1.Graduate School, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Beijing 100088, China 2.Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100094, China 3.Center for Applied Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 4.IFSA Collaborative Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China 5.Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma Research, Shanghai 201800, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Science Challenge Project, China (Grant No. TZ2016005), the National Key R & D Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0401100), the Program of Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1730449), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11575030).
Received Date:28 December 2018
Accepted Date:12 March 2019
Available Online:01 May 2019
Published Online:05 May 2019
Abstract:Micro-structured targets have been widely used in the interaction between ultra-intense laser and target, aiming at improving the electron accelerating efficiency. In this paper, we perform two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations to study the interaction of the ultra-intense laser pulse with the micro-structured foam-attached target (the foam is composed of low density bubbles and high density interfaces between the bubbles). It is found that at the beginning of the laser-plasma interaction, the fast electrons accelerated at the front surface of the foam freely propagate into the target and drive a return current of cold background electrons. These cold background electrons are restricted to propagate along the interfaces between the bubbles in the foam due to the self-generated large sheath field. As a result, small current filaments are generated in the foam, which then leads to the generation of randomly distributed megagauss magnetic field in the foam layer. This quasistatic magnetic field then acts as an energy-selective " magnetic barrier”: the low-energy electrons are reflected back into the laser acceleration region while the high-energy electrons can penetrate through it. If the reflected electrons enter into the laser field with proper phases, they can be further accelerated to higher energy through cooperative actions of the ultra-intense laser pulse and the sheath field generated due to plasma expansion at the target surface. Our simulation results show that many of the laser accelerated low-energy electrons can be reflected back and accelerated several times until they gain enough energy to penetrate through the magnetic barrier. This is termed the " multiple acceleration mechanism”. Due to this mechanism, the electron acceleration efficiency in the foam-coated target with a thickness of several microns is significantly enhanced in comparison with that in the plane target. This enhancement in the electron acceleration efficiency will be beneficial to many important applications such as the fast ignition. Additionally, foam-coated targets with different bubble radii and layer thickness are also studied, and it is found that the yield of the high energy electrons increases with the radius of bubble size more efficiently than with the bubble thickness. In order to understand the physics more clearly, a single particle model is developed to analyze the simulation results. Keywords:relativistic electron beam/ ultra-intense laser/ magnetic barrier/ micro-structured target
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3.结果与讨论当超强激光辐照在金泡沫靶(以厚度为2 μm, 孔径为0.15 μm的泡沫靶为例)表面时, 会通过J × B加热[23,24]、随机加热[25]等机制产生温度达到MeV以上的强流电子束. 这些强流电子束的电流远大于阿尔芬电流极限($I \sim 17\beta \gamma\; {\rm{kA}},\; \beta = v/c,\; \gamma $是相对性因子), 在等离子体中传播时会产生很强的电子回流. 由于MeV能量的相对论电子射程长, 空泡结构及其形成的电磁场(初始时刻主要是电子穿过空泡内界面形成的鞘场)很难阻止这些高能端电子的运动, 因此泡沫层中电子输运区域的相对论电子近似于均匀分布; 而回流电子能量很低, 在泡沫区域很易受到空泡内界面鞘场的影响而被束缚在空泡壁上流动, 如图1(b)所示, 因而虽然宏观上满足电流为0, 但泡沫层内还是形成了很强的局域净电流. 这个局域净电流在空泡内产生了准静态磁场, 如图2所示. 空泡中准静态磁场形成后将加强鞘场对回流电子的束缚, 从而使得局域净电流进一步增强, 形成正反馈, 直到准静态磁场达到百兆高斯量级. 准静态磁场对相对论电子束的低能端电子产生显著影响, 使得净电流不再增加从而达到饱和. 图 2 150$T_0$的泡沫区磁场分布 (a) 泡沫孔径0.075$\lambda_0$; (b) 泡沫孔径0.15$\lambda_0$; (c) 泡沫孔径0.6$\lambda_0$ (磁场无量纲单位为$m_{\rm e}\omega c/e$) Figure2. Magnetic field distribution in foam region at 150$T_0$: (a) Bubble radius is 0.075$\lambda_0$; (b) bubble radius is 0.15$\lambda_0$; (c) bubble radius is 0.6$\lambda_0$. The unit of magnetic field is $m_{\rm e}\omega c/e$
泡沫区域的准静态磁场产生后, 超强激光驱动的相对论电子在磁场洛伦兹力的作用下会发生偏转, 所以泡沫区的准静态磁场对电子相当于一个势垒, 只有能量足够高的电子能穿过磁场区域. 图2是150T0时刻不同孔径泡沫靶产生的准静态磁场的空间分布. 这些靶的泡沫孔径不同, 但泡沫靶区域平均密度保持一致. 当泡沫孔径越大时, 回流电子在空泡缝隙等离子体聚集所形成的电流也越大, 因而泡沫结构产生的准静态磁场会随着泡沫孔径增大而增大. 另外, 由于空泡间准静态磁场并不直接加速电子, 其磁场能量耗散过程非常缓慢, 在模拟中, 这些准静态磁场在后期泡沫结构破坏后还会维持上百个激光周期. 事实上, 泡沫内准静态磁场形成的磁压极强, 抵消了部分热压导致的等离子体运动, 从而减缓了泡沫结构的破坏过程. 图3分别是平面靶和泡沫靶中追踪50个电子在t = 0到50T0时间内的运动轨迹, 这些追踪电子随机取于靶前表面. 从图3可以看到平面靶的电子被加速后几乎不受阻碍冲出了电子加速区, 而泡沫靶中的低能端电子由于强磁场被束缚在靶前表面. 泡沫靶相比平面靶电子能量显著增大, 这是因为电子加速发生在真空与泡沫交界处的预等离子体区域, 泡沫靶的电子由于磁势垒的作用返回靶前激光等离子体作用区域, 因而相比平面靶获得了更多的加速机会, 我们称之为磁势垒辅助激光多次加速电子机制(multiple acceleration of electron). 值得指出的是, 在模拟中为了将物理机理阐述得更为清晰, 采用了较大的激光焦斑模拟参数. 而实际上, 当激光尺寸远小于泡沫微结构靶尺寸时, 磁势垒反射回来的高能电子, 在磁场的偏转作用下可能超出激光作用范围而得不到再次加速, 因而会降低电子通过多次加速机制获得高能量的概率, 这可以认为是二维效应的影响. 该物理过程中涉及一个关键的参数(g = 2r0/L), 也即激光焦斑大小2r0和靶尺寸L的比值. 当g ≥ 1 时, 电子被反射出激光作用区域的概率较小, 二维效应较弱, 当$g \ll 1$时, 需要考虑二维效应的影响. 图 3 50个初始位置随机分布在靶前表面的电子的轨迹(a)平面靶; (b)泡沫靶; 图中标注数字为运动到靶后区域单个电子的动能, 红色线表示其中一个电子加速后的轨迹 Figure3. Trajectory of 50 electrons whose initial positions randomly distributed on the front surface of the target: (a) Planar target; (b) foam target. The labeled number is the kinetic energy of the electrons moving to the area behind the target. The red line is the trajectory of one of the accelerated electrons
我们追踪了部分电子的轨迹和能量随时间的演化. 示踪电子轨迹表明在泡沫靶情况下, 多数高能电子能量呈现阶梯形状的多次加速. 图4 为PIC模拟中追踪一个电子的x 方向位移和动能随时间的演化图. 电子的能量呈现出3个明显的平台, 表明电子经历了两次加速. 当电子被磁势垒送回激光等离子体区域时, 向外运动的电子在靶前鞘场的作用下减速, 当电子动能降到0时, 电子的纵向动能完全转化成了鞘场的势能. 之后, 电子在鞘场和激光加速电场的共同作用下将被送回靶体. 一般情况下, 电子在鞘场和激光场的共同作用下会出现周期振荡; 在几个激光周期后, 电子在反复的加速减速过程中, 如果正好处于激光加速相位, 这时电子能量会比进入激光等离子体相互作用区前进一步增大. 当电子能量小于磁势垒时, 电子又会再次送回激光等离子体相互作用区域进一步加速; 当电子能量大于磁势垒时, 电子进入泡沫靶后的高密度靶内. 图 4 电子多次加速过程中的能量和位置随时间演化, 图中x = (40, 42)$\lambda_0$黄色标记区域为泡沫靶区 Figure4. Evolution of electron energy and position with time in multiple acceleration of electron. Here, the x = (40, 42)$\lambda_0$ region marked with yellow is the foam region
由(6)式可知, 电子的能量随时间的演化只与电子进入激光场时的动量和相位有关. 当进入激光场的电子处于合适的相位, 电子可以获得进一步的加速. 同时电子运动也受到鞘场的影响, 在鞘场作用下加速的电子返回靶内. 泡沫靶提高激光耦合效率有如下两方面的原因. 首先, 激光进入泡沫区域后将大大提高激光与等离子体的接触面积, 这将显著减少激光在靶表面的反射而提高激光耦合效率. 更为重要的是, 泡沫靶区域形成的磁势垒将强流电子束低能端电子送回激光等离子体区域, 发生激光多次加速过程, 增大了单个电子获得更大激光能量的概率. 图5是PIC模拟中150T0时刻靶前表面的电子能量密度图. 可以看到泡沫靶前表面能量密度随着孔径增大而增大, 这是因为更强的磁场束缚了更多的超热电子在泡沫区. 泡沫层后固体区域能量密度相比平面靶也有不同程度的增大, 这反映了泡沫靶可以用于增强激光能量耦合效率. 图 5 平面靶和不同孔径泡沫靶的电子能量密度空间分布 (a)平面靶; (b)泡沫孔径0.075$\lambda_0$; (c)泡沫孔径0.15$\lambda_0$; (d)泡沫孔径0.6$\lambda_0$; 电子能量密度无量纲单位为$n_{\rm c}m_{\rm e}c^2$ Figure5. Spatial distribution of electron energy density for (a) planar target, and bubble target with bubble size of (b) 0.075$\lambda_0$, (c) 0.15$\lambda_0$, (d) 0.6$\lambda_0$. The unit of electron energy density is $n_{\rm c}m_{\rm e}c^2$
由于泡沫区准静态磁场的存在, 强流电子束低能端电子的输运被磁场阻挡, 部分低能端电子被送回激光加速区域, 在激光场和鞘场的联合作用下, 再次从激光场中获得加速. 因而强流电子束高能端电子份额会显著增大(与图3结果相一致, 是磁势垒辅助激光多次加速电子的结果), 加速电子的能谱被硬化. 图6给出了不同孔径和厚度泡沫靶情况下在$x=50\ \lambda_0$处统计的穿过此位置平面的强流电子束能谱. 从图6(a)可以看出平面靶情况下, 强流电子束温度$T_0=$1.5 MeV, 这与Wilks 定标率$T=(\sqrt{1+a_0^2}-1)\times 0.511$ MeV估计出的1.6 MeV电子温度较为接近, 表明高能电子在平面靶情况下主要为J × B 加热机制. 在泡沫靶情况下, 强流电子束呈现三温分布特征, 温度为T1 = 0.2 MeV的这群电子与靶体内加热的背景电子有关, 温度为T2 = 0.9 MeV的这群电子与J × B 加速机制相关, 与平面靶情况相比, 出现了远高于Wilks 定标率给出的T3 = 3.0 MeV这部分电子, 这与磁势垒辅助激光多次加速过程相关. 与平面靶相比, 泡沫靶情况下激光产生的强流电子束数目整体增加了, 这是因为泡沫靶情况下, 激光能量耦合效率从37%提高到了42%. 更为重要的是, 泡沫靶情况下强流电子束高能端电子产额显著增大, 这是因为部分低能端电子被磁势垒返回激光等离子体相互作用区域, 通过多次加速机制获得了更高的能量. 高能电子的输运会通过轫致辐射、内壳层激发等机制产生X 射线或者$\text{γ}$射线. 因此我们认为在辐射源处涂一层微米级别厚度的泡沫会显著增强能量耦合效率和辐射源的强度. 图 6 (a)不同孔径泡沫靶的超热电子能谱; (b)不同厚度泡沫靶的超热电子能谱 Figure6. (a) Electron energy spectra of foam targets with different bubble radii; (b) electron energy spectra of foam targets with different foam thicknesses