Abstract Under the wave of urbanization and modernization, the transformation in space has been a phenomenon of great concern to the academic community. In the process of economic development and spatial evolution of urban historic districts, the introduction of cultural and creative industries has provided a new way for urban renewal and spatial transformation. In addition, research confirmed the role of cultural and creative parks in urban economic development. Therefore, the Chinese government is holding an increasing positive attitude to cultural and creative industries, and local governments have issued corresponding policies to encourage the establishment of cultural and creative parks according to local conditions. The paper uses system dynamics mechanism to construct causal circulation diagrams and analyzes the spatial reproduction process of Beishan community in Zhuhai based on the qualitative material. Consequently, the paper reveals that the dynamics mechanism of Beishan's spatial production consists of five positive feedback loops and one negative feedback loop. Based on this study, recommendations for historic district and the construction of new urbanization are provided. Results indicate that: (1) the government's planning and renovation of backward urban villages and the transfer of residents' space are the beginning of Beishan's spatial reproduction; (2) the entry of cultural entrepreneurs has created new spatial subjects and social relations, renewed and reused the space of historical buildings, and created new cultural and creative space; (3) the diversified tourist perception and media dissemination have reproduced the image of Beishan; (4) the diversification of spatial subjects has built a space in which multiple attributes of Beishan are intermingled, complex and stable, and each interest subject has reached relative balance in the game with compromise. On the basis of loop analysis, the study combines the theory of “triple cycle of capital” and system dynamics model to explore the spatial reproduction mechanism of Beishan community. This study provides a new tool with system foresight for the development and transformation mechanism of the historical district, and provides reference for the development and construction of the new urbanization. Keywords:space production;cultural and creative industries;historical district;system dynamics;Zhuhai Beishan
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