1.北京工业大学建筑工程学院,北京市水质科学与水环境恢复工程重点实验室,北京 100124
基金项目: 中央引导地方科技发展专项 Z161100004516015 中央引导地方科技发展专项(Z161100004516015)
Direct nitrification of municipal wastewater by nitrifying bioactive filler
YANG Hong1,,SU Shan1
1.Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
摘要:为开发更多的硝化填料应用形式,并为填料的实际应用提供参数借鉴,用人工配水条件下活性恢复的硝化生物活性填料直接处理市政污水,研究了填料填充方式、填充比例以及DO浓度等因素对填料氨氧化速率与装置中COD浓度的影响。结果表明,采用填料分散的填充方式,在填充率为12%、DO浓度为4~5 mg·L-1条件下,填料的最大氨氧化速率为30.2 mg·(L·h)-1,高于传统的活性污泥法。填充率与氨氧化速率整体上呈正相关的关系,在一定程度上可通过提高填充率进一步提高填料氨氧化速率。通过填料冲洗,可阻止装置中异养菌生长,利于市政污水中COD的存留。利用硝化填料对市政污水进行直接硝化的填料应用形式,可实现在保持较优氨氧化速率的前提下为后续反硝化存留碳源,减少水处理流程中的污泥产量,具有一定可行性。
关键词: 硝化生物活性填料/
Abstract:In order to explore more applications of nitrification filler and provide the corresponding parameter reference for it, the municipal wastewater was directly treated by the nitrifying bioactive filler which was recovered by artificial wastewater. The effects of filler filling mode, filling ratio and DO concentration on the ammonia oxidation rate of the filler and the COD concentration in the device were investigated. The results showed that the maximum ammonia-oxidation rate of the filler could reach 30.2 mg·(L·h)-1 under the conditions of a dispersed filling method with a filling rate of 12% and a DO concentration of 4~5 mg·L-1, which was higher than that of the conventional activated sludge method. The filling rate is positively correlated with the ammonia oxidation rate as a whole. To some extent, the ammonia oxidation rate of the filler could be further improved by increasing the filling rate. The filler cleaning could prevent the growth of heterotrophic bacteria in the device and contribute to retain COD of municipal sewage. Generally, the nitrifying filler is used to directly nitrate municipal wastewater, which can not only keep a better ammonia oxidation rate, but also save carbon source for the subsequent denitrification and reduce sludge production in wastewater treatment process. Thus, it is feasible to use this method for direct nitrification of municipal wastewater.
Key words:nitrifying biological active filler/
direct nitrification of municipal wastewater/
ammonia oxidation rate/
COD degradation.

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1.北京工业大学建筑工程学院,北京市水质科学与水环境恢复工程重点实验室,北京 100124
基金项目: 中央引导地方科技发展专项 Z161100004516015 中央引导地方科技发展专项(Z161100004516015)
关键词: 硝化生物活性填料/
摘要:为开发更多的硝化填料应用形式,并为填料的实际应用提供参数借鉴,用人工配水条件下活性恢复的硝化生物活性填料直接处理市政污水,研究了填料填充方式、填充比例以及DO浓度等因素对填料氨氧化速率与装置中COD浓度的影响。结果表明,采用填料分散的填充方式,在填充率为12%、DO浓度为4~5 mg·L-1条件下,填料的最大氨氧化速率为30.2 mg·(L·h)-1,高于传统的活性污泥法。填充率与氨氧化速率整体上呈正相关的关系,在一定程度上可通过提高填充率进一步提高填料氨氧化速率。通过填料冲洗,可阻止装置中异养菌生长,利于市政污水中COD的存留。利用硝化填料对市政污水进行直接硝化的填料应用形式,可实现在保持较优氨氧化速率的前提下为后续反硝化存留碳源,减少水处理流程中的污泥产量,具有一定可行性。
English Abstract
Direct nitrification of municipal wastewater by nitrifying bioactive filler
YANG Hong1,,SU Shan1
1.Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Keywords: nitrifying biological active filler/
direct nitrification of municipal wastewater/
ammonia oxidation rate/
COD degradation
Abstract:In order to explore more applications of nitrification filler and provide the corresponding parameter reference for it, the municipal wastewater was directly treated by the nitrifying bioactive filler which was recovered by artificial wastewater. The effects of filler filling mode, filling ratio and DO concentration on the ammonia oxidation rate of the filler and the COD concentration in the device were investigated. The results showed that the maximum ammonia-oxidation rate of the filler could reach 30.2 mg·(L·h)-1 under the conditions of a dispersed filling method with a filling rate of 12% and a DO concentration of 4~5 mg·L-1, which was higher than that of the conventional activated sludge method. The filling rate is positively correlated with the ammonia oxidation rate as a whole. To some extent, the ammonia oxidation rate of the filler could be further improved by increasing the filling rate. The filler cleaning could prevent the growth of heterotrophic bacteria in the device and contribute to retain COD of municipal sewage. Generally, the nitrifying filler is used to directly nitrate municipal wastewater, which can not only keep a better ammonia oxidation rate, but also save carbon source for the subsequent denitrification and reduce sludge production in wastewater treatment process. Thus, it is feasible to use this method for direct nitrification of municipal wastewater.