1.北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院,北京 100083
2.北京科技大学工业典型污染物资源化处理北京市重点实验室,北京 100083
3.江苏泰源环保科技股份有限公司,宜兴 214266
4.北京博世科环保科技有限公司,北京 100020
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2015ZX07203-011)
Treatment of large-scale livestock wastewater by UASB-SBR process
DU Yan1,2,,ZHOU Beihai1,2,
YUAN Rongfang1,2,
BAO Xiangming3,
LI Dongwei4
1.School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China
2.Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource-Oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China
3.Jiangsu Taiyuan Environmental Science and Technology Co.Ltd., Yixing 214266,China
4.Beijing BOSCH Environmental Science and Technology Co.Ltd., Beijing 100020,China
摘要:针对规模化畜禽养殖废水常规厌氧-好氧组合处理工艺及SBR处理工艺脱氮效率低、运行费用高等问题,采用UASB-SBR工艺,研究3种不同的SBR模式对处理效果的影响。结果表明,UASB容积负荷(以COD计)8 kg·(m3·d)-1、pH 7.0、温度35 ℃、HRT 25 h时,COD去除率为80%~85%;SBR在进水15 min、反应480 min、沉淀60 min、出水15 min、闲置810 min条件下,对废水COD、NH+4-N、和TN去除率分别为91.8%、98.7%和71.6%,出水COD≤180 mg·L-1、NH+4-N2-N积累率超过50%,出现了NO-2-N积累,短程硝化反硝化是主要脱氮方式。
关键词: 畜禽养殖废水/
Abstract:In this paper, a treatment process of UASB-SBR was built to treat the large scale livestock wastewater, which aimed to solve the problem of conventional anaerobic-aerobic treatment process and SBR treatment process including low denification efficiency, high operating costs and so on. Based on the treatment process, three kinds of SBR experiment were studied. It can be seen from the experiment that when the volume loading(calculated by COD) was 8 kg·(m3·d)-1, with the pH value of 7,the temperature of 35 ℃ and HRT of 25 h, the removal efficiency of COD was from 80% to 85% during the anaerobic process (UASB). For the optimized SBR treatment conditions (influent 15 min, reaction 480 min, precipitation 60 min, effluent 15 min, idle 810 min), the removal efficiency of COD,NH+4-N and TN in livestock wastewater in SBR were 91.8%,98.7% and 71.6%, respectively. The effluent COD was less than 180 mg·L-1, NH+4-N<15 mg·L-1, TN<50 mg·L-1, meeting the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding(GB 18596-2001). The nitrite accumulation occurred and shortcut nitrification denitrification was the main way of nitrogen removal.
Key words:livestock wastewater/
nitrogen removal/
shortcut nitrification denitrification.

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1.北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院,北京 100083
2.北京科技大学工业典型污染物资源化处理北京市重点实验室,北京 100083
3.江苏泰源环保科技股份有限公司,宜兴 214266
4.北京博世科环保科技有限公司,北京 100020
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2015ZX07203-011)
关键词: 畜禽养殖废水/
摘要:针对规模化畜禽养殖废水常规厌氧-好氧组合处理工艺及SBR处理工艺脱氮效率低、运行费用高等问题,采用UASB-SBR工艺,研究3种不同的SBR模式对处理效果的影响。结果表明,UASB容积负荷(以COD计)8 kg·(m3·d)-1、pH 7.0、温度35 ℃、HRT 25 h时,COD去除率为80%~85%;SBR在进水15 min、反应480 min、沉淀60 min、出水15 min、闲置810 min条件下,对废水COD、NH+4-N、和TN去除率分别为91.8%、98.7%和71.6%,出水COD≤180 mg·L-1、NH+4-N2-N积累率超过50%,出现了NO-2-N积累,短程硝化反硝化是主要脱氮方式。
English Abstract
Treatment of large-scale livestock wastewater by UASB-SBR process
DU Yan1,2,,ZHOU Beihai1,2,
YUAN Rongfang1,2,
BAO Xiangming3,
LI Dongwei4
1.School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China
2.Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource-Oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China
3.Jiangsu Taiyuan Environmental Science and Technology Co.Ltd., Yixing 214266,China
4.Beijing BOSCH Environmental Science and Technology Co.Ltd., Beijing 100020,China
Keywords: livestock wastewater/
nitrogen removal/
shortcut nitrification denitrification
Abstract:In this paper, a treatment process of UASB-SBR was built to treat the large scale livestock wastewater, which aimed to solve the problem of conventional anaerobic-aerobic treatment process and SBR treatment process including low denification efficiency, high operating costs and so on. Based on the treatment process, three kinds of SBR experiment were studied. It can be seen from the experiment that when the volume loading(calculated by COD) was 8 kg·(m3·d)-1, with the pH value of 7,the temperature of 35 ℃ and HRT of 25 h, the removal efficiency of COD was from 80% to 85% during the anaerobic process (UASB). For the optimized SBR treatment conditions (influent 15 min, reaction 480 min, precipitation 60 min, effluent 15 min, idle 810 min), the removal efficiency of COD,NH+4-N and TN in livestock wastewater in SBR were 91.8%,98.7% and 71.6%, respectively. The effluent COD was less than 180 mg·L-1, NH+4-N<15 mg·L-1, TN<50 mg·L-1, meeting the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding(GB 18596-2001). The nitrite accumulation occurred and shortcut nitrification denitrification was the main way of nitrogen removal.