Research progress on plateau cultural landscape at home and abroad
SUN Ao,1,2, ZHANG Haifeng,1,2, WANG Bin3, ZHANG Jing1,2, XIE Senkai41. School of Geography Science, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China 2. Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability, Xining 810008, China 3. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 4. School of Urban Planning & Design, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China
Abstract The Tibetan Plateau is an important protection area for Chinese national characteristic culture. Thus, as an important manifestation of plateau culture, the plateau cultural landscape has become the focus of plateau scientific investigation. As the research focus of scholars at home and abroad, the research topics of cultural landscape are diverse, however, there is a lack of relevant research on plateau cultural landscape. Plateau cultural landscape as an important form of plateau culture is the focus of research in China and other countries. In order to explore the research progress of plateau cultural landscape at home and abroad, the paper reviews the literature on plateau cultural landscape after 2000 based on the development of cultural landscape. It can be found that the number of studies on plateau cultural landscape shows an escalating trend, and the number of foreign publications is higher than that of China's. Landscape has become the research subject so that many disciplines try to understand it. In terms of hotspots, research focused on plateau cultural landscape is diverse. The research topics are different, and the related research in foreign countries attaches importance to the historical significance of the plateau cultural landscape, and the contents are diverse. However, related studies in China shows that the research content has shifted the focus from the composition of cultural landscapes to the topics of cultural geography such as plateau cultural landscapes representation. Foreign studies focus on the four aspects of history, identity, behavior and mobility, while Chinese studies concentrate on the spatial distribution and begin to pay attention to the plateau cultural landscape, place and other themes. Therefore, the research believes that Chinese researchers pay more attention to the distribution of plateau cultural landscape, and there is less research on plateau cultural landscape and cultural geography. Besides, it figures out that that history is the focus of research, and in the process of plateau cultural landscape development, it focuses on the enrichment of cultural value in plateau cultural landscape. Future research on Chinese plateau cultural landscape should focus on relevant studies in other countries, pay attention to the history of plateau cultural landscape, and concentrate on the cultural value of plateau cultural landscape. Keywords:plateau;cultural landscape;cultural turn;research progress
PDF (2443KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 孙骜, 张海峰, 王彬, 张璟, 谢森锴. 国内外高原文化景观研究进展. 地理研究[J], 2021, 40(5): 1280-1294 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200545 SUN Ao, ZHANG Haifeng, WANG Bin, ZHANG Jing, XIE Senkai. Research progress on plateau cultural landscape at home and abroad. Geographical Research[J], 2021, 40(5): 1280-1294 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200545
20世纪20年代以来,文化景观的相关研究得到了显著的发展,但是高原文化景观的相关研究仍然较为缺乏。以“cultural landscape”和“plateau”为主题,同时以世界上典型高原和“plateau”为主题作为补充,检索Web of science获得136篇文献记录,以“文化景观”和“高原”为主题,以中国典型高原区和“高原”为主题作为补充,检索中国知网获得77篇文献记录。检索年限设定为2000年至2019年间,检索时间均为2020年4月15日。运用Citespace工具对国内外高原文化景观的重点内容进行概括和总结。
国外****普遍关注景观演变中历史层累的研究,探究不同历史时期的景观演变。Veerle Van Eetvelde等在探究了文化景观分布的基础上,通过景观形成的原因和历史不同时期居民生产的关系,阐述了景观多样性和历史的关系。超过一半的机制对应着不同的文化景观,这些景观代表着不同的发展阶段[31]。Anna M Hersperger等认为城市化、农业集约化等政策在不同时期改变了瑞士的文化景观,发现不同时期的政策作为主要的影响因素改变了文化景观的构成[32]。Pierluigi Brandolini等探究了Finalese区域内文化景观的历史层累及该景观形成和变化的缘由,从科学价值、文化价值、社会经济价值和景观价值的角度分析,认为可以发现文化景观的历史构成,利用该文化景观的作用通过建立保护区的方式促进该区域的可持续发展[33]。Ionut Cristi Nicu在通过道路网络、乡村布局、池塘等影响因素探究文化景观分布的基础上,研究了影响景观变化的各个历史因素,绘制了文化遗产景观的历史地图[34]。相关研究证明了高原文化景观的历史性,认为高原文化景观的构成也是通过不同时期的人类活动所产生的。
3.2 高原文化景观与身份认同
高原文化景观的表征以及高原文化认同是国外****研究的重点内容。Michael Steinberg等以危地马拉的Altos de Chiantla为研究区域,认为大量证据表明高原地区承载不了较多的人口,但仍然有人类活动的痕迹,直到西班牙为首的殖民者到来,改变了此处的文化景观和生产方式。随后危地马拉国家的一系列重大事件及各种影响因素综合作用改变了此处的文化景观。该研究认为现代化项目改变着高原的文化景观和当地的文化认同,全球化影响着此地的可持续发展[35]。Christina Luke等以土耳其的Gediz山谷为研究对象,结合历史学、考古学、人种学等研究方法,认为该区域的文化景观巩固了身份的集体认同,让这个区域的居民更加将自己的身份与当地景观联系在一起[36]。Antonino Frenda以黄土高原的农业文化景观为研究对象,在中国政府治理黄土高原水土流失的大背景下,农村新式住房的建设很难展示传统村落的文化景观,因此缺少了自身传统文化认同的载体[37]。Gaerrang探究了政府鼓励游牧家庭迁居的背景下,青藏高原东部藏族牧民搬迁到新的居民住房拥有新的居住环境,与此同时改变了他们的生活方式,即从原有从事畜牧业转变为参加服务行业,为当地文化提供支持。这一系列政府的措施和藏族民众的参与使得藏族民众的身份从原有传统的藏族民众形象转变为一种通过展演和季节性舞蹈表现民族文化多样性的形象,也使得当地的文化景观逐渐世俗化[38]。相关研究展示了景观与身份认同之间的变化,景观的演变也产生了不一样的表征。高原文化景观的研究与其他学科相结合,开始从社会学、符号学的角度去认识景观。
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