1.四川农业大学环境学院,四川省农业环境工程重点实验室,成都 611130
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
基金项目: 四川省科技计划项目2017SZ0039四川省科技计划项目(2017SZ0039)
Control of heavy metal pollution in urban street dust by passivators
ZHENG Yuling1,,TAN Beilin1,2,
WANG Lilin1,
1.Sichuan Key Laboratory of Agricultural Environmental Engineering, College of Environmental Sciences, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
关键词: 街道灰尘/
Abstract:In order to control the pollution of heavy metals in urban street dust and reduce their bioavailability, passivation experiments were conducted through adding passivator solution to urban street dust. The effects of single passivator (K2HPO4 or Na2SiO3) with different dosages and mixed passivators with different weight ratios of K2HPO4 and Na2SiO3 on the bioavailability of Cu, Pb and Cd in urban street dust of Chengdu were studied, respectively. The results showed that at the dosage of 1% dust for K2HPO4 or Na2SiO3, Cu, Pb and Cd in urban street dust could be effectively deactivated with the bioavailability reduction of 27.9%, 33.9% and 53.2% or 36.1%, 34.4 and 48.5%, respectively. The bioavailability of heavy metals could not be significantly cut down with a further increase of the passivator dosage. When the total dosages of these two passivators remained unchangeable, their mixture with a weight ratio of 1∶1 presented a better Cu and Pb passivation effects than each passivator. It is feasible to use passivators to reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals in urban street dust. And to a certain extent, adding passivators to the water of city sprinkler can achieve the dual-goal of both flying dust and heavy metal pollution control.
Key words:street dust/
heavy metal pollution/
bioavailability of heavy metals.

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1.四川农业大学环境学院,四川省农业环境工程重点实验室,成都 611130
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
基金项目: 四川省科技计划项目2017SZ0039四川省科技计划项目(2017SZ0039)
关键词: 街道灰尘/
English Abstract
Control of heavy metal pollution in urban street dust by passivators
ZHENG Yuling1,,TAN Beilin1,2,
WANG Lilin1,
1.Sichuan Key Laboratory of Agricultural Environmental Engineering, College of Environmental Sciences, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Keywords: street dust/
heavy metal pollution/
bioavailability of heavy metals
Abstract:In order to control the pollution of heavy metals in urban street dust and reduce their bioavailability, passivation experiments were conducted through adding passivator solution to urban street dust. The effects of single passivator (K2HPO4 or Na2SiO3) with different dosages and mixed passivators with different weight ratios of K2HPO4 and Na2SiO3 on the bioavailability of Cu, Pb and Cd in urban street dust of Chengdu were studied, respectively. The results showed that at the dosage of 1% dust for K2HPO4 or Na2SiO3, Cu, Pb and Cd in urban street dust could be effectively deactivated with the bioavailability reduction of 27.9%, 33.9% and 53.2% or 36.1%, 34.4 and 48.5%, respectively. The bioavailability of heavy metals could not be significantly cut down with a further increase of the passivator dosage. When the total dosages of these two passivators remained unchangeable, their mixture with a weight ratio of 1∶1 presented a better Cu and Pb passivation effects than each passivator. It is feasible to use passivators to reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals in urban street dust. And to a certain extent, adding passivators to the water of city sprinkler can achieve the dual-goal of both flying dust and heavy metal pollution control.