1.江苏金禾水环境科技股份有限公司, 南京 210002
2.生态环境部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
Ecological restoration project of water quality in urban river supplied with reclaimed water and its efficiency analysis
WANG Xiao1,,XU Su2,
TAO Wenqi2,
GUO Min2
1.Jiangsu Jinheshui Environment Technologies Co.Ltd., Nanjing 210002, China
2.Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences,Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, China
摘要:再生水作为生态或景观补水的重要来源,受纳水体水质下降是制约再生水回用的瓶颈。以浙江省宁波市受纳再生水的陆家河为研究对象,分析受纳再生水河道在生态集成技术修复后水体水质的变化特征,探讨生态修复工程的效能及其影响因素。结果表明,在生态修复工程运行后,显著改善受纳再生水河道的水质,氨氮、COD、总磷、CODMn、BOD5等污染负荷年平均削减率分别为69.0%、16.7%、34.3%、7.8%和34.3%。通过对再生水回用参数的研究,当再生水日进水量为4 000 ~6 500 m3,进水的总磷浓度控制在0.6 mg·L-1以下时,能够使研究河段水体具有较好的净化效果。静态经济评价表明,研发的强化消解-生态涵养-生态观测3步生态修复集成技术,工程投资小、运行成本低、处理效果佳,具有较好的环境与经济效益。
关键词: 再生水/
Abstract:The reclaimed water is an important supply source of ecological or landscape water, resulting in the decline of water quality in the receiving water, which is the bottleneck restricting the reuse of reclaimed water. The Lujia River in Ningbo city, Zhejiang province was introduce to analyze the variation characteristics of water quality of the receiving water body operated with the restoration of the ecological integrated technology, and study the effectiveness and the impact factors of this ecological restoration project. The results showed that the water quality of receiving water of the Lujia River was significantly improved by the ecological restoration project developed by this study. The annual average reduction rates of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N), COD, total phosphorus (TP), CODMn and BOD5 were 69%, 16.7%, 34.3%, 7.8% and 34.3%, respectively. Through the study on the parameters of reuse the reclaimed water, when the river intake of the reclaimed water is 4 000 ~6 500 m3, and the TP concentration in the reclaimed water is under 0.6 mg·L-1, it can achieve a better purification effect for the studied river water. The static economic evaluation suggested that the 3 steps ecological restoration integrated technology, including intensive elimination and decomposition of pollutants, ecological conservation and ecological observation, has small investment, low operating cost and good treatment effect, and has better environmental and economic benefits.
Key words:reclaimed water/
urban river/
ecological restoration technology/
efficiency analysis/
static economic evaluation.

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1.江苏金禾水环境科技股份有限公司, 南京 210002
2.生态环境部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
关键词: 再生水/
摘要:再生水作为生态或景观补水的重要来源,受纳水体水质下降是制约再生水回用的瓶颈。以浙江省宁波市受纳再生水的陆家河为研究对象,分析受纳再生水河道在生态集成技术修复后水体水质的变化特征,探讨生态修复工程的效能及其影响因素。结果表明,在生态修复工程运行后,显著改善受纳再生水河道的水质,氨氮、COD、总磷、CODMn、BOD5等污染负荷年平均削减率分别为69.0%、16.7%、34.3%、7.8%和34.3%。通过对再生水回用参数的研究,当再生水日进水量为4 000 ~6 500 m3,进水的总磷浓度控制在0.6 mg·L-1以下时,能够使研究河段水体具有较好的净化效果。静态经济评价表明,研发的强化消解-生态涵养-生态观测3步生态修复集成技术,工程投资小、运行成本低、处理效果佳,具有较好的环境与经济效益。
English Abstract
Ecological restoration project of water quality in urban river supplied with reclaimed water and its efficiency analysis
WANG Xiao1,,XU Su2,
TAO Wenqi2,
GUO Min2
1.Jiangsu Jinheshui Environment Technologies Co.Ltd., Nanjing 210002, China
2.Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences,Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, China
Keywords: reclaimed water/
urban river/
ecological restoration technology/
efficiency analysis/
static economic evaluation
Abstract:The reclaimed water is an important supply source of ecological or landscape water, resulting in the decline of water quality in the receiving water, which is the bottleneck restricting the reuse of reclaimed water. The Lujia River in Ningbo city, Zhejiang province was introduce to analyze the variation characteristics of water quality of the receiving water body operated with the restoration of the ecological integrated technology, and study the effectiveness and the impact factors of this ecological restoration project. The results showed that the water quality of receiving water of the Lujia River was significantly improved by the ecological restoration project developed by this study. The annual average reduction rates of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N), COD, total phosphorus (TP), CODMn and BOD5 were 69%, 16.7%, 34.3%, 7.8% and 34.3%, respectively. Through the study on the parameters of reuse the reclaimed water, when the river intake of the reclaimed water is 4 000 ~6 500 m3, and the TP concentration in the reclaimed water is under 0.6 mg·L-1, it can achieve a better purification effect for the studied river water. The static economic evaluation suggested that the 3 steps ecological restoration integrated technology, including intensive elimination and decomposition of pollutants, ecological conservation and ecological observation, has small investment, low operating cost and good treatment effect, and has better environmental and economic benefits.