

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

张静静, 朱文博, 朱连奇,, 李艳红河南大学环境与规划学院,开封 475004

Multi-scale analysis of trade-off/synergy effects of forest ecosystem services in the Funiu Mountain Region

ZHANG Jingjing, ZHU Wenbo, ZHU Lianqi,, LI YanhongCollege of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, China

通讯作者: 朱连奇(1963-), 男, 河南郸城人, 教授, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110007014M), 主要从事山地地理环境及资源开发利用的研究。E-mail: lqzhu@henu.edu.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41671090
National Basic Research Program of China.2015CB452702

作者简介 About authors

森林生态系统服务权衡与协同研究已成为当前相关学科的研究热点和前沿,对服务权衡与协同关系的多尺度分析有助于更加有效地实施森林资源管理。综合森林类型图、NDVI、气象和土壤等多源数据,借助CASA模型、InVEST 3.2模型和ArcGIS 10.2软件,开展伏牛山地区森林生态系统服务评估,运用空间叠置方法从多个空间尺度(区域、南北坡、垂直带)探讨服务权衡与协同效应。结果表明:① 研究区森林生态系统平均蓄积量为49.26 m 3/hm 2,碳密度为156.94 t/hm 2,供水深度为494.46 mm,土壤保持量为955.4 t/hm 2,生境质量指数为0.79。② 区域尺度上,28.79%的森林服务之间存在高协同效应,10.15%的森林存在低协同效应,61.06%的森林存在强权衡和弱权衡效应。③ 南北坡尺度上,南坡服务之间的协同关系优于北坡。垂直带尺度上,南坡中山落叶阔叶林带(SIII)服务之间协同关系最好,北坡低山落叶阔叶林带(NI)协同关系最差。
关键词: 森林生态系统服务;权衡/协同;多尺度;CASA模型;InVEST模型;伏牛山地区

Forest ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies are important research topics for several disciplines. The multi-scale analysis of service trade-offs and synergies assists in the implementation of more effective forest resource management. Based on multi-source data including forest distribution, topography, NDVI, meteorology and soil conditions, key forest ecosystem services, including total forest volume, carbon storage, water yield, soil retention and habitat quality were mapped and evaluated for the Funiu Mountain Region through integrated deployment of the CASA model, the InVEST3.2 model and the ArcGIS10.2 software. The characteristics of trade-offs and synergies among different ecosystem services were then mapped and considered across multiple spatial scales (i.e., by region, north and south slopes, vertical belt) using the spatial overlay analysis method. The main results are as follows: (1) Mean forest volume is 49.26 m 3/hm 2, carbon density is 156.94 t/hm 2, water supply depth is 494.46 mm, the unit amount of soil retention is 955.4 t/hm 2, and the habitat quality index is 0.79. (2) The area of forests with good synergy is 28.79%, and the area of forests with poor synergy is 10.15%, while about 61.06% of forests show severe trade-offs and weak trade-offs. The overall benefits of forest ecosystem services in the study area are still low. In the future, bad synergy and severe trade-off areas should be the focus of forest resource management and efficiency regulation. (3) Synergy between ecosystem services is better for forest on south slope than that on north slope. Deciduous broad-leaved forest belt at moderate elevations on south slope in the mountains (SIII) has the highest synergies, while that at low elevations on north slope (NI) exhibits the lowest synergy levels.
Keywords:forest ecosystem services;trade-off/synergy;multi-scale analysis;CASA;InVEST;Funiu Mountain Region

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张静静, 朱文博, 朱连奇, 李艳红. 伏牛山地区森林生态系统服务权衡/协同效应多尺度分析. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(5): 975-988 doi:10.11821/dlxb202005007
ZHANG Jingjing. Multi-scale analysis of trade-off/synergy effects of forest ecosystem services in the Funiu Mountain Region. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(5): 975-988 doi:10.11821/dlxb202005007

1 引言

陆地生态系统为人类社会提供多种多样的产品和服务,在形成与维持人类生存与发展的环境条件及物质基础方面发挥重要作用[1,2]。不同方式的自然资源利用与管理导致生态系统功能的明显变化,使生态系统的物质生产、水源供给、土壤保持和碳储存等服务之间形成此消彼长的权衡或相互增益的协同关系[3,4]。千年生态系统评估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MA)指出人类对某些生态系统服务的利用程度正在快速增加,导致一些关键类型的服务尤其是调节服务和文化服务的供给能力在持续衰减,严重影响人类福祉,直接威胁区域乃至全球的生态安全[5]。为了减少服务之间相互关系的负面效应,服务权衡关系研究应运而生,成为当前生态系统服务研究的一个重要议题[6]。目前,许多****在国家、区域以及流域等多种尺度上探讨了生态系统服务之间的权衡关系[3-4, 8-14],发现同一对服务在不同研究尺度或不同区域上的权衡与协同关系存在差异性。比如,研究表明涵养水源与固碳释氧这一对服务在较大空间尺度上主要以协同关系为主[11,12],而在中小尺度上则以权衡关系为主[13,14]。究其原因,主要是自然条件和生态过程在不同尺度空间均存在不整合或者生态系统服务供给与需求在空间上的不匹配造成的[15]。不同空间尺度内的利益群体对不同生态系统提供的产品与服务各有侧重,如木材生产、涵养水源等主要服务于区域尺度,而生物多样性、固碳释氧等则服务于全球尺度[2]。这必然导致不同利益相关者对不同类型生态系统服务重视程度的差异以及管理策略之间的权衡[15]。因此生态系统服务权衡研究必须超越单一尺度模式,应综合考虑不同空间尺度上利益相关者的实际需求,开展多尺度多类型服务之间的权衡研究,厘清多种服务之间的权衡或协同关系及其尺度依存与空间差异特征,以明确服务权衡管理的优先顺序与侧重点,从而更加有效地实施生态系统服务管理[8-9, 15]

森林生态系统作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,为不同尺度区域提供不同类型的服务和福祉[16,17,18];而科学认识森林生态系统服务之间的权衡与协同关系是实现森林生态系统多目标经营与管理的前提[19,20]。国内外****围绕森林生态系统服务空间格局特征、服务之间相互作用关系以及服务受益方赔偿支付等方面开展了深入研究[16-17, 21-22],探讨了森林生态系统服务之间的相互关系:供给服务之间以权衡关系为主[23,24];供给服务与调节、支持及文化服务之间以权衡关系为主[19, 25-26],但也有少数协同关系[19, 24];供给服务与支持服务之间普遍以权衡关系为主[24-25, 27],少数为协同关系[28];调节服务之间以协同关系为主[24];调节与支持服务之间既存在权衡关系[24, 28],也存在协同关系[29,30];支持服务之间以协同关系为主[31]。由此,同一种类服务(除供给服务外)两两之间普遍以协同关系为主,而不同种类的两种服务之间权衡/协同关系存在明显的尺度依存和空间差异特征,这将会导致对服务权衡关系的认识存在一定片面性,无法正确引导决策者制定合理的管理措施来提升区域生态系统服务整体水平。而森林生态系统一般位于山区,特殊的地形特征导致服务之间的相互作用呈现复杂的空间异质性特征,然而多数研究忽略了地形的影响,难以更好地为决策制定提供更加精准的信息。因此,从多种空间尺度上全面探讨服务权衡/协同关系是当前森林生态系统服务与可持续经营研究亟需解决的问题。

伏牛山处于中国北亚热带向南暖温带过渡的地区,也是秦岭山地与黄淮海平原的过渡地带,具有优越的自然环境条件,是中国重要的生态功能区。但该区面临着比较严峻的生态环境问题[32],这些问题的产生都是在人类活动或自然因素影响下不同生态系统服务之间相互竞争的结果。为了使该区更好地发挥经济效益,而又不减弱生态效益与社会效益,有必要深入研究该区森林生态系统服务之间权衡与协同关系。目前针对该区森林生态系统服务的研究,多集中于局部地区如宝天曼自然保护区、西峡县等,或仅探讨某一类型的森林生态系统如栎类林、锐齿栎林生态系统[33,34,35],没有从综合性和整体性的角度展开研究,使相关研究成果呈现局域化和碎片化,而服务之间作用关系的研究更是少见,很难为管理者提供系统的森林可持续经营方案。鉴于此,本文以伏牛山地区森林生态系统为研究对象,综合森林类型图、NDVI、气象和土壤等多源数据,借助CASA模型、InVEST 3.2模型和ArcGIS 10.2软件,开展综合森林生态系统服务评估,采用空间叠置等方法,从不同空间尺度(区域、南北坡、垂直带)探讨服务权衡与协同效应,有助于制定分区域、分类型的森林资源管理方案,可为伏牛山地区森林可持续经营管理提供理论指导和决策支持。

2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 研究区概况

伏牛山位于河南省西部,是秦岭山系的重要余脉,呈西北—东南走向,西至河南、陕西省界,东至方城北部,北与熊耳山、外方山相接,南至南阳盆地。研究区包括8个完整县域单元,面积约2万km2,卢氏、栾川、嵩县和鲁山位于伏牛山北坡,内乡、西峡、镇平和南召位于南坡(图1)。地势自西向东逐渐降低,海拔介于50~2200 m,地貌类型复杂,高差起伏较大;植被类型属于北亚热带常绿落叶混交林向暖温带落叶阔叶林的过渡类型,植被和气候特征垂直差异显著[36]



Fig. 1Location and elevation map of the study area

2.2 数据来源与处理

本文基础数据包括:① 森林类型图。选取35景高分1号影像,时间为2016—2017年6—10月,将2 m全色和8 m多光谱影像进行融合,经镶嵌、裁剪得到研究区2 m分辨率多光谱图像。基于此,参照2015年1:10万土地覆被图、1:100万植被类型图等数据,对研究区森林类型进行目视解译,生成森林类型分布图(图2)。伏牛山森林生态系统主要优势树种有栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)、短柄枹栎(Quercus glandulifera var. brevipetiolata)、锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)、阔杂、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、华山松(Pinus armandi)与华山松—锐齿槲栎混交林(Pinus armandi, Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata,以下简称针阔混交林)[37]。并采用179条野外调查数据进行精度验证,解译精度为82.39%。② DEM数据。采用ASTER GDEM,来源于地理空间数据云,空间分辨率为30 m。③ NDVI数据。采用2016—2017年MODIS NDVI数据,空间分辨率为250 m,来源为http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/data/。④ 气象数据。包括研究区及周边24个气象站点2016—2017年逐日平均气温、最高气温、最低气温、平均相对湿度、降水量、风速、日照时数和平均气压,来源于河南省气象局和国家气象数据网(http://data.cma.cn/)。⑤ 土壤属性数据。包含1:100万的土壤质地、土壤有机质、土壤深度等数据,来源于中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心(http://www.resdc.cn)。



Fig. 2Spatial distribution of forest types in Funiu Mountain


基于森林类型图和DEM数据,统计伏牛山南北坡主要森林类型分布的海拔范围,据此划分南北坡垂直带谱。南坡垂直带谱相对北坡较为复杂,南坡包括低山落叶阔叶林带(SI)(≤ 800 m)、含常绿树种的针阔混交林带(SII)(800~1200 m)、中山落叶阔叶林带(SIII)(1200~1600 m)和中山针阔混交林带(SIV)(> 1600 m)4个垂直带;北坡包括低山落叶阔叶林带(NI)(≤ 1000 m)、中山落叶阔叶林带(NII)(1000~1500 m)和中山针阔混交林带(NIII)(> 1500 m)3个垂直带。

2.3 生态系统服务评估方法

本文借助CASA模型、InVEST模型和ArcGIS 10.2软件,定量评估研究区森林蓄积量、固碳、水源供给、土壤保持和生境支持5种服务的空间格局。模型所需参数计算过程如表1所示。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Computational methods of parameters
蓄积量利用CASA模型计算森林植被净初级生产力(NPP)[38],参照文献[39,40],确定伏牛山地区不同森林类型NPP与蓄积量之间的转换公式,从而得到森林蓄积量空间数据。植被指数采用MODIS NDVI,气温、降水量和太阳辐射均运用ANUSPLIN软件进行空间插值获得。太阳辐射是由日照时数计算所得[41]
生境支持InVEST模型生境支持模块[42]生境威胁源包括水田、旱地、农村居民点、城镇建设用地、工矿用地及交通用地,由2015年1:10万土地覆被提取得到,并转为30 m的栅格数据;生境威胁源表和敏感性表参照文献[49],并结合研究区实际情况进行赋值;法律准入性矢量图,利用伏牛山国家级自然保护区植被图提取出保护区边界,并根据保护区程度分级,在属性表中分别赋予其可达度值。
注:气象、土壤、植被等栅格数据均使用Grid格式,空间分辨率为250 m,地理坐标系均采用WGS_1984_Albers。


2.4 服务权衡/协同效应分析方法



Tab. 2
Tab. 2Classification of ecosystem services capacity





Tab. 3
Tab. 3Classification criteria and statistics of tradeoffs and synergies among the five ecosystem services


3 结果分析

3.1 森林生态系统服务总量评估

2016—2017年研究区森林生态系统总蓄积量6.18×107 m3,单位蓄积量49.26 m3/hm2;固碳量1.97×108 t,碳密度156.94 t/hm2;水源供给量6.06×109 m3,供水深度494.46 mm;土壤保持量1.16×109 t,单位土壤保持量955.4 t/hm2;生境质量指数约0.79(表4)。

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Total amount and proportion of various ecosystem services of different forest types
总量(106 m3)比例(%)总量(106 t)比例(%)总量(108 m3)比例(%)总量(107 t)比例(%)




3.2 服务能力分级的空间分布和统计分析




Fig. 3Spatial pattern of the five ecosystem services based on the providing capacity classification



Fig. 4Forest area in different classification regions of the five ecosystem services



Fig. 5Total amount and unit amount of different regions for various ecosystem services

图3图4图5a发现,蓄积量高值区内森林面积占35.51%,主要位于海拔1500 m以上的中高山地带,单位蓄积量达到最大(62.82 m3/hm2),总蓄积量占45.29%;中值区内,森林面积比重最大(45.9%),但总蓄积量(44.33%)略低于高值区,单位量为47.57 m3/hm2,主要位于高值区周边的中山地带;低值区内,森林面积比重最小(18.58%),主要位于海拔低于1000 m的低山和山麓地带,单位量最低(27.52 m3/hm2),总蓄积量仅占10.38%。由图3图4图5b发现,固碳服务高值区内森林面积占41.34%,碳密度最大(174.11 t/hm2),碳储量占45.86%,主要位于北坡卢氏和栾川境内的中高山地带;中值区森林面积(52.1%)超过研究区一半,其碳储量(49.68%)也将近达到研究区总碳储量的一半,碳密度为149.63 t/hm2,主要位于伏牛山南坡及北坡鲁山境内的中低山地带;低值区内森林面积占6.56%,碳密度为106.74 t/hm2,碳储量仅占4.46%,主要位于南坡马尾松林及北坡油松林区。由此,森林蓄积量和固碳服务整体上处于中等以上水平,但中值区占比例较大,未来若能提升中低值区的森林质量,将能够更明显地提升两种服务的整体水平。

图3图4图5c发现,水源供给服务高值区内森林面积比重(47.2%)、水源供给量比重(56.08%)和供水深度(586.34 mm)均达到最大,提供着研究区一半以上的供水量,主要位于降水量丰富的伏牛山南坡及北坡卢氏和鲁山的南部;中值区内森林面积占35.34%,供水深度为455.54 mm,水源供给量占32.62%,主要位于干燥度指数较大的北坡中高山地带;低值区内森林面积比重最小(17.46%),供水深度为319.32 mm,水源供给量占11.3%,主要位于北坡卢氏、栾川、嵩县的北部,这些地区降水量少,蒸发量高。由此,水源供给服务整体处于中等以上水平,但空间差异明显,研究区北部地区供水能力较弱,水资源安全形势相对严峻。由图3图4图5d发现,土壤保持中值区和高值区内森林面积分别占23.52%和13.14%,土壤保持量占31.61%和47.67%,单位量为1232.81 t/hm2和3328.4 t/hm2。高值区主要位于东部各县交界处,中值区主要位于西峡北部及其与内乡、栾川和嵩县等地的交界处。低值区内森林面积比重最大,为63.34%,但其土壤保持量仅占20.72%,单位量也最低,仅为300.08 t/hm2,主要位于南坡海拔1000 m以下的低山区,以及北坡海拔1200 m以下的中低山地区。由此,高值区单位土壤保持量分别约为中值区和低值区近3倍和10倍。可见研究区超过一半的森林土壤保持服务处于较低水平,土壤保持服务还有巨大潜力,未来应加强伏牛山南坡低山区以及北坡中低山地区的水土保持工作,改善其生态环境,以提升研究区整体土壤保持服务。


3.3 生态系统服务权衡/协同效应多尺度分析

3.3.1 区域尺度服务权衡/协同效应分析 由表3图6a发现,研究区有28.79%的森林服务之间存在高协同效应,主要位于伏牛山主脊地带、南坡海拔1000 m以上的中高山以及北坡海拔1500 m以上的高山地区。其中5种服务同时达到高值的森林面积仅占0.83%,仍有大面积的森林5种服务之间未达到最优协同状态。由表3图6b发现,有10.15%的森林服务之间存在低协同效应,即5种服务都较低,主要位于北坡山麓地带,受人为干扰严重,多为人工林和次生林,林龄较小,蓄积量、碳储量、土壤保持和生境支持服务都较低,且该区降水量较少,导致水源供给服务能力也较弱。因此,亟需加强对该区森林资源的保护,及时对其环境条件与森林资源状况进行修复和优化管理。



Fig. 6Spatial distribution of trade-offs (severe or weak) and synergies (good or bad) among ecosystem services



3.3.2 南北坡尺度服务权衡/协同效应分析 伏牛山北坡和南坡森林生态系统服务权衡与协同效应具有一定差异(图7a、图7b),均为高协同区占比重最大,但南坡(37.09%)明显高于北坡(22.32%);低协同区则为北坡(17.06%)明显高于南坡(1.24%),由此南坡服务之间协同关系优于北坡。其次,北坡分别有17.51%和17.39%的区域为3种服务(蓄+碳+生)和2种服务(碳+生)协同主导,与其余服务呈弱权衡关系;而南坡则是水源供给单一服务主导占比重较大(34.6%),存在强权衡关系。



Fig. 7Ecosystem service trade-off and synergy on the north and south slopes and on the vertical belt scale

3.3.3 垂直带尺度服务权衡/协同效应分析 不同垂直带服务权衡与协同效应也存在明显差异(图7c~图7i)。北坡低山落叶阔叶林带(NI)(图7c),有28.95%的区域服务之间存在低协同效应;22.05%的区域存在高协同关系;17.27%的区域为固碳+生境支持服务协同主导,14.45%的区域为水源供给单一服务主导。北坡中山落叶阔叶林带(NII)(图7d),蓄积量+固碳+生境支持服务协同主导、高协同及固碳+生境支持服务协同主导分别占30.58%、22.94%和19.31%,可见2种及2种以上服务协同主导面积比重较大,因此该垂直带服务之间协同关系良好。中山针阔混交林带(NIII)(图7e),蓄积量+生境支持服务协同主导、蓄积量单一服务主导以及蓄积量+固碳+生境支持服务协同主导面积分别占26.71%、24.31%和21.24%;高协同区占19.58%,略低于前两个垂直带。由此,NII服务之间协同关系最好;NI低协同区占比重较大,亟待进行低效林改造和优化管理,并考虑蓄积量和土壤保持服务的提升;NIII要注重水源供给和土壤保持服务的提升。



4 结论与讨论

4.1 结论

(1)研究区森林生态系统平均蓄积量为49.26 m3/hm2,碳密度为156.94 t/hm2,供水深度为494.46 mm,土壤保持量为955.4 t/hm2,生境质量指数为0.79。




4.2 讨论




参考文献 原文顺序

Hou Wenjuan, Gao Jiangbo, Dai Erfu , et al. The runoff generation simulation and its spatial variation analysis in Sanchahe basin as the south source of Wujiang
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(7):1268-1282.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201807007URL [本文引用: 1]
Runoff generation is an important part of water conservation service, and also plays a critical role in soil and water retention. Under the background of the ecosystem degradation, which was caused by the vulnerable karst ecosystem combined with human activity, it is necessary to understand the spatial pattern and impact factors of runoff services in the karst region. The typical karst peak-cluster depression was selected as the study area. And the calibrated and verified Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was one of the main techniques to simulate the runoff services of typical karst basin. Further, the spatial variability of different services were analyzed with the assistance of the methods of gradient analysis and local regression. Results indicated that the law of spatial difference was obvious. And the surface runoff was at a low level, but the groundwater runoff was rich (about 2-3 times the surface runoff). The runoff coefficients of total and groundwater were 70.0% and 23.9%, respectively. Terrain is a significant factor contributing to macroscopic control effect on the runoff service in the Sanchahe River Basin, where the total and groundwater runoff increased significantly with the rising elevation and slope. Then, the distribution of vegetation has great effects on surface runoff. There were spatial differences between the forest land in the upstream and orchard land in the downstream, in turn the surface runoff presented a turning point due to the influence of vegetation. Moreover, the results of spatial overlay analysis showed that the highest value of total and groundwater runoff was observed in the forest land. It is not only owing to the stronger capacity of soil water conservation of forest ecosystem, and geologic feature of rapid infiltration in this region, but also reflected the combined effects on the land cover types and topographical features, that is, forest land was mostly distributed in the area with relatively great elevation and slope. Overall, this study will promote the development and innovation of ecosystem services fields in the karst region, and further provide a theoretical foundation for ecosystem restoration and reconstruction.
[ 侯文娟, 高江波, 戴尔阜 , . 基于SWAT模型模拟乌江三岔河生态系统产流服务及其空间变异
地理学报, 2018,73(7):1268-1282.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201807007URL [本文引用: 1]
Runoff generation is an important part of water conservation service, and also plays a critical role in soil and water retention. Under the background of the ecosystem degradation, which was caused by the vulnerable karst ecosystem combined with human activity, it is necessary to understand the spatial pattern and impact factors of runoff services in the karst region. The typical karst peak-cluster depression was selected as the study area. And the calibrated and verified Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was one of the main techniques to simulate the runoff services of typical karst basin. Further, the spatial variability of different services were analyzed with the assistance of the methods of gradient analysis and local regression. Results indicated that the law of spatial difference was obvious. And the surface runoff was at a low level, but the groundwater runoff was rich (about 2-3 times the surface runoff). The runoff coefficients of total and groundwater were 70.0% and 23.9%, respectively. Terrain is a significant factor contributing to macroscopic control effect on the runoff service in the Sanchahe River Basin, where the total and groundwater runoff increased significantly with the rising elevation and slope. Then, the distribution of vegetation has great effects on surface runoff. There were spatial differences between the forest land in the upstream and orchard land in the downstream, in turn the surface runoff presented a turning point due to the influence of vegetation. Moreover, the results of spatial overlay analysis showed that the highest value of total and groundwater runoff was observed in the forest land. It is not only owing to the stronger capacity of soil water conservation of forest ecosystem, and geologic feature of rapid infiltration in this region, but also reflected the combined effects on the land cover types and topographical features, that is, forest land was mostly distributed in the area with relatively great elevation and slope. Overall, this study will promote the development and innovation of ecosystem services fields in the karst region, and further provide a theoretical foundation for ecosystem restoration and reconstruction.

Li Peng, Jiang Luguang, Feng Zhiming , et al. Research progress on trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services: An overview
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012,32(16):5219-5229.

DOI:10.5846/stxbURL [本文引用: 3]

[ 李鹏, 姜鲁光, 封志明 , . 生态系统服务竞争与协同研究进展
生态学报, 2012,32(16):5219-5229.]

DOI:10.5846/stxbURL [本文引用: 3]

Asadolahi Z, Salmanmahiny A, Sakieh Y , et al. Dynamic trade-off analysis of multiple ecosystem services under land use change scenarios: Towards putting ecosystem services into planning in Iran
Ecological Complexity, 2018,36:250-260.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecocom.2018.09.003URL [本文引用: 2]

Qian Caiyun, Gong Jie, Zhang Jinxi , et al. Change and tradeoffs-synergies analysis on watershed ecosystem services: A case study of Bailongjiang Watershed, Gansu
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(5):868-879.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201805007URL [本文引用: 2]
Bailongjiang watershed in Gansu belongs to the upper reaches of Yangtze River water conservation area and the environment fragile area with frequent landslides and debris flow. Recently, the high-intensive human activities have caused the deterioration of natural systems. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the changes of ecosystem services and its trade-offs. In this paper, the spatial and temporal changes, spatial aggregation and the trade-offs/synergies between ecosystem services from 1990 to 2014 were quantitatively analyzed via the ecosystem service change index, spatial autocorrelation and correlation coefficient. The results showed that the ESCI ranges of the four typical ecosystem services types, namely, water yield, carbon storage, soil conservation and crop production were different from 1990 to 2014 with the difference of spatial distribution. There are spatial autocorrelation in four typical ecosystem services with obvious clustering characteristics. The cluster character and agglomeration of positive correlation of the local scale is strong, the agglomeration of the negative correlation type is low and scattered, and the spatial heterogeneity is significant. There is a negative correlation trade-offs between the two provisioning services (water yield and crop production), and positive correlation synergies between the two regulating services (carbon stocks and soil conservation). The relationships between the provisioning and regulating services have both trade-offs and synergies. There were both strong positive correlation synergies between water yield and soil conservation, and between water yield and carbon storage, and there were weak negative correlation trade-offs between soil conservation and crop production. As for the numerical relation, the trade-offs/synergies of ecosystem service changed differently in terms of Moran's I and correlation coefficient. There is significant heterogeneity of trade-offs/synergies between ecosystem services on the spatial pattern.
[ 钱彩云, 巩杰, 张金茜 , . 甘肃白龙江流域生态系统服务变化及权衡与协同关系
地理学报, 2018,73(5):868-879.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201805007URL [本文引用: 2]
Bailongjiang watershed in Gansu belongs to the upper reaches of Yangtze River water conservation area and the environment fragile area with frequent landslides and debris flow. Recently, the high-intensive human activities have caused the deterioration of natural systems. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the changes of ecosystem services and its trade-offs. In this paper, the spatial and temporal changes, spatial aggregation and the trade-offs/synergies between ecosystem services from 1990 to 2014 were quantitatively analyzed via the ecosystem service change index, spatial autocorrelation and correlation coefficient. The results showed that the ESCI ranges of the four typical ecosystem services types, namely, water yield, carbon storage, soil conservation and crop production were different from 1990 to 2014 with the difference of spatial distribution. There are spatial autocorrelation in four typical ecosystem services with obvious clustering characteristics. The cluster character and agglomeration of positive correlation of the local scale is strong, the agglomeration of the negative correlation type is low and scattered, and the spatial heterogeneity is significant. There is a negative correlation trade-offs between the two provisioning services (water yield and crop production), and positive correlation synergies between the two regulating services (carbon stocks and soil conservation). The relationships between the provisioning and regulating services have both trade-offs and synergies. There were both strong positive correlation synergies between water yield and soil conservation, and between water yield and carbon storage, and there were weak negative correlation trade-offs between soil conservation and crop production. As for the numerical relation, the trade-offs/synergies of ecosystem service changed differently in terms of Moran's I and correlation coefficient. There is significant heterogeneity of trade-offs/synergies between ecosystem services on the spatial pattern.

MEA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment). Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Washington: DC: Island Press, 2005.
[本文引用: 1]

Dai Erfu, Wang Xiaoli, Zhu Jianjia , et al. Progress and perspective on ecosystem services trade-offs
Advances in Earth Science, 2015,30(11):1250-1259.

DOI:10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.11.1250URL [本文引用: 2]
Trade-offs and synergies -widely exist among ecosystem services, which is the core of ecology, geography and resources sciences. Deepening the understandings of the spatial characteristics, driving mechanism, and scale effects of trade-offs and synergies will no doubt shed light on human well-being and the “win-win” policy of environment and human. This paper identified the norms related to trade-offs and synergies of eco-services, and then clarified the theoretical foundation of this topic was clarified. Following that, the driving mechanism and scale effects of trade-offs and synergies of eco-services were investigated. Finally, we proposed future direction and questions for research work, including improving classification and assessment method on ecosystem services, expanding quantitative approaches on trade-offs and synergies of eco-system, and policy oriented ideology to sustainable development of environment and human.
[ 戴尔阜, 王晓莉, 朱建佳 , . 生态系统服务权衡/协同研究进展与趋势展望
地球科学进展, 2015,30(11):1250-1259.]

DOI:10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.11.1250URL [本文引用: 2]
Trade-offs and synergies -widely exist among ecosystem services, which is the core of ecology, geography and resources sciences. Deepening the understandings of the spatial characteristics, driving mechanism, and scale effects of trade-offs and synergies will no doubt shed light on human well-being and the “win-win” policy of environment and human. This paper identified the norms related to trade-offs and synergies of eco-services, and then clarified the theoretical foundation of this topic was clarified. Following that, the driving mechanism and scale effects of trade-offs and synergies of eco-services were investigated. Finally, we proposed future direction and questions for research work, including improving classification and assessment method on ecosystem services, expanding quantitative approaches on trade-offs and synergies of eco-system, and policy oriented ideology to sustainable development of environment and human.

Turner K G, Odgaard M V, B?cher P K , et al. Bundling ecosystem services in Denmark: Trade-offs and synergies in a cultural landscape
Landscape & Urban Planning, 2014,125(10):89-104.

Xu X, Yang G, Tan Y , et al. Ecosystem services trade-offs and determinants in China's Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2000 to 2015
Science of The Total Environment, 2018,634:1601-1614.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.046URL [本文引用: 2]

Liu Y, Bi J, Lv J , et al. Spatial multi-scale relationships of ecosystem services: A case study using a geostatistical methodology
Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1):1-12.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-016-0028-xURL [本文引用: 1]

Wang Pengtao, Zhang Liwei, Li Yingjie , et al. Spatio-temporal characteristics of the trade-off and synergy relationships among multiple ecosystem services in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River Basin
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(11):2064-2078.

The research on the interactions among multiple ecosystem services (ES) is a hotspot. Most of the previous studies focused on the qualitative description of ES interactions, however, there have been relatively few studies on spatially explicit and quantitative assessment of ES interactions. In this paper, we mapped the ecosystem service of soil conservation (SC), net primary production (NPP) and water yield (WY) in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River Basin (URHR) based on the land use and land cover (LULC), NDVI, soil properties and observed climate data covering 2000-2013. Moreover, we quantitatively assessed the variation characteristics of interactions among different ES with a spatio-temporal statistical framework by applying the partial correlation analysis at a pixel scale. The results are shown as follows: (1) From 2000 to 2013, the mean annual SC was 434.20 t·hm-2·yr-1, and the mean annual WY was 250.34 mm. They also presented a rising tendency at the rate of 16.10 t·hm-2·yr-1 and 3.79 mm·yr-1, respectively. However, the mean annual NPP was 854.11 gC·m-2·yr-1, and presented a decreasing tendency at the rate of 8.54 gC·m-2·yr-1. (2) Spatially, SC was high in the North-South mountain area, while it was low in the Middle valley region. Similarly, the NPP in the Middle valley region was lower than that of other regions. However, the WY increased from north to south. (3) The three pairwise ES presented different interactions. Both the interaction between SC and NPP and that between SC and WY presented as trade-off, accounting for 62.77% and 71.60% of the total area, respectively. On the contrary, the interaction between NPP and WY was prone to synergies, accounting for 62.89% of the total area. (4) Pairwise ES in different land cover types also presented a different interaction. As for woodland, wetland, cropland, artificial land and bare land, SC and NPP, as well as SC and WY both presented trade-off, while WY and NPP presented synergy. Specially, in grassland, all the three pairwise ES presented a trade-off relationship. Therefore, spatially explicit and quantitative assessment of ES interactions are more helpful for revealing the temporal non-linear evolution, and the spatial heterogeneity of ES interactions. This analysis framework also contributes to the regional sustainable land management and the optimization of multiple ES conservation.
[ 王鹏涛, 张立伟, 李英杰 , . 汉江上游生态系统服务权衡与协同关系时空特征
地理学报, 2017,72(11):2064-2078.]

The research on the interactions among multiple ecosystem services (ES) is a hotspot. Most of the previous studies focused on the qualitative description of ES interactions, however, there have been relatively few studies on spatially explicit and quantitative assessment of ES interactions. In this paper, we mapped the ecosystem service of soil conservation (SC), net primary production (NPP) and water yield (WY) in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River Basin (URHR) based on the land use and land cover (LULC), NDVI, soil properties and observed climate data covering 2000-2013. Moreover, we quantitatively assessed the variation characteristics of interactions among different ES with a spatio-temporal statistical framework by applying the partial correlation analysis at a pixel scale. The results are shown as follows: (1) From 2000 to 2013, the mean annual SC was 434.20 t·hm-2·yr-1, and the mean annual WY was 250.34 mm. They also presented a rising tendency at the rate of 16.10 t·hm-2·yr-1 and 3.79 mm·yr-1, respectively. However, the mean annual NPP was 854.11 gC·m-2·yr-1, and presented a decreasing tendency at the rate of 8.54 gC·m-2·yr-1. (2) Spatially, SC was high in the North-South mountain area, while it was low in the Middle valley region. Similarly, the NPP in the Middle valley region was lower than that of other regions. However, the WY increased from north to south. (3) The three pairwise ES presented different interactions. Both the interaction between SC and NPP and that between SC and WY presented as trade-off, accounting for 62.77% and 71.60% of the total area, respectively. On the contrary, the interaction between NPP and WY was prone to synergies, accounting for 62.89% of the total area. (4) Pairwise ES in different land cover types also presented a different interaction. As for woodland, wetland, cropland, artificial land and bare land, SC and NPP, as well as SC and WY both presented trade-off, while WY and NPP presented synergy. Specially, in grassland, all the three pairwise ES presented a trade-off relationship. Therefore, spatially explicit and quantitative assessment of ES interactions are more helpful for revealing the temporal non-linear evolution, and the spatial heterogeneity of ES interactions. This analysis framework also contributes to the regional sustainable land management and the optimization of multiple ES conservation.

Jopke C, Kreyling J, Maes J , et al. Interactions among ecosystem services across Europe: Bagplots and cumulative correlation coefficients reveal synergies, trade-offs, and regional patterns
Ecological Indicators, 2015,49:46-52.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.09.037URL [本文引用: 1]

Xue H, Li S, Chang J . Combining ecosystem service relationships and DPSIR framework to manage multiple ecosystem services
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2015,187(3):1-15.

DOI:10.1007/s10661-014-4167-xURL [本文引用: 1]

Su C, Fu B . Evolution of ecosystem services in the Chinese Loess Plateau under climatic and land use changes
Global and Planetary Change, 2013,101:119-128.

DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.12.014URL [本文引用: 1]
Due to the lengthy historic land use by humans and the climate change characterized by warming and drying, the Loess Plateau has been plagued by ecosystem degradation for a long time. A series of ecological conservation projects launched since the 1970s altered the land use pattern greatly, and exerted a profound influence on the ecosystem services. Based on the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) and Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) models, we assessed the historical fluctuation of sediment control, water yield, and net primary production (NPP) in the Loess Plateau. The results showed that sediment retention was greatly consolidated indicated by the sharp decrease of sediment export. Water yield decreased at first and increased later. Both sediment export and water yield showed an increasing 'spatial homogenization' tendency during the period. NPP was steady between 1990 and 2000, and then increased greatly after 2000. Ecosystem services are interlinked closely and complexly. Correlation analyses indicated a positive relationship between the difference in sediment export and water yield (r(2)=0.776**) from 1975 to 2008, with negative correlations between the difference of NPP and water yield (r(2)=-0.422**)/sediment export (r(2)=-0.240*) from 1990 to 2008. This, to some extent, implies that there are tradeoffs between the services of water yield and sediment control/NPP, and there is synergy between sediment control and NPP. Climatic and land use changes are the major drivers on ecosystem services fluctuation. Correlation analyses showed that the decrease of precipitation significantly hindered water yield (r(2)=0.980**) and sediment export (r(2)=0.791**). The increase of temperature exerted a slight negative influence on water yield (r(2)=-0350**). A spatial concordance existing between the 'cropland to grass/woodland' area and the high sediment control (r(2)=0313**)/NPP (r(2)=0.488**) area indicated that the land use change from cropland to woodland/grassland significantly consolidated sediment control and NPP production. The observed spatio-temporal variation of ecosystem services and their correlations provide an operable criterion for land use management policies. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Sun Zexiang, Liu Zhifeng, He Chunyang , et al. Multi-scale analysis of ecosystem service trade-offs in urbanizing drylands of China: A case study in the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Yulin region
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016,36(15):4881-4891.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 孙泽祥, 刘志锋, 何春阳 , . 中国快速城市化干燥地区的生态系统服务权衡关系多尺度分析: 以呼包鄂榆地区为例
生态学报, 2016,36(15):4881-4891.]

[本文引用: 2]

Peng Jian, Hu Xiaoxu, Zhao Mingyue , et al. Research progress on ecosystem service trade-offs: From cognition to decision-making
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(6):960-973.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201706002URL [本文引用: 3]
As a hot spot in geography, ecology and related disciplines, ecosystem services have been playing a vital role in bridging the human society with the ecosystem. A deep understanding of the relationship among ecosystem services is a critical enabling factor for sustainable management and decision-making in multiple ecosystem services, in turn realizing the dual goals of economic development and ecological protection and thus contributing to the overall wellbeing of human. Through a systematic review of the concept of ecosystem service trade-offs, this article explores their characteristics in terms of spatial scales, temporal scales and reversibility, considering human's wellbeing at different levels as the ultimate goal of ecosystem service trade-offs and ecological compensation as a baseline method of protection in trade-offs. Such ecosystem services trade-offs are expressed by quantitative indexing and integrated modelling. While such trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services could present significant variations by spatial and temporal scales, scenario simulation and multi-objective analysis are effective ways to support decision-making in ecosystem service trade-offs. Based on these findings, the multi-scale correlation of ecosystem service trade-offs, the flow of ecosystem service based on telecoupling, and the consumption and compensation of ecosystem services are identified to be the main directions for future research on ecosystem service trade-offs.
[ 彭建, 胡晓旭, 赵明月 , . 生态系统服务权衡研究进展: 从认知到决策
地理学报, 2017,72(6):960-973.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201706002URL [本文引用: 3]
As a hot spot in geography, ecology and related disciplines, ecosystem services have been playing a vital role in bridging the human society with the ecosystem. A deep understanding of the relationship among ecosystem services is a critical enabling factor for sustainable management and decision-making in multiple ecosystem services, in turn realizing the dual goals of economic development and ecological protection and thus contributing to the overall wellbeing of human. Through a systematic review of the concept of ecosystem service trade-offs, this article explores their characteristics in terms of spatial scales, temporal scales and reversibility, considering human's wellbeing at different levels as the ultimate goal of ecosystem service trade-offs and ecological compensation as a baseline method of protection in trade-offs. Such ecosystem services trade-offs are expressed by quantitative indexing and integrated modelling. While such trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services could present significant variations by spatial and temporal scales, scenario simulation and multi-objective analysis are effective ways to support decision-making in ecosystem service trade-offs. Based on these findings, the multi-scale correlation of ecosystem service trade-offs, the flow of ecosystem service based on telecoupling, and the consumption and compensation of ecosystem services are identified to be the main directions for future research on ecosystem service trade-offs.

Strand J, Soares-Filho B, Costa M H , et al. Spatially explicit valuation of the Brazilian Amazon forest's ecosystem services
Nature Sustainability, 2018,1(11):657-664.

DOI:10.1038/s41893-018-0175-0URL [本文引用: 2]

Cademus R, Escobedo F J, Mclaughlin D , et al. Analyzing trade-offs, synergies, and drivers among timber production, carbon sequestration, and water yield in Pinus elliotii forests in Southeastern USA
Forests, 2014,5(6):1409-1431.

DOI:10.3390/f5061409URL [本文引用: 4]

Wang X, Dai E, Zhu J . Spatial patterns of forest ecosystem services and influencing factors in the Ganjiang River Basin
Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2016,7(6):439-452.

DOI:10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2016.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]
As the major component of terrestrial ecosystems, forests play an irreplaceable role in providing ecosystem services and products (e.g. biodiversity, carbon sequestration, water yield and timber). Spatially quantifying ecosystem services and interactions will shed light on sustainable forest management. Main forest ecosystem services including carbon storage, water yield, soil retention and wood volume in the Ganjiang River Basin (GRB) were evaluated and mapped through the integrated use of InVEST3.1.0, CASA modeling and ArcGIS10.2, and relationships between forest ecosystem services and natural or social-economic factors were quantified and discussed based on ArcGIS10.2 and SPSS19.0. Results showed that the spatial pattern of the four ecosystem services is heterogeneous. Forests dominated by broad-leaved forest and bamboo forest in mountainous regions around the GRB provided the largest carbon storage and wood volume services, while forests dominated by Masson pine plantations or Chinese fir plantations in the northeast provided the largest water yield service. The spatial pattern of the soil retention service is more discrete than others, and forests in the southwestern regions showed larger soil erosion modulus than in the northeastern regions. Ecosystem services are closely related to the environmental process and human activities. With altitude or slope increases, the carbon storage and wood volume of forests increased and water yield depth and soil retention decreased. When the regional total population decreased or GDP per capita increased, carbon storage and wood volume increased. Further research into the interactions between environmental factors and ecosystem services is needed in order to understand environmental constraints when dealing with ecological problems.

Dai E, Wang X, Zhu J , et al. Quantifying ecosystem service trade-offs for plantation forest management to benefit provisioning and regulating services
Ecology and evolution, 2017,7(19):7807-7821.

[本文引用: 3]

Zhu Jianjia, Dai Erfu, Zheng Du , et al. Characteristic of tradeoffs between timber production and carbon storage for plantation under harvesting impact: A case study of Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(1):152-163.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201801013URL [本文引用: 1]
The tradeoffs and optimizations of ecosystem services are the key research fields of ecology and geography. As the most important and complex ecosystem in terrestrial ecosystems, forest ecosystem plays a very important part in the biogeochemical cycle which include terrestrial carbon cycle and water cycle, and also provides numerous ecosystem services that are crucial to human wellbeing. China has the largest plantation area worldwide. Under the background of global warming, there are more and more concerns on timber production and carbon storage of plantations, nevertheless, they have a relationship of restricting each other. Thus, it is necessary to maximize the overall benefit of timber production and carbon storage for forest ecological development in China. We selected the Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem as our study area, and used permanent sample plot data of plantations and InVEST model to evaluate timber production and carbon storage quantitatively. Then, we constructed a conceptual framework of forest ecosystem service tradeoffs under different management regimes. Lastly, tradeoffs countermeasures for optimizing overall benefits of ecosystem services were put forward. The results showed that: (1) When timber production increased with harvesting intensity over the entire 100 year planning horizon, carbon storage decreased. There were tradeoffs between timber production and carbon storage according to the significant negative relationship. (2) When the overall benefits of timber production and carbon storage increased with harvesting intensity, the value of tradeoffs decreased. T1 and T2 scenarios, with harvesting intensity of 10%-20% every 10 years, were the optimum management regime for timber production and carbon storage to gain more benefits and less tradeoffs. (3) The current harvesting intensity in Huitong County was slightly higher than the optimum harvesting intensity. On practical dimension, these findings suggested that obvious objectives are needed to formulate the corresponding countermeasures of tradeoffs, in order to realize the improvement of ecosystem services and the optimization of ecosystem structures.
[ 朱建佳, 戴尔阜, 郑度 , . 采伐影响下人工林木材生产与固碳功能权衡特征: 以湖南会同森林生态实验站为例
地理学报, 2018,73(1):152-163.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201801013URL [本文引用: 1]
The tradeoffs and optimizations of ecosystem services are the key research fields of ecology and geography. As the most important and complex ecosystem in terrestrial ecosystems, forest ecosystem plays a very important part in the biogeochemical cycle which include terrestrial carbon cycle and water cycle, and also provides numerous ecosystem services that are crucial to human wellbeing. China has the largest plantation area worldwide. Under the background of global warming, there are more and more concerns on timber production and carbon storage of plantations, nevertheless, they have a relationship of restricting each other. Thus, it is necessary to maximize the overall benefit of timber production and carbon storage for forest ecological development in China. We selected the Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem as our study area, and used permanent sample plot data of plantations and InVEST model to evaluate timber production and carbon storage quantitatively. Then, we constructed a conceptual framework of forest ecosystem service tradeoffs under different management regimes. Lastly, tradeoffs countermeasures for optimizing overall benefits of ecosystem services were put forward. The results showed that: (1) When timber production increased with harvesting intensity over the entire 100 year planning horizon, carbon storage decreased. There were tradeoffs between timber production and carbon storage according to the significant negative relationship. (2) When the overall benefits of timber production and carbon storage increased with harvesting intensity, the value of tradeoffs decreased. T1 and T2 scenarios, with harvesting intensity of 10%-20% every 10 years, were the optimum management regime for timber production and carbon storage to gain more benefits and less tradeoffs. (3) The current harvesting intensity in Huitong County was slightly higher than the optimum harvesting intensity. On practical dimension, these findings suggested that obvious objectives are needed to formulate the corresponding countermeasures of tradeoffs, in order to realize the improvement of ecosystem services and the optimization of ecosystem structures.

Jonah B, Kalifi F G, Jens E , et al. Reductions in emissions from deforestation from Indonesia's moratorium on new oil palm, timber, and logging concessions
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015,112(5):1328-1333.

[本文引用: 1]

Thompson B S, Friess D A . Stakeholder preferences for payments for ecosystem services (PES) versus other environmental management approaches for mangrove forests
Journal of Environmental Management, 2019,233:636-648.

DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.032URL [本文引用: 1]

Chisholm R A . Trade-offs between ecosystem services: Water and carbon in a biodiversity hotspot
Ecological Economics, 2010,69(10):1973-1987.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.05.013URL [本文引用: 1]

Gou Mengmeng . Trade-off and synergy analysis of ecosystem services of subtropical secondary forests in southern China
[D]. Changsha: Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 2017.

[本文引用: 5]

[ 勾蒙蒙 . 亚热带次生林生态系统服务权衡与协同分析
[D]. 长沙: 中南林业科技大学, 2017.]

[本文引用: 5]

Kang H, Seely B, Wang G , et al. Evaluating management tradeoffs between economic fiber production and other ecosystem services in a Chinese-fir dominated forest plantation in Fujian Province
Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 557-558:80-90.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.061URL [本文引用: 2]

Delphin S, Escobedo F J, Abd-Elrahman A , et al. Urbanization as a land use change driver of forest ecosystem services
Land Use Policy, 2016,54:188-199.

DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.02.006URL [本文引用: 1]

Vangansbeke P, Blondeel H, Landuyt D , et al. Spatially combining wood production and recreation with biodiversity conservation
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2017,26(13):3213-3239.

DOI:10.1007/s10531-016-1135-5URL [本文引用: 1]

Eak R, Rik T, Gary L . Trade-offs and synergies between carbon, forest diversity and forest products in Nepal community forests
Environmental Conservation, 2017,44(1):5-13.

DOI:10.1017/S0376892916000448URL [本文引用: 2]

He Y, Qin L, Li Z , et al. Carbon storage capacity of monoculture and mixed-species plantations in subtropical China
Forest Ecology & Management, 2013,295(5):193-198.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang H, Liu S, Wang J , et al. Effects of tree species mixture on soil organic carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes in subtropical plantations in China
Forest Ecology & Management, 2013,300(4):4-13.

[本文引用: 1]

Liang J, Crowther T W, Picard N , et al. Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests
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[本文引用: 1]

Zhang Yamei, Guo Fang . Ecological carrying capacity of vegetation landscape at Baotianman Nature Reserve in Funiu Mountain
Journal of Northwest Forestry University, 2011,26(5):224-228.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 张雅梅, 郭芳 . 河南伏牛山宝天曼自然保护区植被景观生态承载力分析
西北林学院学报, 2011,26(5):224-228.]

[本文引用: 1]

Yang Hongxia . Study on community structure and biomass, carbon storage of Oak natural secondary forest in the Funiu mountains of Henan Province
[D]. Zhengzhou: Henan Agricultural University, 2016.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 杨红震 . 河南伏牛山区栎类天然次生林群落结构与生物量、碳储量研究
[D]. 郑州: 河南农业大学, 2016.]

[本文引用: 1]

Yu Chao, Song Liyi, Li Mingyang , et al. Spatio-temporal dynamics of forest aboveground biomass in Xixia County, Henan Province, China
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Sciences Edition), 2017,41(6):93-101.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 余超, 宋立奕, 李明阳 , . 河南西峡县森林地上生物量时空动态分析
南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2017,41(6):93-101.]

[本文引用: 1]

Guo Jianrong . Studies on technologies of ecosystem service monitor and regulation and control of Quercus aliena var. acuterserrata forests of Baotianman
[D]. Zhengzhou: Henan Agricultural University, 2012.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 郭建荣 . 宝天曼自然保护区锐齿栎森林生态系统服务功能监测与调控技术研究
[D]. 郑州: 河南农业大学, 2012.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhu W, Zhang X, Zhang J , et al. A comprehensive analysis of phenological changes in forest vegetation of the Funiu Mountains, China
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019,29(1):131-145.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-019-1588-zURL [本文引用: 2]
This paper reports the phenological response of forest vegetation to climate change (changes in temperature and precipitation) based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) time-series images from 2000 to 2015. The phenological parameters of forest vegetation in the Funiu Mountains during this period were determined from the temperature and precipitation data using the Savitzky-Golay filter method, dynamic threshold method, Mann-Kendall trend test, the Theil-Sen estimator, ANUSPLIN interpolation and correlation analyses. The results are summarized as follows: (1) The start of the growing season (SOS) of the forest vegetation mainly concentrated in day of year (DOY) 105-120, the end of the growing season (EOS) concentrated in DOY 285-315, and the growing season length (GSL) ranged between 165 and 195 days. There is an evident correlation between forest phenology and altitude. With increasing altitude, the SOS, EOS and GSL presented a significant delayed, advanced and shortening trend, respectively. (2) Both SOS and EOS of the forest vegetation displayed the delayed trend, the delayed pixels accounted for 76.57% and 83.81% of the total, respectively. The GSL of the forest vegetation was lengthened, and the lengthened pixels accounted for 61.21% of the total. The change in GSL was mainly caused by the decrease in spring temperature in the region. (3) The SOS of the forest vegetation was significantly partially correlated with the monthly average temperature in March, with most correlations being negative; that is, the delay in SOS was mainly attributed to the temperature decrease in March. The EOS was significantly partially correlated with precipitation in September, with most correlations being positive; that is, the EOS was clearly delayed with increasing precipitation in September. The GSL of the forest vegetation was influenced by both temperature and precipitation throughout the growing season. For most regions, GSL was most closely related to the monthly average temperature and precipitation in August.

Song Chaoshu. Scientific Survey of the Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House, 1994.
[本文引用: 1]

[ 宋朝枢 . 伏牛山自然保护区科学考察集. 北京: 中国林业出版社, 1994.]
[本文引用: 1]

Zhang Y, Qi W, Zhou C , et al. Spatial and temporal variability in the net primary production of alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau since 1982
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014,24(2):269-287.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-014-1087-1URL [本文引用: 2]
Based on the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI data (8 km spatial resolution) for 1982-2000,the SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data (1 km spatial resolution) for 1998-2009,and observational plant biomass data,the CASA model was used to model changes in alpine grassland net primary production (NPP) on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This study will help to evaluate the health conditions of the alpine grassland ecosystem,and is of great importance to the promotion of sustainable development of plateau pasture and to the understanding of the function of the national ecological security shelter on the TP. The spatio-temporal characteristics of NPP change were investigated using spatial statistical analysis,separately on the basis of physico-geographical factors (natural zone,altitude,latitude and longitude),river basin,and county-level administrative area. Data processing was carried out using an ENVI 4.8 platform,while an ArcGIS 9.3 and ANUSPLIN platform was used to conduct the spatial analysis and mapping. The primary results are as follows:(1) The NPP of alpine grassland on the TP gradually decreases from the southeast to the northwest,which corresponds to gradients in precipitation and temperature. From 1982 to 2009,the average annual total NPP in the TP alpine grassland was 177.2×1012 gC yr-1(yr represents year),while the average annual NPP was 120.8 gC m-2 yr-1. (2) The annual NPP in alpine grassland on the TP fluctuates from year to year but shows an overall positive trend ranging from 114.7 gC m-2 yr-1 in 1982 to 129.9 gC m-2 yr-1 in 2009,with an overall increase of 13.3%;32.56% of the total alpine grassland on the TP showed a significant increase in NPP,while only 5.55% showed a significant decrease over this 28-year period. (3) Spatio-temporal characteristics are an important control on annual NPP in alpine grassland:a) NPP increased in most of the natural zones on the TP,only showing a slight decrease in the Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The positive trend in NPP in the high-cold shrub-meadow zone,high-cold meadow steppe zone and high-cold steppe zone is more significant than that of the high-cold desert zone;b) with increasing altitude,the percentage area with a positive trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "increasing-stable-decreasing",while the percentage area with a negative trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "decreasing-stable-increasing",with increasing altitude;c) the variation in annual NPP with latitude and longitude co-varies with the vegetation distribution;d) the variation in annual NPP within the major river basins has a generally positive trend,of which the growth in NPP in the Yellow River Basin is most significant. Results show that,based on changes in NPP trends,vegetation coverage and phonological phenomenon with time,NPP has been declining in certain places successively,while the overall health of the alpine grassland on the TP is improving.

Fang Jingyun, Liu Guohua, Xu Songling . Biomass and net production of forest vegetation in China
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 1996,16(5):497-508.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 方精云, 刘国华, 徐嵩龄 . 我国森林植被的生物量和净生产量
生态学报, 1996,16(5):497-508.]

[本文引用: 1]

Guang Zengyun . Study on forest biomass and productivity in Henan
Journal of Henan Agricultural University, 2006,40(5):493-497.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 光增云 . 河南森林生物量与生产力研究
河南农业大学学报, 2006,40(5):493-497.]

[本文引用: 1]

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Sharp R, Tallis H T, Ricketts T , et al. InVEST User's Guide
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[本文引用: 4]

Cui Gaoyang, Chen Yunming, Cao Yang , et al. Analysis on carbon stock distribution patterns of forest ecosystems in Shaanxi Province
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015,39(4), 333-342.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Aims The objective of this study was to understand the distribution patterns of carbon stock in forest ecosystems in Shaanxi province following the implementation of the ecological restoration project — the Grain for Green — in the 90’s of 20th century for combating the severe soil erosion and other environment problems.Methods Based on forest resource inventory data and field-sampling measurement, we estimated carbon storage of tree, shrub, herb, litter, and soil layer within each forest ecosystem of Shaanxi province.Important findings Forest ecosystems in Shaanxi province stored a total of 790.75 Tg C, and the proportion occupied by soil, vegetation and litter carbon were 72.14%, 26.52% and 1.34%, respectively. Carbon storage within Quercus spp. was the highest (44.17%) among all forest types. Given the large proportion of the areas occupied, the young and middle-aged forests accounted for almost half of the total carbon stores in forest ecosystems. The average carbon density of forest ecosystem was 123.70 t?hm–2. Similar to the patterns among carbon pools, carbon density was also highest in soil, lowest in litter, and medium in vegetation for each forest type. Carbon density increased with stand age for natural and planted forest ecosystems, and was higher in the natural forest ecosystems than in the planted forests within the same stand ages. Differences in the spatial patterns between carbon stores and density indicate that carbon storage is related not only to forest quality, but also to forest areas. Therefore we could select tree species with high carbon concentration for reforestation and afforestation, and improve forest management practices to increase carbon sequestration potential, which would be beneficial to mitigation of global climate change.
[ 崔高阳, 陈云明, 曹扬 , . 陕西省森林生态系统碳储量分布格局分析
植物生态学报, 2015,39(4):333-342.]

URL [本文引用: 1]
Aims The objective of this study was to understand the distribution patterns of carbon stock in forest ecosystems in Shaanxi province following the implementation of the ecological restoration project — the Grain for Green — in the 90’s of 20th century for combating the severe soil erosion and other environment problems.Methods Based on forest resource inventory data and field-sampling measurement, we estimated carbon storage of tree, shrub, herb, litter, and soil layer within each forest ecosystem of Shaanxi province.Important findings Forest ecosystems in Shaanxi province stored a total of 790.75 Tg C, and the proportion occupied by soil, vegetation and litter carbon were 72.14%, 26.52% and 1.34%, respectively. Carbon storage within Quercus spp. was the highest (44.17%) among all forest types. Given the large proportion of the areas occupied, the young and middle-aged forests accounted for almost half of the total carbon stores in forest ecosystems. The average carbon density of forest ecosystem was 123.70 t?hm–2. Similar to the patterns among carbon pools, carbon density was also highest in soil, lowest in litter, and medium in vegetation for each forest type. Carbon density increased with stand age for natural and planted forest ecosystems, and was higher in the natural forest ecosystems than in the planted forests within the same stand ages. Differences in the spatial patterns between carbon stores and density indicate that carbon storage is related not only to forest quality, but also to forest areas. Therefore we could select tree species with high carbon concentration for reforestation and afforestation, and improve forest management practices to increase carbon sequestration potential, which would be beneficial to mitigation of global climate change.

Hu Wenjie, Wang Xiaorong, Cui Hongxia , et al. Comparison of ecosystem carbon density between Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata and Quercus variabilis forest
Journal of Forest and Environment, 2017,37(1):8-15.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 胡文杰, 王晓荣, 崔鸿侠 , . 锐齿槲栎和栓皮栎林生态系统碳密度比较
森林与环境学报, 2017,37(1):8-15.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhou W, Liu G, Pan J , et al. Distribution of available soil water capacity in China
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2005,15(1):3-12.

DOI:10.1007/BF02873101URL [本文引用: 1]
The available soil water capacity (ASWC) is important for studying crop production, agro-ecological zoning, irrigation planning, and land cover changes. Laboratory determined data of ASWC are often not available for most of soil profiles and the nationwide ASWC largely remains lacking in relevant soil data in China. This work was to estimate ASWC based on physical and chemical properties and analyze the spatial distribution of ASWC in China. The pedo-transfer functions (PTFs), derived from 220 survey data of ASWC, and the empirical data of ASWC based on soil texture were applied to quantify the ASWC. GIS technology was used to develop a spatial file of ASWC in China and the spatial distribution of ASWC was also analyzed. The results showed the value of ASWC ranges from 15 × 10−2 cm3·cm−3 to 22 × 10−2 cm3·cm−3 for most soil types, and few soil types are lower than 15 × 10−2 cm3·cm−3 or higher than 22 × 10−2 cm3·cm−3. The ASWC is different according to the complex soil types and their distribution. It is higher in the east than that in the west, and the values reduce from south to north except the northeastern part of China. The ‘high’ values of ASWC appear in southeast, northeastern mountain regions and Northeast China Plain. The relatively ‘high‘ values of ASWC appear in Sichuan basin, Huang-Huai-Hai plain and the east of Inner Mongolia. The relatively ‘low’ values are distributed in the west and the Loess Plateau of China. The ‘very low’ value regions are the northern Tibetan Plateau and the desertified areas in northern China. In some regions, the ASWC changes according to the complex topography and different types of soils. Though there remains precision limitation, the spatial data of ASWC derived from this study are improved on current data files of soil water retention properties for Chinese soils. This study presents basic data and analysis methods for estimation and evaluation of ASWC in China.

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Washington: US Department of Agriculture, 1965.

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Jiang Zhongshan, Wang Zhiqiang, Liu Zhi . Quantitative study on spatial variation of soil erosion in a small watershed in the loess hilly region
Journal of Soil Erosion and Eoil Conservation, 1996,2(1):1-9.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 江忠善, 王志强, 刘志 . 黄土丘陵区小流域土壤侵蚀空间变化定量研究
水土保持学报, 1996,2(1):1-9.]

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Yao Yunchang . Evaluation and dynamics analysis of habitat quality based on InVEST model in the Sanjiang Plain [D]. Changchun: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2017.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 姚云长 . 基于InVEST模型的三江平原生境质量评价与动态分析
[D]. 长春: 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 2017.]

[本文引用: 1]

Mao Qi, Peng Jian, Liu Yanxu , et al. An ecological function zoning approach coupling SOFM and SVM: A case study in Ordos
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(3):460-474.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201903005URL [本文引用: 1]
It is of great significance to analyze the main environmental issues, coupled with their spatial heterogeneity, and divide the ecological function zones to achieve ecological security and optimization of territory development in a certain region. In recent years, ecological function zoning, widely concerned by scholars, has played a vital role in regional ecosystem management and sustainable development. There arose a problem that the spatial characteristics of ecological functions were hard to be reflected in the previous studies based on spatial average data over basins or geopolitical regions such as counties, cities and provinces. This paper, using the approaches of coupling self-organizing feature map (SOFM) and support vector machine (SVM), attempts to develop an automatic demarcation and zoning approach, and explores the best possible division of ecological functions in the city of Ordos with the index system of ecological function zoning in mind involving the ecosystem services as well as ecological sensitivity. Ordos, which is located in the transitional zone between temperate grasslands and desserts, has become a key research area of global terrestrial ecosystem. The ecological functional zoning indexes indicate that there appears an obvious spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem functions in Ordos. Accordingly, land grids have been clustered into 7 ecological function types by SOFM with clustering quality index (CQI) in view. Hence, Ordos has been divided into 11 ecological function zones owing to the implementation of SVM to identify the optimal division borders, in which the border demarcation is treated as a classification system in spatial domain. The optimal combination of SVM hyperparameters is determined by grid search method. In this study, machine learning algorithm has been adopted to cope with the situation where the bottom-up physical regionalization might weaken the spatial position attribute of the partition features, and to realize the quantitative conversion from classification to partition. It has turned out that such SOFM-SVM-coupled zoning approach could effectively improve the spatial accuracy of the partition, which can be considered as a new way to realize the automatic ecological zoning.
[ 毛祺, 彭建, 刘焱序 , . 耦合SOFM与SVM的生态功能分区方法: 以鄂尔多斯市为例
地理学报, 2019,74(3):460-474.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201903005URL [本文引用: 1]
It is of great significance to analyze the main environmental issues, coupled with their spatial heterogeneity, and divide the ecological function zones to achieve ecological security and optimization of territory development in a certain region. In recent years, ecological function zoning, widely concerned by scholars, has played a vital role in regional ecosystem management and sustainable development. There arose a problem that the spatial characteristics of ecological functions were hard to be reflected in the previous studies based on spatial average data over basins or geopolitical regions such as counties, cities and provinces. This paper, using the approaches of coupling self-organizing feature map (SOFM) and support vector machine (SVM), attempts to develop an automatic demarcation and zoning approach, and explores the best possible division of ecological functions in the city of Ordos with the index system of ecological function zoning in mind involving the ecosystem services as well as ecological sensitivity. Ordos, which is located in the transitional zone between temperate grasslands and desserts, has become a key research area of global terrestrial ecosystem. The ecological functional zoning indexes indicate that there appears an obvious spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem functions in Ordos. Accordingly, land grids have been clustered into 7 ecological function types by SOFM with clustering quality index (CQI) in view. Hence, Ordos has been divided into 11 ecological function zones owing to the implementation of SVM to identify the optimal division borders, in which the border demarcation is treated as a classification system in spatial domain. The optimal combination of SVM hyperparameters is determined by grid search method. In this study, machine learning algorithm has been adopted to cope with the situation where the bottom-up physical regionalization might weaken the spatial position attribute of the partition features, and to realize the quantitative conversion from classification to partition. It has turned out that such SOFM-SVM-coupled zoning approach could effectively improve the spatial accuracy of the partition, which can be considered as a new way to realize the automatic ecological zoning.
相关话题/土壤 空间 管理 数据 质量