基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2662017JC018,2015BQ013)
Fenton combined with microwave/ultrasonic pretreatment of Eichhornia crassipes and sugarcane bagasse and their sugar production by enzymatic hydrolysis
ZHANG Chaoqi1,2,,ZHANG Liyuan1,
ZHOU Wenbing1,2,
FENG Wei1,
XIAO Kai1,
YANG Qing1,2
1.Lab of Eco-Environmental Engineering Research, College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
2.Cooperative Innovation Center of Hubei Province for Sustainable Pig Production, Wuhan 430070, China
摘要:选取凤眼莲和甘蔗渣为代表性木质纤维素,以Fenton联合微波/超声波的化学-物理方法,对2种生物质进行预处理,并进行基质化学组分和基质特性、酶解产糖特性及其相互关系研究。对凤眼莲来说,最佳的Fenton-微波预处理为420 W 微波预处理3 min+Fenton预处理,预处理后基质的72 h酶解还原糖产率为33.18%;最佳的Fenton-超声波预处理是360 W超声波预处理40 min+Fenton预处理,预处理后基质的72 h酶解还原糖产率为32.61%。甘蔗渣最佳预处理条件分别为:420 W微波预处理3 min+Fenton预处理和480 W超声波预处理50 min+Fenton预处理,预处理后基质的72 h酶解还原糖产率分别为26.47%和24.05%。预处理后样品的保水值相比原料均有提高,纤维素和半纤维素的含量之和也有提高,两者与生物质样品的预处理强度及72 h酶解还原糖产率呈正相关,但预处理前后生物质的结晶度指数与72 h酶解还原糖产率并无明显相关。
关键词: 凤眼莲/
Abstract:Eichhornia crassipes and sugarcane bagasse which were selected as two kinds of typical lignocellulose, were subjected to Fenton reagent combined with microwave/ultrasonic pretreatment. The chemical composition, structural characteristics of the substrate before and after pretreatment, together with the sugar production properties by enzymatic hydrolysis of the substrate were investigated. And the relationships between substrate properties and sugar production properties were analysed. For Eichhornia crassipes, the optimum Fenton-microwave pretreatment was microwave of 420 W pretreating for 3 min followed by Fenton process. Under this pretreatment, the highest reducing sugar yield of 33.18% could be obtained at enzymatic hydrolysis time of 72 h. The optimum Fenton-ultrasonic pretreatment was ultrasonic wave of 360 W pretreating for 40 min combined with Fenton pretreatment. Under this pretreatment, the highest reducing sugar yield of 32.61% could be obtained at enzymatic hydrolysis time of 72 h. For sugarcane bagasse, the optimum pretreatments were microwave of 420 W pretreating for 3 min followed by Fenton pretreatment and ultrasonic wave of 480 W pretreating for 50 min combined with Fenton pretreatment, respectively. Under these pretreatments, the reducing sugar yields at enzymatic hydrolysis of 72 h were 26.47% and 24.05%, respectively. Compared with those of raw materials, the water retention values, the sum contents of cellulose and hemicellulose of biomass samples after pretreatment all increased, and both were positively correlated to the pretreatment intensity and 72 h reducing sugar yield by enzymatic hydrolysis. However, the crystallinity index (CrI) of biomass before and after the pretreatment had no significant correlation with the 72 h reducing sugar yield by enzymatic hydrolysis.
Key words:Eichhornia crassipes/
sugarcane bagasse/
sugar production by enzymatic hydrolysis.

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基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2662017JC018,2015BQ013) 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0800804-01) 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室开放课题(2016FB19)
关键词: 凤眼莲/
摘要:选取凤眼莲和甘蔗渣为代表性木质纤维素,以Fenton联合微波/超声波的化学-物理方法,对2种生物质进行预处理,并进行基质化学组分和基质特性、酶解产糖特性及其相互关系研究。对凤眼莲来说,最佳的Fenton-微波预处理为420 W 微波预处理3 min+Fenton预处理,预处理后基质的72 h酶解还原糖产率为33.18%;最佳的Fenton-超声波预处理是360 W超声波预处理40 min+Fenton预处理,预处理后基质的72 h酶解还原糖产率为32.61%。甘蔗渣最佳预处理条件分别为:420 W微波预处理3 min+Fenton预处理和480 W超声波预处理50 min+Fenton预处理,预处理后基质的72 h酶解还原糖产率分别为26.47%和24.05%。预处理后样品的保水值相比原料均有提高,纤维素和半纤维素的含量之和也有提高,两者与生物质样品的预处理强度及72 h酶解还原糖产率呈正相关,但预处理前后生物质的结晶度指数与72 h酶解还原糖产率并无明显相关。
English Abstract
Fenton combined with microwave/ultrasonic pretreatment of Eichhornia crassipes and sugarcane bagasse and their sugar production by enzymatic hydrolysis
ZHANG Chaoqi1,2,,ZHANG Liyuan1,
ZHOU Wenbing1,2,
FENG Wei1,
XIAO Kai1,
YANG Qing1,2
1.Lab of Eco-Environmental Engineering Research, College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
2.Cooperative Innovation Center of Hubei Province for Sustainable Pig Production, Wuhan 430070, China
Keywords: Eichhornia crassipes/
sugarcane bagasse/
sugar production by enzymatic hydrolysis
Abstract:Eichhornia crassipes and sugarcane bagasse which were selected as two kinds of typical lignocellulose, were subjected to Fenton reagent combined with microwave/ultrasonic pretreatment. The chemical composition, structural characteristics of the substrate before and after pretreatment, together with the sugar production properties by enzymatic hydrolysis of the substrate were investigated. And the relationships between substrate properties and sugar production properties were analysed. For Eichhornia crassipes, the optimum Fenton-microwave pretreatment was microwave of 420 W pretreating for 3 min followed by Fenton process. Under this pretreatment, the highest reducing sugar yield of 33.18% could be obtained at enzymatic hydrolysis time of 72 h. The optimum Fenton-ultrasonic pretreatment was ultrasonic wave of 360 W pretreating for 40 min combined with Fenton pretreatment. Under this pretreatment, the highest reducing sugar yield of 32.61% could be obtained at enzymatic hydrolysis time of 72 h. For sugarcane bagasse, the optimum pretreatments were microwave of 420 W pretreating for 3 min followed by Fenton pretreatment and ultrasonic wave of 480 W pretreating for 50 min combined with Fenton pretreatment, respectively. Under these pretreatments, the reducing sugar yields at enzymatic hydrolysis of 72 h were 26.47% and 24.05%, respectively. Compared with those of raw materials, the water retention values, the sum contents of cellulose and hemicellulose of biomass samples after pretreatment all increased, and both were positively correlated to the pretreatment intensity and 72 h reducing sugar yield by enzymatic hydrolysis. However, the crystallinity index (CrI) of biomass before and after the pretreatment had no significant correlation with the 72 h reducing sugar yield by enzymatic hydrolysis.