1.College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China 2.School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11572348) and the Basic Research Foundation of the National University of Defense Technology of China (Grant No. ZDYYJCYJ20140101)
Received Date:21 May 2019
Accepted Date:15 July 2019
Available Online:01 October 2019
Published Online:20 October 2019
Abstract:A hybrid RANS/HILES method (HRILES) is developed by combining the RANS-SST model and high order implicit large eddy simulation method (HILES) and employed with the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H) equation to predict the slat noise of 30P30N high-lift airfoil. Comparison has been made between the HRILES method and the traditional DDES based on the full-turbulence model SST by simulating the single cylinder case with $Re_{{d}}=4.3\times10^4$. The HRILES method is able to predict the transition phenomenon and the small-scale separation bubble in the sub-critical wake region while the DDES can't and get a better mean wall pressure distribution than DDES. The amplitude and frequency spectrum of the far-field sound pressure level are in good agreement with the experimental data. In the simulation of 30P30N high-lift airfoil, the famous IDDES model is also used for comparison, both results are compared with experimental measurements. The computational mesh is provided by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in the Workshop on Benchmark problems for Airframe Noise Computations (BANC). The HRILES method obtains quantitative agreement with experimental data in terms of mean wall pressure coefficient, frequency spectrum of pressure fluctuations on the slat surface, and the mean flow statistics in the slat cusp shear layer. The IDDES model slightly underestimate the suction effect on the upper surface of the slat, and delays the instabilities in the slat cusp shear layer. The near-field noise spectra are compared with measurements obtained in JAXA low-speed Wind Tunnel. Narrow band peaks present are well recovered by both methods, while IDDES model overestimate the broadband noise. Far-field noise directivity results of every components, filtered in the band [256Hz–10KHz], are compared with each other, and the slat cove is confirmed to dominate the sound noise levels. The slat and flap noises show a typical dipole distribution, while the main wing noise's directivity is not apparent. Computational results show that the HRILES method, as one kind of generalized Hybrid RANS/LES method, HRILES can smoothly switch between the SST model and the HILES method. HRILES has the high-resolution simulation capability of the HILES in the LES region, and can reduce the requirements of the HILES method on the near-wall grid distribution by using the SST model in the inner boundary layer. As a result, the HRILES method has advantages in simulations at high reynolds numbers and aeroacoustic problems. Further research will be carried out in the applications at higher reynolds number flows with complex geometry in the future. Keywords:dissipation compact scheme/ implicit large eddy simulation/ aeroacoustics/ slat noise
表1单圆柱算例流动参数统计结果 Table1.Statistical results of aerodynamic coefficients for the single cylinder
图1展示了HRILES模型计算得到的壁面平均压力系数$ C_{\rm{p}} $分布结果, 与实验结果和SST-DDES模型的计算结果进行了对比. HRILES模型计算出的整个背风区压力系数分布都要比SST-DDES模型结果更接近实验值. 从图2给出的统计平均得到的流场流线分布来看, HRILES 模型与SST-DDES方法的结果差别较大, 前者能捕捉到背风区尾迹的中等尺度的分离泡, 而SST-DDES计算结果只得到了大尺度尾部回流区. 图 1 圆柱表面平均压力系数分布 Figure1. Mean wall pressure coefficient distribution of the rod
图 2 流线分布 (a) HRILES; (b) SST-DDES Figure2. Distribution of streamlines: (a) HRILES; (b) SST-DDES
23.3.噪声结果 -->
Jacob等[33]在德国宇航中心(DLR)的声学风洞进行了相似条件下的实验研究, 测量得到圆柱正上方, 距离$ r = 185d $处观测点的声压级功率谱密度分布. 本文声学结果计算采用FHW方程对壁面瞬态流动数据积分得到, 并利用Kato公式修正展向长度差异的影响. 每个非定常时间步采集壁面数据, 共得到约3万个采样点, 这些数据被分为7个窗, 数据重叠率 50%, 最终功率谱密度的分布通过平均7个窗的结果得到. 图3对比了两种模型得到的对应实验远场观测点的声压级功率谱分布, r代表观测点至圆柱中心的距离. 结果表明HRILES方法能够准确捕捉尖频噪声, 并且主频幅值相较SST-DDES模型更接近实验结果. 图 3 远场$ \theta = 90^\circ $, $ r = 180d $观测点声压级功率谱密度 Figure3. Farfield acoustic result of the rod: PSD at ($ \theta = 90^\circ,$$ r = 180d $).
4.高升力体24.1.计算设置 -->
算例几何外形与机体噪声会议中给出的30P30N缝翼噪声标准算例一致, 气动弦长C为18 in (1 in = 2.54 cm). 缝翼与襟翼的长度分别为$ 0.15 C $与$ 0.3 C $. 计算采用等效飞行条件, 襟翼缝翼张开角度均为$ 30^{\circ} $, 来流马赫数0.17, 基于弦长的雷诺数$ Re_ C = $$ 1.7\times 10^6 $, 攻角$ 5.5^\circ $. 远场边界采用特征边界条件以消除边界声波反射影响, 展向边界采用周期性边界条件. 计算网格见图4, 采用日本宇航中心(JAXA)提供的多块对接结构网格, 计算域沿壁面法向方向延伸100个弦长. JAXA关于网格具体介绍参考文献[34]. 本文为验证方法, 壁面法向网格雷诺数($ y^+ $)最大值约1.5. 二维网格总量70000, 展向长度设置为2 in, 均布61 个网格点, 空间网格总量为4200000. 图 4 30P30N计算网格 Figure4. Mesh of 30P30N airfoil