Policy mobility of China's overseas industrial zones in the lens of partnership: A case study of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone
SONG Tao1,2, LIU Weidong1,2, GAO Boyang3, LIU Zhigao,1,2, ZHENG Zhi1,2通讯作者:
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宋涛, 刘卫东, 高菠阳, 刘志高, 郑智. 合作伙伴关系视角下的海外园区政策移动性研究——以泰中罗勇工业园为例. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(6): 1199-1209 doi:10.11821/dlxb202006008
1 引言
共建“一带一路”是党中央和国务院统筹国内国际两个大局,着眼于人类命运共同体构建,而提出的重大合作理念[1],是新时期中国全方位对外开放的旗帜和主要载体[2]。不同于新自由主义全球化,“一带一路”倡议是推动经济全球化深入发展的一个重要框架,是全球化的一种新的表现形式,即“包容性全球化”的表现[3]。作为“一带一路”包容性全球化下经贸合作重要载体的中国海外产业园区(以下简称“海外园区”),是推动实现政策沟通、设施连通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通的重要国际合作平台[4]。“一带一路”倡议提出以来,中国企业大规模“走出去”,对外直接投资规模迅猛增长,海外园区数量不断增加。截至2018年6月,中国企业在沿线国家和地区建设不同规模的海外园区82家,累计投资348.7亿美元,入区企业4542家[5]。以往对产业园区、海外园区的研究更多探讨园区自身的建设问题,关注新自由主义全球化下资本的逐利性[6]。而“一带一路”背景下的中国海外园区建设,将中国特色模式与各国的发展意愿和比较优势相结合,促进各国加速政策移动性,提高互联互通水平,普惠当地群众,促进当地发展,是面向未来的国际合作新共识,也是地理****应该进一步深入研究的话题。特殊经济区(Special Economic Zone)是各类型开发区和产业园区的总称[6],是以改革促发展的重要经济试验空间,亦是经济学、地理学的研究热点。现代意义的特殊经济区肇始于20世纪50年代美国的自由贸易港、斯坦福科技工业园等,后逐渐在世界范围内演化出工业园区、出口加工区、科学城等多种形式。欧美经济地理****从国家领土(State Territory)、区域管治、区域主义(Regionalism)、政策移动性(Policy Mobility)等视角对特殊经济区进行政治经济学的探讨。中国的特殊经济区演化见证了改革开放的进程,经济特区、工业开发区、经济技术开发区、高新技术开发区、保税区、边境合作区、自由贸易区等一系列特殊经济区[7,8],由点及面,“自上而下”与“自下而上”结合地推动着中国的区域开放发展,引发了国内外****对中国模式(China Model)、试验主义(Experimentalism)、国家资本主义(State Capitalism)、动力机制、路径道路、儒家文化价值(Confucian Values)等的热烈讨论[9,10]。这些园区成为承载经济增长(土地、资金、人才等要素)和治理结构改革(政策、权力和领导层级)的领域空间[11,12]。尤其是全球化“亚洲四小龙”时期,新加坡模式成为中国经济改革开放的重要参考者。苏州工业园,及之后的天津生态城、中新(重庆)互联互通项目既是中国、新加坡两国政府间的经济技术合作项目,同时也成为具有国际竞争力的特殊经济区,学界和业界对以上案例的优惠政策、产业结构、集聚效益、空间用地、治理模式等进行了广泛的研讨[13]。其中,以苏州工业园为代表的新加坡海外工业园的有效政府干预、完善规划体系、优良的招商环境等特征成为跨境海外园区成功的关键[14]。尤其是随着“一带一路”倡议的实施,海外园区成为承载投资母国与东道主国家经济空间和治理结构拓展,各利益相关者平等地参与全球化,以及保护文化多元性的重要载体。然而,中国的海外园区建设与新加坡等其他国家的海外园区建设的时代背景、驻在国选择、开发主体、治理体系等发展路径千差万别,探索中国特色的海外园区建设经验就显得尤为重要和恰逢其时。
2 海外园区政策移动性的“合作伙伴”理论基础
2.1 政策移动性的概念内涵及发展
全球化背景下,区域或城市决策者为促进本地发展而吸引全球的实践经验,借鉴包括“智慧”“绿色”“活力”等方面的特殊政策,这一过程中,“政策移动性”的概念应运而生,成为地理学、政治和经济文献中的热门话题[16]。政策移动性指的是在一定地理环境下政策、价值、理念向另一区域迁移、组合、孵化和衍变的过程[17]。在这一过程中,国家、地方、企业等主体学习、整合、择优、实施特定政策,以促进区域商业、环保、教育的发展[17]。政策移动性的概念来源于公共政策学中“政策转移”(Policy Transfer)的概念,政策转移多强调国家尺度的政策借鉴[18],而政治地理学中政策移动性则具有跨尺度性,不是简单的全球/地方、远/近的二分法,而是涉及到国家、区域、城市、地方等多尺度的政策移动。全球、国家和地方因素的关系网络塑造了政策的流动,甚至地方节点、场所或基础设施也将加速政策的共享,例如全球城市、旅馆、车站、会议中心、度假胜地、画廊等[19]。政策移动性强调政策转移、孵化过程中,不同关系组合所产生的叠加效应。新自由主义经济全球化的浪潮中,政策借鉴被政府、集团视为重要的区域发展驱动力,世界范围内区域、城市、企业纷纷效仿所谓的“最好实践”(Best Practices)[20]。在商业、文化、交通、教育或其他方面具有“示范效应”或称之为“最好实践”的区域、城市或企业政策是政策移动性的典型案例。这些政策模式的要素,如资本、制度、税收、人员等,成为了政策顺利移动的核心。在这一过程中,政策的要素往往会被集体学习,成为政策特区,或政策集(Policy Assemblage)[21,22]。总之,政策移动性应被理解为政策“跨界、动态和关系”的迁移、根植、孵化、突变的过程[23]。该理论方法已经越来越被广泛应用于开发区、商业区、产业区、旧城区等具有“政策集”特征的区域[24]。然而遗憾的是,大多数****对政策移动性的研究是基于新自由主义经济全球化的背景,该领域鲜有****对“一带一路”背景下的政策移动性进行系统分析。西方语境下的政策移动性研究往往假设有“最好实践”[25],而不是与当地发展“最适合”(Best Fit)的实践[3]。而且,全球南方区域(Global South)往往成为美国等全球北方区域(Global North)的政策援助地区[26]。事实上,政策移动性是一个逐渐适应于当地复杂多尺度权力关系[27]和不断变化的意识形态路线的过程,且并非全球北方区域所独有。2.2 海外园区的政策移动性
海外园区建设涉及到驻在国与母国多元的行为主体网络,国家政府、地方政府、当地民众及非政府组织等。政策移动性的分析框架善于借助多元行为主体及多尺度关联等地理学的视角,将有助于揭示海外园区作为一种特殊经济空间,其要素基因孵化、集聚成长到地域分异的演化过程。海外园区作为特殊的经济空间载体,需要从国内外宏观环境变化、驻在国—母国的制度差异、中央—地方关系等关键角色的驱动,揭示特殊空间基因的复制机理与内在逻辑。国家作为关键的参与者,在不同尺度的知识传播、指令、启发等环节均发挥重要的作用。1978年改革开放以来中国的区域管治架构具有浓重的国家主导开发特征。尽管进行了市场化改革,中国的国家政府仍然在继续施加强大的控制力[28],而这种强有力的国家管治是中国经济长期增长的根本原因[29],也是中国特色园区跨越式发展的根本原因,可被刻画为国家主导型混合经济系统。中国的经济崛起在全球化、国家和地方的交织下,中央政府进一步权力下放,全球资本和市场化为驱动,促成了众多产业集聚区[30]。1994年的分税制改革,重新搭建了中央和地方的财权和事权结构。权力下放并非是中国改革开放以来改变中央与地方关系的唯一表征。自此以后,大规模的城市间竞争态势愈演愈烈,地方政府承担了更多的区域发展压力,形成了土地出让和工业发展推动下的GDP发展模式[21,22,23,24]。中央政府通过“企业化城市”(Entrepreneurial Cities)的建设加强中国在全球的竞争力[31]。珠江三角洲、长江三角洲等区域是这种企业化城市促进中国经济增长的典型区域。以上的研究说明了大量****对于中国特色园区关键角色与驱动力的研究,然而这些关键角色与驱动力在海外园区中是否得以彰显,就成为学界亟待深入挖掘的话题。
2.3 “合作伙伴”视角下的政策移动性
但需要着重强调的一点是,海外园区建设与运营过程中,龙头公司及其合作伙伴往往是以园区促进当地发展的先行者。发展中国家经济体多为出口导向型发展策略,由跨国公司和国内企业合作伙伴协调作用驱动。这种模式在严峻的地缘政治环境中(例如在某些发达国家严酷的外贸制裁下),海外园区龙头企业充分利用了本地的资源,和全球零部件供应商形成了紧密的产业网络[30]。海外园区作为特殊的经济空间单元,龙头企业与其合作伙伴为先导,催化了国家、地方等多尺度不同主体间的合作伙伴关系,即经历了不同地理尺度在等级、次序和功能差别的产生、重组与协调的经济社会空间建构过程,地理****称之为对尺度实施转换(Scale Jumping)的过程,包括了“提升尺度”(Upscaling)、与“降低尺度”(Downscaling)的过程[29]。提升尺度指的是将某个事件或项目提升到大尺度主体空间来使其向有利于主体自身的方向发展,降低尺度反之亦然。下文以泰中罗勇工业园为案例揭示了龙头企业合作伙伴通过提升尺度来促进其政策移动性的过程与机理。
3 案例区与数据来源
3.1 泰中罗勇工业园概况
泰中罗勇工业园为首批“国家级境外经贸合作区”,于2005年在泰国东部罗勇府建成,总规划面积12 km2,截至2020年5月,一、二期共4 km2,已经全部开发完毕,所有厂房均有企业入驻运营;三期工程已动工,重点引进中高端制造行业。案例区位于泰国重要经济增长空间—东部经济走廊(Eastern Economic Corridor, EEC)内,距离泰国首都曼谷114 km,距泰国最大深水港廉差邦深水海港27 km(图1)。东部经济走廊建设是近年来泰国政府正在积极推进4.0战略中的核心项目,旨在提速长期以来为东南亚区域制造业和贸易中心的原东部海岸三府(春武里、罗勇和北柳)。目前案例区已形成了良好的产业集聚效应,入驻了汽摩及其零部件、新能源新材料、机械、电子、建材五金等120多家中国企业,累计总产值120亿美元,雇佣泰籍员工32000人,中国员工2000人。图1
Fig. 1Location of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone
3.2 案例区的主体合作伙伴
3.3 数据来源及研究方法
4 合作伙伴视角下案例区建设的政策移动性研究
4.1 企业层面的战略合作伙伴关系
该部分重点从泰中双方的企业合作伙伴关系,来剖析海外园区政策移动性顺利实施的制度结构。H企业与A企业的战略合作伙伴关系是园区顺利建设运营的基础,双方战略合作伙伴的制度性载体为合资公司。早在2000年,时任H企业的计划经营部部长的X(化名)到泰国开设工厂。2005年7月,在X与A企业董事长Q(化名)的共同推动下,双方签订了在罗勇共建工业园区的备忘录。H企业是罗勇工业园区的股东,直接参与实施的是其控股企业,该公司与A企业合资成立了泰中罗勇工业园开发有限公司(以下简称为“罗勇公司”),其中中方占股70%,泰方占股30%。整体上,罗勇公司负责园区的建设规划(表1)。Tab. 1
Tab. 1
泰国 | 中国 | |
国家层面 | 泰国投资促进委员会(The Board of Investment, BOI) | 中国商务部等 |
省级层面 | 罗勇府 | 浙江省 |
公司层面 | A企业 | H企业 |
合资公司(泰中罗勇工业园开发有限公司) | 泰方占股30% | 中方占股70% |
分工 | 泰方重点承担园区的基础设施建设工作,包括园区供水、供电、道路、厂房等;土地供给及永久所有权;泰籍员工的招聘等。 | 企业选择与业态控制;面向中国企业提供“一站式”服务,包括公司注册、税务、开户和BOI资质证书申领等,提供目标市场、产业政策、法律法规、优惠政策、税务金融、劳动力招聘等咨询服务。 |
4.2 中泰全面战略合作伙伴关系下的政策移动性
Tab. 2
Tab. 2
类型 | 政策集合 |
税收 | 企业所得税最高8年全免(分行业差异化优惠,如知识型、高科技产业免8年企业所得税) 免缴进口机器关税8年 以外销为目的的进口原材料免缴关税5年等 |
成本 | 交通、水、电等费用作为成本自所得税中双倍扣除,初次销售之日起为期10年 基础设施的安装和建设费的25%在利润中扣除,从有收入之日起10年内 |
外汇 | 区内企业自由外汇汇出 |
雇员 | 可携入外籍技工或专家及其配偶 |
土地 | 外籍人士可拥有土地所有权 |
4.3 各级政府合作伙伴关系下的提升尺度
Fig. 2The conceptual framework of policy mobility and partnership for Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone
4.4 政策移动性的全球拓展
结合了中国特殊经济区的发展经验以及泰国本地的本底条件,泰中罗勇工业园已提升尺度为“一带一路”海外园区的旗舰项目,其政策移动性在“一带一路”框架下全面推广。根据H企业的发展战略报告,H企业正着手实施“三大三小”的海外园区战略:即在泰国(面向东盟和南亚)、墨西哥(面向美洲)、北非(面向欧洲、中东、非洲)分别开发一个规模达到10 km2以上的海外园区,同时适时在缅甸、乌兹别克斯坦、乌干达再各开发一个3~5 km2的小型特色海外园区。泰中罗勇工业园的员工已成为政策移动性的传播者,被调往其他海外园区传授管理经验。2015年由H企业主导,联合中国富通集团、墨西哥桑托斯家族三方合作伙伴共同开发建设的北美华富山工业园启动。该园区位于墨西哥新莱昂州蒙特雷市北部,定位为综合性工业新城,力图吸引汽摩配、信息技术、机械设备、新能源、电子等类型的中国企业在此集聚,占地总面积为8.5 km2。5 结论与政策建议
海外园区是“一带一路”建设的重要空间载体。本文从合作伙伴的视角,以泰中罗勇工业园为案例,探讨了母国与驻在国产业政策在海外园区复制、移动、孵化的政策移动性过程。中泰国家层面及地方政府的全面战略合作伙伴,H企业和A企业两家合作伙伴通过合资公司的制度性载体实现了政策移动性。泰中罗勇工业园逐渐升级为“国家级境外经贸合作区”“浙江省推进‘一带一路’建设成果清单示范园区”等多层级示范园区。在这一提升尺度的过程中,各级政府及社会各界的资源汇入泰中罗勇工业园。同时,泰中罗勇工业园的政策移动性在“一带一路”框架下全面推广,H企业力图在缅甸、墨西哥等国家建立“三大三小”的海外园区体系。通过泰中罗勇工业园的案例研究表明,国家政府、龙头企业及合作企业、地方政府等关键参与者的合作伙伴关系起到了关键催化剂作用。本文对于政策移动性理论的贡献在于通过中国海外园区的案例研究,说明注重当地关键角色合作伙伴关系的培养与嵌入到本地发展对于政策移动性的重要性。为促进“一带一路”中国海外园区的顺利建设,本文认为:① 务实推动“共商共建共享”的合作理念,引导海外园区建设各行为主体的多层级合作伙伴关系,鼓励专业工业园区开发商根据投资目的地的资源禀赋和经济情况,因地制宜的投资、建设、运营园区,同时积极探索与海外的成熟园区开发运营商建立合作伙伴关系。② 国家层面加强针对海外园区的部门协调机制,统筹规划,分级分类指导。借鉴欧美国家普遍采用的对外援助、投资、贸易三位一体的国际开发合作战略,通过国际合作专属机构,统筹海外园区建设、投资与贸易。③ 拓展国际投资与保险合作网络。支持国内大型银行、保险业等机构加强海外合作伙伴网络体系建构,形成有利于海外安全投资的平台网络体系。此外,发挥海外华侨、华人民间力量,通过当地民众、非政府组织等关键角色促进中国的海外园区建设。④ 抓住海上丝绸之路建设、中国—东盟自由贸易区升级等带来的新机遇,积极开拓中国海外园区在贸易、投资、人文合作等方面的政策移动性。
参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]
The Belt and Road Initiative—where the "Belt" stands for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the "Road" stands for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road—is a call of China for new modes of regional economic cooperation under the trend of development of economic globalization. It targets at promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources, and deep integration of markets; enabling the countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader, deeper, and more efficient economic cooperation; and jointly building an open, inclusive, and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture. Thus the Belt and Road Initiative is an alternative road to further economic globalization, but contains ideas that are different from the past, that is, the spirit of the Silk Road—"peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and win-win." Based on such an understanding, this article first analyzes the general background of the Belt and Road Initiative against economic globalization and the changing configurations of the world, and then discusses the Initiative's spatial connotation by revealing its multi-scalar and trans-scalar characteristics. The article points out that the Belt and Road Initiative is a national strategy, rather than a regional strategy, to coordinate all-around opening of China to the world and promote further integration of the country into the global economy. Last, the article suggests several research themes in geography that are brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative, including geopolitical studies, geography of countries of the region to explore cooperation opportunities, foreign direct investment theories advanced by the Belt and Road Initiative, and optimization of transcontinental transportation.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]
The Belt and Road Initiative—where the "Belt" stands for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the "Road" stands for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road—is a call of China for new modes of regional economic cooperation under the trend of development of economic globalization. It targets at promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources, and deep integration of markets; enabling the countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader, deeper, and more efficient economic cooperation; and jointly building an open, inclusive, and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture. Thus the Belt and Road Initiative is an alternative road to further economic globalization, but contains ideas that are different from the past, that is, the spirit of the Silk Road—"peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and win-win." Based on such an understanding, this article first analyzes the general background of the Belt and Road Initiative against economic globalization and the changing configurations of the world, and then discusses the Initiative's spatial connotation by revealing its multi-scalar and trans-scalar characteristics. The article points out that the Belt and Road Initiative is a national strategy, rather than a regional strategy, to coordinate all-around opening of China to the world and promote further integration of the country into the global economy. Last, the article suggests several research themes in geography that are brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative, including geopolitical studies, geography of countries of the region to explore cooperation opportunities, foreign direct investment theories advanced by the Belt and Road Initiative, and optimization of transcontinental transportation.
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Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House,
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北京: 中国社会科学出版社,
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DOI:10.3390/su11010001URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201510002URL [本文引用: 1]
In recent years, the Free Economic Zones (FEZs), as a product of economic globalization and regional economic integration, have become the growth poles of economic development in developing countries, the motivations of urbanization and a significant stage for the reforms of related institutions. In China, there is an urgent need to construct free trade zones in order to meet the new challenges of globalization and international trade structure, to strengthen the reform motivation, and to carry out the national strategies of One Belt and One Road and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration. At present, some experts and scholars scrutinize the rules and factors contributing to FEZs' development based on the qualitative analysis. However, they are still confronted with less research on evolution law in FEZs on account of quantitative research methods. Therefore, this paper applies methodologies such as interview, and questionnaire to collect data based on domestic and overseas theories and case studies about FEZs. It also adopts the analysis of hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation method, selects seven elements: policies, markets, environments, industries, inputs, benefits and innovativeness, and establishes the index system and evaluation model of FEZs' development evolution mechanism. Finally, with the aid of the model and combined with the actual situation of Tianjin Binhai New Area, the paper analyzes the main driving forces of Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone's development dynamic mechanism. This study is an asset to the transformation and development of the FEZs in China as well as further theoretical research in the future.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201510002URL [本文引用: 1]
In recent years, the Free Economic Zones (FEZs), as a product of economic globalization and regional economic integration, have become the growth poles of economic development in developing countries, the motivations of urbanization and a significant stage for the reforms of related institutions. In China, there is an urgent need to construct free trade zones in order to meet the new challenges of globalization and international trade structure, to strengthen the reform motivation, and to carry out the national strategies of One Belt and One Road and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration. At present, some experts and scholars scrutinize the rules and factors contributing to FEZs' development based on the qualitative analysis. However, they are still confronted with less research on evolution law in FEZs on account of quantitative research methods. Therefore, this paper applies methodologies such as interview, and questionnaire to collect data based on domestic and overseas theories and case studies about FEZs. It also adopts the analysis of hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation method, selects seven elements: policies, markets, environments, industries, inputs, benefits and innovativeness, and establishes the index system and evaluation model of FEZs' development evolution mechanism. Finally, with the aid of the model and combined with the actual situation of Tianjin Binhai New Area, the paper analyzes the main driving forces of Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone's development dynamic mechanism. This study is an asset to the transformation and development of the FEZs in China as well as further theoretical research in the future.
DOI:10.1007/s11442-018-1526-5URL [本文引用: 1]
The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and an expected experimental way of promoting inclusive globalization by inventing new forms of cooperation between China and local host countries. Policy mobility, a classic theory within international political geography addressing the connection between local and global policies, has implications for overseas industrial parks development. In this paper, we argue that policies are not easily moved directly from one place to another; instead, policies are embedded due to the role of local actors in policy mobility. This article first provides an overview of seven China-Southeast Asia economic and trade cooperation zones identified by the Ministry of Commerce, and analyzes their key participants. It then discusses policy mobility by looking into the roles of revenue, land, and talent in developing these industrial parks. The paper finds that these parks face challenges, such as the complicated geographical environments of host countries, huge pressure from enterprise investment capital, the lack of overseas service platforms, and underdeveloped agglomeration economies. In the light of the current situation, policy suggestions for the future sustainable development of overseas industrial parks are put forward.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502009URL [本文引用: 1]
From a territorial perspective, urbanization is the process of the (re-) territorialization of urban spaces, in which space resources are constantly allocated among individuals and social groups. The collapse of the Danwei system and subsequent establishment of the community system in 1990 reflect a new form of governmental territorialization in the urban grassroots. Our study, focusing on the Dongtai community in Dongguan city, analyzes the dynamic territorial politics of government, market, and civil society in the urban grassroots of China. The Dongtai community is situated in the southern Dongcheng District of Dongguan and has an area of 3.8 square kilometers with 62,000 permanent residents, 76% of whom have no household registration. The fieldwork was conducted from the end of 2012 to the beginning of 2013. The dominant administrative territorialization under the Danwei system has significantly been replaced by market territorialization, in which the participation of civil forces has also increased. However, the lack of a mechanism for coordinating territorialization and deviated orientation of the government has caused the urban grassroots to engage in vicious territorial politics with the prevailing market forces, weakened administrative forces, and heavily suppressed civil forces. That accounts for the reason why the community system is still far from achieving the ideal status of urban governance. Therefore, institutional reform should construct multi-agent governing territorial units and mechanisms of territorial politics for urban grassroots management. The role of the government should be transformed from regulator to mediator of territorial structure, which in turn will motivate the civil forces to participate in urban governance, create diverse mediums of territorial politics, and prevent administrative and capital powers from over-permeating into the daily spaces. Resident-rights groups (e.g., owner committee) and indirect administrative territorialization (e.g., official means of laws, institutions, and planning) should be explored.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502009URL [本文引用: 1]
From a territorial perspective, urbanization is the process of the (re-) territorialization of urban spaces, in which space resources are constantly allocated among individuals and social groups. The collapse of the Danwei system and subsequent establishment of the community system in 1990 reflect a new form of governmental territorialization in the urban grassroots. Our study, focusing on the Dongtai community in Dongguan city, analyzes the dynamic territorial politics of government, market, and civil society in the urban grassroots of China. The Dongtai community is situated in the southern Dongcheng District of Dongguan and has an area of 3.8 square kilometers with 62,000 permanent residents, 76% of whom have no household registration. The fieldwork was conducted from the end of 2012 to the beginning of 2013. The dominant administrative territorialization under the Danwei system has significantly been replaced by market territorialization, in which the participation of civil forces has also increased. However, the lack of a mechanism for coordinating territorialization and deviated orientation of the government has caused the urban grassroots to engage in vicious territorial politics with the prevailing market forces, weakened administrative forces, and heavily suppressed civil forces. That accounts for the reason why the community system is still far from achieving the ideal status of urban governance. Therefore, institutional reform should construct multi-agent governing territorial units and mechanisms of territorial politics for urban grassroots management. The role of the government should be transformed from regulator to mediator of territorial structure, which in turn will motivate the civil forces to participate in urban governance, create diverse mediums of territorial politics, and prevent administrative and capital powers from over-permeating into the daily spaces. Resident-rights groups (e.g., owner committee) and indirect administrative territorialization (e.g., official means of laws, institutions, and planning) should be explored.
DOI:10.1080/00343400050006113URL [本文引用: 1]
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This paper makes a contribution to the fledgling literature on policy mobilities and mutations. Using the example of the internationalization of the Business Improvement District (BID) model, it argues that conferences constitute important arenas in and through which both the mobilizing and embedding of urban policies can occur. Focusing on a two-day conference that took place in Sweden in 2009, it uses the language of trans-urban policy pipelines in order to capture the formation of relationships over distance as a means of comparing, educating and learning about the experiences of other cities. Revealing the complex architectures and ecologies that have underpinned the movement of this model from one country to another and from one city to another over the last two decades or so, the paper uses a combination of ethnographic techniques together with semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with organizers and participants to produce a single-site but relationally thickened description of the place of conferences in facilitating the movement of policies across space.
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DOI:10.1016/j.cities.2014.03.001URL [本文引用: 1]
Scholars have widely discussed the issue of how to govern rapidly growing metropolitan regions under the economic, social and political pressures of globalization. Many have argued for a metropolitan governance approach that involves less government regulation and more flexible arrangements between public and civic sectors. However, in countries like China, where a traditionally centralized state controls most resources and seeks to impose its vision for metropolitan development, a strong state-led approach is widely adopted. This article analyzes such a state-led model in China and identifies the economic and political factors that contribute to such development. It is suggested that metropolitan governance in China has formed a strong top-down, "dirigiste type" model to achieve state objectives. Findings are drawn from field observation, archival research and socio-economic data analysis in the Guangzhou-Foshan metropolitan region of the Pearl River Delta region in China. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
//Aghion P, Durlauf S. ,
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DOI:10.1016/j.habitatint.2008.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]
Inter-city cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta region is a new phenomenon and has received much governmental and scholarly attention in recent years. This paper examines inter-city cooperation from partnership perspective. In this study, three typical cases of inter-city cooperation, Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou City-region Planning, the Forum for the Coordination of Urban Economy of Yangtze River Delta Region and Jiangyin Economic Development Zone in Jingjiang are selected to examine three types of partnership arrangements, namely, hierarchical partnership, spontaneous partnership and hybrid partnership. This research applies the partnership approach to regional scale based on Chinese experiences. The research focus of this paper is the effectiveness of three types of inter-city cooperation. Through tracing the process of partnership formation and investigating stakeholder interactions, this paper argues that the effectiveness of inter-city cooperation depends on cooperation mechanism, the nature and scope of the cooperation, and partner selection and the roles of actors in partnership formation.,
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DOI:10.1080/01900692.2013.836665URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201808005URL [本文引用: 1]
With the implementation of the strategy of "Going Global" and the Belt and Road Initiative, China is playing a critical role in the global economy. Along with the increasing globalization of Chinese enterprises, China has gradually become an influential force in the global market. The contemporary literature has revealed how overseas Chinese networks and communities promoted foreign investments into China in the past four decades. Whether these networks and communities can drive Chinese capital to expand overseas once again is ambiguous. Employing the classical location theory, this study examines Chinese corporate investments in Southeast Asia from 2001 to 2016. Data were collected from official information of Chinese corporations released by the Ministry of Commerce of China. This research covers 10 countries located in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. Utilizing the discrete-selection logit regression model, the study analyzed the correlation between overseas Chinese social networks and the site selection of Chinese outbound investment. The results show that: (1) overall, the positive correlation between the number of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries and the location choice of Chinese outbound investment is apparently significant; (2) in terms of time sequence, the significance of the correlation is soaring up, indicating that overseas Chinese have potentials in imposing positive impact on the promotion of locational choice of Chinese enterprises while the impact is potentially on the rise; (3) as for industrial structure and corporate functions, the impact is various and significant only in some industries and corporate segments. These findings affirm the positive value of overseas Chinese social networks on the globalization of Chinese corporations. Considering the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, this paper suggests that Chinese government should pay more attention to the improvement of the interactions between Chinese enterprises and overseas Chinese networks.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201808005URL [本文引用: 1]
With the implementation of the strategy of "Going Global" and the Belt and Road Initiative, China is playing a critical role in the global economy. Along with the increasing globalization of Chinese enterprises, China has gradually become an influential force in the global market. The contemporary literature has revealed how overseas Chinese networks and communities promoted foreign investments into China in the past four decades. Whether these networks and communities can drive Chinese capital to expand overseas once again is ambiguous. Employing the classical location theory, this study examines Chinese corporate investments in Southeast Asia from 2001 to 2016. Data were collected from official information of Chinese corporations released by the Ministry of Commerce of China. This research covers 10 countries located in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. Utilizing the discrete-selection logit regression model, the study analyzed the correlation between overseas Chinese social networks and the site selection of Chinese outbound investment. The results show that: (1) overall, the positive correlation between the number of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries and the location choice of Chinese outbound investment is apparently significant; (2) in terms of time sequence, the significance of the correlation is soaring up, indicating that overseas Chinese have potentials in imposing positive impact on the promotion of locational choice of Chinese enterprises while the impact is potentially on the rise; (3) as for industrial structure and corporate functions, the impact is various and significant only in some industries and corporate segments. These findings affirm the positive value of overseas Chinese social networks on the globalization of Chinese corporations. Considering the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, this paper suggests that Chinese government should pay more attention to the improvement of the interactions between Chinese enterprises and overseas Chinese networks.