Science and Technology on High Power Microwave Laboratory, Institute of Applied Electronics, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Science Foundation of the High Power Microwave Laboratory, China (Grant No. 6142605180203)
Received Date:28 June 2020
Accepted Date:07 July 2020
Available Online:02 November 2020
Published Online:05 November 2020
Abstract:The relativistic klystron amplifier (RKA) is a very important kind of high power microwave device, which has the advantages of high power, high efficiency, stable output phase and amplitude. The development of multi-injection RKA toward engineering and practical application needs to further improve operating frequency and output power of klystron amplifier, while the RKA of conventional circular waveguide drift tubes is restricted by the physical factors such as geometric size, space charge force and high-voltage breakdown. The multi-beam RKA based on the technology of multiple electron beams can work at low voltage and guiding magnetic field, and can also possess high electron beam current and diversion coefficient. The physical limitation of conventional structure RKA is overcome, and the working frequency and the output power are improved. In the experiment, the X-band GW level power of microwave is obtained. The multi-beam RKA needs to further improve its working frequency and working life. In the experiment, the power conversion efficiency of multi-beam RKA is about 35%, and most of the remaining electron energy will accumulate on the collection pole at the end. If the heat dissipation of the collector is not designed appropriately, the collection will be seriously ablated when working at high heavy frequency. Thus a large quantity of plasma and secondary electrons are generated, which affects the stability of the device. To solve the problem of electron reflux bombarding the output cavity after electron beam exchanging energy in the gap of output cavity, the reflux process of relativistic electron beam in the device is analyzed in this paper. On this basis, a coaxial extraction structure with four-gap extension interaction is designed to avoid electron reflux and reduce the gap electric field, thus improving the working life of the device. At the same time, in order to solve the problem that the conventional water cooling channel can affect the output microwave mode in a high-frequency over-mode device, a mode transformation structure of coaxial TEM mode-fan-shaped TE10 mode-coaxial TEM mode-circular waveguide TM01 mode is designed. The mode conversion efficiency is greater than 99.9%, and the influence of collecting polar water cooling channel on the output microwave mode is avoided. The stable operation of multi-beam RKA in the X-band with a repetition rate of 45 Hz is realized experimentally, while the output power is over 1 GW and the microwave pulse width is over 100 ns. At present, the multi-beam RKA runs about 10000 times in total, and the output microwave parameters do not decrease significantly. Keywords:relativistic klystron amplifier/ X-band/ long pulse/ high repetition rate
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2.强流电子束在同轴结构中传输产生返流的过程分析强流电子束在器件中传输出现返流主要发生在输出腔间隙处, 由于电子束在输出腔间隙将动能转换为微波能量输出, 动能减少. 同时输出腔间隙径向尺寸相比于电子束传输通道存在跳变, 使得该处电子束势能增加, 动能减少. 在输出间隙处, 当电子减速过多, 则会出现电子返流, 该过程与产生虚阴极过程相似. 强流相对论电子束在同轴结构中传输时, 由于空间电荷效应的影响. 电子束在横截面上会产生电位降, 使得电子束的动能会有一部分转换为势能, 强流电子束在同轴结构中传输如图2所示. 图 2 强流电子束在同轴结构中传输 Figure2. Intense electron beam is transmitted in the coaxial structure.
式中, U0为二极管电压, γ0为相对论因子, me为电子质量, c为真空中的光速. 设定电子束的电压U0为700 kV, 电子束离器件中心的距离rb为35 mm, 同轴结构内半径ri为30 mm, 同轴结构外半径rw为40 mm. 在不同的电子束电流I0情况下, 由(1)式和(2)式结合器件尺寸, 图1所示同轴输入腔、中间腔1、中间腔2和输出腔的内外半径分别约为46 mm/25.5 mm, 45 mm/26 mm, 45 mm/26 mm, 45 mm/26 mm (输出腔最后一间隙径向尺寸为49 mm/26 mm), 可得到直流电子束在器件同轴结构中传输时, 其势能与总能量的比值Ep/E0的变化如图3所示. 图 3 直流电子束在器件中传输时Ep/E0的变化 Figure3. Changes of Ep/E0 when the electron beam is transmitted in the device.