1.青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院,青岛 266033
2.青岛首创瑞海水务有限公司,青岛 266042
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项2017ZX07101-002
Nitrogen removal enhancement with landfill leachate as supplemental carbon source for denitrification
XU Chenlu1,,YIN Zhixuan1,,
LI Chunyu1,
BI Xuejun1,
GU Ruihuan2
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China
2.Qingdao Capital Ruihai Water Co.Ltd., Qingdao 266042, China*Correspording author, E-mail: yzxqut@163.com
摘要:垃圾渗滤液中含有大量易被微生物利用的挥发性脂肪酸,若其可以作为城镇污水处理厂的补充碳源,将对降低碳源投加成本和实现垃圾渗滤液的资源化利用有重要意义。在实际城镇污水处理厂考察了垃圾渗滤液补充进水碳源的脱氮效果,并进一步对比了传统碳源(甲醇、乙酸钠)、垃圾渗滤液及垃圾渗滤液在不同pH条件下产生的水解酸化液作为碳源时的反硝化效果。结果表明,实际城镇污水处理厂投加乙酸钠作为补充碳源时总氮去除率仅提高3%左右,而在进水中混合垃圾渗滤液后提高了约10%。垃圾渗滤液与乙酸钠作碳源时NO3--N去除率均>97%,但垃圾渗滤液为碳源时最大比反硝化速率高达8.8 mg·(g·h) -1(以MLSS计),是乙酸钠为碳源时的1.7倍;垃圾渗滤液中性和碱性水解酸化液为碳源时,反硝化效果相差不大,最大比反硝化速率为4.5~4.8 mg·(g·h) -1(以MLSS计),NO3--N去除率仅为70%左右。垃圾渗滤液或其水解酸化液是否可以作为强化脱氮效果的补充碳源取决于基质本身的性质。
关键词: 垃圾渗滤液资源化/
Abstract:Because of containing large amount of readily biodegradable volatile fatty acids in landfill leachate, it is expected to use this leachate as a type of supplemental carbon source for denitrification in municipal wastewater treatment plant, which will have great significance in cost reduction of external carbon source and resource utilization of landfill leachate. The nitrogen removal effect was investigated when the landfill leachate was taken as supplemental carbon source in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Furthermore, the denitrification efficiencies were compared among different carbon sources, such as traditional methanol and sodium acetate, landfill leachate and its hydrolysis acidification liquor at different pH. The results show that total nitrogen removal efficiency only increased by 3% with sodium acetate as external carbon source, but increased by about 10% when landfill leachate was mixed in the influent of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. In the batch tests, NO3--N removal efficiencies could reach over 97% when landfill leachate or sodium acetate was taken as carbon source, respectively, while the maximum specific denitrification rate with landfill leachate carbon source was 8.8 mg·(g·h) -1 (calculated by MLSS), which was 1.7 times with sodium acetate. There is almost no difference in the denitrification efficiencies between neutral and alkaline hydrolysis acidification liquor carbon sources of landfill leachate, the maximum specific denitrification rates were 4.5~ 4.8 mg·(g·h) -1(calculated by MLSS), and nitrate removal efficiencies were only 70%. Thus, whether landfill leachate and its hydrolysis acidification liquor can be taken as an alternative external carbon source for nitrogen removal enhancement is dependent on its own characteristics.
Key words:resource recovery from landfill leachate/
external carbon source for nitrogen removal/
hydrolysis and acidification.

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1.青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院,青岛 266033
2.青岛首创瑞海水务有限公司,青岛 266042
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项2017ZX07101-002 国家国际科技合作专项项目2016YFE0123500-003国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07101-002) 国家国际科技合作专项项目(2016YFE0123500-003)
关键词: 垃圾渗滤液资源化/
摘要:垃圾渗滤液中含有大量易被微生物利用的挥发性脂肪酸,若其可以作为城镇污水处理厂的补充碳源,将对降低碳源投加成本和实现垃圾渗滤液的资源化利用有重要意义。在实际城镇污水处理厂考察了垃圾渗滤液补充进水碳源的脱氮效果,并进一步对比了传统碳源(甲醇、乙酸钠)、垃圾渗滤液及垃圾渗滤液在不同pH条件下产生的水解酸化液作为碳源时的反硝化效果。结果表明,实际城镇污水处理厂投加乙酸钠作为补充碳源时总氮去除率仅提高3%左右,而在进水中混合垃圾渗滤液后提高了约10%。垃圾渗滤液与乙酸钠作碳源时NO3--N去除率均>97%,但垃圾渗滤液为碳源时最大比反硝化速率高达8.8 mg·(g·h) -1(以MLSS计),是乙酸钠为碳源时的1.7倍;垃圾渗滤液中性和碱性水解酸化液为碳源时,反硝化效果相差不大,最大比反硝化速率为4.5~4.8 mg·(g·h) -1(以MLSS计),NO3--N去除率仅为70%左右。垃圾渗滤液或其水解酸化液是否可以作为强化脱氮效果的补充碳源取决于基质本身的性质。
English Abstract
Nitrogen removal enhancement with landfill leachate as supplemental carbon source for denitrification
XU Chenlu1,,YIN Zhixuan1,,
LI Chunyu1,
BI Xuejun1,
GU Ruihuan2
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China
2.Qingdao Capital Ruihai Water Co.Ltd., Qingdao 266042, China*Correspording author, E-mail: yzxqut@163.com
Keywords: resource recovery from landfill leachate/
external carbon source for nitrogen removal/
hydrolysis and acidification
Abstract:Because of containing large amount of readily biodegradable volatile fatty acids in landfill leachate, it is expected to use this leachate as a type of supplemental carbon source for denitrification in municipal wastewater treatment plant, which will have great significance in cost reduction of external carbon source and resource utilization of landfill leachate. The nitrogen removal effect was investigated when the landfill leachate was taken as supplemental carbon source in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Furthermore, the denitrification efficiencies were compared among different carbon sources, such as traditional methanol and sodium acetate, landfill leachate and its hydrolysis acidification liquor at different pH. The results show that total nitrogen removal efficiency only increased by 3% with sodium acetate as external carbon source, but increased by about 10% when landfill leachate was mixed in the influent of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. In the batch tests, NO3--N removal efficiencies could reach over 97% when landfill leachate or sodium acetate was taken as carbon source, respectively, while the maximum specific denitrification rate with landfill leachate carbon source was 8.8 mg·(g·h) -1 (calculated by MLSS), which was 1.7 times with sodium acetate. There is almost no difference in the denitrification efficiencies between neutral and alkaline hydrolysis acidification liquor carbon sources of landfill leachate, the maximum specific denitrification rates were 4.5~ 4.8 mg·(g·h) -1(calculated by MLSS), and nitrate removal efficiencies were only 70%. Thus, whether landfill leachate and its hydrolysis acidification liquor can be taken as an alternative external carbon source for nitrogen removal enhancement is dependent on its own characteristics.