Consolidation sequence of rural residential land,based on consolidation potential and urgency degree
GAOYang1,2,, ZHANGFengrong1,2,, HAOJinmin1,2, ZHANGBailin1,2, ZHOUJian1,2 1. College of Resources Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China2. Key Laboratory for Agricultural Land Quality Monitoring and Control,The Ministry of Land and Resources,Beijing 100193,China 通讯作者:张凤荣, 收稿日期:2015-05-8 修回日期:2015-08-20 网络出版日期:2016-02-01 版权声明:2016《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41271111) 作者简介: -->作者简介:高阳,女,河北唐山人,博士生,研究方向为土地利用规划与土地整治。
关键词:农村居民点;整治潜力;迫切度评价;整治时序;武乡县 Abstract As an effective measure,rural residential land consolidation can not only intensify rural residential land use,but also relieve contradictions between urban and rural land use. Consolidation potential calculation and urgency degree evaluation are the basis of rural residential land consolidation sequencing. Here,we used geological data and economic social materials obtained from GIS spatial techniques,global observation and interviews in Wuxiang County,Shanxi,China to obtain land structure inside rural residential land. Depending on land type and property,we classified consolidation potential into two types:shallow potential and deep potential. Our results show that the proportion of shallow potential is 71.88%,implying that shallow potential is the main component of total potential. We chose sixteen factors from nature and four aspects from socio-economy and infrastructure,and used them to evaluate the consolidation urgency degree of rural settlements. According to urgency degree evaluation scores we divided 106 sample villages into four classes:most urgent villages,more urgent villages,urgent villages and not urgent villages. We then chose the most urgent and more urgent villages as counties to be consolidated and classified them into eight combination types with percentages of shallow potential in total potential and total potential in the rural settlement area. Last,we arranged the order of eight combination counties into three time quanta and found that there are 13 villages to be consolidated in the near future,17 villages in the mid-term and 19 longer-term.
Keywords:rural residential land consolidation;consolidation potential;urgency degree evaluation;consolidation sequence;Wuxiang County -->0 PDF (1840KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 高阳, 张凤荣, 郝晋珉, 张佰林, 周建. 基于整治潜力与迫切度的村级农村居民点整治时序研究[J]. , 2016, 38(2): 185-195 GAOYang, ZHANGFengrong, HAOJinmin, ZHANGBailin, ZHOUJian. Consolidation sequence of rural residential land,based on consolidation potential and urgency degree[J]. 资源科学, 2016, 38(2): 185-195
通过测算106个抽样村的居民点整治潜力,抽样村的总潜力为738.39hm2,其中浅层潜力为530.79hm2,占总潜力的比重为71.88%;深层潜力为207.60hm2,占总潜力的比重为28.12%。根据潜力值的大小分别将抽样村的浅层潜力、深层潜力和总潜力分为4个等级(图1),其中浅层潜力值大于4.00hm2的抽样村共47个(图1b),占抽样村总个数的44.76%,而深层潜力大于3.00hm2的抽样村只有19个,有33个抽样村的深层潜力为0(图1c),说明其现状人均建设用地面积小于150hm2,符合国家要求。通过加和浅层潜力与深层潜力等级边界值获得总潜力的等级边界值,发现总潜力大于10hm2的抽样村共22个,占抽样村总个数的20.75%,主要分布在武乡县的中部和东部地势相对平坦的地区;总潜力小于2hm2的抽样村共16个,主要分布在西部山区。通过对比发现,抽样村总潜力的等级分布(图1a)与浅层潜力分布(图1b)具有高度吻合性,可见浅层潜力是农村居民点整治潜力的主体部分,居民点内部非建设用地面积较大,说明武乡县农村居民点内部土地利用较为粗放。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图12020年武乡县抽样村农村居民点整治潜力等级 -->Figure 1Rural residential land consolidation potential level of sampling villages in Wuxiang County in 2020 -->
4.2 农村居民点整治迫切度评价结果
通过各抽样村居民点整治迫切度评价分值的频率直方图,选择63.34、55.09、47.28三个突变点作为分界点,将抽样村分为迫切整治抽样村(P1)、较迫切整治抽样村(P2)、一般迫切整治抽样村(P3)和不迫切整治抽样村(P4)4个等级(图2),其抽样村居民点用地分别为206.51hm2、465.67hm2、395.21hm2和427.46hm2,占抽样村居民点总面积的比重分别为13.81%、31.15%、26.44%和28.6%。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2武乡县抽样村整治迫切度类型分布 -->Figure 2Consolidation urgency degrees of sampling village -->
(1)以武乡县106个抽样村为例,根据农村居民 点内部用地结构及整治难易,将农村居民点整治潜力划分为浅层潜力、深层潜力和总潜力,计算结果表明浅层潜力是农村居民点整治潜力的主要组成,这也说明武乡县农村居民点内部土地利用较为粗放。 (2)从自然、社会经济、基础设施和村庄发展4个层面构建指标体系,评价农村居民点整治迫切度,并依据迫切度评价值划分武乡县4个抽样村农村居民点整治等级。研究发现,迫切整治村的自然、社会经济和基础设施单项评价均值最高,较为迫切整治村的社会经济、基础设施和村庄发展单项评价均值均与迫切整治村相差甚微,但自然评价均值却只有迫切整治村的50%,可见对于高地质灾害的山区县域,自然条件是影响农村居民点整治迫切程度的重要因素。 (3)综合“迫切度评价分值、浅层潜力比重和总潜力比重”3方面选取8种抽样村组合类型纳入整治规划考虑范畴,安排整治时序。由于农村居民点整治是为了更好地改善农户生活环境,因此今后将更为详细地从农户性质入手分析评价农村居民点整治迫切度,为新型城镇化进程中农村居民点整治工作的开展提供更科学合理的指导。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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