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个人简介 基本情况姓名:









教育背景 2005年9月—2011年1月,北京交通大学,交通运输学院系统科学所,博士

工作经历 2017年1月—至今,北京交通大学,交通运输学院,系统科学研究所,副教授

研究方向 系统科学

招生专业 系统科学硕士

科研项目 国家重点研发计划课题:复杂环境下城市多模式交通流运行特性分析与网络协同设计,2019-01-01--2021-12-31,478万,参加
国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目“城市交通管理理论与方法”课题一:城市群交通出行需求分析与动态管理,2017年 1月--2022 年12月,100万,参加

教学工作 本科课程: 交通运输设备,现代交通科学前沿导论,现代交通与城市变迁
研究生课程: 交通流理论,系统辨识与自适应控制,交通行为分析

论文/期刊 D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Y.Q. Wen, X.M. Zhao, X. G. Li, Z.B. He,Cooperative driving strategies of connected vehicles for stabilizing traffic flow, Transportmetrica B, 2020, 8(1): 166-181.(SCI)

M.Y. Pang, B. Jia, D.F. Xie*(谢东繁), X.G. Li, A probability lane-changing model considering memory effect and driver heterogeneity. Transportmetrica B, 2020, 8(1): 72-89.(SCI)

J. Bi, R. Zhi, D.F. Xie*(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, J. Zhang, Capturing the characteristics of car-sharing users: data-driven analysis and prediction based on classification. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020: **.(SCI)

G.J. Zhou, D.F. Xie*(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, C. Lu, Collaborative optimization of vehicle and charging scheduling for a bus fleet mixed with electric and traditional buses. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 8056-8072.(SCI)

D.F. Xie(谢东繁), M.H. Wang, X.M. Zhao, A spatiotemporal Apriori approach to capture dynamic associations of regional traffic congestion. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 3695-3709. (SCI)

D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Z. Fang, B. Jia, Z.B. He, A data-driven lane-changing model based on deep learning. Transportation Research Part C, 2019, 106: 41-60. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, Z.B. He, Heterogeneous traffic mixing regular and connected vehicles: modeling and stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, 20(6): 2060-2071. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, Q. Li, R.Q. Lu, R. Jiang, Analysis and comparison of potential traffic risks based on different field data, 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals 2018. (EI)
X.M. Zhao, Q. Li, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), J. Bi, R.Q. Lu, C. Li, Risk perception and the warning strategy based on microscopic driving state, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 118: 154-165. (SSCI)
X.M. Zhao, C.H. Wan, H.J. Sun, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, Dynamic rerouting behavior and its impact on dynamic traffic patterns, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18(10): 2763- 2779. (SCI)
David Z. W. Wang, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Reliable transportation network design considering uncertain demand variability, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2016, 10(8): 752-763. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), David Z.W. Wang, Z.Y. Gao, Macroscopic analysis of the fundamental diagram with inhomogeneous network and instable traffic, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2016, 12(1): 20-42. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, X.G. Li, T.L. Zhu, Modeling the impact of pedestrian behavior diversity on traffic dynamics at a crosswalk with push button, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2016, 27(7): **. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, X.G. Li, Cellular automaton modeling of traffic flow at a crosswalk with push button, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015, 26(2): **. (SCI)
N. Geng, X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), X.G.. Li, Z.Y. Gao, Congestion mechanism and demand adjustment strategies for double-cell system with bottlenecks, Transportation Research Part C, 2015, 57: 122–145. (SCI)
X.G. Li, Y.K. Cao, X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Drivers' diversion from expressway under real traffic condition information shown on variable message signs, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015, 19(7): 2262-2270. (SCI)
X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Q. Li, Approaching system equilibrium with accurate or not accurate feedback information in a two-route system, Computer Physics Communications, 2015, 187: 106-114. (SCI)
Y.H. Wang, Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Multiple density difference effect in the two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(3): 1991-2003. (SCI)
S.J. Qiang, B. Jia, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, Reducing airplane boarding time by accounting for passengers ' individual properties: A simulation based on cellular automaton, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2014, 40: 42-47. (SSCI)
X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), W.W. Wand, N. Geng, Calibrating and modeling expressway with different ramp distances on Beijing 3rd ring road, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 138: 37-44. (EI)
X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), W.W. Wand, N. Geng, Analyzing and modeling of expressway traffic characteristics near ramps in Beijing 3rd ring road, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 138: 97-104. (EI)
N. Geng, X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Exploring the influence of the congested downstream on traffic flow at its upstream bottlenecks, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 138: 259-268. (EI)
X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, L. Gao, Equilibrium of a two-route system with delayed information feedback strategies, Physics Letters A, 2013, 377: 3161-3169. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), X.M. Zhao, Cellular automaton modeling with timid and aggressive driving behavior, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, June 29-July 2, 2013, 1527-1534, Wuhan, Hubei, China. (EI)
王卫卫, 赵小梅, 李新刚, 谢东繁, VMS对驾驶员路径选择影响的实证研究与建模, 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2013, 13(3): 60-64. (EI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, David Z.W. Wang, Cellular automaton modeling of the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians at signalized crosswalk, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(12): 1442-1452. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, David Z.W. Wang, Agitated behavior and elastic characteristics of pedestrians in an alternative floor field model for pedestrian dynamics, Physica A, 2012, 391(7): 2390–2400. (SCI)
X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), H.O. Li, Effect of traffic information on the stability pedestrian flow, Physics Procedia, 2012, 24: 1052–1059.
郭宏伟, 高自友, 谢东繁, 城市道路 U 型转向交通流特性模拟分析, 物理学报, 2011, 60(5): 058902. (SCI)
H.W. Guo, Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Dynamics of motorized vehicle flow under the mixed traffic circumstance, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2011, 55(4): 719-724. (SCI)
X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), B. Jia, J. Rui, Z.Y. Gao, Disorder structure of free-flow and global jams in the extended BML model, Physics Letters A, 2011, 375(7): 1142-1147. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, Combined cellular automaton model for mixed traffic flow with non-motorized vehicles, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2010, 21(12): 1443–1455. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, Efficiency Promotion for an on-ramp system based on the intelligent transportation system information, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(8): 080515. (SCI)
H.O. Li, X.M. Zhao, D.F. Xie(谢东繁). Stability analysis of pedestrian flow and phase structure in the improved two-dimensional OV models. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 28-31 May 2010, 161-165, Huangshan, Anhui, China. (EI)
X. Chen, D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Enhance stability of traffic flow in an extended car-following model based on anticipative information, 2010 International Conference on Logistics Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems, 26-28 Nov. 2010, 25-28, Wuhan, Hubei, China. (EI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, K.P. Li, Characteristics of mixed traffic flow with non-motorized vehicles and motorized vehicles at an unsignalized intersection, Physica A, 2009, 388(10): 2041-2050. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, Stabilization of traffic flow based on the multiple information of preceding cars, Communications in Computational Physics, 2008, 3(4): 899-912. (SCI)
D.F. Xie(谢东繁), Z.Y. Gao, X.M. Zhao, The effect of ACC vehicles to mixed traffic flow consisting of manual and ACC vehicles, Chinese Physics B, 2008, 17(12): 4440-4445. (SCI)


专利 赵小梅、李倩、陆荣琴、谢东繁,“基于微观驾驶的交通安全风险反馈预警系统及预警方法”,2017.06.01,中国,ZL4.4
赵小梅、耿男、谢东繁,“一种智能匝道入口交通需求联合控制系统及方法”,2015.10.25, 中国,ZL7.5


获奖与荣誉 2013年,全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖,http://www.moe.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/moe/moe_817/201404/166585.html

社会兼职 担任学术期刊《Transportation Research Part C》、《Journal of Transportation Engineering A》、《Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 》、《Journal of Advanced Transportation》、《Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《Accident Analysis and Prevention》、《Journal of Transportation Safety & Security》、《IET Intelligent Transport Systems》、《IEEE Access》、《中国公路学报》等匿名审稿人。

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