YeYouda2),, ZhangHanxin, JiangQinxue, ZhangXianfeng State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics,China Aerodynamic Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, ChinaNational Laboratory for Computational Fluid Dynamics,Beijing 100086, China 中图分类号:V211.3 文献标识码:A
关键词:近空间;气动模型;优化设计;动稳定性;高超声速飞行器 Abstract The advantages of the hypersonic vehicle in maneuverable flight in 30$\sim$70km airspace are that it can carry out long-distance maneuverable gliding flight by coupling the lift generated by the air in the airspace and the centrifugal force of high-speed flight, which has important practical value. Although significant progress has been made in the past decades in the study of hypersonic flows, there are still many challenges in the design and research of hypersonic vehicles for near-space long-range gliding, especially the unclear understanding of the flow mechanism under specific flight conditions. This paper introduces the progress of the author's research team in the development of key aerodynamic problems related to hypersonic vehicles in near space, mainly including: the flow model of hypersonic flight in near space is established, and the relative computational aerodynamics method of the system is developed, a suitable sliding boundary condition is studied for the coupling effect of rarefied gas effect and real gas effect under high altitude and high speed flight conditions, the slippage effect including velocity slip condition, temperature slip condition and pressure slip condition in high-temperature chemically reacting flows are considered. A dynamic optimization method for the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft was proposed, and the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft with high lift-drag ratio, which can be used in engineering, was obtained. The dynamic stability theory of high speed aircraft has been established, and great progress has been made in realizing the dynamic stability of hypersonic vehicles. In the end, some key technical and scientific problems that should be paid more attention to in the design of hypersonic vehicles are discussed, and the possible solutions to these problems are discussed.
近空间定义为20$\sim$100km空域,其中30$\sim$70km的空间走廊是实现高超声速长时间远距离飞行的理想空间,在这个"飞行走廊"进行机动飞行可有效降低气动加热、减少能量消耗. 高超声速机动飞行器的主要特点一是高空、高速、长航程,二是利用飞行器自身的空气动力和高速飞行的惯性离心力耦合作用完成机动滑翔飞行. 近空间高超声速飞行器绕流流动结构复杂,在严酷的气动加热环境下,当采用烧蚀防热时飞行器热防护材料也会与高温流场相互作用,产生各种复杂的烧蚀产物而影响流场特性,化学反应与可能出现的局部湍流的耦合效应更增加了流场数值模拟的难度. 图3给出了近空间典型的飞行环境及飞行器周围的流动性状[2,20].在30$\sim$70km空域以高超声速飞行时,一方面,随飞行高度变化,飞行器经历不同的流域,另一方面,在某一状态飞行器本身不同部位周围的流动出现不同流动性态,如头部高温热化学非平衡流、身部黏性干扰、尾部稀薄气体滑流等[21-36].飞行器表面存在3种不同的性态条件下,如何能正确地、连续地计算出飞行器表面承受的气动力和热流?经研究可以采用统一的气动方程和边界条件来模拟这一问题,这里称为有 黏性和热化学反应及稀薄气体效应的模型. 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图3近空间典型的飞行环境及飞行器周围的流动性状 -->Fig.3Typical flying environment in near space and flow characteristics around the aircraft -->
图5给出火箭芯级和助推器之间的局部激波干扰图以及干扰区表面热流密度的风洞实验结果[45], 也给出了本文的热流计算结果与文献中的计算及实验结果的比较,符合很好. 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图5热流计算结果与风洞实验结果的比较 -->Fig.5Comparison of heat flow calculation results with wind tunnel test results -->
图6给出了一种升力体外形在70km高空飞行时采用不同流动模型的计算结果比较,可以看出,是否考虑具体组分作用的情形对FLAP舵区域的流场及飞行器纵向压心位置等气动力特性影响都是比较明显的. 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图6采用不同计算模型获得的升力体构型流场结果及气动特性结果比较 -->Fig.6Comparison of flowfield and aerodynamic characteristics of lifting body obtained by different calculation models -->
对于在大气层中采用复杂升力体构形飞行的高超声速飞行器来说,虽然防/隔热、材料与工艺等方面存在许多亟待攻克的技术问题,但气动研究与气动设计依然是一项十分关键的技术,气动设计的水平直接影响到飞行器总体性能的优劣. 从空气动力角度看,升力和空气动力效率主要由飞行器外形精细程度、底部表面性状和俯视平面及纵横向截面外形决定. 基于流场结构的高超声速飞行器设计是从流动主动控制思路出发,利用激波、膨胀波相互作用的基本原理,通过设计和控制强激波和飞行器表面的交互作用获得飞行器预期的气动力特性以及对热环境的响应. 特别是考虑到由于复杂的飞行器构型,发生流动分离时,流动结构变得复杂,出现分离、再附、剪切层、回流区等流动特征,在超声速条件下,流动分离还伴随着与激波、膨胀波的相互干扰,在一定的条件下,流动分离会呈现出非定常的特点,流动分离与转捩现象相互耦合更带来了问题的复杂性. 当复杂升力体外形的高超声速飞行器进行有攻角巡航飞行时,在背风面和局部的物面折转处(特别是由于控制舵面的偏转所造成的物形折转)通常会造成局部流动分离. 当局部出现流动分离时,可能会对飞行器的气动特性产生一定的影响,包括再附点的热流问题和引起飞行器气动力矩特性的变化等. 图7给出了采用力作用面的方位设置进行飞行器气动布局设计示意图,通过基于高超声速来流条件下流场中激波膨胀波作用位置和强度的设计,利用了流动结构的相互作用及对飞行器气动特性的影响机制. 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图7基于流场结构的高超声速飞行器外形气动设计 -->Fig.7Aerodynamic design of hypersonic vehicle based on flow field structure -->
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