1.中国科学院城市环境研究所,中国科学院区域大气环境研究卓越创新中心,厦门 361021
2.中国科学院城市环境研究所,中国科学院城市污染物转化重点实验室,厦门 361021
3.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
基金项目: 厦门南方海洋研究中心项目(14GQT60HJ30)
Simultaneous desulfurization and denitration of ship exhaust gas by diaphragm electrolysis technology with coupled process of oxidation and absorption
ZHANG Huan1,2,3,,ZHONG Lubin1,2,
YUAN Zhihua1,2,
CHEN Jinsheng1,
ZHENG Yuming1,2
1.Center for Excellence in Regional Atmospheric Environment, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
2.Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
3.College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
摘要:采用隔膜电解技术对海水进行改性,生成的氧化液和碱性液分别喷淋进入氧化洗涤塔和碱式吸收塔,通过耦合的二段式反应研究脱除模拟船舶尾气中NO与SO2的性能,实验详细考察了NO与SO2的气体流量与初始浓度、海水电解时间和氧化液有效氯浓度对SO2和NO脱除效率的影响。结果表明:隔膜电解海水能够高效地脱除船舶尾气中的SO2和NO;SO2脱除效率高,在实验条件范围内几乎不受各因素的影响;NO脱除效率随NO初始浓度、海水电解时间、氧化液有效氯浓度的提升而增大,随SO2初始浓度、气体流量的提升而减小。当气体流量为1 m3·h-1,初始SO2、NO浓度分别为600 mL·m-3和900 mL·m-3,海水电解时间为60 min,氧化液有效氯浓度为540 mg·L-1时,模拟船舶尾气中SO2和NO的去除效率可以分别达到98.6%和84.4%。
关键词: 隔膜电解/
Abstract:Artificial seawater was electrolysed into oxidation solution and alkaline solution using diaphragm electrolysis technology. A two-stage process consisting of an oxidation scrubber containing oxidation solution and an alkaline absorber containing alkaline solution was used for simultaneous desulfurization and denitration of ship exhaust gas. The effects of flue gas flow rate, initial NO and SO2 concentration, seawater electrolysis time and available chlorine content on the removal efficiency of NO and SO2 were investigated. The results indicated that NO and SO2 can be removed effectively in ship exhaust gas by diaphragm electrolysis technology simultaneously. SO2 was cleaned up quite efficiently and the removal efficiency remained almost the same under all experimental conditions. The NO removal was enhanced with increase in initial NO concentration, seawater electrolysis time, available chlorine content or decrease in initial SO2 concentration, flue gas flow rate. The removal efficiency of 98.6% for SO2, and 84.4% for NO were achieved, respectively, under the following conditions: flue gas flow rate of 1 m3·h-1, NO initial concentration of 900 mL·m-3, SO2 initial concentration of 600 mL·m-3, seawater electrolysis time of 60 min and available chlorine content of 540 mg·L-1.
Key words:diaphragm electrolysis/
ship exhaust gas/
oxidation absorption.

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1.中国科学院城市环境研究所,中国科学院区域大气环境研究卓越创新中心,厦门 361021
2.中国科学院城市环境研究所,中国科学院城市污染物转化重点实验室,厦门 361021
3.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
基金项目: 厦门南方海洋研究中心项目(14GQT60HJ30) 中国科学院“****”项目
关键词: 隔膜电解/
摘要:采用隔膜电解技术对海水进行改性,生成的氧化液和碱性液分别喷淋进入氧化洗涤塔和碱式吸收塔,通过耦合的二段式反应研究脱除模拟船舶尾气中NO与SO2的性能,实验详细考察了NO与SO2的气体流量与初始浓度、海水电解时间和氧化液有效氯浓度对SO2和NO脱除效率的影响。结果表明:隔膜电解海水能够高效地脱除船舶尾气中的SO2和NO;SO2脱除效率高,在实验条件范围内几乎不受各因素的影响;NO脱除效率随NO初始浓度、海水电解时间、氧化液有效氯浓度的提升而增大,随SO2初始浓度、气体流量的提升而减小。当气体流量为1 m3·h-1,初始SO2、NO浓度分别为600 mL·m-3和900 mL·m-3,海水电解时间为60 min,氧化液有效氯浓度为540 mg·L-1时,模拟船舶尾气中SO2和NO的去除效率可以分别达到98.6%和84.4%。
English Abstract
Simultaneous desulfurization and denitration of ship exhaust gas by diaphragm electrolysis technology with coupled process of oxidation and absorption
ZHANG Huan1,2,3,,ZHONG Lubin1,2,
YUAN Zhihua1,2,
CHEN Jinsheng1,
ZHENG Yuming1,2
1.Center for Excellence in Regional Atmospheric Environment, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
2.Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
3.College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Keywords: diaphragm electrolysis/
ship exhaust gas/
oxidation absorption
Abstract:Artificial seawater was electrolysed into oxidation solution and alkaline solution using diaphragm electrolysis technology. A two-stage process consisting of an oxidation scrubber containing oxidation solution and an alkaline absorber containing alkaline solution was used for simultaneous desulfurization and denitration of ship exhaust gas. The effects of flue gas flow rate, initial NO and SO2 concentration, seawater electrolysis time and available chlorine content on the removal efficiency of NO and SO2 were investigated. The results indicated that NO and SO2 can be removed effectively in ship exhaust gas by diaphragm electrolysis technology simultaneously. SO2 was cleaned up quite efficiently and the removal efficiency remained almost the same under all experimental conditions. The NO removal was enhanced with increase in initial NO concentration, seawater electrolysis time, available chlorine content or decrease in initial SO2 concentration, flue gas flow rate. The removal efficiency of 98.6% for SO2, and 84.4% for NO were achieved, respectively, under the following conditions: flue gas flow rate of 1 m3·h-1, NO initial concentration of 900 mL·m-3, SO2 initial concentration of 600 mL·m-3, seawater electrolysis time of 60 min and available chlorine content of 540 mg·L-1.