Commercial spatial structure optimization based on trade area analysis from a micro-scale perspective in Beijing

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1 引言
2 研究方法与数据来源
2.1 研究区概况
2014年北京市人口抽样调查报告显示,北京市79.5%的常住人口集中在六环以内。同时,北京市商业网点也主要集中在北京中心城区和近郊区,因此,本文选择北京市六环以内及六环附近作为研究范围。这里需要说明的是六环外、紧挨着六环的地铁昌平线南邵站附近,15号线前府街站、河东站附近,以及一号线西段延长线的门头沟附近等地,交通便利、发展较快,分布着大量的居住小区,商业网点也比较密集,故将六环以外三公里以内也纳入研究区域,与六环内的区域共同作为本文的研究范围。研究范围以东城、西城、朝阳、海淀、石景山和丰台城六区为主,同时还包括大兴、昌平、通州和顺义城区的大部分。2.2 数据来源
-->Fig. 1Spatial distribution of residential areas in Beijing
为了更好地研究与城市居民日常生活的服务网络,商业网点选取与居民日常生活息息相关的零售业和餐饮业。根据百度兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)数据,提取出研究区内各种业态类型的商业网点的信息95466条(图2)。其中POI数据泛指一切可以被抽象为点的地理实体,具有数据量大、实时性强、位置准确性高的特征。近年来很多****利用POI数据对位置的强大描述能力,对城市空间进行分析,如Long等充分利用北京市POI以及公交刷卡记录数据,构建了城市功能区识别模型,对北京市不同的功能用地类型进行识别[24]。禹文豪等通过实际多种POI点分布模式的核密度分析,探讨了基础设施在城市中的空间分布特征、影响因素[25]。本文小组在系列前期的研究中,根据上述提取北京市POI数据以及路网数据构建了一套基于街区尺度的城市商业区空间识别及类型划分的方法[8,9],北京市共识别出1063个商业区,将其按照功能分为饮食文化型商业区、专营型商业区、购物中心型商业区、便利型商业区、综合型商业区五种类型,并根据各类商业网点的面积规模估算各商业区规模,各类型商业区的数量、特征、规模及空间分布规律如图3、表1所示。

-->Fig. 3The distribution of different commercial districts in Beijing
Tab.1The classification and functional characteristics of commercial districts in Beijing
功能特征 | 主要商业网点 | 空间分布特征 | 数量(人) | 平均面积(km2) | 典型商业区 | |
饮食文化型商业区 | 以饮食服务为主 | 各类餐饮店 | 一级和二级饮食文化商业区多分布在三环和四环附近,三级商业区的分布则相对分散 | 240 | 0.015 | 如魏公村附近 |
专营型商业区 | 以某一类专营服务为主 | 家电电子商场、家居建材市场等 | 主要集中在三、四环附近以及五环外 | 264 | 0.068 | 如四惠建材城附近 |
购物中心型商业区 | 以高档、综合性购物为主 | 大型商场、购物中心、商业街等 | 该类一级和二级商业区主要集中二、三环附近;二三级在五环外也有分布 | 350 | 0.121 | 如王府井、西单 |
便利型商业区 | 以基本生活服务为主 | 超市、便利店、餐饮店等 | 空间分布较为分散,无明显集聚区 | 120 | 0.011 | 如看丹路附近 |
综合型商业区 | 职能最为综合,提供多种商业服务 | 各类专业店、综合市场、餐饮店、超市等 | 主要布局在城市居住区附近和人流相对集中的区域 | 89 | 0.051 | 如回龙观批发市场附近 |

-->Fig. 2Spatial distribution of commercial networks in Beijing
2.3 研究方法
2.3.1 居住小区人口的确定 居住小区作为城市的细胞,是城市人口的主要集聚区,且居住小区周围的商业配置直接关系到人们的生活质量。因此,本文以居住小区为基本单位,估算各小区人口,在居住小区的微观尺度上研究北京市各类商业区的商圈空间格局。面积权重内插法对于城市尺度以及城市内部中观尺度研究人口空间特征的实证研究效果较好[26,27]。因此本文基于面积权重内插法的思路,假设同类用地(本文指居住用地)的人均面积相同,以居住小区的建筑面积为基本权重,以各小区所在街道作为源区将人口分摊到各小区上,从而估算各小区人口:式中:
2.3.2 哈夫模型 消费者会根据购物机会选择不同的商业区,从而形成不同的商圈,经典的哈夫模型可以用来表示影响消费者对商业区进行空间选择的诸多因素[28]。哈夫模型是经济****Huff教授于1963年提出的关于预测城市内部商业区影响规模的模型。Huff认为“消费者对商业区的心理认同是影响商圈大小的本质,商圈的大小与消费者是否选择区该商业区购物有关”。一般来说,消费者更倾向商业规模大、品牌知名度高、商品种类多、促销力度大的这类吸引力较强的商业区;同时,也倾向于选择距离较近,交通便利的商业区。因此,哈夫模型的理论核心为:商圈规模与商业区对消费者的吸引力呈正比,与消费者距商业区的时间、距离呈反比。也就是商业区规模等级越高,其吸引范围就越大。具体模型为:
本文将居住小区作为商业区对人口吸引的基本分析单元,计算各居住小区选择某个商业区的概率。以ArcGIS 10.0作为平台,添加Market Analysis with the Huff Model tool,通过typhoon语言的编写,将其嵌入ArcGIS 10.0工具中实现Huff模型的分析应用。
2.3.3 商圈的确定 根据哈夫模型,确定各商业区对各居住小区的吸引力,从而确定各商业区基于居住小区尺度的商圈。然而,现在获得的是以小区为单位的商业区吸引范围,表现为空间离散的点数据,为了更好地体现各商业区地理覆盖范围,有必要将小区的分析结果拓展到面域空间。
3 北京市各类商业区商圈空间格局
-->Fig. 4The spatial distribution of different kinds of commercial trade areas in Beijing
3.1 饮食文化型商业区
饮食文化型商业区以餐饮特色为主,主要是各类餐饮店的集聚区。该类商业区平均面积较小,包括簋街、星吧路、苏州街等著名的美食街。由于该类商业区主要考虑服务的便捷性,同时付租能力也较差,因此在空间上常与等级较高的商业区相邻,如一些等级较高的购物中心型商业区。从饮食文化型商业各环线商圈服务情况来看(图4、表2),该类商圈在三四环附近服务面积较小,大多数在10 km2;五环外服务面积较大,平均服务面积达到73 km2。从商圈服务人口数量来看,五环外服务人口明显增多,平均服务人口达到182707人,其中石景山区的苹果园街道、广宁街道、金顶街道,海淀区的西北旺镇、上庄镇,朝阳区的来广营街道相关商圈覆盖的服务人口更多;此外,五环内的部分地区虽然商圈服务面积不大,但其覆盖人口较多,如万寿路、车道沟、刘家窑附近等。由于该类商业区的主要功能就是为附近居民提供餐饮服务,并且随着现代城市人口郊区化的发展和人们对餐饮服务需求的提升,这些地区亟需配套一定数量的饮食文化型商业区;同时,从市场角度来说,这些地区也有着巨大的市场潜力。
Tab.2Dietary and cultural commercial trade areas within different ring roads in Beijing
空间范围 | 商业区数量(个) | 平均服务面积(km2) | 平均服务人口(人) |
二环内 | 30 | 2.03 | 42221 |
二环到三环 | 72 | 1.47 | 34202 |
三环到四环 | 64 | 2.71 | 43364 |
四环到五环 | 47 | 11.56 | 78936 |
五环外 | 27 | 72.72 | 182707 |
3.2 专营型商业区
Tab.3Franchise-type commercial trade areas within different ring roads in Beijing
空间范围 | 商业区数量(个) | 平均服务面积(km2) | 平均服务人口(人) |
二环内 | 20 | 2.78 | 54474 |
二环到三环 | 30 | 2.72 | 71396 |
三环到四环 | 71 | 3.88 | 79685 |
四环到五环 | 79 | 5.71 | 59193 |
五环外 | 64 | 41.72 | 70487 |
3.3 购物中心型商业区
Tab.4Shopping commercial trade areas within different ring roads in Beijing
空间范围 | 商业区数量(个) | 平均服务面积(km2) | 平均服务人口(人) |
二环内 | 48 | 1.69 | 52539 |
二环到三环 | 68 | 1.82 | 47557 |
三环到四环 | 81 | 6.61 | 50950 |
四环到五环 | 71 | 4.74 | 37652 |
五环外 | 82 | 28.01 | 73922 |
3.4 便利型商业区
Tab.5Convenience commercial trade areas within different ring roads in Beijing
空间范围 | 商业区数量(个) | 平均服务面积(km2) | 平均服务人口(人) |
二环内 | 5 | 7.13 | 157222 |
二环到三环 | 14 | 9.28 | 211669 |
三环到四环 | 18 | 6.20 | 113274 |
四环到五环 | 48 | 11.08 | 78812 |
五环外 | 35 | 56.20 | 154606 |
3.5 综合型商业区
综合型商业区职能最为综合,业态最为齐全,商业区档次中等,服务半径较购物中心型商业区要小,较便利型商业区要大。该类商业区主要包括综合市场、专卖店、中低档的购物商场、餐饮店等类型的商业网点。从空间分布来看,主要布局在城市大型居住区附近,以及交通便利、人流密集的地铁站、公交站附近。从商圈服务面积来看,综合性商业区五环外面积非常大,平均达111.28 km2,尤其是海淀区北部,昌平的部分地区。从商圈服务人口数量来看,仍旧是五环外服务人口较多,平均达311640人;此外,四环附近部分地区综合型商业区服务人口也较多,并且附近购物中心型商业区的替代服务也不够,如黄渠西附近、马官营附近等(图4、表6)。
Tab.6Complex commercial trade areas within different ring roads in Beijing
空间范围 | 商业区数量(个) | 平均服务面积(km2) | 平均服务人口(人) |
二环内 | 14 | 4.14 | 97260 |
二环到三环 | 22 | 5.6 | 113150 |
三环到四环 | 22 | 8.1 | 126393 |
四环到五环 | 17 | 52.05 | 214694 |
五环外 | 14 | 111.28 | 311640 |
4 北京市商业空间优化方向与建议
(1)加快城市周边商业发展。从各类商业区商圈分析来看,各类商业区普遍在五环外的覆盖面积急剧增大,如饮食文化型商业区五环外平均商圈面积为73 km2,专营型商业区42 km2,购物中心型商业区28 km2,便利型商业区56 km2,综合型商业区111 km2。同时服务人口明显增多,尤其是便利型商业区、饮食文化型商业区和综合型商业区。目前,随着北京城市郊区化的推进,在城市外围建立了大量居住区,集聚了大量的人口。然而这些地区的商业却相对滞后,配套的商业等级和数量都难以满足居民消费的需求。居民远距离的购物消费,造成了环境污染、交通拥堵等诸多问题,更违背紧凑型城市的理念。
5 结论与讨论
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[1] | . 中国许多城市发生着从工业生产性城市向后现代消费型城市的转变, 在新的发展形势与转型期制度环境相交织的宏观背景中,城市中的各类消费空间被大规模生产出来,并与城市发展呈现出耦合互动的紧密关系,这既是消费空间自身 的利益诉求,也是城市空间发展演替的主动性适应。文章引入空间生产的理论分析视角,在解析消费空间与城市发展之间逻辑关系的基础上,通过对实证案例南京市 德基广场的消费空间生产历程分析,揭示了消费空间与城市发展的互动耦合是如何实现的。 中国许多城市发生着从工业生产性城市向后现代消费型城市的转变, 在新的发展形势与转型期制度环境相交织的宏观背景中,城市中的各类消费空间被大规模生产出来,并与城市发展呈现出耦合互动的紧密关系,这既是消费空间自身 的利益诉求,也是城市空间发展演替的主动性适应。文章引入空间生产的理论分析视角,在解析消费空间与城市发展之间逻辑关系的基础上,通过对实证案例南京市 德基广场的消费空间生产历程分析,揭示了消费空间与城市发展的互动耦合是如何实现的。 |
[2] | . 分析了北京市商业中心历史演变过程,通过构建指标体系,根据详尽的商业活动单位统计资料,利用地理信息系统技术和层次聚类分析方法,划分并界定了北京市目前商业中心的等级,并分别对一级商业中心、中间过渡性商业中心、二级商业中心分别作了描述和解释.对于西单、王府井、前门和朝外商业中心,在功能、时间和规模等级构成等方面进行了深入分析和对比.在分析北京市商业中心空间发展趋势的基础上,确定了各级商业中心的功能定位和相互关系,并指出了其空间发展格局. 分析了北京市商业中心历史演变过程,通过构建指标体系,根据详尽的商业活动单位统计资料,利用地理信息系统技术和层次聚类分析方法,划分并界定了北京市目前商业中心的等级,并分别对一级商业中心、中间过渡性商业中心、二级商业中心分别作了描述和解释.对于西单、王府井、前门和朝外商业中心,在功能、时间和规模等级构成等方面进行了深入分析和对比.在分析北京市商业中心空间发展趋势的基础上,确定了各级商业中心的功能定位和相互关系,并指出了其空间发展格局. |
[3] | . 以北京市中心城区和近郊区为研究区域,运用POI数据提取研究区零售商业网点信息,采用点模式分析和构建耦合度模型,探讨了北京市不同业态商业空间格局,及在居住小区中观尺度上商业空间与人口的耦合性。结果表明:(1)北京市各类商业网点均是空间集聚类型,其中服装鞋帽皮具店集聚程度最强,而特色商业街、花鸟鱼虫市场等较弱。(2)北京市不同类型商业网点的空间集聚区差别较大。其中大型商场、服装鞋帽皮具店等多数业态的集聚区主要以四环内为主,沿长安街形成了一条横轴集聚带,而且西单、王府井、朝外和中关村形成了明显的集聚区。而家电电子市场、家居建材市场、超市等商业类型都形成了各自的集聚区。(5)北京市各类商业网点Ripley’sL(d)曲线分为倒“U”型、上扬型和波浪型5种形式;其中大多数类型的商业均为倒“U”型,即商业网点在一定距离范围内先集聚后分散。(4)在居住小区尺度,商业网点与人口的耦合性还存在诸多不匹配的现象,城市周边高级商业设施和日常生活配套普遍跟不上,在城市内部也存在个别耦合性较差的区域。 以北京市中心城区和近郊区为研究区域,运用POI数据提取研究区零售商业网点信息,采用点模式分析和构建耦合度模型,探讨了北京市不同业态商业空间格局,及在居住小区中观尺度上商业空间与人口的耦合性。结果表明:(1)北京市各类商业网点均是空间集聚类型,其中服装鞋帽皮具店集聚程度最强,而特色商业街、花鸟鱼虫市场等较弱。(2)北京市不同类型商业网点的空间集聚区差别较大。其中大型商场、服装鞋帽皮具店等多数业态的集聚区主要以四环内为主,沿长安街形成了一条横轴集聚带,而且西单、王府井、朝外和中关村形成了明显的集聚区。而家电电子市场、家居建材市场、超市等商业类型都形成了各自的集聚区。(5)北京市各类商业网点Ripley’sL(d)曲线分为倒“U”型、上扬型和波浪型5种形式;其中大多数类型的商业均为倒“U”型,即商业网点在一定距离范围内先集聚后分散。(4)在居住小区尺度,商业网点与人口的耦合性还存在诸多不匹配的现象,城市周边高级商业设施和日常生活配套普遍跟不上,在城市内部也存在个别耦合性较差的区域。 |
[4] | . Quantitative study of urban spatial structure is the core content of urban geography research. Based on analysis of the building space structure, we explored urban spatial structure and its change rules. According to the characteristics of the building space structure, we designed a "vector model" to explore urban spatial structure. In this model, we applied three different polygon-based data, administrative districts, concentric circles and fan divisions, to respectively analyze urban construction center, urban construction direction and intensity of urban construction. The results show that this method well characterizes the change rules of Beijing urban spatial structure. The characteristics and rules reveal that: (1) Beijing city develops in a single direction because of the effects of urban function diffusion and agglomeration. The inner city expands to the outer city, and the outer city agglomerates to the inner city; (2) Due to the influence of the major events, urban area may expand to the opposite direction or form a bidirectional development; (3) The reason of urban sprawl in Beijing is not only the expansion of inner city, but also the agglomeration of outer city; (4) The urban area of Beijing city develops towards the air while sprawling, and the new denser urban regions tend to occur in the urban fringe; (5) "Biaxial structure" of Beijing urban area has been established, but "west-east axis" is more notable than "north-south axis". Now, the differentiation of Beijing urban development in each direction is decreasing, and Beijing has a balanced development in each direction. Quantitative study of urban spatial structure is the core content of urban geography research. Based on analysis of the building space structure, we explored urban spatial structure and its change rules. According to the characteristics of the building space structure, we designed a "vector model" to explore urban spatial structure. In this model, we applied three different polygon-based data, administrative districts, concentric circles and fan divisions, to respectively analyze urban construction center, urban construction direction and intensity of urban construction. The results show that this method well characterizes the change rules of Beijing urban spatial structure. The characteristics and rules reveal that: (1) Beijing city develops in a single direction because of the effects of urban function diffusion and agglomeration. The inner city expands to the outer city, and the outer city agglomerates to the inner city; (2) Due to the influence of the major events, urban area may expand to the opposite direction or form a bidirectional development; (3) The reason of urban sprawl in Beijing is not only the expansion of inner city, but also the agglomeration of outer city; (4) The urban area of Beijing city develops towards the air while sprawling, and the new denser urban regions tend to occur in the urban fringe; (5) "Biaxial structure" of Beijing urban area has been established, but "west-east axis" is more notable than "north-south axis". Now, the differentiation of Beijing urban development in each direction is decreasing, and Beijing has a balanced development in each direction. |
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[6] | . 运用Shannon信息熵理论,借助熵值及其均衡度和优势度模型理论,探讨地铁站点的类型、开通时间和区位对站点商圈零售商业业种构成的影响,揭示它们之间存在的内在联系。结果表明:①受地铁站点区位影响,按城市中心向边缘排列,15个站点的业种结构信息熵值呈现倒U型曲线模式,位于城市近郊区的站点零售商业结构最均衡;②受地铁站点的类型影响,交通接驳点的站点零售商业结构最均衡;③地铁站点的开通时间越晚,其零售商业结构越均衡。以上研究结论对认识和策划城市轨道交通沿线的零售商业布局和发展具有重要意义。 运用Shannon信息熵理论,借助熵值及其均衡度和优势度模型理论,探讨地铁站点的类型、开通时间和区位对站点商圈零售商业业种构成的影响,揭示它们之间存在的内在联系。结果表明:①受地铁站点区位影响,按城市中心向边缘排列,15个站点的业种结构信息熵值呈现倒U型曲线模式,位于城市近郊区的站点零售商业结构最均衡;②受地铁站点的类型影响,交通接驳点的站点零售商业结构最均衡;③地铁站点的开通时间越晚,其零售商业结构越均衡。以上研究结论对认识和策划城市轨道交通沿线的零售商业布局和发展具有重要意义。 |
[7] | The sustainability of cities highly depends on city center viability and shopping street resilience. With the increasing number of shopping centers and their strong impact on existing retail systems, the major urban challenge has become maintaining a balance in the market. When shopping centers appeared, shopping streets began suffering from the negative influence of these new centers. Turkey, as a developing country, suffered from this change in last two decades. With the shopping center supporting policies and regulations of both central and local governments, the situation has become worse, and detrimental to small, independent retailers located on shopping streets. The controlled, trendy and convenient shopping environment, variety, quality and pricing of goods and services have attracted customers to shopping centers. This has been a revisited topic in the planning literature and the common statement was that the emergence of shopping centers abates the viability of city centers and shopping streets. However, in time, the shopping streets have adapted to the changes, thus become more resilient to the negative impacts of shopping centers. The current planning literature has been limited to the analysis of either shopping center systems, or shopping streets. In contrast to this approach, in this study, we are analyzing both retail venues, and comparing their consumer profiles, preferences and spatial behaviors. The purpose is to exhibit the strengths and weaknesses of shopping centers and shopping streets, and identify the qualifications attractive to their customers. This will provide an opportunity for urban policy makers to redefine a retail policy framework which will contribute to shopping street resilience and city center viability. Ankara is selected for two reasons: (1) as of 2011, the shopping center gross leasable area per 1000 people was the highest in Turkey, (2) the city center is still vivid, and shopping street retailers continue to survive amid the high level of shopping center floor space. Two separate questionnaires were given in 13 shopping centers, and 11 main shopping streets in Ankara. The findings reveal that: (1) shopping centers are used by consumers from all districts, in particular, from suburban districts, and shopping streets are mainly used by consumers living in inner city districts, (2) the consumer profiles of shopping centers and shopping streets are distinctive in terms of age, occupation and education, (3) shopping centers are usually preferred by car owners, which encourages development of new shopping centers at the urban fringe, (4) shopping centers and shopping streets are preferred for similar purposes, and shopping streets, in particular, are preferred for entertainment. Therefore, the major conclusion is that the shopping streets in Ankara have a certain level of resilience in terms of consumer diversity, retailer variety, quality and complementary degree. This level can be further increased by new retail planning policies that will focus on attracting consumers from different backgrounds, offering a conducive business environment for special brands, and initiating new revitalization plans and programs for maintenance and design of city centers. |
[8] | Environmental assessment plays an important role in directing urban development towards a sustainable way. Unfortunately the majority of currently available environmental assessment tools emphasize either the regional scale or single-building scale, while giving less attention to the meso-scale. This paper presents a methodology of meso-scale environmental performance assessment for urban commercial districts. It extends both the environmental performance assessment and the environmental efficiency assessment by integrating the indicators from three aspects, i.e. the environmental quality, the social and economic value, and the environmental load. Consumer satisfaction is also incorporated. The Stated Preference survey (SP survey) was introduced for the evaluation to get the preference of the consumers, and weights of the indicators were decided via discrete choice model fitting. Six typical commercial districts of Beijing were sampled to test the viability. The results of our research are proved helpful for understanding the environmental situation of urban commercial districts therefore instructive for city planning and management. The proposed method can also be applied to other meso-scale districts such as industrial districts and residential districts in city. |
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[12] | . 本文从生态学的视角来探讨商业区内商业网点空间布局规律与配置方式,利用生态学的思维来寻找合理的商业网点空间分布与组合,以达到商业区内商业网点的整体功能优化,经济与社会效益最佳的目标. 本文从生态学的视角来探讨商业区内商业网点空间布局规律与配置方式,利用生态学的思维来寻找合理的商业网点空间分布与组合,以达到商业区内商业网点的整体功能优化,经济与社会效益最佳的目标. |
[13] | 61An extended Huff model is applied to the Belgian grocery market.61Only easy acquirable input data is used.61Results are validated on multiple levels: block, store and brand level.61Inclusion of brand related store attractiveness drivers ensures model robustness.61Incorporating more spatially dynamic drivers improves model accuracy. |
[14] | Purpose: This paper identifies those attributes of created and evolved retail agglomeration formats that have a substantial impact on overall attractiveness from the consumers’ point of view. From an agglomeration management perspective primary areas of concern are identified and suggestions to increase the competitiveness of diverse agglomeration formats are presented. Design/methodology: Through synthesizing pertinent literatures we produce a conceptual framework that proposes significant impacts between ten generic agglomeration attributes and different dimensions of attractiveness. We then test the hypotheses using a survey of more than 1,000 consumers of three competing agglomeration formats (a town center, a strip center and a regional shopping mall) in a particular locality. Findings: Retail related factors and the atmosphere influence attractiveness most significantly in each of the three settings. All other factors – in particular convenience related ones - show only format specific relevance or are of no direct importance on the consumers’ evaluation of attractiveness. Research limitations/implications: The findings can only be transferred to similar retail settings and do not consider supra-regional agglomerations. Practical implications: The results suggest that management of all three agglomerations is quite limited in directly influencing attractiveness. They should instead focus on the optimum selection of retail tenants and support or compliment the marketing endeavors of their tenants. Originality/value: The focus is on regional retail agglomerations and considers the interdependencies between different formats in one geographical area. The in-vivo survey approach takes into account the moderating effect of the shopping situation when consumers’ evaluate the attractiveness of competing shopping venues. |
[15] | ABSTRACT Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to identify shopping centre attractiveness dimensions from the point of view of the Mexican shopper and then segment shoppers according to these perceptions of attractiveness. Design/methodology/approach ‐ Data were collected through a survey of 1,500 regular shopping centre consumers from the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (MAG), Mexico. This research study was carried out from January to April 2010. Five of the largest shopping centres, including a lifestyle centre, a community centre, a regional shopping centre, and a small regional shopping centre participated voluntarily in this research study. Findings ‐ The attractiveness attributes of six shopping centres were identified through a factorial analysis: mall essence, popularity and promotional programs, personal service, recreational options, internal atmosphere, and external atmosphere. Also, a cluster analysis of these factors revealed three types of consumers with significantly different perceptions of shopping centres: serious, enthusiast, and basic. The outcomes were validated by a multiple discriminant analysis. Multiple discriminant results suggest that the dimension of popularity and promotion programs is the first to be distinguished among segments, followed by internal and external atmosphere. Practical implications ‐ From a managerial perspective, the study provides practical advice to managers in order to support marketing and positioning strategies for their shopping centres, focusing on a particular segment of consumers. Originality/value ‐ This study contributes to the body of research on shopping centre attractiveness and shopper segments by providing information regarding Mexican consumer perceptions of shopping. |
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[18] | This paper shows an application of this model to describe the behaviour of potential students in the choice of a university site. The results provided by the model have been compared with the actual data and show that the gravity model can describe the behaviour of potential students with good approximation. |
[19] | Retail markets are extremely important, but economists have few practical tools for analyzing the way dispersed buyers and sellers affect the properties of markets. I develop an econometric model of retail demand in which products are location specific and consumers have preferences over both geographic proximity and other store and product characteristics. The model uses data on the observed geographic distribution of consumers within a market to (1) help explain observed variation in market shares and (2) affect predicted substitution patterns between stores. Using data from the U.S. cinema industry, I use the estimated model to evaluate the form of consumer transport costs, the effect of a theater's price and quality choices on rivals, the effects of geographic differentiation, and the nature and extent of market power. |
[20] | The aim of this article is to explore the main issues involved with operationalizing entropy-maximizing models in a retail business context. We draw on our experiences of work undertaken with a variety of international blue-chip clients. First, we examine issues relating to demand estimation, focusing on practical considerations involved in different types of application. These issues include choice of demand estimation methodology, dealing with nonresidential flows and demand elasticity. Second, we investigate the supply-side or attractiveness component in detail, including a review of how such factors as brand preference, brand loyalty, and the so-called network effect can be addressed within a spatial interaction modeling framework. We then explore the distance decay variable in more detail before examining more specific measures of model performance. Historically in the literature, goodness of fit has been used as a measure of model performance, but we shall argue that goodness of forecast is the metric by which model performance should be measured. The difficulties of trying to achieve this are outlined and some examples discussed.El objetivo de este artículo es explorar la problemática de la puesta en práctica de modelos de maximización de entropía en el contexto de los negocios de ventas al consumidor (retail). Los autores utilizan su experiencia de trabajo con varios clientes de primer orden (blue-chip clients). Primero, se examina la problemática de la estimación de la demanda, centrándose en las consideraciones prácticas de diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Esta problemática incluye la selección de una metodología para la estimación de la demanda, el problema de flujos no-residenciales, y la elasticidad de la demanda. Segundo, se investiga en detalle el componente de oferta o atractividad, lo que incluye un examen de la forma en que factores como la preferencia y lealtad de marca, y el efecto de red (network effect) pueden ser abordados dentro del marco del modelado de interacción espacial. Luego se investiga el efecto de disminución por distancia (distance decay) en más detalle para luego examinar medidas más específicas de performance de modelo. En la literatura especializada, la bondad de ajuste (goodness of fit) ha sido utilizada como medida de performance de modelos más común, pero los autores sostienen que la bondad de predicción (goodness of forecast) es una métrica más apropiada. Finalmente, se presentan las dificultades existentes para alcanzar dicho tipos de medidas y se proporcionan algunos ejemplos. |
[21] | 61This study extends single store or shopping centre retail catchment estimation techniques to a national network of retail centres in the UK.61The model estimates retail catchment extents at a Lower Super Output Area level of granularity.61This paper discusses a range of theoretical and empirical challenges that such a model presents.61We also present an open source software tool for custom model fitting. |
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[24] | . 以江苏省常州市商业网点规划为例,采用哈夫模型预测常州市和武进区两级商业中心的服务区及潜在顾客数。在下述三方面有所创新:(1)传统哈夫模型只适用于同级点状商业中心的市场区域预测,在划分城市不同等级商业中心的市场服务区时有很大局限性,提出一种<em>λ</em>取值的理论模式以优化不同等级商业中心的服务区划分;(2)消费者到商业中心的距离<em>D</em>,包括直线距离、路网距离和路网交通时间,以这三类距离划分市场服务区存在很大差异。研究表明,基于路网距离和交通时间的哈夫模型,划定的商业中心服务区较为接近现实情况。(3)日本通产省的修正哈夫模型简单实用,但在分析次级商业中心的服务区时,需要重新调整距离衰减系数[λ]值,以提高哈夫模型的预测准确性。若辅之以商业市场调查确定<em>λ</em>值,市场区划分的准确性将显著改善。 以江苏省常州市商业网点规划为例,采用哈夫模型预测常州市和武进区两级商业中心的服务区及潜在顾客数。在下述三方面有所创新:(1)传统哈夫模型只适用于同级点状商业中心的市场区域预测,在划分城市不同等级商业中心的市场服务区时有很大局限性,提出一种<em>λ</em>取值的理论模式以优化不同等级商业中心的服务区划分;(2)消费者到商业中心的距离<em>D</em>,包括直线距离、路网距离和路网交通时间,以这三类距离划分市场服务区存在很大差异。研究表明,基于路网距离和交通时间的哈夫模型,划定的商业中心服务区较为接近现实情况。(3)日本通产省的修正哈夫模型简单实用,但在分析次级商业中心的服务区时,需要重新调整距离衰减系数[λ]值,以提高哈夫模型的预测准确性。若辅之以商业市场调查确定<em>λ</em>值,市场区划分的准确性将显著改善。 |
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[26] | . <p>城市空间POI点的分布模式、分布密度在基础设施规划、城市空间分析中具有重要意义, 表达该特征的核密度法(kernel density estimation)由于顾及了地理学第一定律的区位影响,比其他密度表达方法(如样方密度、基于Voronoi图密度)占优.然而,传统的核密度计算方法往往基于二维延展的欧氏空间,忽略了城市网络空间中设施点的服务功能及相互联系发生于网络路径距离而非欧氏距离的事实.本研究针对该缺陷,给出了网络空间核密度计算模型,分析了核密度方法在置入网络结构中受多种约束条件的扩展模式,讨论了衰减阈值及高度极值对核密度特征表达的影响.通过实际多种POI点分布模式(随机型、稀疏型、区域密集型、线状密集型)下的核密度分析试验,讨论了POI基础设施在城市区域中的分布特征、影响因素、服务功能.</p> <p>城市空间POI点的分布模式、分布密度在基础设施规划、城市空间分析中具有重要意义, 表达该特征的核密度法(kernel density estimation)由于顾及了地理学第一定律的区位影响,比其他密度表达方法(如样方密度、基于Voronoi图密度)占优.然而,传统的核密度计算方法往往基于二维延展的欧氏空间,忽略了城市网络空间中设施点的服务功能及相互联系发生于网络路径距离而非欧氏距离的事实.本研究针对该缺陷,给出了网络空间核密度计算模型,分析了核密度方法在置入网络结构中受多种约束条件的扩展模式,讨论了衰减阈值及高度极值对核密度特征表达的影响.通过实际多种POI点分布模式(随机型、稀疏型、区域密集型、线状密集型)下的核密度分析试验,讨论了POI基础设施在城市区域中的分布特征、影响因素、服务功能.</p> |
[27] | . 获取城市局部区域内的实时人口是应急决策等诸多城市管理应用需要解决的问题。但时空的不确定性导致了估算操作的困难:空间范围不确定,即给定的城市区域是可变的;时间不确定,即估计的时间事先不可知。根据城市居民的总体出行规律,居民日常活动基本以城市建筑为中心,或者认为居民因受建筑物所承载功能的吸引而出行。鉴此,给定区域内的静态人口可使用区域内的居住型建筑,以及人均住房建筑面积等统计数据来估算,而动态人口的估算则需要确定每类建筑物在不同时刻所吸引的居民人数。为此,引入建筑物修正系数和建筑物吸引率两个指数。修正系数是其他类型建筑物的容纳能力与作为基准的居住型建筑物的容纳能力之比。通过修正系数可获得每类建筑物的额定容纳人数。吸引率是不同时刻每类建筑物的实际容纳人数与其额定容纳人数的比值。根据居民出行的一般时间分布,将一天按照休息日和节假日分别都划分成七个时段,建筑物类型参照调查城市交通出行率时的分类划分。利用居民出行和交通出行率调查资料等数据,估算每类建筑物的修正系数和吸引率,计算区域内的实时人口数,模拟了一起突发化学品泄漏事故,将所提方法应用到模拟场景的动态人口估计中,并对方法应用中的问题进行了讨论。 获取城市局部区域内的实时人口是应急决策等诸多城市管理应用需要解决的问题。但时空的不确定性导致了估算操作的困难:空间范围不确定,即给定的城市区域是可变的;时间不确定,即估计的时间事先不可知。根据城市居民的总体出行规律,居民日常活动基本以城市建筑为中心,或者认为居民因受建筑物所承载功能的吸引而出行。鉴此,给定区域内的静态人口可使用区域内的居住型建筑,以及人均住房建筑面积等统计数据来估算,而动态人口的估算则需要确定每类建筑物在不同时刻所吸引的居民人数。为此,引入建筑物修正系数和建筑物吸引率两个指数。修正系数是其他类型建筑物的容纳能力与作为基准的居住型建筑物的容纳能力之比。通过修正系数可获得每类建筑物的额定容纳人数。吸引率是不同时刻每类建筑物的实际容纳人数与其额定容纳人数的比值。根据居民出行的一般时间分布,将一天按照休息日和节假日分别都划分成七个时段,建筑物类型参照调查城市交通出行率时的分类划分。利用居民出行和交通出行率调查资料等数据,估算每类建筑物的修正系数和吸引率,计算区域内的实时人口数,模拟了一起突发化学品泄漏事故,将所提方法应用到模拟场景的动态人口估计中,并对方法应用中的问题进行了讨论。 |
[28] | Urban population during the daytime and at night and their spatial distribution are important bases for planning urban infrastructure, public services and disaster relief. As current population statistics cannot distinguish urban population during the daytime from that at night, existed research in this field are quite limited. This paper tries to advance studies at this aspect by establishing a relationship model for the three components of 鈥榩opulation, land use and time(daytime or night)' to explore the temporal and spatial characteristics of different types of population, which is aimed to estimate urban population during the daytime and at night and to analyze their spatial characteristics at grid scale. Furthermore, an empirical case study has been carried out at the Haidian District in Beijing, China to test the model. The results are as follows:(1) The spatial structure of urban population during the daytime is significantly different from that at night. The spatial distribution of urban population during the daytime is more extensive and more agglomerated that that at night.(2) Several types of spatial coupling relationship between population during the daytime and that at night have been identified, such as sandwich mode, symmetry mode, convergence mode and single mode, etc.(3) The spatial distribution of daytime and nighttime population also reflects certain factors during the development of China, such as the distribution of old residential areas, the construction of new industrial districts, and the differences between urban and rural areas, which can provide reference points for studies in this field and other regional research. |
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[31] | . 对商圈经典模型进行了系统梳理,指出了城市商圈与企业商圈存在的差异,对哈夫修正模型进行了再修正,把哈夫修正模型中的“距离二次方反比”用2个距离乘积来表示,一个距离是消费者到商圈的空间距离,另一个距离是该商圈到城市中心商圈的空间距离.此再修正模型研究城市商圈区位问题具有较强的解释力. 对商圈经典模型进行了系统梳理,指出了城市商圈与企业商圈存在的差异,对哈夫修正模型进行了再修正,把哈夫修正模型中的“距离二次方反比”用2个距离乘积来表示,一个距离是消费者到商圈的空间距离,另一个距离是该商圈到城市中心商圈的空间距离.此再修正模型研究城市商圈区位问题具有较强的解释力. |
[32] | . 以黑河流域河西走廊中段地区为例,利用该研究区年、月降水与地形间较强的相关性特点,在PRISM方法的基础上对该地区日降水量进行了空间插值计算。文章提出了以月降水量的PRISM空间插值结果为该月逐日降水空间分布的参考本底,利用泰森多边形方法确定空间日降水的概率,从而实现黑河流域河西走廊中段地区日降水的空间制图方法,并对该方法得到的日降水时空数据集进行了误差分析和评估。分析结果表明,这一方法简单可靠,满足分布式水文模型或相关陆表过程分布式模拟对分布式日降水数据时空精度的要求。 以黑河流域河西走廊中段地区为例,利用该研究区年、月降水与地形间较强的相关性特点,在PRISM方法的基础上对该地区日降水量进行了空间插值计算。文章提出了以月降水量的PRISM空间插值结果为该月逐日降水空间分布的参考本底,利用泰森多边形方法确定空间日降水的概率,从而实现黑河流域河西走廊中段地区日降水的空间制图方法,并对该方法得到的日降水时空数据集进行了误差分析和评估。分析结果表明,这一方法简单可靠,满足分布式水文模型或相关陆表过程分布式模拟对分布式日降水数据时空精度的要求。 |
[33] | In this paper a generalisation of the Voronoi partition is used for locational optimisation of facilities having different service capabilities and limited range or reach. The facilities can be stationary, such as base stations in a cellular network, hospitals, schools, etc., or mobile units, such as multiple unmanned aerial vehicles, automated guided vehicles, etc., carrying sensors, or mobile units carrying relief personnel and materials. An objective function for optimal deployment of the facilities is formulated, and its critical points are determined. The locally optimal deployment is shown to be a generalised centroidal Voronoi configuration in which the facilities are located at the centroids of the corresponding generalised Voronoi cells. The problem is formulated for more general mobile facilities, and formal results on the stability, convergence and spatial distribution of the proposed control laws responsible for the motion of the agents carrying facilities, under some constraints on the agents' speed and limit on the sensor range, are provided. The theoretical results are supported with illustrative simulation results. |
[34] | Abstract A hierarchical wireless sensor network is proposed which separates the sensing ability and routing ability at different layer respectively. It cannot only simplify the hardware design but also can reduce wireless node cost. Also, a mathematical model of data fusion based on hierarchical architecture and Voronoi diagram is given to make sure the connectivity of stochastic sensor nodes and can be more energy efficient. The simulation shows, network communication traffic are cut down sharply, which can reduce nodes energy cost and prolong the lifetime of the sensor network. |
[35] | . 城市空间结构研究一直都是城市地理学的主要研究领域,但其中的城市商业空间结构研究则发展缓慢.本文试探着阐述了城市商业空间优化的相关理论,包括商业空间优化的必要性与意义,接着描述了目前商业空间结构存在的普遍问题,并指出优化的四个主要目标,即视觉优先、经济优先、生态优先和社会优先,最后指出商业空间结构优化的主要方面和具体手段. 城市空间结构研究一直都是城市地理学的主要研究领域,但其中的城市商业空间结构研究则发展缓慢.本文试探着阐述了城市商业空间优化的相关理论,包括商业空间优化的必要性与意义,接着描述了目前商业空间结构存在的普遍问题,并指出优化的四个主要目标,即视觉优先、经济优先、生态优先和社会优先,最后指出商业空间结构优化的主要方面和具体手段. |