1.State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51806149, 91741205) and the Open Fund Project of State Key Laboratory for Clean Energy Utilization in Zhejiang University, China (Grant No. ZJUCEU2019011)
Received Date:18 June 2020
Accepted Date:13 July 2020
Available Online:20 November 2020
Published Online:05 December 2020
Abstract:Laser-based diagnostic techniques are critical nonintrusive methods of measuring the in-situ temperature in combustion flow fields. Developing temperature measurement techniques with high accuracy and precision is of great significance for studying the combustion. At present, nanosecond (ns) lasers are commonly used in these methods. However, the researches based on femtosecond (fs) lasers are relatively few. Here, we develop a thermometry technique for combustion fields based on fs laser-induced filament. When the fs laser propagates in an optical medium, a long uniformly distributed plasma channel (also named filament) will be generated. The clamped intensity inside the filament is high enough to generate excited atoms/molecules through fs laser-induced photochemical reactions. Subsequently, the excited atoms/molecules release fluorescence signals. The length of the filament can be measured by imaging the fluorescence signal with an ICCD camera, which is evaluated by the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the spatial distribution of the filament emission signal. Based on theoretical analysis, the experimental data of the filament length are fitted with a power function, and the result is satisfactory compared with the R-squared measure of goodness (R2) of 0.984. This indicates that the filament length is correlated well with the temperature of the combustion field. A monotonic quantitative relationship between the filament length and the temperature can be established by a calibration process, and then the temperature of the combustion field can be measured. When the temperature changes from 1630 to 2007 K, the length of the filament shortens by 38%. This indicates that the filament length is sensitive to the temperature of the flow field. When the temperature is 2007 K, the absolute uncertainty of the measurement is ±25 K, and the relative uncertainly is about 1.2%. The spatial resolution of the measurement system is 50 μm, which was determined by a USAF 1951 Target. Based on the spatial resolution, the measurement precision can arrive at 17 K. Although, at present, this temperature measurement technique based on femtosecond laser-induced filament is used only in laminar premixed flames, it has potential applications in temperature measurements ranging from room temperature to combustion temperatures. Keywords:femtosecond laser/ filamentation/ temperature
实验分别采用燃空当量比为0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1,1.2, 图3为Rabenstein等[28]应用上述的McKenna燃烧器, 通过拉曼散射技术获得了CH4/air预混火焰燃尽区的温度, 该温度将作为后续实验的参考温度. 图 3 燃烧场温度随燃空当量比的变化 Figure3. Variation curves of temperature with equivalence ratio in the combustion field.
4.结果与讨论24.1.飞秒激光成丝 -->
首先在燃烧场中进行了飞秒激光成丝的实验, 观察到了燃烧场中的成丝现象, 如图4(a)所示, 为燃空当量比为0.8的甲烷/空气预混层流火焰中飞秒激光诱导成丝的单反相机拍摄照片, 图4(b)为ICCD成像图. 通过观察图4, 可以发现在一定的空间范围内, 等离子体的强度基本维持不变, 这说明飞秒激光诱导产生的等离子体通道具备一维均匀性. 图 4 (a) 甲烷/空气预混火焰中飞秒激光诱导成丝单反相机拍摄照片; (b) ICCD成像图 Figure4. (a) Digital camera photo and (b) ICCD camera image of femtosecond laser-induced filaments in a premixed CH4/air flame.
其次, 探究了光丝中的信号来源, 测量了飞秒激光成丝的发射光谱, 图5是燃空当量比为0.8的甲烷/空气预混层流火焰燃尽区中飞秒激光成丝的发射光谱. 发射光谱主要来自于OH, N2, CN, CH及H原子等, 其中CH和H原子主要来自于CH4的光解, 而CN是通过复杂的光化学反应生成, 实验主要获取350 nm左右的N2/ ${\rm{N}}_2^+ $荧光信号来代表光丝长度, 之后通过飞秒光丝长短反演温度场信息. 图 5 (a) 甲烷/空气预混火焰中燃尽区飞秒激光成丝的发射光谱成像; (b) 发射光谱 Figure5. (a) Emission spectral image and (b) spectral curve of femtosecond laser-induced filament in the burned region of a premixed CH4/air flame.