Abstract Sustainable development of agricultural landscape is the cornerstone for ensuring food security, farming civilization, rural maintenance, eco-environmental security and even stable socioeconomic development. But the vulnerability of agricultural landscape calls for efficient landscape conservation to ensure its sustainability. That is typically the case in China: hyper urbanization and rapid economic development have highly risked the sustainability of agricultural landscape. Learning from the rich experience of developed countries in conserving agricultural landscape is urgently needed. As such, this paper makes a comprehensive review on the long-term pathways of agricultural landscape conservation in some typical developed countries like European countries, the USA and Japan, with the aims of exploring general pathways of agricultural landscape conservation, learning lessons from the experiences of developed countries and also providing some possible implications for agricultural landscape conservation in China. The main results are as follows: (1) There are typically five agricultural landscape conservation patterns in the long-term pathways of developed countries’ agricultural landscape conservation. From ancient times to the present, many developed countries have gone through traditional-use of conservation pattern, exploitation conservation pattern, control conservation pattern, and governance conservation pattern to current stewardship conservation pattern. (2) We summarized the characteristics of each agricultural landscape conservation pattern. It was revealed that the goals of conservation patterns gradually transformed from ancient self-fed production to current sustainable development, with their landscape sustainability level first decreasing then rising. (3) We also identified that the pathway of agricultural landscape conservation in China generally kept consistent with the pathways of developed countries, that is, following the pathway of “traditional-use of conservation pattern→exploitation conservation pattern→control conservation pattern→governance conservation pattern→stewardship conservation pattern”. Nowadays, China is pursuing long-term sustainable development of agricultural landscape through the construction of Ecological Civilization System, which makes it somewhere in between governance conservation pattern and stewardship conservation pattern. (4) At the end of this paper, we proposed some possible implications and directions for the future agricultural landscape conservation in China, which include enhancing stakeholders’ awareness of landscape stewardship, optimizing multi-scale landscape patterns and services, securing information symmetry and communication channels, and improving policy resilience and efficiency. Keywords:agricultural landscape;conservation pathways;developmental patterns;sustainable development;landscape stewardship
PDF (1520KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 余慧容, 杜鹏飞. 农业景观保护路径历史回顾及启示. 地理研究[J], 2021, 40(1): 152-171 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190502 YU Huirong, DU Pengfei. A review of agricultural landscape conservation pathways and its implications. Geographical Research[J], 2021, 40(1): 152-171 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190502
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