How risk attitude of farmers influences the supply willingness of forest carbon sequestration in Zhejiang Province
ZHUZhen1,2,3,, HUANGChenmin2, XUZhigang1,, SHENYueqin2,3, BAIJiangdi2 1. College of Economic and management,Nanjing Agriculture University,Nanjing 210095,China2. School of Economic and management,Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University,Lin'an 311300,China3. Zhejiang Farmers' Development Research Center,Lin'an 311300,China 通讯作者:徐志刚, 收稿日期:2015-07-3 修回日期:2015-12-28 网络出版日期:2016-03-25 版权声明:2016《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:基金项目:浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目(15NDJC201YB)国家自然科学基金青年项目(71203198)东南亚环境经济项目(EEPSEA):"The supply of forest carbon sequestration from small-scale forestry:Time preference and attitude to risk" 作者简介: -->作者简介:朱臻,男,浙江嘉兴人,博士生,副教授,从事林业经济,资源与环境经济研究
关键词:森林碳汇;风险偏好;供给意愿;实验经济学;浙江省 Abstract Forest carbon sequestration (FCS)has became a new approach for reducing climate change and carbon emissions. After southern collective forest tenure reform,small-scale rural households became the main subject for FCS supply. The risk attitude of rural households can influence their willingness and decision-making about FCS supply due to new ecological compensation style and it is necessary and meaningful to analyze rural households' willingness for FCS supply in order to identify the main FCS supply subject with decentralization forestland and improving policy aiming for carbon forest management. Through rural households survey and risk preference experiments in five case counties in Zhejiang,China. Here,we measured the risk attitude of rural households and found 72,33 and 78 rural households could be divided into risk-preference,risk-neutral and risk-averse groups,respectively. With descriptive statistics of rural households' willingness for FCS supply and binary Logit modeling we determined how risk attitudes and other factors (e.g. individual heterogeneity,social capital and organization system)influence willingness for FCS supply. We found that FCS supply willingness of rural households with risk-averse attitudes have significantly higher willingness than the risk-preference group;larger forest land area and forest management subsidy have positive impacts on FCS supply willingness. According this,governments should pay more attention to building a carbon agency for reducing transaction costs of small-scale rural households who have risk-averse attitudes and it should encourage forestland transfer contracts and drive social capital and large-scale rural households with strong economic strength to engage in carbon forest management initiatives. Last,it is important to design carbon forest management subsidies for small-scale rural households to improve their carbon forest management activities.
Keywords:forest carbon sequestration;risk preference attitude;supply willingness;experiment economics;Zhejiang Province -->0 PDF (791KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 朱臻, 黄晨鸣, 徐志刚, 沈月琴, 白江迪. 南方集体林区林农风险偏好对于碳汇供给意愿的影响分析----浙江省风险偏好实验案例[J]. , 2016, 38(3): 565- ZHUZhen, HUANGChenmin, XUZhigang, SHENYueqin, BAIJiangdi. How risk attitude of farmers influences the supply willingness of forest carbon sequestration in Zhejiang Province[J]. 资源科学, 2016, 38(3): 565-
运用交叉统计方法,分别分析了不同风险态度类型农户家庭资源禀赋,社会资本,和碳汇经营意愿情况(表4).表4显示,不同风险态度类型农户在家庭特征等相关变量指标上并没有显著差异.在碳汇经营意愿方面,风险偏好,风险中性和厌恶类型农户愿意开展森林碳汇经营的比例分别为75%,78.79%和80.77%,风险厌恶类型农户愿意开展森林碳汇比例较高的原因是这部分农户认为森林碳汇经营虽然属于一种新型森林经营形式,但其在森林经营中本身以劳动力投入为主1)[1)碳汇经营由于考虑碳排放问题,因此要求鼓励以劳动力人工作业为主,减少生产资料和林业机械的投入而由此带来的碳排放.因此对于普通农户而言,资源禀赋的限制导致其生产资料投入的有限,大部分地区农户仍然以人工作业经营用材林(包括抚育和采伐),从这一点上来看碳汇经营方式没有改变其原来的传统经营方式.],碳汇经营并不会根本上改变其原有的经营方式,尤其是用材林经营从长期来看预期投资报酬率又比较稳定,而且在此基础上可以获得额外的碳收益,因此愿意将其视为保险性资产进行长期投资. Table 4 表4 表4不同风险偏好类型农户样本描述性统计分析 Table 4The descriptive statistics for households with different risk attitude
从估计结果可以发现(表5): (1)社会偏好方面.风险厌恶类型农户相对于风险偏好型农户在5%水平上更显著愿意开展森林碳汇供给,风险偏好类农户开展碳汇供给行为的发生比仅为风险厌恶型农户的0.745倍.如之前分析,森林碳汇经营由于注重固碳效应,可能会导致经营周期延长.风险偏好类农户非农收入比重(79.4%)明显高于风险厌恶型农户(71.8%),因此虽然碳汇林经营是一项新的投资项目,但是与非农就业投资项目相比,期望回报率仍然明显较低;而风险厌恶型农户的林业收入比重高,达到13.3%.风险厌恶型农户将森林碳汇经营视为一种长期林业投资行为,如案例地当地林业生产项目主要以用材林为主,本身生产周期较长,农户已经适应了经营长周期性和风险性,相对于其他投资经营性项目,用材林经营投资报酬率相对稳定,还具有预期的碳汇收益.在南方集体林区经营手段本身依靠劳动力投入为主情况下,风险厌恶型农户更愿意接受经营周期较长的碳汇经营,将其视为保险性资产3)[3)目前案例点林农林业生产项目以杉木为主,其经营相对于经济林种而言,具有周期较长,风险性较大的特点.而碳汇林经营在这些方面并没有异质性,即使风险厌恶型农户也已经适应.而且目前浙江碳汇林经营项目合同一般以20年作为项目周期,这与目前的营林周期类似.此外碳汇林经营过程中最大的特点是需要劳动力要素代替生产资料要素以减少碳泄漏,因此经营手段不发生根本改变,而管理和技术上又有当地政府与高校支持.因此风险偏好类农户愿意提供碳汇供给也可以接受.]. Table5 表5 表5回归估计结果 Table5The estimate result of logit model
(1)从农户风险态度类型而言,风险厌恶型农户的碳汇供给意愿显著高于风险偏好类农户.南方集体林区产权改革后,小规模林农成为森林经营主体,因此如何针对其特点寻找合适的碳汇供给主体对于推进森林碳汇工作非常重要.随着国家对节能减排的日益重视以及今后碳交易市场的扩大,森林碳汇减排量交易将随之增加.现有的很多研究表明,大部分小林农都是风险规避的.对于小林农而言,森林碳汇经营对其经营手段而言并没有发生本质性变化,且相对于传统经营,虽然经营周期延长但可以额外获取碳收益,对于风险厌恶的小规模林农经营来说是能够接受的项目.也正因为这部分林农将成为森林碳汇供给主要群体.为此国家需要努力引导成立碳汇交易中介,减少这部分农户进入碳市场的交易成本.同时在碳中介组织发展中,引导其开展碳汇营林技术咨询,评估监测,协助交易等各类中介服务活动,强化自主造血能力,实现可持续发展. (2)林地资源规模对于碳汇供给意愿有积极作用.相对于小林农,在碳汇经营试点中,规模主体往往具备先发优势.这部分规模户更愿意凭借林地,资金,信息和技术优势开展碳汇经营,也更容易体现规模效应.此外,在现有的林地流转法律和政策中需要考虑碳权收益,在流转价格保障小规模林农收益权前提下,通过林地流转等行为促使林地规模经营,引导具有一定经济实力的规模大户和社会资本率先开发碳汇交易项目. (3)政府造林营林的补贴等外部政策制度变量也会显著激励家庭的碳汇供给意愿.政府已将发展碳汇林业作为应对气候变化的重要举措之一,在南方集体林区应重点加大对小规模林农的营造林补贴,减少劳动力营林成本.在技术规程指导,碳汇监测等领域给予重点指导,利用政策增强农户碳汇营林的积极性. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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