Abstract:Nanoparticles can be used to tune the properties of polyelectrolyte brushes, and polyelectrolyte brushes can be used to control the interaction between nanoparticles and substrates. In the present paper, we investigate the polyelectrolyte brushes immersed in a nanoparticle solution within the analytical strong-stretching theoretical framework. The theoretical model does not take the excluded volume interaction between any two components into account. When there is no nanoparticle loaded, the polyelectrolyte brush is assumed to be an osmotic brush. Local electroneutral approximation is assumed to be still valid after the nanoparticles have been loaded. The loaded nanoparticles are not big enough to deform the grafted polyelectrolyte chains laterally. Analytical formulae for density profiles of each component and brush thickness are derived. The loaded nanoparticles always compress the polyelectrolyte brush. By analyzing the limiting case, a scaling-type diagram for behaviors of the nanoparticle-loading polyelectrolyte brush is constructed. Two characteristic nanoparticle controlling regimes are shown. When the charge of the nanoparticle, Z, is not very large, charged nanoparticles penetrate into the brush and the brush thickness is scaled by $H \sim (Z\varPhi)^{-1/3}$, where $\varPhi$ is the nanoparticle volume fraction. When the nanoparticle charge Z is large enough, nanoparticles are mainly distributed outside the brush and the brush thickness is scaled by $H \sim (Z\varPhi)^{-1}$. In the former case, the Coulombic repulsion between the grafted polyelectrolyte chains is screened by the counterions and the nanoparticles, and the brush behavior is determined by the balance between the chain elasticity and the osmotic pressure of the counterions and the nanoparticles. In the latter case, the electrostatic screening is executed by the counterions, and the chain elasticity is balanced by the osmotic pressure of the counterions. The two regimes are divided into subregimes which are dominated respectively by electrostatic or non-electrostatic interaction. The effects of size polydispersity of the nanoparticles are also investigated. It is found that the behaviors of the grafted polyelectrolyte chains are mainly determined by the ratio between the first two moments of the nanoparticle size distribution function. The polyelectrolyte brush is compressed more by the polydispere nanoparticles than by the monodisperse ones. Possible improvement in the present theory is discussed in the conclusion section. Keywords:polyelectrolyte brush/ strong-stretching theory/ scaling theory/ nanoparticle
可见, $ \gamma $为接枝链电离的反离子与纳米粒子反离子体积分数之比. 方程(17)的解如图2所示, 注意, 图中为双对数坐标. 当$ \gamma > 1 $, 即纳米粒子浓度很低时, 各曲线叠加在一起, 说明此时纳米粒子电量对刷的性质无影响. 当$ \gamma < 1 $时, 对于带电量比较小的纳米粒子, 有 $ h\approx \gamma^{1/3} $, 但对于带电量比较大的纳米粒子, 刷厚度有两个特征行为, 随着$ \gamma $的减小, 先逐渐呈现出$ h\approx \gamma $的关系, 之后过渡到$ h\approx \gamma^{1/3} $ 的关系. 图 2 刷厚度$ h $与接枝链电离的反离子与纳米粒子反离子体积分数之比$ \gamma $之间的关系. 图中所标注的$ Z $为纳米粒子电量 Figure2. Dependence of brush thickness $ h $ on the ratio of the concentrations of counterions dissociated from the grafted chains and that dissociated from the nanoparticles. The indicated $ Z $ is the quantity of the charge beard by the nanoparticle