖面积生态浮床对水体总磷的去除效果最好,去除率为30.32%;各处理间pH、溶解氧和温度没有显著性差异,但盐度随浮床面积增加而有所下降;各处理间海蓬子生长没有显著性差异,但对虾产量差异显著,以50%处理的产量最高,比不设置浮床增产7.8倍;设置浮床后,水体和其他途径总氮减少,海蓬子和对虾总氮增加,水体总磷和对虾总磷减少,其他途径和海蓬子总磷增加。北美海蓬子生态浮床对养殖海水具有显著的净化效果,对虾具有显著的增产效果,其中以50%覆盖面积效果最佳。
关键词: 海洋污染及其防治/
Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of the coverage area of ecological floating bed on aquaculture seawater purification and the growth of S. bigelovii and Penaeus vannamei, three ecological floating beds with coverage areas of 25%, 50%, 75%, as well as a control test without ecological floating bed, were set up in this study. During the experiment, the water quality was monitored once every 2 days, while the production of S. bigelovii and P. vannamei was measured after the experiment. Then, the material balances of nitrogen and phosphorus were calculated, respectively. The results showed that ecological floating bed with 50% coverage area had the highest removal efficiencies for total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and CODMn after 15 days running, such as 44.90%, 34.43%, 44.45% and 35.64%, respectively. Whereas, the highest total phosphorus removal efficiency of 30.32% was achieved by the ecological floating bed with 75% coverage area. There were no significant differences in pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature of aquaculture seawater after treating by these ecological floating beds, but the salinity decreased with the increasing coverage area of floating bed. There was no significant difference in the growth of S. bigelovii after treating by these ecological floating beds, but a significant difference in shrimp production occurred. The highest shrimp yield was found in aquaculture seawater treated by the ecological floating bed with 50% coverage area, which was 7.8 times higher than control test. After the ecological floating bed was set, the total nitrogen in the aquaculture seawater and originated from other ways decreased, while that in S. bigelovii and the shrimp increased, the total phosphorus in the aquaculture seawater and the shrimp decreased, while that originated from the other ways and in S. bigelovii increased. In conclusion, the ecological floating bed has a significant purification effect on aquaculture seawater and makes the shrimp production increase obviously, and 50% coverage area for it is optimal.
Key words:marine pollution and its prevention/
ecological floating bed/
in situ bioremediation/
S. bigelovii.

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1.浙江大学环境与资源学院,污染环境修复与生态健康教育部重点实验室,杭州 310058
2.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所,温州 325005
基金项目: 浙江省重点研发计划专项(2015C03005,2015C03007)
关键词: 海洋污染及其防治/
摘要:为了探讨不同覆盖面积生态浮床对养殖海水的净化效果及其对北美海蓬子和南美白对虾生长的影响,以不设置浮床为对照,在养殖对虾的水面上设置了3种不同面积北美海蓬子生态浮床,覆盖面积分别为25%、50%和75%。实验进行期间每2 d监测1次水质,实验结束后测定海蓬子和对虾产量,并对氮和磷进行衡算。结果表明:15 d后,50%覆盖面积生态浮床对水体总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮和CODMn的去除效果最好,去除率分别为 44.90%、34.43%、44.45%和35.64%;75%覆盖面积生态浮床对水体总磷的去除效果最好,去除率为30.32%;各处理间pH、溶解氧和温度没有显著性差异,但盐度随浮床面积增加而有所下降;各处理间海蓬子生长没有显著性差异,但对虾产量差异显著,以50%处理的产量最高,比不设置浮床增产7.8倍;设置浮床后,水体和其他途径总氮减少,海蓬子和对虾总氮增加,水体总磷和对虾总磷减少,其他途径和海蓬子总磷增加。北美海蓬子生态浮床对养殖海水具有显著的净化效果,对虾具有显著的增产效果,其中以50%覆盖面积效果最佳。
English Abstract
Purification of aquaculture seawater and stimulation of shrimp yield by Salicornia bigelovii ecological floating beds
WU Yingjie1,,MA Luyao1,
CHEN Chen2,
YAN Maocang2,
ZHANG Xiang2,
CHAI Xueliang2,
WANG Qiong1,
FENG Ying1
1.Key Laboratory of Environment Remediation and Ecological Health, Ministry of Education, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2.Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute, Wenzhou 325005, China
Keywords: marine pollution and its prevention/
ecological floating bed/
in situ bioremediation/
S. bigelovii
Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of the coverage area of ecological floating bed on aquaculture seawater purification and the growth of S. bigelovii and Penaeus vannamei, three ecological floating beds with coverage areas of 25%, 50%, 75%, as well as a control test without ecological floating bed, were set up in this study. During the experiment, the water quality was monitored once every 2 days, while the production of S. bigelovii and P. vannamei was measured after the experiment. Then, the material balances of nitrogen and phosphorus were calculated, respectively. The results showed that ecological floating bed with 50% coverage area had the highest removal efficiencies for total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and CODMn after 15 days running, such as 44.90%, 34.43%, 44.45% and 35.64%, respectively. Whereas, the highest total phosphorus removal efficiency of 30.32% was achieved by the ecological floating bed with 75% coverage area. There were no significant differences in pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature of aquaculture seawater after treating by these ecological floating beds, but the salinity decreased with the increasing coverage area of floating bed. There was no significant difference in the growth of S. bigelovii after treating by these ecological floating beds, but a significant difference in shrimp production occurred. The highest shrimp yield was found in aquaculture seawater treated by the ecological floating bed with 50% coverage area, which was 7.8 times higher than control test. After the ecological floating bed was set, the total nitrogen in the aquaculture seawater and originated from other ways decreased, while that in S. bigelovii and the shrimp increased, the total phosphorus in the aquaculture seawater and the shrimp decreased, while that originated from the other ways and in S. bigelovii increased. In conclusion, the ecological floating bed has a significant purification effect on aquaculture seawater and makes the shrimp production increase obviously, and 50% coverage area for it is optimal.