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赵歆, 于信芳
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101)2016年第26卷第8期——中国人文地理学研究进展


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赵歆, 于信芳. 《地理学报(英文版)》第33届国际地理大会专刊介绍[J]. , 2016, 71(9): 1663-1664 https://doi.org/

傅伯杰, 潘乃青中国自然地理学综合研究的回顾与展望
吴绍洪, 尹云鹤, 郑度, 杨勤业, 邓浩宇中国自然地域系统研究
于贵瑞, 任伟, 陈智, 张雷明, 王秋凤, 温学发,
何念鹏, 张黎, 方华军, 朱先进, 高扬, 孙晓敏
葛全胜, 郑景云, 郝志新, 刘洋, 李明启过去2000年中国气候重建与极端事件研究最新进展
沈镭, 孙艳芝中国在气候变化下碳排放、能源消费与低碳经济领域的研究进展综述
张百平, 姚永慧山体效应对生态垂直格局的影响
史培军, 杨旭, 方佳毅, 王静爱, 徐伟, 韩国义综合气象致灾因子影响人口、死亡人口与GDP损失风险的制图与排名
刘纪远, 邵全琴, 延晓冬, 樊江文, 战金艳, 邓祥征, 匡文慧, 黄麟土地利用与土地覆盖变化对气候影响的国别对比
汤秋鸿, 张学君, 段青云, 黄诗峰, 袁星, 崔惠娟, 李哲, 刘星才水文监测和季节预报研究——进展与展望
张明军, 王圣杰中国的降水同位素研究——基本特征与水文过程
陈亚宁, 李宝富, 李稚, 李卫红西北干旱区水资源形成、转化与水安全研究
邓祥征, 李志慧, John GIBSON面向可持续土地利用管理的生态系统服务权衡分析研究述评
闵庆文, 张永勋, 焦雯珺, 孙雪萍关于中国农业文化遗产保护若干问题的解答


朱竑, 魏红妮中国****在国际人文地理学界的发声——看世界地理,走中国道路
刘卫东, 宋周莺, 刘志高中国经济地理学研究进展
李小建, 罗庆, 海贝贝, 李立20世纪80年代以来中国经济地理学的微观研究进展
贺灿飞, 潘峰华, 陈天鸣中国产业地理研究进展
金凤君, 王成金, 曹有挥, 曹小曙, 王姣娥, 戴特奇, 焦敬娟中国交通地理研究进展
方创琳, 刘海猛, 李广东城镇化与生态环境交互耦合效应研究的国际进展与总体评价
刘彦随, 龙花楼, 陈玉福, 王介勇, 李裕瑞, 李玉恒, 杨园园, 周扬近十年中国城乡转型与乡村发展研究进展和展望
朱宇, 丁金宏, 王桂新, 沈建法, 林李月, 柯文前20世纪80年代以来的中国人口地理学——铸就人口研究与 人文地理学间的纽带
马仁锋, 王腾飞, 张文忠, 余建辉, 王岱, 谌丽,
姜炎鹏, 冯革群
杨宇, 刘毅中国可持续发展研究进展
陆林, 鲍捷, 黄剑锋, 朱其静, 穆成林, 储小乐,
许艳, 查晓莉
杜德斌, 段德忠, 刘承良, 马亚华中国地缘政治学25年研究进展
柴彦威, 塔娜, 马静行为分析的社会—空间维度——中国行为地理学前沿进展


Vol.26, No.7, July 2016——Special Issue I: Geography in China
AuthorArticle Title
Fu Bojie, Pan NaiqingIntegrated studies of physical geography in China: Review and prospects
Wu Shaohong, Yin Yunhe, Zheng Du, et al.Advances in terrestrial system research in China
Yu Guirui, Ren Wei, Chen Zhi, et al.Construction and progress of Chinese terrestrial ecosystem carbon,
nitrogen and water fluxes coordinated observation
Ge Quansheng, Zheng Jingyun, Hao Zhixin, et al.Recent advances on reconstruction of climate and extreme events in
China for the past 2000 years
Shen Lei, Sun YanzhiReview on carbon emissions, energy consumption and low-carbon
economy in China from a perspective of global climate change
Zhang Baiping, Yao YonghuiImplications of mass elevation effect for the altitudinal patterns of global
Shi Peijun, Yang Xu, Fang Jiayi, et al.Mapping and ranking global mortality, affected population and GDP loss
risks for multiple climatic hazards
Liu Jiyuan, Shao Quanqin, Yan Xiaodong, et al.The climatic impacts of land use and land cover change compared among
Tang Qiuhong, Zhang Xuejun, Duan Qingyun,
et al.
Hydrological monitoring and seasonal forecasting: Progress and
Zhang Mingjun, Wang ShengjieA review of precipitation isotope studies in China: Basic pattern and
hydrological process
Chen Yaning, Li Baofu, Li Zhi, et al.Water resource formation and conversion and water security in arid
region of North-west China
Deng Xiangzheng, Li Zhihui, John GIBSONA review on trade-off analysis of ecosystem services for sustainable land-use management
Min Qingwen, Zhang Yongxun, Jiao Wenjun, et al.Responding to common questions on the conservation of agricultural
heritage systems in China


Vol.26, No.8, August 2016——Special Issue II: Geography in China
AuthorArticle Title
FanJieChinese human geography and its contributions
Zhu Hong, Wei HongniThink globally and act locally: Voices of Chinese human geographers in the international arena
Liu Weidong, Song Zhouying, Liu ZhigaoProgress of economic geography in China's mainland since 2000
Li Xiaojian, Luo Qing, Hai Beibei, et al.Progress in the micro-perspective studies of economic geography in China since 1980s
He Canfei, Pan Fenghua, Chen TianmingResearch progress of industrial geography in China
Jin Fengjun, Wang Chengjin, Cao Youhui, et al.Progress of research on transportation geography in China
Fang Chuanglin, Liu Haimeng, Li GuangdongInternational progress and evaluation on interactive coupling effects
between urba-nization and the eco-environment
Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Chen Yufu, et al.Progress of research on urban-rural transformation and rural development
in China in the past decade and future prospects
Zhu Yu, Ding Jinhong, Wang Guixin, et al.Population geography in China since the 1980s: Forging the links
between population studies and human geography
Ma Renfeng, Wang Tengfei, Zhang Wenzhong,
et al.
Overview and progress of Chinese geographical human settlement
Yang Yu, Liu YiProgress in China's sustainable development research: Contribution of
Chinese geographers
Lu Lin, Bao Jie, Huang Jianfeng, et al.Recent research progress and prospects in tourism geography of China
Du Debin, Duan Dezhong, Liu Chengliang, et al.Twenty-five years of progress in geopolitics research: Efforts from
China's geo-graphers
Chai Yanwei, Ta Na, Ma JingThe socio-spatial dimension of behavior analysis: Frontiers and progress in Chinese behavioral geography

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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相关话题/地理 人文地理学 人口 国际 文献