1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心文献信息中心,北京 100085
2.中国科学院生态环境研究中心《环境工程学报》编辑部,北京 100085
Analysis of highly downloaded papers, highly cited papers, highly published authors, highly published institutions in Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering from 2016 to 2018
ZHANG Litian1,2,,ZHENG Xiaomei2
1.Documentation and Information Center, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
2.Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
关键词: 环境工程学报/
Abstract:To provides insights into topic selection and manuscripts solicitation, data of the cited frequency, the downloading capacity, authors and institutions of published papers in Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering(CJEE) from 2016 to 2018 were searched, and the highly downloaded papers, highly cited papers, highly published authors, highly published institutions were defined and counted. The limited number method was used to define the highly downloaded papers, highly cited papers. And the highly published authors, highly published institutions were defined according to Price law. The bibliometric method was used to analyze the data of paper numbers, cited frequency, downloading capacity, columns, institutions. Based on the analysis of 181 highly downloaded papers, 245 highly cited papers, 86 highly published authors and 54 highly published institutions, the largest absolute number of highly downloaded and cited papers in the column of water pollution prevention and control occurred among CJEE columns, but their proportion in the total number of published papers in this column was low. On the contrary, the absolute number of highly downloaded and cited papers in review column was low, but their proportion in the total number of published papers was the highest among CJEE columns. This indicates that review papers could receive much more attention than general research papers. The highly published authors and institutions made more contributions to the total number of published papers in CJEE than others.
Key words:Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering/
highly downloaded papers/
highly cited papers/
highly published authors/
highly published institutions.

[1] | 《环境工程学报》编辑部. 2012—2016年《环境工程学报》高发文作者TOP50[J]. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11(11): 6214. |
[2] | 《环境工程学报》编辑部. 2012—2016年《环境工程学报》高被引论文TOP50[J]. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11(11): 6215. |
[3] | 《环境工程学报》编辑部. 2012—2016年《环境工程学报》高发文机构TOP50[J]. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11(11): 6216. |
[4] | 朱倩蓉, 吴民淑. 《中国药理学报》高被引论文分析及启示[M]//刘志强. 学报编辑论丛(2018). 上海: 上海大学出版社, 2018: 395-403. |
[5] | 刘雪立. 基于Web of Science和ESI数据库高被引论文的界定方法[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2012, 23(6): 975-978. |
[6] | 谢娟, 龚凯乐, 成颖, 等. 论文下载量与被引量相关关系的元分析[J]. 情报学报, 2017, 36(12): 1255-1269. |
[7] | 《环境工程学报》编辑部. 2016—2018年《环境工程学报》刊载文章统计指标TOP50 [J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(1): 245-252. |

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1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心文献信息中心,北京 100085
2.中国科学院生态环境研究中心《环境工程学报》编辑部,北京 100085
关键词: 环境工程学报/
English Abstract
Analysis of highly downloaded papers, highly cited papers, highly published authors, highly published institutions in Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering from 2016 to 2018
ZHANG Litian1,2,,ZHENG Xiaomei2
1.Documentation and Information Center, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
2.Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
Keywords: Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering/
highly downloaded papers/
highly cited papers/
highly published authors/
highly published institutions
Abstract:To provides insights into topic selection and manuscripts solicitation, data of the cited frequency, the downloading capacity, authors and institutions of published papers in Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering(CJEE) from 2016 to 2018 were searched, and the highly downloaded papers, highly cited papers, highly published authors, highly published institutions were defined and counted. The limited number method was used to define the highly downloaded papers, highly cited papers. And the highly published authors, highly published institutions were defined according to Price law. The bibliometric method was used to analyze the data of paper numbers, cited frequency, downloading capacity, columns, institutions. Based on the analysis of 181 highly downloaded papers, 245 highly cited papers, 86 highly published authors and 54 highly published institutions, the largest absolute number of highly downloaded and cited papers in the column of water pollution prevention and control occurred among CJEE columns, but their proportion in the total number of published papers in this column was low. On the contrary, the absolute number of highly downloaded and cited papers in review column was low, but their proportion in the total number of published papers was the highest among CJEE columns. This indicates that review papers could receive much more attention than general research papers. The highly published authors and institutions made more contributions to the total number of published papers in CJEE than others.