LiXiao, LiMing*, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment,Department of Engineering Mechanics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China 中图分类号:O342 文献标识码:A
关键词:折纸;折痕;几何条件;折叠公理;折痕设计方法;拓扑优化 Abstract Origami is to fold a two dimensional paper into the three dimensional structure without cutting and adhesion. With the merits of simple design, rapid forming and wide range of applications, origami has the promising applications in the fields of deployable structures, structural assembly and self-forming. Firstly, this paper reviews several typical origami applications, such as buckling-induced microscale three dimensional structures, foldable solar panels and DNA spiral assembled structures; Then, we define the classifications of origami according to different criteria, such as the number of curved creases, relative motion, the assumption of rigid folding surface, the number of used papers. Since the crease design problem is the key issue of origami, we focus on the origami crease design, including summarizing the basic principles of the crease design, addressing several typical crease design samples such as Miura, waterbomb, Yoshimura and diagonal crease designs. Furthermore, we introduce the distinctive features and geometrical relations of the typical crease design. For the recent innovative crease design methods, the improvement of the classic crease design, establishment of the crease design database, use of topology optimization method and the recent crease design algorithms are briefly discussed. Finally, we prospect the future research orientations of origami based on current research progress of origami, including the transformable structures, four-dimension origami, multi-material origami and multi-scale origami.
在微观纳米级上,已实现通过编程使物理和生物材料(如硅基物质silicon-based matter)改变形状及属性,并出现了可以设计三维物体(如纳米机器人或药物传输系统等)的软件(如Cadnano). Meng等[54]基于微纳观尺度单层石墨烯易于自折叠的特性,研究了单层石墨烯结构的自折叠行为,并将其自折叠成一种边缘呈球拍状的双层石墨烯,这种双层结构可显著影响石墨烯的电、磁特性. 因此, 对微纳米尺度折纸结构的研究也同样具有重要的意义. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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