基金项目: 山东省重点研发计划(公益类专项)(2018GSF117022)
国家自然科学基金资助项目(31570541, 31170509)
Water purification of marine aquaculture system based on different fillers
DUAN Songqing1,,YAN Kunpeng1,
SONG Zhiwen1,
LI Chunrui1,
XU Ailing1
1.Institute of Environment and Municipal Engineering,Qingdao University of Technological, Qingdao 266033, China
摘要:氨和亚硝酸盐是海水养殖系统的主要有毒物质,两者的高效去除是水产养殖领域的主要目标。为得到一种安全、高效、经济的海水养殖系统,建立了由3种不同填料构建的海水养殖系统,对在海水盐度与循环流水的胁迫下滴流滤器硝化功能的建立与运行状况进行了研究,并用高通量测序的方法对系统中具有硝化功能的种群结构进行分析。结果表明,在挂膜阶段,以3D益菌屋为填料的滤器硝化功能建立最快,陶瓷生物珠次之,中空培菌球最慢。不同填料对挂膜成熟后的滴流滤器的硝化速率有较大影响,对氨氮和亚硝氮去除效果由高到低的顺序是:3D益菌屋>陶瓷生物珠>中空培菌球。水力负荷对不同填料的影响不同,以3D益菌屋和中空培菌球为填料的滤器对氨氮去除效果随水力负荷增加而增强,在水力负荷为93.56 m3·(m3·h)-1时效果最优,而以陶瓷生物珠为填料的滤器在水力负荷为46.78 m3·(m3·h)-1时效果最优。滤器中共检测出以亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)、硝化球菌属(Nitrococcus)、硝化刺菌属(Nitrospina)、硝化螺旋菌属(Nitrospira)为主体的7种具有硝化功能的菌群,3种滤器中硝化细菌占比差距较大,分别为7.73%、2.06%和1.46%,硝化速率与硝化细菌占比呈正相关。
关键词: 海水养殖/
Abstract:Ammonia and nitrite are the main toxic substances in the mariculture, and the removal of them is the main objective of aquaculture. In order to obtain a safe, efficient, and economical marine aquaculture system, aquaculture systems constructed with three different types of fillers was established. The establishment and operation of nitrification function of drip filter in the salinity of seawater and the stress of circulating water were investigated, and the diversity and community composition of bacteria with nitrification function in the system was analyzed by high throughput sequencing. The results showed that, in the biofilm establishment phase, the nitrification function of the filter with 3D beneficial bacteria house as the filler was the fastest, followed by the ceramic bio-beads, and the hollow bacillus ball was the slowest. The effects of fillers on the nitrification rate of the film-formed dropping filter were different. The order of the removal of ammonia nitrogen and nitrous oxide is 3D beneficial bacteria house>ceramic bio-beads > hollow bacteria ball. The effect of the hydraulic load on the removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen varied in different filter. The removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen increased with the increasing of the hydraulic load in the system with 3D beneficial bacteria house and hollow bacteria ball, and the effect was optimal when the hydraulic load is 93.56 m3·(m3·h)-1. The system with ceramic bio-beads as the filler achieved the best effect when the hydraulic load was 46.78 m3·(m3·h)-1. Seven nitrobacteria were detected in the biofilter, of which Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus, Nitrospina and Nitrospir were dominated. The proportion of nitrifying bacteria in the three kinds of filters was 7.73%, 2.06% and 1.46%, respectively. The nitrification rate was positively correlated with the proportion of nitrifying bacteria.
Key words:marine aquaculture/
biological filter/
nitrifying function/
microbial community structure.

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基金项目: 山东省重点研发计划(公益类专项)(2018GSF117022) 山东省重点研发计划项目(2017GSF220001) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31570541, 31170509) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(2015ZRB01546)
关键词: 海水养殖/
摘要:氨和亚硝酸盐是海水养殖系统的主要有毒物质,两者的高效去除是水产养殖领域的主要目标。为得到一种安全、高效、经济的海水养殖系统,建立了由3种不同填料构建的海水养殖系统,对在海水盐度与循环流水的胁迫下滴流滤器硝化功能的建立与运行状况进行了研究,并用高通量测序的方法对系统中具有硝化功能的种群结构进行分析。结果表明,在挂膜阶段,以3D益菌屋为填料的滤器硝化功能建立最快,陶瓷生物珠次之,中空培菌球最慢。不同填料对挂膜成熟后的滴流滤器的硝化速率有较大影响,对氨氮和亚硝氮去除效果由高到低的顺序是:3D益菌屋>陶瓷生物珠>中空培菌球。水力负荷对不同填料的影响不同,以3D益菌屋和中空培菌球为填料的滤器对氨氮去除效果随水力负荷增加而增强,在水力负荷为93.56 m3·(m3·h)-1时效果最优,而以陶瓷生物珠为填料的滤器在水力负荷为46.78 m3·(m3·h)-1时效果最优。滤器中共检测出以亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)、硝化球菌属(Nitrococcus)、硝化刺菌属(Nitrospina)、硝化螺旋菌属(Nitrospira)为主体的7种具有硝化功能的菌群,3种滤器中硝化细菌占比差距较大,分别为7.73%、2.06%和1.46%,硝化速率与硝化细菌占比呈正相关。
English Abstract
Water purification of marine aquaculture system based on different fillers
DUAN Songqing1,,YAN Kunpeng1,
SONG Zhiwen1,
LI Chunrui1,
XU Ailing1
1.Institute of Environment and Municipal Engineering,Qingdao University of Technological, Qingdao 266033, China
Keywords: marine aquaculture/
biological filter/
nitrifying function/
microbial community structure
Abstract:Ammonia and nitrite are the main toxic substances in the mariculture, and the removal of them is the main objective of aquaculture. In order to obtain a safe, efficient, and economical marine aquaculture system, aquaculture systems constructed with three different types of fillers was established. The establishment and operation of nitrification function of drip filter in the salinity of seawater and the stress of circulating water were investigated, and the diversity and community composition of bacteria with nitrification function in the system was analyzed by high throughput sequencing. The results showed that, in the biofilm establishment phase, the nitrification function of the filter with 3D beneficial bacteria house as the filler was the fastest, followed by the ceramic bio-beads, and the hollow bacillus ball was the slowest. The effects of fillers on the nitrification rate of the film-formed dropping filter were different. The order of the removal of ammonia nitrogen and nitrous oxide is 3D beneficial bacteria house>ceramic bio-beads > hollow bacteria ball. The effect of the hydraulic load on the removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen varied in different filter. The removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen increased with the increasing of the hydraulic load in the system with 3D beneficial bacteria house and hollow bacteria ball, and the effect was optimal when the hydraulic load is 93.56 m3·(m3·h)-1. The system with ceramic bio-beads as the filler achieved the best effect when the hydraulic load was 46.78 m3·(m3·h)-1. Seven nitrobacteria were detected in the biofilter, of which Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus, Nitrospina and Nitrospir were dominated. The proportion of nitrifying bacteria in the three kinds of filters was 7.73%, 2.06% and 1.46%, respectively. The nitrification rate was positively correlated with the proportion of nitrifying bacteria.