Research on the interaction between actor-network theory and human geography: Reconstruction, debate and reflection
YUAN Chao,1,2, CHEN Pinyu1,2, KONG Xiang1,2, WU Dong1,21. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China 2. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
Abstract The actor-network theory (ANT), originated from the sociology of science, has been widely used in many disciplines. In the field of geography, this theory tends to break through the long-standing dualism between global and local, nature and society, etc. Much of the theoretical work has been done to understand the complex and obscure connotation of ANT. For instance, representative human geography scholars like Jonathan Murdoch and Sarah Whatmore proposed to cancel many dualistic presuppositions in geography, thus rethinking the nature of geographical knowledge through ANT. However, the current empirical studies in Chinese academic world show the trends of oversimplification and misuse of this concept by reason of lacking a sufficient understanding of the relationship between ANT and human geography. Therefore, the paper aims to investigate the interaction between the actor-network theory and human geography. Specifically, it is found that there are overlaps and similarities in the aspect of temporal-spatial view by summarizing and comparing ANT and the related theories of human geography. More importantly, the principle of general symmetry links ANT with human geography, which makes us re-recognize the description methodology, the significance of nature and materiality, and the network in human geography. Nevertheless, the understanding of ANT is still controversial and has been critically discussed, ranging from the aspects of social interpretation and network interpretation, the legitimacy of traditional criticism and the authenticity and validity of human-nonhuman symmetry. To accommodate the neglected and insufficient description of the real world, some geographers bring in assemblage thinking, including concepts like desire, virtual and flux. In addition, as the profound impact of the case study of the scallop experiment on the understanding and application of ANT by human geographers, the article analyzes the latent translation logic contained in this case. Finally, the study points out key issues that need to be reflected in the application of actor-network theory in empirical research, and indicates the possible directions for further research from the perspectives of human and nature, scientific knowledge production and dissemination. In summary, this paper discusses the enlightenment of ANT to human geography, which provides more possibilities of dialogues between different studies based on ANT, enhancing the innovation and geographical knowledge spillovers. Keywords:actor-network theory;dualistic;general symmetry;materiality;assemblage
PDF (1960KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 袁超, 陈品宇, 孔翔, 吴栋. 行动者网络理论与人文地理学的交互关系研究——重构、争辩与反思. 地理研究[J], 2021, 40(2): 583-596 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200270 YUAN Chao, CHEN Pinyu, KONG Xiang, WU Dong. Research on the interaction between actor-network theory and human geography: Reconstruction, debate and reflection. Geographical Research[J], 2021, 40(2): 583-596 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200270
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