Fund Project:Project supported by the Funding of Yichang Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, China (Grant No. A19-302-05)
Received Date:26 November 2020
Accepted Date:28 December 2020
Available Online:06 May 2021
Published Online:20 May 2021
Abstract:In a nanodisk made of soft ferromagnet, the magnetic vortex structure are highly stabilized, and the circulation directions of the vortices are naturally binary (either clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW)), which can be associated with one bit of information, and thus the magnetic vortices have been of great interest recently. A vortex-circulation-based memory requires the perfect controllability of the circulation direction. From the circulation point of view, there are four possible ground states in a nanodisk pair: (CCW, CCW), (CCW, CW), (CW, CCW) and (CW, CW). In a perfect circular nanodisk, CW and CCW states are degenerate because of the high symmetry of the system. However, the circulation of the magnetic vortex is known to be controlled by introducing the asymmetry. It has been reported that the magnetic vortices with opposite (the same) circulations are realized in one-side-flat disk pair. That means in one-side-flat nanodisk pair only the control of two of these four ground states is possible, eg., (CCW, CW), (CW, CCW) or (CCW, CCW), (CW, CW). We found that the reversal of the magnetic vortex circulation is affected by the nanodisk thickness as well. By further introducing another asymmetry, different thickness, the control of the four circulation ground states is achieved in a nanodisk pair. In this work, the controllability of the four ground states in a nanodisk pair was numerically investigated via micromagnetic simulations. The results show that in a single one-side-flat nanodisk, there exists a preferred rotational sense at the remanent state after the nanodisk is saturated by the external magnetic field, applied parallel to the flat edge of the nanodisk. The shape anisotropy is the primary cause of this phenomenon. We further found that the obtained rotational senses of the magnetization in the vortex state in nanodisks with the same geometrical parameters but different thickness (20 nm and 50 nm) are opposite for the same direction of the externally applied field. This is attributed to the competition between the demagnetization field energy and the exchange energy during the vortex formation. The method we proposed provides a simple means of controlling the vortex state that can thus become a useful tool for designing vortex-based devices. Keywords:magnetic vortex/ circulation reversal/ magnetic nanodisk/ micromagnetic simulation
3.结果及讨论首先研究厚度为 20—50 nm的单个纳米盘的磁涡旋旋性的可控性. 图2(a)和图2(b) 所示分别为厚度是50 nm和20 nm的纳米盘的磁滞回线. 外磁场沿y轴方向, 磁感应强度B的变化梯度是1 mT. 黑色曲线代表B从+150 mT降至–150 mT, 红色曲线表示从–150 mT升至+150 mT, 图中纵轴为纳米盘沿y轴的磁化分量$ m_y $(归一化). 厚度t = 50 nm的情况下, 在B从150 mT降至75 mT的过程中, 纳米盘处于单畴态(沿+y轴饱和磁化). 逐渐降低B, 纳米盘内部出现了从单畴态向涡旋态过渡的中间态, 如图2(a)中48 mT磁感应强度下所对应的图片所示. 可以观察到两个相反方向的磁涡旋核(图中黑色圆圈内)在切边对面的圆边处成核. 目前为止观察到的这两个涡旋核无论哪一个进入纳米盘, 都会出现一个CCW的涡旋态. 继续降低B至47 mT, 涡旋态出现, 方向为CCW. 磁感应强度从47 mT降到–128 mT的过程中, 涡旋核逐渐向切边处移动, 直到–129 mT的时候, 旋涡核从切边处被推出, 纳米盘沿–y轴方向饱和磁化. 在B从–150 mT逐渐增至+150 mT的过程中, 纳米盘内磁性结构的变化和B从+150 mT减小到–150 mT的情况类似, 不同的是剩磁态为CW的涡旋态. 需要指出的是, 1)纳米盘处于涡旋态时, 涡旋核的方向随机, 但磁涡旋的旋性可控, 依赖于外磁场的方向, 即$ +y \rightarrow -y $, CCW; $ -y \rightarrow +y $, CW. 2)从单畴态到涡旋态的成核过程是比较复杂的, 并不是一个涡旋核进入纳米盘, 另一个被推出这么简单. 而是两个相反方向的涡旋核彼此靠近, 并在两个涡旋核中间出现反涡旋态, 其中一个涡旋核和反涡旋核湮灭, 另一个涡旋核成为最终的涡旋态的涡旋核[27]. 并且动态变化过程中可能并不像图中所示仅出现两个涡旋核, 而是更多. 这里因为关注的是磁涡旋旋性的反转和控制, 所以后面对成核过程不做详细的讨论. 图 2 厚度(a) t = 50 nm和(b) t = 20 nm的纳米盘的磁滞回线. 图中的颜色和箭头代表xy平面内的磁化方向, 黑色和白色的点分别代表方向朝下和朝上的磁涡旋核. 当磁感应强度从150 mT减小至0 mT时, 厚度为(c) 50 nm和(d) 20 nm的纳米盘的能量密度的变化 Figure2. Hysteresis loops of (a) t = 50 nm and (b) t = 20 nm nanodisks. The color map as well as the arrows inside the nanodisks represents the magnetization directions in xy plane, and the black and white dots represent downward and upward magnetic vortex core, respectively. Variation of the energy density for (c) t = 50 nm and (d) t = 20 nm nanodisks when the magnetic filed is swept from 150 mT to 0 mT.