FeiQingguo1,*,, JiangDong1,2, ChenSufang2, QinFurong2 1 Institute of Aerospace Mechanical and Dynamics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China2 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China 中图分类号:V214.3 文献标识码:A
关键词:均匀化理论;编织复合材料;热弹性参数;参数识别 Abstract To obtain accurate elastic parameters and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of braided composites at high temperature, An approach for identifying thermal-related parameters based on homogenization theory is proposed. Firstly, on the basis of the finite element model of unit cell, the thermo-elastic parameters of the braided composites are predicted, basing on the theory of homogenization and thermos elasticity, and by applying the periodic displacement and temperature boundary conditions. Secondly, considering the errors in the equivalent process causing by the uneven distributed stress, the thermal modal frequencies of the refined model are taken as the supplementary information to further identify the thermo-elastic parameters, as a calibration of the predicted parameters. Based on the finite element unit cell model of two-dimensional braided structure, this paper carries out equivalent prediction and identification, to verify the validity and accuracy of the proposed method. after comparing the error of the thermal mode of equival model and identification model, it is shown that the proposed method based on equivalent prediction and parameter identification can accurately identify the macro-thermo-elasticity related parameters of braided composites at high temperature.
Keywords:homogenization theory;braided composites;thermo-elastic parameters;parameter identification -->0 PDF (10640KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 费庆国, 姜东, 陈素芳, 秦福溶. 高温下编织复合材料热相关参数识别方法研究[J]. 力学学报, 2018, 50(3): 497-507 FeiQingguo, JiangDong, ChenSufang, QinFurong. THERMAL-RELATED PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF BRAIDED COMPOSITES AT HIGH TEMPERATURE[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2018, 50(3): 497-507
本文以复合材料细观力学为基础,研究了热弹性参数预测方法,然后针对由均匀化理论理想化假设产生的等效预测误差, 提出一种基于热模态数据的编织复合材料热弹性相关参数识别方法. 本文在二维编织复合材料单胞模型基础上,施加周期性位移边界条件和温度边界条件,获得编织结构的宏观热弹性参数及热膨胀系数. 将精细模型的热模态参数作为参考,识别高温环境下编织复合材料宏观热弹性相关参数,为准确、高效的复合材料热结构 动态分析奠定基础. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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