

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

李兰晖1,2,, 刘琼欢1,2, 张镱锂1,2, 刘林山1,, 丁明军3, 谷昌军1,2
1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室, 北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 江西师范大学地理与环境学院,鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室,南昌 330022

Spatial distribution and variation of precipitation in the Qiangtang Plateau

LILanhui1,2,, LIUQionghuan1,2, ZHANGYili1,2, LIULinshan1,, DINGMingjun3, GUChangjun1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3.Key Lab of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:刘林山(1978- ),男,湖北黄冈人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事综合自然地理、土地利用与土地覆被变化研究。E-mail:liuls@igsnrr.ac.cn
-->作者简介:李兰晖(1989- ),男,江西赣州人,博士研究生,主要从事青藏高原土地利用/覆被变化研究。E-mail:lilh.15b@igsnrr.ac.cn


羌塘高原作为典型的青藏高原内流区,其降水变化直接影响自身及其周边区域冰冻圈与生态系统的变化。但由于站点观测资料的限制,羌塘高原降水时空格局尚不明确。因此,基于2015年羌塘高原9个自动观测站逐小时降水数据和5套降水格点产品以及1978-2015年西藏地区26个国家台站逐日降水数据,分析羌塘高原降水的空间分布和变化特征。结果表明:① 2015年羌塘高原核心区降水量和降水日数的均值分别约为154.9 mm和50天,其中,降水量约为东南边缘以及西藏地区多年均值的1/3和1/4。在空间上,降水量呈现东南多、北部少的特征,其中,昆仑山脉以北地区降水量最低,这从降水角度验证了该区域是“寒旱核心”的主要地区之一。② 雨季与干季分明。西北部雨季分布在6-8月,比东南边缘地区约短1~2个月;且前者降水量呈现单峰型而后者呈现双峰型。③ 在高原核心区,热带降雨测量计划(TRMM)3B43数据和全球降水量测量计划(GPM)IMERG算法数据高估了多数站点的年降水量,主要是高估了干季降水量所致。④ 1978-2015年羌塘高原改则和狮泉河站降水量和降水日数呈现微弱增加趋势,且强降水事件增多。

:Qiangtang Plateau (QP) refers as a typical interior region in the Tibetan Plateau, where the variability of precipitation is critical for cryospheric and ecosystems changes. However, the spatial distribution and variation of precipitation in the QP remains poorly understood due to lacking of precipitation gauges data. Based on precipitation data from nine automatic stations and five remote sensing and simulated precipitation products in 2015 and daily precipitation data from twenty-six meteorological stations during 1978-2015 in the QP and its vicinity, the spatial distribution and variation of precipitation were analyzed. Results showed that: (1) Annual precipitation and precipitation days were approximately 154.9 mm and 50 days in the core of the QP in 2015, respectively. Annual precipitation in the core of QP was approximately one third and one quarter of the average annual precipitation in the southeast of the QP and Tibet Autonomous Region, respectively. The lowest precipitation is observed on the north slope of the Kunlun Mountains, which confirms that this area is one of the main regions of 'cold dry core' in the perspective of precipitation. (2) The rainy season is clearly different from the dry season. The rainy season exists from June to August in the northern region, whose length is about 1-2 months shorter than that in the southern region. The distribution of precipitation in the northern region shows a single peak while that in the southern region shows a bimodal pattern. (3) TRMM (3B43) and GPM (IMERG) overestimated the annual precipitation in most sites of the QP, mainly due to the overestimation of precipitation in dry season. (4) A slight wetting process and an increasing trend of heavy rainfall events were detected in local area of the QP from 1978 to 2015.

Keywords:Qiangtang Plateau;precipitation;TRMM;GPM;Tibetan Plateau

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李兰晖, 刘琼欢, 张镱锂, 刘林山, 丁明军, 谷昌军. 羌塘高原降水空间分布及其变化特征[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(11): 2047-2060 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201711002
LI Lanhui, LIU Qionghuan, ZHANG Yili, LIU Linshan, DING Mingjun, GU Changjun. Spatial distribution and variation of precipitation in the Qiangtang Plateau[J]. , 2017, 36(11): 2047-2060 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201711002

1 引言

当前关于羌塘高原降水时空格局的研究较少,且基于地面观测的研究多以科学考察资料为主。基于1976年为期4个月的羌塘高原无人区科学考察资料的研究得出,该地区6-8月降水量超过100 mm,并推断年降水量可达150 mm,第一次否定了早期国外“探险者”宣称该地区降水量低于50 mm的结论[17]。对于降水量的日变化,Liu等[18]基于1998年5-9月“全球能量与水循环亚洲季风之青藏高原试验”(GAME-TIBET)的降水数据得出,羌塘高原东部边缘地区(那曲地区)下午降水量迅速增加,而峰值出现在夜间。
由于降水观测站点稀少,观测资料奇缺,站点插值、遥感反演和二者融合的降水产品在空间上具有一定的优势。然而,在数值上,上述产品在羌塘高原地区存在较大差异。齐文文等[16]基于1998-2011年热带降雨测量计划(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)3B43数据,经模型修正后得出,在青藏高原地区,原数据存在“低值高估”现象,并且羌塘高原大部分地区年降水量为100~200 mm;但林厚博等[19]基于1961-2010年高分辨率的逐日降水格点资料得出,羌塘高原大部分地区年降水量高于210 mm。Tong[1]等认为TRMM(3B42RT)数据极大地高估了高原绝大部分地区的降水量;Ma等[20]认为新一代降水产品——全球降水量测量计划(GPM)IMERG数据,虽然精度要高于TRMM(3B42),但高海拔地区反演结果的精度却比低海拔地区差。此外,沈艳等[21,22]认为“中国区域小时降水量融合产品”较合理地模拟了全国降水量值和空间分布,然而,在站点稀疏的西部地区,其质量明显低于中东部地区。由于羌塘高原台站降水资料匮乏,上述产品难以与实际降水量进行对照,往往存在不同程度的不确定性,尤其在核心区内。

2 研究方法与数据来源

本文研究区包括羌塘高原及周邻(150 km)地区(仅考虑青藏高原地区)(图1)。羌塘高原位于青藏高原的西部(78.66°E~91.84°E、29.81°N~36.46°N),是青藏高原主体部分,面积达58.6万km2,大部分地区海拔在4600 m以上,气候干冷,太阳辐射强,是中国气候条件最为恶劣、生态环境极为脆弱的区域[23]。由于受人类活动扰动少,目前仍保存着较为完整的高原荒漠生态系统。
图1羌塘高原及周边地区地形特征及气象站点分布 注:青藏高原范围参考相关文献[24]
-->Fig. 1Topographic features and distribution of meteorological stations in the Qiangtang Plateau and its vicinity

2.1 数据来源

(1)项目组6站点逐小时数据。本文在羌塘高原核心区架设3个自动气象站和3个雨量筒(图1表1),观测场及周边的地貌条件为平地,海拔高度为4700~5300 m。其中,W1站点距离湖泊约300 m,而W3站点位于山脉的东侧(背风坡)。WatchDog2000自动气象站(3个)每隔1小时自动记录一次,7852翻斗式雨量筒(3个)每隔0.2 mm记录一次。上述仪器在2012年、2013年和2014年秋季分别架设1台、2台和3台。为保证观测数据质量,观测场围有高1.5 m左右的铁丝网以防牲畜或人为破坏。在分析季节和日变化时,为保证数据时段具有可对比性,选择2015年降水数据进行对比分析,但P2站点9月20日之后数据缺失,W1和W2站点9月14日-10月19日数据缺失。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Information of six monitoring sites in the core area of Qiangtang Plateau

注:P表示7852翻斗式雨量桶;W表示WatchDog 2000自动气象站。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Summary of the five datasets in this study
GPM (IMERG)0.1×0.1-同上https://pmm.nasa.gov/data-access/downloads/gpmMa等[20]


2.2 研究方法


3 结果分析

3.1 羌塘高原降水特征

3.1.1 年降水量和降水日数 2015年羌塘高原核心区(6个站点)降水量和降水日数明显低于东南边缘和西藏地区(图2)。羌塘高原核心区年降水量为95.6~294.9 mm,均值为154.9 mm;年降水日数为37~68天,均值约为50天。羌塘高原西北部9个站点降水量和降水日数均值分别为149.0 mm和45.8天,均约为同期东南边缘地区的2/3以及西藏地区的1/2。
-->Fig. 2Annual precipitation and precipitation days in the Qiangtang Plateau and its vicinity in 2015

在羌塘高原西北地区,降水量和降水日数也存在明显空间差异(图2),9个站点降水量和降水日数的标准差分别为53.9 mm和9.2天。其中,降水量以W1和P1站点的差异最为显著,虽然两站点距离非常接近(约37 km)(图1),且地形条件基本一致,但前者降水量约为后者的2倍,这可能是因为W1站点距湖泊近(300 m),水汽较P1站点旺盛有关。此外,在年际变化中,2014-2015年W1和W2站点的降水量变化较小;W3站点位于山脉的东侧(背风坡),降水量偏低,但2015年的降水量约2013-2014年的2倍~3倍(图3)。
-->Fig. 3Annual precipitation of three stations in the core of Qiangtang Plateau during 2013-2015

3.1.2 降水量和降水日数的季节变化 2015年羌塘高原核心区降水量和降水日数随季节变化显著(图4a、图4b),分别集中分布在6-8月和5-8月。除P1站点6-8月降水量占全年的85%外,其余站点均超过90%,其中7-8月降水量占全年的70%以上。降水量分布呈单峰型,峰值出现在7-8月。多数站点5-8月的降水日数占全年80%~90%,又以6月和8月降水日数居多,呈双峰型。羌塘高原核心区降水量季节分布与西北部3个国家站台基本一致(图4a、图4c),但在降水日数方面,日土站和狮泉河站的峰值出现在7月(图4b、图4d)。
-->Fig. 4Season variation of precipitation and precipitation days in the Qiangtang Plateau and its vicinity

3.1.3 8月份降水量和降水频次的日变化 考虑到监测站点平均海拔高于4500 m,在温度相对较低的季节,降水多以降雪形式出现,并可能在第二天上午融化。因此,本文选择温度较高且降水量最大的8月进行降水量和降水频次(以小时降水量>0.1 mm计)日变化分析。结果表明,羌塘高原西北部地区9个站点降水量和降水频次的峰值出现时间呈现一定的规律性(图5)。除狮泉河和P2站点外,其余7个站点的降水量峰值出现在傍晚前后(15:00-20:00);除改则和日土站点外,其余7个站点的降水频次峰值出现在17:00-21:00。该特征与东南部边缘[18]以及青藏高原中部[29]基本一致。
-->Fig. 5Diurnal variation of precipitation and frequency of precipitation in the Northwest Qiangtang (Chinese Standard Time)

但从整体来看,羌塘高原西北部地区降水量和降水频次的日变化均呈现较大的空间差异,如图5所示,尤其是位于湖边的W1站点在19:00降水量达到82.6 mm,明显高于其他站点。该差异可能与高原大气层结不稳定程度、风场环流的日变化[30]以及下垫面特征有关。

3.2 基于模拟产品的羌塘高原降水空间特征

3.2.1 基于站点插值、遥感反演和融合产品的羌塘高原降水空间分布特征 为进一步分析羌塘高原降水量的空间分布特征,结合羌塘高原及周边地区降水季节变化特点(图4),将6-9月划分为雨季,其余月份为非雨季,并分别计算了2015年TRMM(3B43)和GPM(IMERG)等5套格点数据在全年、雨季及非雨季3个时间段的降水量(图6)。结果显示,大部分降水产品反映出羌塘高原及周边地区降水量总体呈现东南多、北部少的特点。然而5套降水产品之间在降水量数值上却存在明显差异,尤其在全年和雨季,CMA-Pre3降水融合产品明显低于其他4套降水产品。
-->Fig. 6Spatial distribution of precipitation based on remote sensing and simulation products over the Qiangtang Plateau and its vicinity in 2015

3.2.2 站点插值、遥感反演和融合产品在羌塘高原及周边地区的精度评价 针对上述差异,结合2015年羌塘高原及周边地区的21个站点的降水数据(P3站点仅统计1-9月,W1和W2站点9-10月不参与计算),初步分析上述5套降水产品在羌塘高原及周边地区的精度。
在羌塘高原及周边地区(21个站点),两套站点插值降水产品(CMA-Pre1和CMA-Pre 2)的均方根误差和平均绝对误差均低于其他4套产品(图7a、图7b),说明站点插值降水产品在羌塘高原及周边地区具有相对较好的模拟效果。然而,在羌塘高原核心区(6个站点),TRMM(3B43)和GPM(IMERG)在全年和雨季的均方根误差和平均绝对误差略低于两套站点插值降水产品(CMA-Pre1和CMA-Pre 2)(图7c、图7d),而在干季则相反。
-->Fig. 7Root Mean Square Error (RSME) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for precipitation based on five remote sensing and simulated products in 2015

-->Fig. 8Bias of precipitation based on five remote sensing and simulated products in 2015

综合两套站点插值产品在羌塘高原东南边缘地区和两套遥感反演数据在核心区的模拟优势(图6~图8),分析得出,2015年羌塘高原东南边缘地区降水量最高,冈底斯山脉以南地区次之,而昆仑山脉以北地区是羌塘高原降水量最低的地区(<100 mm),是“寒旱核心”的主要区域之一。

4 讨论

4.1 羌塘高原可能存在轻微湿化的过程

2015年羌塘高原核心区年降水量均值为154.9 mm,该结果验证了羌塘高原无人区科考时得出该地区年降水量可达150 mm的推断[17]。2015年羌塘高原西北部2个国家台站(改则站和狮泉河站)的降水量均值为152.3 mm,接近于同期羌塘高原西北部9个站点降水量均值(149.0 mm),但明显高于1978-2015年的降水量均值(135.3 mm)(图9a)。然而,上述两站点1978-2015年的降水量均值约为同期羌塘高原东南边缘地区的1/3和西藏地区的1/4,明显低于2015年羌塘高原西北部与东南边缘以及西藏地区降水量的比值(图2)。该差异与2015年羌塘高原东南边缘和西藏地区降水量明显低于多年平均值密切相关(图9a)。
-->Fig. 9Variation characteristics of precipitation and precipitation days in the Qiangtang Plateau and Tibet from 1978 to 2015

进一步分析表明,1978-2015年羌塘高原西北部降水量的增幅为0.74 mm/a,且高于整个西藏地区(图9a)。该结果与Yao等[13]基于GPCP格点降水数据得出的1970-2009年帕米尔高原和亚洲中部地区年降水量呈现增加趋势的观点基本吻合。此外,羌塘高原西北部降水日数在整个西藏地区呈现减少趋势的背景下,仍呈现微弱上升趋势(图9b)。尽管上述增加趋势均不显著,但在降水稀少且生态环境极其脆弱的羌塘高原西北部,微弱的湿化过程可能引起该地区生态环境发生强烈的变化。

4.2 羌塘高原局部区域极端强降水事件要给予高度关注

在羌塘高原降水量日变化中,W1站点8月降水量在19时达到82.6 mm(图5)。2015年该站点有两次暴雨出现(7月12日和8月13日),分别达到51.6 mm和75.7 mm,累计占总降水量的46.8%。对羌塘高原边缘的改则和狮泉河站点进行统计分析发现,1978-2015年两站点的大雨日数(日降水量>25 mm)分别为8次和3次,其中,2000年以来分别发生了5次和2次。强降水事件在高原极易诱发崩塌、滑坡等次生灾害[31,32],影响羌塘高原地区道路的畅通(① http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2010-08-06/171320842862.shtml.), ②(② http://www.chinahighway.com/news/2012/686898.php.),甚至导致河道溃坝、发生洪涝灾害,危及当地居民的生命以及房屋、牲畜等财产安全(③ http://www.weather.com.cn/xizang/xzqh/qhyxpj/09/980164.shtml.)。邹新华等[33]基于1951-2010年县级洪涝灾害数据和2010年的脆弱性断面等数据得出,位于羌塘高原西部的日土和改则等县域历史洪涝危险性指数高于东部的双湖和尼玛等县域。并且羌塘高原南部局部区域的洪涝潜在灾害风险处于中等水平[32,33]。在全球极端气候事件发生概率增加且影响程度加剧的大背景下[34],尽管1973-2011年羌塘高原周边地区4个国家台站大部分极端降水指标未呈现显著的变化趋势[35],但是在降水稀少的羌塘高原,受到局地环流和高原迅速升温对水循环的影响,局部区域强降水事件频发的概率增大,可能引发气象灾害和诱发地质灾害,导致道路等基本设施以及居民生计受到重大影响。因此,羌塘高原人类居住区极端强降水事件的监测和预报及其影响研究亟需进一步加强。

4.3 羌塘地区降水空间特征仍需进一步研究

本文主要基于2015年羌塘高原及周边地区观测降水数据及5套共享的遥感和模拟降水产品,分析该地区的降水空间特征,而该地区降水波动较大(图9),多年平均特征及空间变化特征仍有待于进一步研究。此外,由于降水监测站点平均海拔高于4500 m,项目组采用翻斗式雨量筒,在冷季可能受到结冰等现象的干扰,从而给冷季降水数据带来一定程度的不确定性。

5 结论

(1)2015年羌塘高原核心区6个站点降水量在95.6~294.9 mm之间,年均值约为154.9 mm;降水日数在37-68天之间,年均值约为50天;西北部9个站点降水量约为同期东南边缘地区的2/3以及西藏地区的1/2。昆仑山脉以北地区是羌塘高原降水量最低的地区(<100 mm),是“寒旱核心”的主要区域之一。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

[1]Tong K, Su F, Yang D, et al.Evaluation of satellite precipitation retrievals and their potential utilities in hydrologic modeling over the Tibetan Plateau.
Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519: 423-437.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.07.044URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
In this study, we evaluate four widely used global high-resolution satellite precipitation products against gauge observations over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). We also investigate the capability of the satellite products in streamflow simulations using the VIC hydrological model. Results show that the 3B42 and CMORPH perform better than the 3B42RT and PERSIANN at both plateau and basin scales. The 3B42RT and PERSIANN considerably overestimate the gauge precipitation estimates almost over the entire plateau, and the PERSIANN fail to capture the spatial and temporal pattern of the gauge precipitation estimates. For different satellite estimates, the error sources are systematically different for various seasons. For the 3B42, the miss bias is the main problem. The CMORPH exhibits obvious negative hit bias and miss bias in the rainy season and false-rain bias in the non-rainy season. The total bias in the 3B42RT and PERSIANN mainly attribute to positive hit bias in the rainy season and false-rain bias in the non-rainy season. The 3B42RT and PERSIANN show little capability for streamflow simulations over the TP, while the CMORPH exhibits an encouraging potential for hydrological applications in this regions in spite of the general underestimates. The 3B42 shows comparable performance to the CMA (China Meteorological Administration) data in both monthly and daily streamflow simulations mostly due to the monthly gauge adjustment involved in it.
[2]Liu Q, Fu Y.An examination of summer precipitation over Asia based on TRMM/TMI.
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2007, 50(3): 430-441.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-007-0020-1URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A 6-year dataset of summer monthly mean precipitation derived from Tropical Precipitation Measurement Mission (TRMM)-Microwave Imager (TMI) was used to delineate the spatial distribution patterns of precipitation throughout Asian areas,which indicates that there are three rainfall centers located at the northern coast of the Bay of Bengal,the South China Sea and the western equatorial Pacific Warm Pool,respectively.Based upon the analysis of horizontal distribution,the capability of TMI for characterizing terrestrial and maritime precipitation has been evaluated and compared with Global Precipitation Climatology Project(GPCP)dataset.It was found that TMI and GPCP are well consistent with each other,while a few significant differences occur at several regions over land.By investigating rainfall estimates over six specific locations in Asia,a systematic underestimation of TMI was demonstrated,which could be explained by the Inherent deficiency within TMI terrestrial algorithm relying on scattering signal from ice particles in a precipitation system.A further analysis shows that the highly inhomogeneous distribution of rain gauges employed by GPCP contributes a great deal to the significant discrepancy between GPCP and TMI,especially over regions surrounding the Tibetan Plateau where rain gauges are quite scarce.
[3]刘俊峰, 陈仁升, 卿文武, . 基于TRMM降水数据的山区降水垂直分布特征
. 水科学进展, 2011, 22(4): 447-454.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
选择天山和祁连山区为典型区,利用台站降水数据验证以上两区多卫星降水数据(TRMM)精度的基础上,借助TRMM数据分析了所选山区年降水梯度效应,并探讨了天山及祁连山最大降水高度带.结果表明,多卫星降水数据在天山和祁连山区精度较高,天山及祁连山年降水量都明显受到海拔影响,降水随海拔升高而增加,但天山降水与海拔正相关关系最好,南、北和西坡相关系数分别为0.90、0.81和0.58,多年平均降水直减率分别为11.0mm/100 m、6.3 mm/100 m、7.4 mm/100 m,最大降水高度带则分别位于海拔2 200~3 500 m和3 200~3 700 m和3 000m左右;祁连山东、中、西段降水随海拔有增加趋势,但降水梯度效应在祁连山东段明显高于祁连山中西段地区,梯度效应由东向西呈现递减趋势,其最大降水带主要分布在东段4 000~4 500 m的高山带.
[Liu Junfeng, Chen Rensheng, Qing Wenwu, et al.Study on the vertical distribution of precipitation in mountainous regions using TRMM data.
Advances in Water Science, 2011, 22(4): 447-454.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
选择天山和祁连山区为典型区,利用台站降水数据验证以上两区多卫星降水数据(TRMM)精度的基础上,借助TRMM数据分析了所选山区年降水梯度效应,并探讨了天山及祁连山最大降水高度带.结果表明,多卫星降水数据在天山和祁连山区精度较高,天山及祁连山年降水量都明显受到海拔影响,降水随海拔升高而增加,但天山降水与海拔正相关关系最好,南、北和西坡相关系数分别为0.90、0.81和0.58,多年平均降水直减率分别为11.0mm/100 m、6.3 mm/100 m、7.4 mm/100 m,最大降水高度带则分别位于海拔2 200~3 500 m和3 200~3 700 m和3 000m左右;祁连山东、中、西段降水随海拔有增加趋势,但降水梯度效应在祁连山东段明显高于祁连山中西段地区,梯度效应由东向西呈现递减趋势,其最大降水带主要分布在东段4 000~4 500 m的高山带.
[4]张镱锂, 李炳元, 郑度. 论青藏高原范围与面积
. 地理研究, 2002, 21(1): 1-8.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2002.01.001 [本文引用: 1]摘要
长期以来 ,种种因素导致****们对青藏高原确切范围的认识和理解存在差异。根据青藏高原相关领域研究的新成果和多年野外实践 ,从地理学角度 ,充分讨论了确定青藏高原范围和界线的原则与涉及的问题 ,结合信息技术方法对青藏高原范围与界线位置进行了精确的定位和定量分析。得出 :青藏高原在中国境内部分西起帕米尔高原 ,东至横断山脉 ,横跨 31个经度 ,东西长约 2 94 5km ;南自喜马拉雅山脉南缘 ,北迄昆仑山 -祁连山北侧 ,纵贯约 13个纬度 ,南北宽达 15 32km ;范围为 2 6°0 0′12″N~ 39°4 6′5 0″N ,73°18′5 2″E~ 10 4°4 6′5 9″E ,面积为 2 5 72 4× 10 3km2 ,占我国陆地总面积的 2 6 8%。
[Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du.A discussion on the boundary and area of the Tibetan Plateau in China.
Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1):1-8.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2002.01.001 [本文引用: 1]摘要
长期以来 ,种种因素导致****们对青藏高原确切范围的认识和理解存在差异。根据青藏高原相关领域研究的新成果和多年野外实践 ,从地理学角度 ,充分讨论了确定青藏高原范围和界线的原则与涉及的问题 ,结合信息技术方法对青藏高原范围与界线位置进行了精确的定位和定量分析。得出 :青藏高原在中国境内部分西起帕米尔高原 ,东至横断山脉 ,横跨 31个经度 ,东西长约 2 94 5km ;南自喜马拉雅山脉南缘 ,北迄昆仑山 -祁连山北侧 ,纵贯约 13个纬度 ,南北宽达 15 32km ;范围为 2 6°0 0′12″N~ 39°4 6′5 0″N ,73°18′5 2″E~ 10 4°4 6′5 9″E ,面积为 2 5 72 4× 10 3km2 ,占我国陆地总面积的 2 6 8%。
[5]孙鸿烈, 郑度, 姚檀栋, . 青藏高原国家生态安全屏障保护与建设
. 地理学报, 2012, 67(1): 3-12.
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201201001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Sun Honglie, Zheng Du, Yao Tandong, et al.Protection and construction of the National Ecological Security Shelter Zone on Tibetan Plateau.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(1): 3-12.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201201001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[6]吴国雄, 张永生. 青藏高原的热力和机械强迫作用以及亚洲季风的爆发I. 爆发地点
. 大气科学, 1998, 22(6): 22-35.
[本文引用: 1]

[Wu Guoxiong, Zhang Yongsheng.Thermal and mechanical forcing of the Tibetan Plateau and the asian monsoon onset. Part I: situating of the onset.
Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 1998, 22(6): 22-35]
[本文引用: 1]
[7]吴绍洪, 尹云鹤, 郑度, . 青藏高原近30年气候变化趋势
. 地理学报, 2005, 60(1): 3-11.
[本文引用: 1]

[Wu Shaohong, Yin Yunhe, Zheng Du, et al.Climate changes in the Tibetan Plateau during the last three decades.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005, 60(1): 3-11.]
[本文引用: 1]
[8]陈传友, 范云崎. 羌塘高原的河流、湖泊及水资源
. 资源科学, 1983, 5(2): 38-44.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要

[Chen Chuanyou, Fan Yunqi.Rivers, lakes and water resources in the Qiangtang Plateau.
Resources Science, 1983, 5(2): 38-44.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要

[9]You Q, Min J, Zhang W, et al.Comparison of multiple datasets with gridded precipitation observations over the Tibetan Plateau.
Climate Dynamics, 2015, 45(3-4): 791-806.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2310-6URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Precipitation is a critical component of the water balance, and hence its variability is critical for cryospheric and climate change in the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Mean annual and seasonal precipitation totals are compared between gridded observations interpolated to a high resolution (0.5 0.5) and multiple reanalysis type-datasets during 1979-2001. The latter include two NCEP reanalyses (NCEP1 and NCEP2), two European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalyses (ERA-40 and ERA-Interim), three modern reanalyses [the twentieth century reanalysis (20century), MERRA and CFSR] and three merged analysis datasets (CMAP1, CMAP2 and GPCP). Observations show an increase in mean precipitation from the northwestern to the southeastern (SE) regions of the TP which are divided by an isohyet of 400 mm, and overall trends during the studied period are positive. Compared with observations, most of the datasets (NCEP1, NCEP2, CMAP1, CMAP2, ERA-Interim, ERA-40, GPCP, 20century, MERRA and CFSR) can both broadly capture the spatial distributions and identify temporal patterns and variabilities of mean precipitation. However, most multi-datasets overestimate precipitation especially in the SE where summer convection is dominant. There remain substantial disagreements and large discrepancies in precipitation trends due to differences in assimilation systems between datasets. Taylor diagrams are used to show the correlation coefficients, standard deviation, and root-mean-square difference of precipitation totals between interpolated observations and assimilated values on an annual and seasonal basis. Merged analysis data (CMAP1 and CMAP2) agree with observations more closely than reanalyses. Thus not all datasets are equally biased and choice of dataset is important.
[10]刘桂芳, 卢鹤立. 1961-2005年来青藏高原主要气候因子的基本特征
. 地理研究, 2010, 29(12): 2281-2288.
[本文引用: 1]

[Liu Guifang, Lu Heli.Basic characteristics of major climatic factors on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in recent 45 years.
Geographical Research, 2010, 29(12): 2281-2288.]
[本文引用: 1]
[11]丁明军, 李兰晖, 张镱锂, . 1971-2012年青藏高原及周边地区气温变化特征及其海拔敏感性分析
. 资源科学, 2014, 36(7): 1509-1518.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
海拔敏感性是当前全球气候变化研究的热点之一,青藏高原作为"世界屋脊",探讨该区域气候变暖与海拔的关系对全球气候变化研究具有重要的参考意义。本文基于1971-2012年青藏高原及周边地区123个气象站的月平均气温数据,采用Mann-Kendall(M-K)趋势分析和突变检验、滑动t检验等方法分析了该地区气温变化的时空分布及其与海拔的关系。结果表明:①1971-2012年研究区年、四季、最热月和最冷月均温均呈现显著上升趋势,但增温幅度空间差异明显,具体表现为中、东部和东北部高,东南部低的态势;②除春季外,研究区增温幅度总体呈现随海拔上升而增加的趋势,且该趋势在青藏高原主体范围内尤为明显,但在不同海拔梯度内存在显著差异,其中海拔2 000~3 000m内增温对海拔的敏感性最强,海拔3 000~4 000m次之,而在海拔4 000m以上区域,增温幅度随海拔增加呈现下降趋势;③年均温的突变年份与海拔存在明显的线性关系,具体表现为:海拔每升高1 000m,突变年份推迟1.1~1.2年(p=0.001);④青藏高原年均温变化趋势及其海拔敏感性对研究时段起、止年份的选取较为敏感。
[Ding Mingjun, Li Lanhui, Zhang Yili, et al.Temperature change and its elevation dependency on the Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity from 1971 to 2012.
Resources Science, 2014, 36(7): 1509-1518.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
海拔敏感性是当前全球气候变化研究的热点之一,青藏高原作为"世界屋脊",探讨该区域气候变暖与海拔的关系对全球气候变化研究具有重要的参考意义。本文基于1971-2012年青藏高原及周边地区123个气象站的月平均气温数据,采用Mann-Kendall(M-K)趋势分析和突变检验、滑动t检验等方法分析了该地区气温变化的时空分布及其与海拔的关系。结果表明:①1971-2012年研究区年、四季、最热月和最冷月均温均呈现显著上升趋势,但增温幅度空间差异明显,具体表现为中、东部和东北部高,东南部低的态势;②除春季外,研究区增温幅度总体呈现随海拔上升而增加的趋势,且该趋势在青藏高原主体范围内尤为明显,但在不同海拔梯度内存在显著差异,其中海拔2 000~3 000m内增温对海拔的敏感性最强,海拔3 000~4 000m次之,而在海拔4 000m以上区域,增温幅度随海拔增加呈现下降趋势;③年均温的突变年份与海拔存在明显的线性关系,具体表现为:海拔每升高1 000m,突变年份推迟1.1~1.2年(p=0.001);④青藏高原年均温变化趋势及其海拔敏感性对研究时段起、止年份的选取较为敏感。
[12]Duan A, Xiao Z.Does the climate warming hiatus exist over the Tibetan Plateau?.
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 13711.
https://doi.org/10.1038/srep13711URLPMID:4557067 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The surface air temperature change over the Tibetan Plateau is determined based on historical observations from 1980 to 2013. In contrast to the cooling trend in the rest of China, and the global warming hiatus post-1990s, an accelerated warming trend has appeared over the Tibetan Plateau during 1998-2013 (0.2509000900°C decade(-1)), compared with that during 1980-1997 (0.2109000900°C decade(-1)). Further results indicate that, to some degree, such an accelerated warming trend might be attributable to cloud-radiation feedback. The increased nocturnal cloud over the northern Tibetan Plateau would warm the nighttime temperature via enhanced atmospheric back-radiation, while the decreased daytime cloud over the southern Tibetan Plateau would induce the daytime sunshine duration to increase, resulting in surface air temperature warming. Meanwhile, the in situ surface wind speed has recovered gradually since 1998, and thus the energy concentration cannot explain the accelerated warming trend over the Tibetan Plateau after the 1990s. It is suggested that cloud-radiation feedback may play an important role in modulating the recent accelerated warming trend over the Tibetan Plateau.
[13]Yao T, Thompson L, Yang W, et al.Different glacier status with atmospheric circulations in Tibetan Plateau and surroundings.
Nature Climate Change, 2012, 2(9): 663-667.
https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate1580URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
The Tibetan Plateau and surroundings contain the largest number of glaciers outside the polar regions1. These glaciers are at the headwaters of many prominent Asian rivers and are largely experiencing shrinkage2, which affects the water discharge of large rivers such as the Indus3, 4. The resulting potential geohazards5, 6 merit a comprehensive study of glacier status in the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings. Here we report on the glacier status over the past 30 years by investigating the glacial retreat of 82 glaciers, area reduction of 7,090 glaciers and mass-balance change of 15 glaciers. Systematic differences in glacier status are apparent from region to region, with the most intensive shrinkage in the Himalayas (excluding the Karakorum) characterized by the greatest reduction in glacial length and area and the most negative mass balance. The shrinkage generally decreases from the Himalayas to the continental interior and is the least in the eastern Pamir, characterized by the least glacial retreat, area reduction and positive mass balance. In addition to rising temperature, decreased precipitation in the Himalayas and increasing precipitation in the eastern Pamir accompanied by different atmospheric circulation patterns is probably driving these systematic differences.
[14]Lehnert L W, Wesche K, Trachte K, et al.Climate variability rather than overstocking causes recent large scale cover changes of Tibetan pastures.
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 24367.
The Tibetan Plateau has been entitled "Third-Pole-Environment" because of its outstanding importance for the climate and the hydrology in East and South-east Asia. Its climatological and hydrological influences are strongly affected by the local grassland vegetation which is supposed to be subject to ongoing degradation. On a local scale, numerous studies focused on grassland degradation of the Tibetan pastures. However, because methods and scales substantially differed among previous studies, the overall pattern of the degradation in the Tibetan Plateau is unknown. Consequently, a satellite based approach was selected to cope with the spatial limitations. Therefore, a MODIS-based vegetation cover product was developed which is fully validated against 600 in situ measurements covering a wide extent of the Tibetan Plateau. The vegetation cover as a proxy for grassland degradation is modelled with low error rates using support vector machine regressions. To identify the changes in the vegetation cover, the trends seen in the new vegetation cover product since the beginning of the new millennium were analysed. The drivers of the vegetation changes were identified by the analysis of trends of climatic variables (precipitation and 2 m air temperature) and land-use (livestock numbers) over the same time. The results reveal that - in contrast to the prevailing opinion - pasture degradation on the Tibetan Plateau is not a generally proceeding process because areas of positive and negative changes are almost equal in extent. The positive and negative vegetation changes have regionally different triggers: While, from 2000 on, the vegetation cover has increased in the north-eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau due to increasing precipitation, it has declined in the central and western parts due to rising air temperature and declining precipitation. Increasing livestock numbers as a result of land use changes exacerbated the negative trends but, contrarily to the assumptions of former studies, were not their exclusive driver. Thus, it can be concluded that climate variability instead of overgrazing has been the primary cause for large scale vegetation cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau since the new millennium.
[15]李兰晖, 刘林山, 张镱锂, . 青藏高原高寒草地物候沿海拔梯度变化的差异分析
. 地理研究, 2017, 36(1): 26-36.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201701002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
探讨高寒草地物候变化的海拔敏感性有助于揭示气候—植被的关系.基于2000-2013年的SPOT-VGT (NDVI)和MODIS (NDVI和EVI)、DEM、生态地理区划以及草地矢量数据,分析青藏高原高寒草地物候变化与海拔的关系.结果表明:①青藏高原高寒草地返青期和枯黄期分布随海拔上升呈现相对一致的规律性;但其年际变化趋势随海拔上升呈现明显差异.②返青期的提前趋势大致以3200m为界线,其下提前幅度随海拔上升显著增大,其上则相反.但枯黄期年际变化趋势随海拔上升则先呈现推迟趋势,且推迟幅度逐渐减小;之后呈现提前趋势,且提前幅度持续增大.③将高原中部的青南高寒草甸草原区(IC1)和南部的藏南山地灌丛草原区(IIC1)高寒草地物候变化趋势进行对比,两分区呈现相反的年际变化趋势;随海拔上升,两分区返青期的年际变化趋势呈现相反的变化方向,桔黄期则呈现基本一致的变化方向.上述差异表明,基于遥感反演的高寒草地物候年际变化趋势的垂直分异特征难以直接反映高原增温的海拔效应.
[Li Lanhui, Liu Linshan, Zhang Yili, et al.Elevation-dependent alpine grassland phenology on the Tibetan Plateau.
Geographical Research, 2017, 36(1): 26-36.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201701002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
探讨高寒草地物候变化的海拔敏感性有助于揭示气候—植被的关系.基于2000-2013年的SPOT-VGT (NDVI)和MODIS (NDVI和EVI)、DEM、生态地理区划以及草地矢量数据,分析青藏高原高寒草地物候变化与海拔的关系.结果表明:①青藏高原高寒草地返青期和枯黄期分布随海拔上升呈现相对一致的规律性;但其年际变化趋势随海拔上升呈现明显差异.②返青期的提前趋势大致以3200m为界线,其下提前幅度随海拔上升显著增大,其上则相反.但枯黄期年际变化趋势随海拔上升则先呈现推迟趋势,且推迟幅度逐渐减小;之后呈现提前趋势,且提前幅度持续增大.③将高原中部的青南高寒草甸草原区(IC1)和南部的藏南山地灌丛草原区(IIC1)高寒草地物候变化趋势进行对比,两分区呈现相反的年际变化趋势;随海拔上升,两分区返青期的年际变化趋势呈现相反的变化方向,桔黄期则呈现基本一致的变化方向.上述差异表明,基于遥感反演的高寒草地物候年际变化趋势的垂直分异特征难以直接反映高原增温的海拔效应.
[16]齐文文, 张百平, 庞宇, . 基于TRMM数据的青藏高原降水的空间和季节分布特征
. 地理科学, 2013, 33(8): 999-1005.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 4]摘要
<p>庞大的青藏高原不仅影响其周围的气候,也影响整个亚洲甚或全球的气候,而且本身还形成了独特的高原气候。但高原上气象观测站点极为稀少,降水资料奇缺,难以完整、深刻地认识高原降水的时空分布格局。选用热带降雨测量计划卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)3B43 月尺度降水率数据,并根据114 个气象站点数据与TRMM数据的差额和克里格球形插值模型对原数据进行了修正,克服了原数据低值高估、高值低估的问题,并以此分析了青藏高原1998~2011 年的多年平均降水的空间格局与季节分布特征。研究结果证实了青藏高原降水的空间格局呈现自东南向西北递减、自南向北逐渐减少的基本分布规律,包括喜马拉雅山北坡雨影区、高原西北部&ldquo;寒旱核心&rdquo;的存在;还发现了一些新的规律,包括阿里喀喇昆仑山少雨区、高原腹地相对湿润区、横断山脉中心相对干旱区等。高原降水的季节分配不均匀,其中,西、北部春(3~5 月)、秋(9~11 月)和冬(12~2 月)的降水占全年降水比例均为20%~30%,夏季(6~8 月)降水稍多,比例为30%~40%;东南部降水主要集中在夏季,比例高达40%~60%,春、秋降水比例为20%~30%,冬季降水比例低于10%。</p>
[Qi Wenwen, Zhang Baiping, Pang Yu, et al.TRMM-data-based spatial and seasonal patterns of precipitation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(8): 999-1005.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 4]摘要
<p>庞大的青藏高原不仅影响其周围的气候,也影响整个亚洲甚或全球的气候,而且本身还形成了独特的高原气候。但高原上气象观测站点极为稀少,降水资料奇缺,难以完整、深刻地认识高原降水的时空分布格局。选用热带降雨测量计划卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)3B43 月尺度降水率数据,并根据114 个气象站点数据与TRMM数据的差额和克里格球形插值模型对原数据进行了修正,克服了原数据低值高估、高值低估的问题,并以此分析了青藏高原1998~2011 年的多年平均降水的空间格局与季节分布特征。研究结果证实了青藏高原降水的空间格局呈现自东南向西北递减、自南向北逐渐减少的基本分布规律,包括喜马拉雅山北坡雨影区、高原西北部&ldquo;寒旱核心&rdquo;的存在;还发现了一些新的规律,包括阿里喀喇昆仑山少雨区、高原腹地相对湿润区、横断山脉中心相对干旱区等。高原降水的季节分配不均匀,其中,西、北部春(3~5 月)、秋(9~11 月)和冬(12~2 月)的降水占全年降水比例均为20%~30%,夏季(6~8 月)降水稍多,比例为30%~40%;东南部降水主要集中在夏季,比例高达40%~60%,春、秋降水比例为20%~30%,冬季降水比例低于10%。</p>
[17]吴祥定, 林正耀. 西藏的气候. 上海: 科学技术出版社, 1986. [本文引用: 2]

[Wu Xiangding, Lin Zhengyao. Climate of Xizang. Shanghai: Scientific and Technical Publishers, 1986.] [本文引用: 2]
[18]Liu L P, Feng J M, Chu R Z, et al.The diurnal variation of precipitation in monsoon season in the Tibetan Plateau.
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2002, 19(2): 365-378.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-002-0028-6URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The soundings, precipitation and radar data obtained from IOP of GAME-TIBET in the summer of 1998 are used to analyze the diurnal variations of precipitation and thermodynamic variables CAPE, LCL and relationships between precipitation and thermodynamic variables in monsoon season. The diurnal variations of precipitation are obvious. Maximum precipitation appears at the same time when CAPE reaches its maximum value. The atmospheric layer between 6 km and 8.5 km is unstable in most of the time, the strong stable layers below 6 km and above 9 km from 0400 to 0800 resists the development of convective system. The diurnal variation of precipitation is related to diurnal variations of thermodynamic variables. The diurnal variation of precipitation and effects of water vapor and temperature on precipitation are simulated by a three-dimensional cloud model. The cloud model reproduces the maxima and minima of diurnal variations of precipitation and reflectivity. The high humidity in low level at night is the key factor for the precipitation.
[19]林厚博, 游庆龙, 焦洋, . 基于高分辨率格点观测数据的青藏高原降水时空变化特征
. 自然资源学报, 2015, 30(2): 271-281.
[本文引用: 1]

[Lin Houbo, You Qinglong, Jiao Yang, et al.Spatial and temporal characteristics of the precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau from 1961 to 2010 based on high resolution grid-observation dataset.
Journal of Natural Resources, 2015, 30(2): 271-281.]
[本文引用: 1]
[20]Ma Y, Tang G, Long D, et al.Similarity and error intercomparison of the GPM and its predecessor-TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis using the best available hourly gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau.
Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(7): 569.
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8070569URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
The performance of Day-1 Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission (IMERG) and its predecessor, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis 3B42 Version 7 (3B42V7), was cross-evaluated using data from the best-available hourly gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Analyses of three-hourly rainfall estimates in the warm season of 2014 reveal that IMERG shows appreciably better correlations and lower errors than 3B42V7, though with very similar spatial patterns for all assessment indicators. IMERG also appears to detect light rainfall better than 3B42V7. However, IMERG shows slightly lower POD than 3B42V7 for elevations above 4200 m. Both IMERG and 3B42V7 successfully capture the northward dynamic life cycle of the Indian monsoon reasonably well over the TP. In particular, the relatively light rain from early and end Indian monsoon moisture surge events often fails to be captured by the sparsely-distributed gauges. In spite of limited snowfall field observations, IMERG shows the potential of detecting solid precipitation, which cannot be retrieved from the 3B42V7 products.
[21]沈艳, 潘旸, 宇婧婧, . 中国区域小时降水量融合产品的质量评估
. 大气科学学报, 2013, 36(1): 37-46.
[本文引用: 2]

[Shen Yan, Pan Yang, Yu Jingjing, et al.Quality assessment of hourly merged precipitation product over China.
Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, 36(1): 37-46.]
[本文引用: 2]
[22]Shen Y, Zhao P, Pan Y, et al.A high spatiotemporal gauge-satellite merged precipitation analysis over China.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2014, 119(6): 3063-3075.
https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JD020686URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Using hourly rain gauge data at more than 30,000 automatic weather stations in China, in conjunction with the Climate Precipitation Center Morphing (CMORPH) precipitation product for the 20080900092010 warm seasons (from May through September), we assess the capability of the probability density function090009optimal interpolation (PDF-OI) methods in generating the daily, 0.2500°09000901030900090.2500° and hourly, 0.100°09000901030900090.100° merged precipitation products between gauge observations and the CMORPH product. We find that error correlation, error variances of gauge and satellite data, and matching strategy in the PDF-OI method are dependent on the spatial and temporal resolutions of the used data. Efforts to improve the parameters and matching strategy for the hourly and 0.100°09000901030900090.100° product have been conducted. These improvements are not only suitable to a high-frequency depiction of no-rain events, but accurately describe the error structures of hourly gauge and satellite fields. The successive merged precipitation algorithm or product is called the original PDF-OI (Orig_PDF-OI) and the improved PDF-OI, respectively. The cross-validation results show that the improved method reduces systematic bias and random errors effectively compared with both the CMORPH precipitation and the Orig_PDF-OI. The improved merged precipitation product over China at hourly, 0.100° resolution is generated from 2008 to 2010. Compared with the Orig_PDF-OI, the improved product reduces the underestimation greatly and has smaller bias and root-mean-square error, and higher spatial correlation. The improved product can better capture some varying features of hourly precipitation in heavy weather events.
[23]郭燕红, 张寅生, 马颖钊, . 藏北羌塘高原双湖地表热源强度及地表水热平衡
. 地理学报, 2014, 69(7): 983-992.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201407010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
青藏高原加热及地-气间物质能量交换对我国、东亚乃至全球的天气和气候系统都有着非常重要的作用,受客观条件限制,藏北羌塘高原腹地尚无系统的地-气相互作用过程观测。本文利用中国科学院羌塘双湖极端环境综合观测研究站2011年10月.2012年9月一年的自动气象站观测数据,分析了年内季节和日尺度下双湖地区地面加热场特征,探讨了地表能量平衡及水量平衡特征,结果表明:(1)双湖地区年内地表热源强度基本为正,年平均热源强度为79.5 W/m2;然而地表热源强度呈现明显的季节和日变化规律,夏季热源强度大于冬季,白天热源强度大于夜间。夏季地表白天为强热源,夜间为弱热源,冬季地表白天为强热源,夜间为冷源。(2)双湖地区地表能量分配季节变化明显,7、8月份地一气间主要以潜热交换为主,其他月份主要以感热方式进行热量交换,年平均上主要以感热交换为主,年均感热通量和潜热通量分别为55.4 W/m2和24.1 W/m2,波文比为2.3。(3)双湖地区降水和蒸发皆主要集中在6-9月,年降雨量为332 mm,年蒸发量为312.9 mm,年水量差为19.1 mm,地表水量存在不平衡现象。(4)双湖地区地表蒸发力很强,年潜在蒸发为1888.2 mm,年均湿润指数为0.17,属典型半干旱气候特征。
[Guo Yanhong, Zhang Yansheng, Ma Yingzhao, et al.Surface heat source intensity and surface water/energy balance in Shuanghu, northern Tibetan Plateau.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(7): 983-992.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201407010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
青藏高原加热及地-气间物质能量交换对我国、东亚乃至全球的天气和气候系统都有着非常重要的作用,受客观条件限制,藏北羌塘高原腹地尚无系统的地-气相互作用过程观测。本文利用中国科学院羌塘双湖极端环境综合观测研究站2011年10月.2012年9月一年的自动气象站观测数据,分析了年内季节和日尺度下双湖地区地面加热场特征,探讨了地表能量平衡及水量平衡特征,结果表明:(1)双湖地区年内地表热源强度基本为正,年平均热源强度为79.5 W/m2;然而地表热源强度呈现明显的季节和日变化规律,夏季热源强度大于冬季,白天热源强度大于夜间。夏季地表白天为强热源,夜间为弱热源,冬季地表白天为强热源,夜间为冷源。(2)双湖地区地表能量分配季节变化明显,7、8月份地一气间主要以潜热交换为主,其他月份主要以感热方式进行热量交换,年平均上主要以感热交换为主,年均感热通量和潜热通量分别为55.4 W/m2和24.1 W/m2,波文比为2.3。(3)双湖地区降水和蒸发皆主要集中在6-9月,年降雨量为332 mm,年蒸发量为312.9 mm,年水量差为19.1 mm,地表水量存在不平衡现象。(4)双湖地区地表蒸发力很强,年潜在蒸发为1888.2 mm,年均湿润指数为0.17,属典型半干旱气候特征。
[24]张镱锂, 李炳元, 郑度. 《论青藏高原范围与面积》一文数据的发表: 青藏高原范围界线与面积地理信息系统数据
. 全球变化科学数据注册与出版系统, 2014. DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.v1, .
URL [本文引用: 1]

[Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du. Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau (DBATP)
, Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository, 2014. DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.v1, .]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[25]戴加洗, 周陆生, 吴永森, . 青藏高原气候. 北京: 气象出版社, 1990. [本文引用: 1]

[Dai Jiaxi, Zhou Lusheng, Wu Yongsen, et a1. Climate over Qinghai Xizang Plateau. Beijing: Meteorological Press, 1990.] [本文引用: 1]
[26]沈艳, 冯明农, 张洪政, . 我国逐日降水量格点化方法
. 应用气象学报, 2010, 21(3): 279-286.
[本文引用: 2]

[Shen Yan, Feng Mingnong, Zhang Hongzheng, et al.Interpolation methods of China daily precipitation data.
Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 2010, 21(3): 279-286.]
[本文引用: 2]
[27]Xu Y, Gao X, Shen Y, et al.A daily temperature dataset over China and its application in validating a RCM simulation.
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2009, 26(4): 763-772.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-009-9029-zURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper describes the construction of a 0.5°×0.5°daily temperature dataset for the period of 1961- 2005 over mainland China for the purpose of climate model validation. The dataset is based on the in- terpolation from 751 observing stations in China and comprises 3 variables: daily mean,minimum,and maximum temperature.The"anomaly approach"is applied in the interpolation.The gridded climatology of 1971-2000 is first calculated and then a gridded daily anomaly for 1961-2005 is added to the climatologY to obtain the final dataset.Comparison of the dataset with CRU (Climatic Research Unit) observations at the monthly scale shows general agreement between the two datasets.The differences found can be largely attributed to the introduction of observations at new stations.The dataset shows similar interannual vari- ability as does CRU data over North China and eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau,but with a slightly larger linear trend. The dataset is employed to validate the simulation of three extreme indices based on daily mean,minimum,and maximum temperature by a high-resolution regional climate model. Results show that the model reproduces these indices well.The data are available at the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Administration,and a coarser resolution(1°×1°)version can be accessed via the World Wide Web.
[28]Mosier T M, Hill D F, Sharp K V.30-Arcsecond monthly climate surfaces with global land coverage. International Journal of
Climatology. 2014, 34(7): 2175-2188.
https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.3829URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACTMonthly total precipitation and mean temperature climate surfaces, gridded to 30-arcseconds (≈165km at the equator) and available for all global land areas, are presented. These datasets are generated with a Delta downscaling method, using the 30-arcsecond WorldClim climatologies to scale monthly anomaly grids. For monthly mean temperature, the anomalies are constructed from both the Climate Research Unit (CRU) and Willmott & Matsuura (W&M) 0.5 degree time-series datasets, whereas for monthly precipitation Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) data are also used. The 0.5 degree anomalies are then interpolated to the 30-arcsecond resolution. Use of piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomials (PCHIP) to interpolate the anomaly grids results in more physically representative Delta downscaled surfaces, compared to bilinear and cubic spline interpolation. The Delta downscaled products are compared to Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) station records for six test regions distributed globally. In this analysis, the Delta grids produced using the W&M time-series dataset perform better than grids produced using GPCC or CRU. Using Oregon, USA as a test region, the Delta downscaled datasets are compared to the Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) datasets. For monthly precipitation, PRISM performs better than each of the three Delta downscaled datasets, but for mean temperature both Delta downscaled datasets outperform PRISM. Through computing the Pearson product–moment correlation coefficient between GHCN station delineated errors in the WorldClim climatologies and the Delta downscaled W&M data, it is shown that performance of the Delta grids corresponds strongly to performance of the reference climatologies. Therefore, future improvement of the 30-arcsecond Delta grids described in this article is strongly tied to advances in the high-resolution climatological data for all global land surfaces.65The Delta downscaled datasets discussed herein are open-source and freely distributed at http://www.globalclimatedata.org.
[29]Bai A, Liu C, Liu X.Diurnal variation of summer rainfall over the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring regions revealed by TRMM multi-satellite precipitation analysis. Chinese Journal of
Geophysics. 2008, 51(3): 704-714.
https://doi.org/10.1002/cjg2.1242URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper investigates the diurnal variations of summertime precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring regions using the TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis(TMPA)product during 2002~2006.We first compare the TMPA data with rain-gauge observations to demonstrate their applicability and fidelity.Both diurnal composite and harmonic analyses are employed to examine the diurnal cycles of precipitation intensity and frequency.Results show remarkable daily variability in summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby areas.The strongest diurnal oscillation occurs in the central Plateau,and other significant diurnal signal is present in the Indian Peninsula,to southwest of the Plateau.The occurrence of the maximum/minimum rainfall intensity and frequency has salient geographical dependence.On the whole,a late-afternoon-evening maximum is dominant in the central Plateau,whereas a late-night maximum is prevalent around the Plateau periphery and in Sichuan Basin,and a morning and afternoon maximum appear in the upper and mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River,respectively.There is a coherent diurnal variation pattern east of the Plateau,characterized by systematically delayed precipitation away from the Plateau.The significant nocturnal rainfall in Sichuan Basin is likely associated with eastward-propagating convective systems originated over the Tibetan Plateau.
[30]吴璐. 青藏高原与其东侧四川盆地降水日变化差异研究
. 北京: 中国气象科学研究院硕士学位论文, 2012.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
卫星降水资料在测站分布稀疏的复杂地形区域具有较大优越性,但是由于卫星与测站获取降水的原理不同,需要对卫星资料的可用性进行评估。青藏高原与其紧邻近的四川盆地物理距离很近、降水日变化特征迥然。考虑到以往绝大部分研究都把高原与四川盆地的降水日变化分别进行研究,且早期研究的实际降水观测资料具有局限性,加上对机制研究不深入。本研究首先利用2003-2008年暖季(5-9月)逐小时测站降水资料对CMORPH和TRMM3B42在青藏高原及其以东四川盆地进行小时降水的可用性进行评估;其次,利用与测站降水较为接近的TRMM3B42共11年资料(2000-2010年)揭示青藏高原和四川盆地暖季降水日变化特征及其联系和降水日变化的稳定性;最后,利用NECP FNL再分析资料揭示高原和盆地降水日变化的机理和可能联系。主要结论如下: (1)与测站逐小时降水资料相比,整体上这两套卫星降水资料刻画四川盆地小时降水变化的能力好于青藏高原。而且TRMM3B42优于CMORPH,这可能与TRMM3B42融合了雨量计资料有关。具体地,TRMM3B42在青藏高原以及其东侧的四川盆地反映平均小时降水量和小时降水频数方面与测站降水资料比较一致。CMORPH与测站降水的差异主要是与高估小量级降水(0.1-1mm/hr)的频数有关。在反映降水日变化方面,卫星降水资料反映青藏高原上降水峰值时刻与测站降水资料所反映差异明显于四川盆地,其差异主要归因于是测站点主要分布在山谷地区,具有局限性。由于测站降水会受到中尺度地形的影响,卫星降水资料,尤其是TRMM3B42可以弥补测站在青藏高原上的局限性。 (2)根据与测站降水资料最接近的TRMM3B42揭示在高原主体上,在90°E以西降水量最大值主要集中在午后至傍晚;在90°E以东降水主要集中在傍晚至夜间;在高原东侧的四川盆地降水集中在午夜至凌晨。降水日变化在青藏高原及其东侧四川盆地区域沿纬度带的传播特征较为明显。 (3)青藏高原及其东侧四川盆地暖季降水日变化的整体特征是比较稳定的,且降水频数日变化的稳定性强于降水量的日变化,青藏高原的局部地区和四川盆地105°E以东地区的降水日变化存在一定变化。 (4)青藏高原降水日变化特征与大气层结不稳定、风场环流的日变化较为一致。四川盆地降水日变化则与该地区上空维持西南风日变化和相对湿度日变化较为一致。从青藏高原到四川盆地存在上升运动东移的过程,与降水在青藏高原及其东侧四川盆地沿着纬度带的传播特征相吻合。
[Wu Lu.Discrepancy of precipitation diurnal cycles between the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring Sichuan Basin in warm season.
Beijing: Master Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2012.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
卫星降水资料在测站分布稀疏的复杂地形区域具有较大优越性,但是由于卫星与测站获取降水的原理不同,需要对卫星资料的可用性进行评估。青藏高原与其紧邻近的四川盆地物理距离很近、降水日变化特征迥然。考虑到以往绝大部分研究都把高原与四川盆地的降水日变化分别进行研究,且早期研究的实际降水观测资料具有局限性,加上对机制研究不深入。本研究首先利用2003-2008年暖季(5-9月)逐小时测站降水资料对CMORPH和TRMM3B42在青藏高原及其以东四川盆地进行小时降水的可用性进行评估;其次,利用与测站降水较为接近的TRMM3B42共11年资料(2000-2010年)揭示青藏高原和四川盆地暖季降水日变化特征及其联系和降水日变化的稳定性;最后,利用NECP FNL再分析资料揭示高原和盆地降水日变化的机理和可能联系。主要结论如下: (1)与测站逐小时降水资料相比,整体上这两套卫星降水资料刻画四川盆地小时降水变化的能力好于青藏高原。而且TRMM3B42优于CMORPH,这可能与TRMM3B42融合了雨量计资料有关。具体地,TRMM3B42在青藏高原以及其东侧的四川盆地反映平均小时降水量和小时降水频数方面与测站降水资料比较一致。CMORPH与测站降水的差异主要是与高估小量级降水(0.1-1mm/hr)的频数有关。在反映降水日变化方面,卫星降水资料反映青藏高原上降水峰值时刻与测站降水资料所反映差异明显于四川盆地,其差异主要归因于是测站点主要分布在山谷地区,具有局限性。由于测站降水会受到中尺度地形的影响,卫星降水资料,尤其是TRMM3B42可以弥补测站在青藏高原上的局限性。 (2)根据与测站降水资料最接近的TRMM3B42揭示在高原主体上,在90°E以西降水量最大值主要集中在午后至傍晚;在90°E以东降水主要集中在傍晚至夜间;在高原东侧的四川盆地降水集中在午夜至凌晨。降水日变化在青藏高原及其东侧四川盆地区域沿纬度带的传播特征较为明显。 (3)青藏高原及其东侧四川盆地暖季降水日变化的整体特征是比较稳定的,且降水频数日变化的稳定性强于降水量的日变化,青藏高原的局部地区和四川盆地105°E以东地区的降水日变化存在一定变化。 (4)青藏高原降水日变化特征与大气层结不稳定、风场环流的日变化较为一致。四川盆地降水日变化则与该地区上空维持西南风日变化和相对湿度日变化较为一致。从青藏高原到四川盆地存在上升运动东移的过程,与降水在青藏高原及其东侧四川盆地沿着纬度带的传播特征相吻合。
[31]崔鹏, 陈晓清, 程尊兰, . 西藏泥石流滑坡监测与防治
. 自然杂志, 2010, 32(1): 19-25.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2010.01.005URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Cui Peng,Chen Xiaoqing,Chen Zunlan, et al.Monitoring and prevention of debris-flows and landslides in Tibet.
Chinese Journal of Nature, 2010, 32(1): 19-25.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2010.01.005URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[32]崔鹏, 苏凤环, 邹强, . 青藏高原山地灾害和气象灾害风险评估与减灾对策
. 科学通报, 2015, 60(32): 3067-3077.
https://doi.org/10.1360/n972015-00849URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Cui Peng, Su Fenghuan, Zou Qiang, et al.Risk assessment and disaster reduction strategies for mountainous and meteorological hazards in Tibetan Plateau.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(32): 3067-3077.]
https://doi.org/10.1360/n972015-00849URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[33]邹新华, 刘峰贵, 张镱锂, . 基于县域尺度的青藏高原洪涝灾害风险分析
. 自然灾害学报, 2013, 22(5): 181-188.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Zou Xinhua, Liu Fenggui, Zhang Yili, et al.County scale-based risk analysis of flood hazard in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Journal of Natural Disasters, 2013, 22(5): 181-188.]
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[34]Stocker, Thomas.Climate change 2013: The physical science basis: Working Group I contribution to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 2014. [本文引用: 1]
[35]Wang S, Zhang M, Wang B, et al.Recent changes in daily extremes of temperature and precipitation over the western Tibetan Plateau, 1973-2011.
Quaternary International, 2013, 313: 110-117.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2013.03.037URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Climate extremes in the Tibetan Plateau may cause serious regional and global consequences, but observation-based research over the western Tibetan Plateau is scarce. In this paper, recent changes in extremes of temperature and precipitation over the western Tibetan Plateau from 1973 to 2011 are investigated. A total of 24 indices that represent extreme climate events are selected and calculated by using daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation data. Results demonstrate that most cold-related indices of temperature extremes (frost and ice days, cool nights and cool days, and cold spell duration indicators) show a significant decrease, and that both the coldest night and coldest day have increased during the study period. Warm-related indices of temperature extremes such as summer days, the warmest night and the warmest day, warm nights and warm days, and warm spell duration indicators all have increased. The diurnal temperature ranges show a decreasing trend with statistical significance, whereas growing season lengths have increased significantly. The change trends of precipitation extremes are nonsignificant. Nonsignificant increasing trends are detected for most indices including annual total wet-day precipitation, maximum 1-day and 5-day precipitation, very wet and extremely wet day precipitation, and consecutive wet days. However, nonsignificant decreasing trends are found for the number of heavy precipitation days, consecutive dry days and simple daily intensity index.
[36]石玉立, 宋蕾. 1998-2012年青藏高原TRMM 3B43降水数据的校准
. 干旱区地理, 2015, 38(5): 900-911.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
运用1998-2012年青藏高原的TRMM 3B43降水数据以及气象台站实测降水数据,对比分析了青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据偏差分布规律。结果表明:(1) TRMM 3B43降水数据在青藏高原地区存在明显误差,特别是降水量大的地区和月份,偏差量较大。(2)青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据偏差分布与海拔、经纬度、降水量存在密切的关系。用偏差分布规律,加法修正法结合随机森林算法对青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据进行了校准。经过校准之后,数据精度得到显著提高,有效增加了数据的可用性,多年月平均数据决定系数<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>最大可达到0.9(3、10月),最小也接近于0.5(12月),效率系数<em>E</em>均为正值,最大可达到90(3、10月);多年季平均和多年平均降水数据中除了第一季度结果稍差外(决定系数<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>为0.58),其余数据校准效果均较好。
[Shi Yuli, Song Lei.Calibration of TRMM 3B43 over Tibetan Plateau during 1998-2012.
Arid Land Geography, 2015, 38(5): 900-911.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
运用1998-2012年青藏高原的TRMM 3B43降水数据以及气象台站实测降水数据,对比分析了青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据偏差分布规律。结果表明:(1) TRMM 3B43降水数据在青藏高原地区存在明显误差,特别是降水量大的地区和月份,偏差量较大。(2)青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据偏差分布与海拔、经纬度、降水量存在密切的关系。用偏差分布规律,加法修正法结合随机森林算法对青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据进行了校准。经过校准之后,数据精度得到显著提高,有效增加了数据的可用性,多年月平均数据决定系数<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>最大可达到0.9(3、10月),最小也接近于0.5(12月),效率系数<em>E</em>均为正值,最大可达到90(3、10月);多年季平均和多年平均降水数据中除了第一季度结果稍差外(决定系数<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>为0.58),其余数据校准效果均较好。
[37]江志红, 卢尧, 丁裕国. 基于时空结构指标的中国融合降水资料质量评估
. 气象学报, 2013, 71(5): 891-900.
https://doi.org/10.11676/qxxb2013.076URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Jiang Zhihong, Lu Yao, Ding Guoyu.Analysis of the high-resolution merged precipitation products over china based on the temporal and spatial structure score indices.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2013, 71(5): 891-900.]
https://doi.org/10.11676/qxxb2013.076URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[38]Ma J, Dong W, Wei Z, et al.Evaluating daily surface maximum temperature interpolation error by adding climate stations near border areas over China.
International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(10): 2798-2808.
https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.4173URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Based on the observed daily surface maximum temperature data from 610 stations over mainland China and 162 sites from neighbouring countries during 1981–2010, the impacts of adding climate stations near border areas on daily surface maximum temperature interpolation errors over China were studied using the thin-plate spline method. The results showed that large improvements of interpolation accuracy in daily surface maximum temperature were achieved in border areas by adding climate information from neighbouring countries. Mean absolute error (MAE) was reduced by an average of 0.665°C65year611 and the frequency distribution of daily bias narrowed and became more peaked at 21 boundary stations that were withheld from the model-building process. Although pronounced variation was not found in most part of mainland China at a 1065km65×651065km grid resolution, the interpolated temperature transition between different thresholds became more stable and aligned with elevation gradients in western and northern border areas of China after incorporating data from the 162 foreign stations into the spatial interpolations. Therefore, caution should be taken when generating gridded data sets only based on observed sites in study areas to investigate regional climate change, particularly if border areas with complicated terrain are insufficiently covered by data networks.
相关话题/青藏高原 数据 观测 空间 四川