1.National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2.Beijing Key Laboratory of Space Environment Exploration, Beijing 100190, China 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 4.Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Center for Space Weather, Beijing 100081, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11603028).
Received Date:27 March 2019
Accepted Date:27 May 2019
Available Online:01 August 2019
Published Online:05 August 2019
Abstract:Magnetospheric relativistic electrons can destroy on-orbit spacecrafts completely by internal charging and discharging effects. As the characteristics and physical mechanism of this space particle are still unclear, magnetospheric relativistic electrons have always been an important object of space environment exploration and space science research. For studying the physical mechanisms and developing models relating to magnetospheric relativistic electrons, it is necessary to use the observations from different satellites and detectors at the same time. Eliminating the systematic deviation between different detection systems to assimilate the observations from different sources is essentially required by such researches. In this work, the on-orbit cross-calibration and assimilation for relativistic electron (> 2 MeV) observations from FengYun 4A and GOES-13 are performed. In this work, only the observations obtained under very quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp < 2) are adopted to ensure that the objects of study are the radiation belt particles, which are stably captured by the geomagnetic field. According to the physical characteristics of the radiation belt particles, that is, the three adiabatic invariants, and based on the Liouville theorem, the phase space density of the stably captured particles is unchanged. In this paper, the relativistic electron flux data of energy > 2 MeV and instrument pitch angle are in the east and west direction respectively. If the particles’ energy is the same, then their corresponding μ values are the same, and their particles’ directions are the same, then their corresponding J values are the same, and the Liouville theorem can be simplified as the drift shell Lm is the same, the fluxes are the same, and the electron fluxes observed by the two satellites are compared in the drift shell Lm coordinate. The systematic deviation between the two satellites’ relativistic electronic observations can be obtained. According to this result, the data assimilation is carried out, and the results show that the system deviation can be removed well. By this research work, the systematic deviation between two important relativistic electron detection systems in geosynchronous orbit is obtained. Based on the obtained systematic deviations, the assimilations for observations from the two detection systems are achieved. This work lays a solid foundation for the follow-up theoretical and applied researches, and also provides the methods for on-orbit cross-calibration and observation assimilation which could be referred to when other electronic observations on geosynchronous orbit are dealt with. Keywords:relativistic electron/ geosynchronous orbit/ on-orbit cross-calibration/ data assimilation/ FengYun 4A
若落在区间(Lm(i–1), Lm(i))的某卫星的Lm值有${L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_1,{L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_2,{L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_3, \cdots {L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_n\left( {n = {{num}}} \right),$ 则该区间对应的电子积分通量均值为
$\begin{split}Flux =& \frac1{{num}} \big(flu{x_{{L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_1}} + flu{x_{{L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_2}} \\ & + flu{x_{{L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_3}} \!+\! \cdots \!+\! flu{x_{{L_{m\left( i \right)}}\_num}}\big).\end{split}$
进行这样的计算, 就可以得出2017年1月1日至2017年12月16日内所有的FY-4A和GOES-13卫星电子积分通量数据集合. 以处理得到的FY-4A电子积分通量数值为横坐标轴, GOES-13电子积分通量数值为纵坐标轴, 绘制log坐标下的散点图. 图3和图4分别是探测器指向正东和正西的结果. 图中散点表征了在相同的存活周期内, FY-4A和GOES-13卫星观测到的相对论电子(> 2 MeV)积分通量的对应关系. 用最小二乘法对这些散点做线性拟合, 得到如图3和图4红线所示的线性关系. 图中C为拟合直线的斜率, 正东方向和正西方向C值分别为2.63和2.68; P为拟合直线的截距, 正东方向和正西方向P值分别为26.18和–50.31; C和P定量地描述了FY-4A和GOES-13之间对能量大于2 MeV电子观测的系统偏差. 图 3 正东方向FY-4A和GOES-13“一一对应”的相对论电子通量及拟合得到的系统偏差 Figure3. Corresponding relationship between relativistic electron fluxes from FY-4A and GOES-13 detectors facing east and the system deviation between them.
图 4 正西方向FY-4A和GOES-13“一一对应”的相对论电子通量及拟合得到的系统偏差 Figure4. Corresponding relationship between relativistic electron fluxes from FY-4A and GOES-13 detectors facing west and the system deviation between them.