Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Light Propagation and Transformation, College of Information Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61605049, 61575070), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China (Grant No. 2018J01003), the Research Foundation for Advanced Talents of Huaqiao University, China (Grant No. 11BS110), and the Subsidized Project for Cultivating Postgraduates’ Innovative Ability in Scientific Research of Huaqiao University, China.
Received Date:27 December 2018
Accepted Date:17 January 2019
Available Online:23 March 2019
Published Online:05 April 2019
Abstract:Since the unified theory of coherence and polarization for partially coherent vector beams was proposed by Gori and Wolf, the characterization, generation and propagation of partially coherent vector beams have been extensively studied. During the last decade, partially coherent vector beams with non-uniform polarization, also referred to as cylindrical vector partially coherent beams, have gained more and more attention. It was found that the intensity profile of focused azimuthally/radially polarized beam could be shaped by varying its initial spatial coherence. This characteristic may have potential applications in material thermal processing and particle trapping. Until now, there have been several reports concerning the generation of cylindrical vector partially coherent beams. However, in most of these reports a ground-glass diffuser was used, which generally restricts the generation of shell-model sources. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally investigate the generation of radially polarized partially coherent beams with non-uniform correlation. According to the relation between phase correlation and optical coherence, we theoretically investigate the 2 × 2 cross-spectral density matrix and the coherence distribution of our generated non-uniformly correlated radially polarized partially coherent beams. In experiment, we generate dynamic random phase patterns with uniform distribution in time and inverse Gaussian distribution in space. A complete coherent radially polarized beam is divided into two parts by a polarizing beam splitter, i.e., the transmitted x-polarization component (HG10 beam) and the reflected y-polarization component (HG01 beam). The two orthogonally polarized components are respectively modulated with the two halves of a single phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modulator, thus generating a radially polarized partially coherent beam. We measure the correlation distribution of the generated beam in Young’s two-pinhole experiment. It is shown that the experimental observations are in agreement with our theoretical analyses. The generated partially coherent beam has an un-uniform correlation structure, and its coherence degree may be controlled by varying the Gaussian modulation half-width of the random phase. Our experimental results have also shown that the intensity profile of the radially polarized partially coherent beam can be modulated with the Gaussian modulation half-width. With the increase of Gaussian modulation half-widths and the gradual decrease of coherence degree, the intensity profile gradually transforms from a dark hollow beam profile into a flat-topped-like beam profile. The radially polarized partially coherent beams with non-uniform correlation may have some applications in optical manipulation and material thermal processing. Keywords:non-uniformly correlated/ radially polarized beam/ cylindrical vector partially coherent beam/ spatial coherence
图 5 两个小孔位置之间的相干度随高斯调制半宽${\sigma }$变化的曲线 Figure5. Experimental results of coherence degree between two fixed points as a function of ${\sigma }$
光束质量因子M2是描述光束传输性质的重要参数之一. 以维纳分布函数的二阶矩表示的M2因子被广泛用于表征部分相干光的传输特性[29-31]. 实验中使用M2测量仪(Ophir, M2-200S)对产生的径向偏振部分相干光的M2进行测量. 如图6所示, 随着调制半宽的增加, 径向偏振部分相干光的M2逐渐减小, 对应于图5中相干度随着调制半宽的增加而升高. 图 6 光束质量因子M2随高斯调制半宽${\sigma }$变化的曲线 Figure6. Experimental results of M2 as a function of ${\sigma }$