1.School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China 2.Shannxi Key Laboratory of Mechanical Manufacturing Equipment, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China 3.Institute of Photonics & Photon-Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2020M673611XB), the Scientific Research Foundation of the Education Department of Shannxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 20JK0781, 17JS094), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shannxi Province, China (Grant No. 2018JQ4046)
Received Date:12 November 2020
Accepted Date:14 December 2020
Available Online:26 April 2021
Published Online:05 May 2021
Abstract:Energy and pollution are crucial problems. Photocatalysis technology is a way to solve the problem by electrolysis of aquatic hydrogen and degradation of organic pollutants. Preparing photocatalysts with fantastic photocatalytic activity and high photocarrier separation efficiency is a key technique. In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials have attracted much attention because of their unique structures and excellent properties, which are different from the traditional materials’. The 2D nanomaterials demonstrate in-plane covalent bonds and out-of-plane van der Waals interactions. Therefore, two 2D materials can form van der Waals heterojunctions by van der Waals forces, which are also known as nanocomposites. However, there is an interesting problem in the study of van der Waals heterojunctions in the field of photochemistry, which has not been paid attention to no studied. Specifically, that problem is whether the photochemical properties of the van der Waals heterojunctions are affected by the different stacking structures after the relationship between the upper and lower positions has been adjusted. In this paper, the van der Waals heterojunction films with different stacking structures ReS2-Gra (ReS2 on the top) and Gra-ReS2 (graphene on the top) are prepared by liquid phase exfoliation combined with electrophoretic deposition method. The heterojunctions are utilized as photoelectrodes in photochemical reactions, and the findings are as follows. i) Different stacking structures will affect the photoelectric chemical characteristics of heterojunctions: comparing with the ReS2-Gra photoelectrode, the photocurrent of the Gra-ReS2 photoelectrode increased by 54% under the same conditions. We think that the main reason is due to the fact that graphene has a zero-band gap structure and holds a wider spectral absorption range. ii) The construction of the heterojunction significantly enhances the photochemical properties of the photoelectrode materials, resulting in a larger and rapidly photocurrent response. The photocurrent response of the Gra-ReS2 photoelectrode (2.47 μA) is twice that of the pure ReS2 photoelectrode (1.16 μA). Based on the experimental results of this paper, a possible mechanism for effective separation and prolonged recombination of the photo-induced electro-hole pairs in ReS2/graphene heterojunction is proposed. This work not only puts forward new ideas for preparing the van der Waals heterojunctions, but also lays a theoretical foundation for further studying the solar energy conversion devices. Keywords:van der Waals heterojunctions/ ReS2/ graphene/ photoelectrochemistry
表1二维材料的瞬态光电流 Table1.Transient photocurrent of two-dimensional materials.
其次, ReS2与石墨烯形成异质结后, 相较于纯ReS2与石墨烯, 光电流显著增大. 基于本文的实验结果, 针对ReS2/Graphene异质结提出了一种电子-空穴对有效分离、提升复合时间的可能机制, 如图7所示. 在合适能量的光照射下, ReS2与石墨烯中的电子从价带激发至导带(图中①所示); 随后, ReS2导带上的部分电子会转移至石墨烯的导带, 而石墨烯价带处的部分空穴则会移动至ReS2的价带, 从而促进电子-空穴对的分离(图中②所示); 而电子-空穴对的复合可能发生在同种材料的导带和价带上(图中④所示), 也可以在异质结材料对侧的价带与导带上(图中③所示). 最近, 关于二维材料范德瓦耳斯异质结的载流子复合时间研究表明: 过程③的电子-空穴对的复合时间比过程④的复合时间高出3—4个数量级[24,25]. 因此, 此种异质结的构建可以大幅提升载流子的分离效率, 从而提升光电极的光电化学响应. 图 7 Gra-ReS2异质结的能带排列与电子迁移示意图(EV-价带, EC-导带) Figure7. Gra-ReS2 heterojunction band alignment and electron mobility, where EC is energy of conduction band minimum, EV is energy of valence band maximum.