1.天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300350
Treatment of power plant recirculating cooling drainage by Fenton’s reagent preoxidation combined with powdered activated carbon adsorption
YANG Yi1,,GU Ping1,
XU Siwen1,
MENG Fanyi1,
DONG Lihua1,
ZHANG Guanghui1
1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China
摘要:开发了芬顿试剂预氧化-粉末活性炭(PAC)吸附组合工艺处理电厂循环冷却排污水。首先分别研究了芬顿试剂氧化法和粉末活性炭吸附法对有机物的去除效果,发现2种工艺在最佳处理条件时仍存在处理效果较差、药剂费用高等问题。因此,开发了芬顿试剂预氧化-PAC吸附组合工艺,研究了该工艺的影响因素,并进行小试实验。结果表明,该组合工艺在不改变原水的初始pH、H2O2与Fe2+的摩尔比为1以及H2O2的投加浓度为25 mg·L-1时得到最佳的预处理条件。在最佳预氧化条件下投加0.15 g·L-1的PAC进行了4级逆流吸附小试实验,结果表明:该工艺处理效果稳定、药剂费用低,出水满足排放要求。
关键词: 循环冷却排污水/
Abstract:Fenton’s reagent preoxidation-powdered activated carbon (PAC) adsorption combined process for treatment of a recirculating cooling drainage from a power plants was developed. First, the Fenton’s reagent oxidation and PAC adsorption methods for organics removal were studied respectively. It was found that the two processes still had some problems such as poor in treatment effect and high in chemicals cost. Therefore, the Fenton’s reagent preoxidation-PAC adsorption combined process was studied, and the influence factors of this process were tested. The results showed that the best efficiency was achieved when pH value of raw water was unchanged, the molar ratio of H2O2 to Fe2+ was 1 and the H2O2 concentration was 25 mg·L-1. Under the optimum condition with PAC dosage of 0.15 g·L-1, the results obtained from four-stage countercurrent adsorption process showed that it was stable and the removal effect was good. In addition, the process was low in operation cost and the effluent quality could meet the discharge standards.
Key words:recirculating cooling drainage/
Fenton’s reagent oxidation/
powdered activated carbon adsorption/
combined treatment/
four-stage countercurrent adsorption.

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1.天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300350
关键词: 循环冷却排污水/
摘要:开发了芬顿试剂预氧化-粉末活性炭(PAC)吸附组合工艺处理电厂循环冷却排污水。首先分别研究了芬顿试剂氧化法和粉末活性炭吸附法对有机物的去除效果,发现2种工艺在最佳处理条件时仍存在处理效果较差、药剂费用高等问题。因此,开发了芬顿试剂预氧化-PAC吸附组合工艺,研究了该工艺的影响因素,并进行小试实验。结果表明,该组合工艺在不改变原水的初始pH、H2O2与Fe2+的摩尔比为1以及H2O2的投加浓度为25 mg·L-1时得到最佳的预处理条件。在最佳预氧化条件下投加0.15 g·L-1的PAC进行了4级逆流吸附小试实验,结果表明:该工艺处理效果稳定、药剂费用低,出水满足排放要求。
English Abstract
Treatment of power plant recirculating cooling drainage by Fenton’s reagent preoxidation combined with powdered activated carbon adsorption
YANG Yi1,,GU Ping1,
XU Siwen1,
MENG Fanyi1,
DONG Lihua1,
ZHANG Guanghui1
1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China
Keywords: recirculating cooling drainage/
Fenton’s reagent oxidation/
powdered activated carbon adsorption/
combined treatment/
four-stage countercurrent adsorption
Abstract:Fenton’s reagent preoxidation-powdered activated carbon (PAC) adsorption combined process for treatment of a recirculating cooling drainage from a power plants was developed. First, the Fenton’s reagent oxidation and PAC adsorption methods for organics removal were studied respectively. It was found that the two processes still had some problems such as poor in treatment effect and high in chemicals cost. Therefore, the Fenton’s reagent preoxidation-PAC adsorption combined process was studied, and the influence factors of this process were tested. The results showed that the best efficiency was achieved when pH value of raw water was unchanged, the molar ratio of H2O2 to Fe2+ was 1 and the H2O2 concentration was 25 mg·L-1. Under the optimum condition with PAC dosage of 0.15 g·L-1, the results obtained from four-stage countercurrent adsorption process showed that it was stable and the removal effect was good. In addition, the process was low in operation cost and the effluent quality could meet the discharge standards.