

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

1. 华南理工大学建筑学院,广州 510640
2. 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,广州 510640

Hypothesis of incomplete-structural matching job-housing in a polycentric city

1. Architecture School, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, Guangzhou 510640, China
-->作者介绍:赵渺希(1979- ),男,湖南湘潭人,博士,副教授,主要从事城市规划与设计研究。E-mail: arzhao@scut.edu.cn



It is assumed that polycentricity is a spatial model that deals with the problem of job housing commuting in metropolitan areas. Most urban planners usually pay attention to the dispersed spatial pattern of the Garden City but always ignore the externalities of an agglomeration economy. They also tend to focus on the quantitative balance between job and housing and do not notice the importance of structural matching between them. Based on the concept of structural matching job-housing, this research explores the related theory from the aspects of urban function and transportation for a polycentric city, for which possible models of matching job and housing are analyzed. The key finding is that the exact structural matching between job and housing in a polycentric city is impossible because of the requirement of the externalities of a specialized agglomeration economy. In regards to urban function, pursuing the exact quantity of job and housing in each sector among different sub-centers is not as realistic as the idea that the same ratio of employment will lead to a lack of specialized agglomeration benefits for the polycentricity. That is to say, spatial structure with similar employment components in sub-centers will do harm to agglomeration economy in a functional polycentricity. In regards to commuting, complete self-sufficiency in job and housing in each sub-center means a pattern of urban villages instead of the polycentricity version with its random movements. According to the reality of frequent relocation of working places and different locations of couples' jobs, random movements will always take place among different employment centers. According to the original theory of the mismatching of job- housing, vulnerable groups have always had difficulties finding a job for the extra trips. This means that proximity of job and housing for those vulnerable groups is necessary in this conceptual model of structural matching job-housing in a polycentric city. Hence this research proposed a hypothesis of incomplete-structural matching job- housing in a polycentric city with four dimensions: spatial balance in a less hierarchical system of employment centers, specialized function of agglomeration economy in each employment center, adequate public service facilities for the local residents and proximity of job and housing for those vulnerable groups requiring short-distance commuting. Based on an empirical study of Guangzhou, the research explored the spatial matching of job- housing through the lens of this model from these four aspects.

Keywords:polycentric city;job-housing;spatial matching;incomplete-structural matching job-housing

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赵渺希. 多中心城市就业—居住的非完全结构匹配模型[J]. , 2017, 36(8): 1531-1542 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201708011
ZHAO Miaoxi. Hypothesis of incomplete-structural matching job-housing in a polycentric city[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(8): 1531-1542 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201708011

1 引言

1.1 源于实践的多中心职住问题


1.2 多中心城市功能组织的相关文献

1.2.1 多中心的生成机制 对于多中心城市的生成机制,经济学给出了完整的理论框架:即先从微观区位的角度构建单中心城市模型,以新古典主义的地租理论演绎生成圈层式的城市空间结构;多中心城市的分析框架与单中心相类似,通过比较工资水平、集聚经济的外部性、商品运输成本、个人通勤成本等约束条件,演绎生成不同参数条件下单中心—多中心的空间均衡状态[5,6]
1.2.2 就业中心的专门化集聚 城市经济学的研究虽然也注意到了不同产业因为地租差异而形成的同心圆结构,但并没有注意到产业的集聚机理。针对现实中新城、新区的功能发育问题,探索多中心的就业分布离不开对产业功能集聚的研究。根据Krugman等的观点,集聚经济源自于企业邻近形成的共享技术溢出优势,而土地稀缺、交通拥堵等状况则是城市空间扩散重组的驱动力[14-16]。另一方面,消除单中心城市拥堵的负外部性并不等于“去中心化”或者“无中心化”,而是要在疏散的过程中保证集聚经济的正向外部性收益,否则,过度的空间分散将最终导向城市虚无主义,既有悖于人类社会发展的城镇化规律,也不符合马歇尔产业经济的集聚效应[17]。从这个意义上说,虽然“多中心”是与“单中心”相对应的一种空间形态,但就业的过度分散将削弱产业集群的正向外部性。基于这一约束条件,多中心城市必须在其内部的各个中心形成就业的专门化集聚[15,16,18],而非各种功能活动在诸就业中心之间的均匀分散。
1.2.3 就业中心的功能多样性 对于城市中心来说,混合或者多样性是城市性的重要特征,相应地,多中心也必须具混合的功能[13,21]。部分****基于雅各布的多样性理论,将用地功能的混合作为识别城市次中心的重要依据[22]。在规划实践中,功能单一的产业园区不但了无生趣,还将导致钟摆式的单向通勤、最终妨碍城市系统的运行效率。
1.2.4 居住隔离的空间失配 关于就业—居住匹配的重要研究还来源于空间失配(Spatial mismatch)假说。这一理论始自美国郊区化过程中、非裔群体过度集聚于市区所产生的居住隔离问题。1968年Kain发现,随着传统中心区就业岗位迁往郊区,居住在中心区的黑人因为较高的通勤成本失去就业机会,同时郊区的雇主也不愿意雇佣居住在内城的谋职者,由此形成了就业—居住的空间不匹配。Kain将其总结为“空间失配”理论[1]。一定程度上,社会隔离源自于单一群体的聚居,并导致社会多样性的不足。随着研究的不断深入,职住空间失配研究取得了丰富的成果。1970年代以后,相关研究更多地从城市规划的角度出发,侧重于城市空间的结构性和制度性影响。在这一趋势下,学术界对“空间失配”理论进行了重新界定,即空间失配研究的重点在于空间不平等,而非种族歧视问题[28,29]

1.3 多中心城市交通组织的相关文献

-->Fig. 1Models of transportation for monocentric and polycentric cities

2 多中心城市的职住匹配模型

2.1 多中心职住匹配的模式辨析

2.1.1 模式I:职住完全分离的组团模式 如图2a所示,在这一双组团城市模式中,组团1的就业功能A/B/C与组团2的居住功能a/b/c完全分离,就业功能的集中是空间集聚外部性的体现[41],保证了马歇尔的产业集聚优势。但是这种职住分离模式中,单一的产业功能组团或者居住组团都是乏味的,不具吸引力的,居住地区难以有效形成组团中心。组团2为典型的“卧城”,两个组团之间存在明显的钟摆式通勤。
-->Fig. 2Polycentric model for different job-housing types

2.1.2 模式II:完全匹配、职住均匀分散的组团模式 在模式II的两个组团中,无论是就业(A/B/C)还是居住(a/b/c),每一组团都有着同样的就业门类结构,A-a、B-b、C-c的职住空间组合实现了完全匹配(图2b)。但是这一种空间模式实际上是城市中心功能的一种均匀分散,因为两个组团均是完全独立的城市,而非一个城市的两个部分,不符合“1+1>2”的系统性要求。两个组团的就业中心并不形成Meijers等所说的功能互补性,对于专业分工的放弃丧失了多中心城市所应有的系统性优势;且在交通方面,这种方式属于Bertaud所说的“城市村”模式,即过分强调职住的结构性匹配,忽视了交通出行随机性的社会现实。进一步地,在此种职住完全匹配的模式中,社会个体的就业地点存在周期性变动的可能,双职工家庭难以同时满足就地通勤[41]

2.2 非完全匹配的假说模式

-->Fig. 3Polycentric model with job-housing partly matched

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Comparison different models for matching job-housing in a polycentric city
a. 就业空间均衡性就业总量不均衡,形成“卧城”就业总量的多中心均衡就业总量的多中心均衡
b. 就业专门化程度就业的专门化集聚就业均匀分散、没有专门化集聚就业的专门化集聚
c. 居住设施充足性就业、居住内部多样化,但组团整体功能单一组团整体功能和就业、居住内部均多样化就业弱多样化、但保障生活设施的充足性
d. 本地职住通勤钟摆式交通,不保障任何本地通勤全部本地通勤,不现实的“城市村”交通模式保障部分群体的短距通勤,随机性出行的多中心


3 多中心职住非完全结构匹配的测度

-->Fig. 4Measurement of incomplete matching job-housing in a polycentric city

4 基于广州的案例分析

4.1 数据来源

理论辨析为实证提供了一个可供参考的测度分析模型。以广州为例,以2000年人口普查的居住地数据对应于2001年基本单位普查的就业地数据,以2010年人口普查的居住地数据对应于2008年经济普查的就业地数据,近似地测度广州市就业—居住的多中心匹配趋势。由于大城市一般的通勤距离在12 km以内,相比之下,广州中心城内街道的面积尺度较小,而外围的镇街(多为30~50 km2)则能容纳这一通勤尺度,因此相应数据的空间尺度在中心城内采用行政区为单元,外围采用镇街为分析单元。
-->Fig. 5Distribution of respondents' job-housing commuting in Tianhe District


4.2 就业中心的识别


4.3 多中心的职住匹配测度

-->Fig. 6Measuring job-housing of spatial matching in Guangzhou in 2001 and 2008


5 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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ABSTRACT Book description: 'Large polycentric city-regions pose perplexing problems to social scientists and policy-makers. Not only do they represent complex socio-economic systems in their own right, but they also increasingly function as the main locational anchors of wider globalization processes. This book provides a masterful analysis of these issues, with a particular focus on the emergence, dynamics, and planning of polycentric city-regions in contemporary Europe' Allen Scott of University of California, and author of Global City-Regions. A new 21st century urban phenomenon is emerging: the networked polycentric mega-city region. Developed around one or more cities of global status, it is characterized by a cluster of cities and towns, physically separate but intensively networked in a complex spatial division of labour. This book describes and analyses eight such regions in North West Europe. For the first time, this work shows how businesses interrelate and communicate in geographical space - within each region, between them, and with the wider world. It goes on to demonstrate the profound consequences for spatial planning and regional development in Europe - and, by implication, other similar urban regions of the world. The Polycentric Metropolis introduces the concept of a mega-city region, analyses its characteristics, examines the issues surrounding regional identities, and discusses policy ramifications and outcomes for infrastructure, transport systems and regulation. Packed with high quality maps, case study data and written in a clear style by highly experienced authors, this will be an insightful and significant analysis suitable for professionals in urban planning and policy, environmental consultancies, business and investment communities, technical libraries, and students in urban studies, geography, economics and town/spatial planning.
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Recently, the use of the term polycentric or polynuclear urban region has clearly increased greatly in the European urban (planning) literature and also in policy documents. Literally, polycentricity in urban form refers to nothing more than the existence of more than one centre in a city, region or other geographical unit. It is not surprising to find that many more specific elements have been added to this rather broad and empty definition. These additions are strongly contingent on the viewpoint of researchers, especially with respect to the geographical unit that is being referred to. In this contribution, the different concepts and definitions are discussed from the perspective of changing households and related changes in activity patterns and residential preferences. We argue that, from a household perspective, polycentric urban regions the size of the Randstad or Rhine Ruhr area are too large to constitute relevant geographical units. However, at more local spatial level, the notion of polycentricity is relevant. Rather than focusing on the size of the urban region too much, we believe it makes sense to look at residential milieus. Over recent decades, households have diversified and have, on average, become more affluent and mobile, resulting in increased opportunities for choosing both a house and a residential environment. Simultaneously, polycentric milieus with different sub-milieus have emerged. In this contribution, it is argued that, together, these developments have made the functional uniqueness and complementarity of places more important. Therefore, the unique, spatially bounded qualities of places should play a more prominent part in the development of residential environments in polycentric urban areas than they do at present. Data from the Netherlands are applied to illustrate our viewpoint
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ABSTRACT Urban agglomeration becomes increasingly important because of the globalization of world economies. This paper is a general equilibrium analysis of urban agglomeration economies due to product variety, and agglomeration diseconomies due to intra-city congestion in a two-city system framework. Special attention is paid to the impacts of transportation cost decrease on urban concentration and dispersion. Our main result is that dispersion necessarily takes place when the transportation cost is sufficiently low. We also conduct numerical calculations using specific parameter values, and depict a structural transition from dispersion to agglomeration, and then re-dispersion when the transportation costs decrease monotonically over time. Finally, we observe that dispersion is usually bad as compared to agglomeration, from a welfare point of view.
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This Paper studies the theoretical micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies. We distinguish three types of micro-foundations, based on sharing, matching, and learning mechanisms. For each of these three categories, we develop one or more core models in detail and discuss the literature in relation to those models. This allows us to give a precise characterization of some of the main theoretical underpinnings of urban agglomeration economies, to discuss modeling issues that arise when working with these tools, and to compare different sources of agglomeration economies in terms of the aggregate urban outcomes they produce as well as in terms of their normative implications.
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This paper examines the decentralization of employment using zip code data on employment by industry. Most American cities are decentralized--on average less than 16 percent of employment in metropolitan areas is within a three mile radius of the city center. In decentralized cities, the classic stylized facts of urban economics (i. e. prices fall with distance to the city center, commute time rise with distance and poverty falls with distance)no longer hold. Decentralization is most common in manufacturing and least common in services. The human capital level of an industry predicts its centralization, but the dominant factor explaining decentralization is the residential preferences of workers. Political borders also impact employment density which suggests that local government policies significantly influence the location of industry.
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https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098011407095URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Empirical research establishing the costs and benefits that can be associated with polycentric urban systems is often called for but rather thin on the ground. In part, this is due to the persistence of what appear to be two analytically distinct approaches in understanding and measuring polycentricity: a morphological approach centring on nodal features and a functional approach focused on the relations between centres. Informed by the oft-overlooked but rich heritage of urban systems research, this paper presents a general theoretical framework that links both approaches and discusses the way both can be measured and compared in a coherent manner. Using the Netherlands as a test case, it is demonstrated that most regions tend to be more morphologically polycentric than functionally polycentric. The difference is largely explained by the size, external connectivity and degree of self-sufficiency of a region's principal centre.
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https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098015588685URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We examine Mexico City urban structure through a composite index by combining two previously existing metrics: one derived from the Urban Network Analysis tool (UNA), recently published by MIT researchers, and the other, using an Entropy Index, which in essence, represents the mixed land-use degree. The proposed composite index embodies a different approach from previous methods reported in the literature because it uses disaggregated data at the unit level, performs weighted cluster calculations through a network data set, and incorporates a mixed land-use metric. This method was developed in order to test if the urban arrangement showed signs of a polycentric condition under a particular centrality standpoint. We observed that Mexico City has a relatively weak polycentric urban condition.
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https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9787.2011.00754.xMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper asks whether worker utility levelscomposed of wages, rents, and amenitiesare being equalized among American cities. Using microdata on U.S. urban workers in 1980 and 2000, little evidence of equalization is found. Comparable workers earn higher real wages in large cities, where amenities are also concentrated. Moreover, population growth between 1980 and 2000 has not been significantly different in low- and high-utility cities, suggesting that other forces are at work shaping the sorting processes that match workers and firms. We outline an alternative view of the drivers of change in the American urban system, and urban development more generally, by applying theory from economic geography.
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https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12062URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
By Jaakko Simonen, Rauli Svento and Artti Juutinen; Specialization and diversity as drivers of economic growth: Evidence from High-Tech industries
[27]卡尔索普. 未来美国大都市: 生态·社区·美国梦. 郭亮译. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2009. [本文引用: 1]

[Peter Calthorpe.The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community & the American Dream. Translated by Guo Liang. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2009.] [本文引用: 1]
[28]Houston D S.Methods to test the spatial mismatch hypothesis
. Economic Geography, 2005, 81(4): 407-434.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2005.tb00281.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The spatial mismatch hypothesis postulates that employment deconcentration within U.S. metropolitan areas goes some way toward explaining higher unemployment and lower wages among ethnic minority groups, since these groups are more likely to reside in central-city areas. However, little consensus has emerged on the importance of spatial mismatch in explaining disadvantage in the labor market. This article argues that conflicting evidence is the result of the variety of methods that have been used to test the spatial mismatch hypothesis. Moreover, it draws attention to a number of hitherto uncovered flaws in some of these methods that introduce systematic biases against finding evidence in support of the hypothesis. In light of these flaws, favored methods for future research are highlighted. Drawing on evidence from British conurbations that display similar spatial inequalities to U.S. metropolitan areas despite much smaller ethnic minority populations, the article contends that race does not lie at the heart of the spatial mismatch problem. Three areas in which the spatial mismatch hypothesis should be reconceptualized are identified: first, its emphasis should be on spatial, not racial, inequalities; second, it needs to differentiate between residential immobility and residential segregation, which are quite different; and third, it needs to recognize that theextentand theeffectof spatial mismatch are distinct and should be measured separately.
[29]戴柳燕, 焦华富, 肖林. 国内外城市职住空间匹配研究综述
. 人文地理, 2013, 28(2): 27-31.
[本文引用: 2]

[Dai Liuyan, Jiao Huafu, Xiao Lin.A review on jobs-housing matching of urban residents
. Human Geography, 2013, 28(2): 27-31.]
[本文引用: 2]
[30]Kenyon S, Lyons G, Rafferty J.Transport and social exclusion: Investigating the possibility of promoting inclusion through virtual mobility
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2002, 10(3): 207-219.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0966-6923(02)00012-1URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper introduces a mobility dimension to social exclusion, suggesting a strong correlation between a lack of access to adequate mobility and lack of access to opportunities, social networks, goods and services. This correlation exists as both a cause and consequence of social exclusion. The authors question the likelihood that increased physical mobility, by car or public transport, can, by itself, provide a fully viable or sustainable solution to mobility-related aspects of social exclusion. This paper cautiously suggests that the use of information and communications technologies could enable a new, virtual mobility, enabling an Internet-based increase in accessibility as an alternative to an increase in physical mobility. Finally, consideration is given to the possibility of a virtual mobility-related dimension of exclusion and to the possible social implications of inclusion of virtual mobility in an integrated transport strategy.
[31]周江评. “空间不匹配”假设与城市弱势群体就业问题: 美国的相关研究及其对中国的启示
. 现代城市研究, 2004, (9): 8-14.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2004.09.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhou Jiangping.Spatial mismatching hypothesis and employment of disadvantaged social group
. Modern Urban Research, 2004, (9): 8-14.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2004.09.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[32]刘望保, 翁计传. 西方“空间不匹配”假说研究进展及其对中国城市的启示
. 规划师, 2008, 24(1): 91-94.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-0022.2008.01.024URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Liu Wangbao, Weng Jichuan.Western space mismatching and its inspiration on China's city development
. Planners, 2008, 24(1): 91-94.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-0022.2008.01.024URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[33]Zhou S, Wu Z, Cheng L.The impact of spatial mismatch on residents in low-income housing neighbourhoods: A study of the Guangzhou metropolis, China
. Urban Studies, 2013, 50(9): 1817-1835.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098012465906URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article verifies the hypothesis that a spatial mismatch between jobs and housing exists in two typical low-income housing neighbourhoods, Tangxia and Tongde, in Guangzhou city, where surveys were undertaken. The research shows that the types of residents in Tangxia and Tongde have changed significantly during the past few years. Housing types transferred comprise subsidised rental housing, commercial housing and private lease housing. At the same time, the jobs09“housing mismatch among residents in subsidised rental and commercial houses has become striking. The mechanisms responsible for the mismatch vary from a passive process for residents in subsidised rental housing to an active process for those in commercial housing. In comparison, private lease housing residents do not experience a jobs09“housing mismatch. This result shows that, with the interaction of the legacy of the socialist land and housing market with the new market-orientated system, government still plays an important role in housing supply. This is especially so for low-income families, who face a 0900passive0964 jobs09“housing relocation and mismatch, while the market-orientated parts of the system play an active role in people0964s job09“housing relocation.
[34]Gordon P, Wong H L.The cost of urban sprawl: Some new evidence
. Environment and Planning A, 1985, 17(5): 661-666.
https://doi.org/10.1068/a170661URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
A large national sample from the US 1977 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study is analyzed in order to test the transport economies that may result from the dispersion of work trip-ends. Based on indirect evidence that the largest metropolitan areas have the largest proportion of noncentral-city work trip-ends, we associate a variety of work-trip results for such cities with a polycentric urban form hypothesis. We claim that these results also suggest that decentralized settlement ('sprawl'?) is not necessarily uneconomical.
[35]丁成日, 宋彦. 城市规划与空间结构. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2005. [本文引用: 1]

[Ding Chengri, Song Yan.Urban Planning and Spatial Structure. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2005.] [本文引用: 1]
[36]孙斌栋, 潘鑫. 城市空间结构对交通出行影响研究的进展: 单中心与多中心的论争
. 城市问题, 2008, (1): 19-22.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2031.2008.01.010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Sun Bindong, Pan Xin.The impact of urban spatial structure to the transportation: Comparing monocentric- and polycentric city
. Urban Problem, 2008, (1): 19-22.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2031.2008.01.010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[37]Cervero R, Wu K.Sub-centring and commuting: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area, 1980-90
. Urban Studies, 1998, 35(7): 1059-1076.
Like many large US metropolitan areas, the San Francisco Bay Area has experienced rapid suburban employment growth since 1980, much of it concentrated in sub-centres. This paper shows that, contrary to the co-location hypothesis, employment decentralisation has not been associated with shorter average commute distances or durations in the Bay Area. Combining statistics on shifts in modal splits and average vehicle occupancy levels reveals that parallelling the region's sub-centring trend has been a substantial increase in average commute vehicle miles travelled (VMT) per employee between 1980 and 1990. The largest increases occurred in the fastest-growing and most remote suburban centres. Using decomposition analysis, we found that increasing commute distances contributed the most to rising commute VMT per employee, and the distance factor had proportionately the greatest effect on rising commute VMT rates in the most peripheral work centres. Since shifts in commute VMT per employee are thought to be strongly associated with transport externalities, we conclude that the social and environmental implications of the Bay Area's regional growth trends deserve more public policy attention than given to date.
[38]Sun B, He Z, Zhang T, et al.Urban spatial structure and commute duration: An empirical study of China
. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2016, 10(7): 638-644.
Urban traffic is embedded in and fundamentally shaped by the spatial pattern of urban land use, such as city size, density, extent of polycentricity, and the relationship between employment and residential locations. Previous evidence, mainly from European and American cities, suggests that the duration of commute trips increases with city size and the spatial separation between jobs and housing. On the other hand, the influences of density and polycentricity are less clear. Using data from 164 cities in China, this study empirically analyzes the relationship between city average commute duration and multiple dimensions of urban spatial structure. Controlling for economic, demographic, and infrastructure characteristics, the authors find that commute duration correlates positively with city size and jobs ousing separation but negatively with density and polycentricity. As one of the earliest studies on commute cost in the rapidly urbanizing and motorizing Chinese cities, this study can help Chinese decision makers improve urban economic and environmental efficiency through spatial planning and policy making. Specifically, compact, mixed-use, and polycentric spatial development may ease the burden of commute, and thus substitute for unnecessary infrastructure investment and energy consumption during a period of rapid urban expansion in China.
[39]Bertaud A., 2015-03-04.URL [本文引用: 2]
[40]孙斌栋, 涂婷, 石巍, . 特大城市多中心空间结构的交通绩效检验
. 城市规划学刊, 2013, (2): 63-69.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
提 要 国内特 大城 市纷纷采取 多中心空 间战略 来缓 解单 中心蔓延带 来的城 市 问 题 , 但是否有 效却缺乏 系统严谨的检验 " 从 国内外大城市实施 多中心战略的效果来 看, 各方评价褒贬不一, 发达 国家关于多 中心结构能否缓解城市交通拥堵的 实证研 究更是对 多中心理念的绩效提 出了质疑 " 现通过对上海的实证研究来检验 多中心理 念的有效性 , 为我 国特大城市 多中心战略 提供决策依据 " 运用统计方法和问卷调查 数据对上海 中心城 区的分析显示, 就业中
[Sun Bindong, Tu Ting, Shi Wei, et al.Test on the performance of polycentric spatial structures a measure of congestion reduction in mega cities
. Urban Planning Forum, 2013, (2): 63-69.]
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
提 要 国内特 大城 市纷纷采取 多中心空 间战略 来缓 解单 中心蔓延带 来的城 市 问 题 , 但是否有 效却缺乏 系统严谨的检验 " 从 国内外大城市实施 多中心战略的效果来 看, 各方评价褒贬不一, 发达 国家关于多 中心结构能否缓解城市交通拥堵的 实证研 究更是对 多中心理念的绩效提 出了质疑 " 现通过对上海的实证研究来检验 多中心理 念的有效性 , 为我 国特大城市 多中心战略 提供决策依据 " 运用统计方法和问卷调查 数据对上海 中心城 区的分析显示, 就业中
[41]郑思齐, 徐杨菲, 谷一桢. 如何应对“职住分离”: “疏” 还是“堵”?
. 学术月刊, 2014, 46(5): 29-39.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[Zheng Siqi, Xu Yangfei, Gu Yizhen.Rethinking "jobs-housing balance": Providing more choices rather than imposing constraints
. Academic Monthly, 2014, 46(5): 29-39.]
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[42]Lin D, Allan A, Cui J.The impact of polycentric urban development on commuting behaviour in urban China: Evidence from four sub-centres of Beijing
. Habitat International, 2015, 50: 195-205.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.08.018URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Empirical studies regarding the nexus between urban spatial changes, individual socio-economic characteristics and commuting behaviour are largely conducted in the cities of North American and European developed countries. Studies conducted in fast-growing developing countries are very scarce, particularly in China, the world's second-largest economy. This research presents new evidence on how polycentric development impacts on workers' commuting behaviour in urban China, through a case study of commuting behaviour in four sub-centres in Beijing. The results of this study suggest that polycentric urban development has a significant influence on employees' commuting times, considering the workers' socio-economic characteristics and transport modes. The results of the regression analysis show that local jobs-housing balance at the workplace has a significant impact on individual worker's commuting times. The findings suggest that the location and type of sub-centres are significantly associated with individuals' choice of housing and workplace locations, and accordingly their commuting behaviour.
[43]Jackson E, Butler T.Revisiting 'social tectonics': The middle classes and social mix in gentrifying neighbourhoods
. Urban Studies, 2015, 52(13): 2349-2365.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098014547370URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Studies of gentrification in London have shown that some groups of middle-class people have been attracted to poor and multi-ethnic areas of inner London in part because of their social and ethnic mix. However, the attraction has often not translated into everyday interaction. In an earlier account of gentrification in Brixton this de facto social segregation was typified as a process of 0900social tectonics0964. In this paper we compare two ethnically and socially mixed neighbourhoods, Peckham and Brixton, that at different times have represented the 0900front line0964 of gentrification in London. We examine the extent to which the gentrification of Brixton in the late 1990s is being mirrored by the gentrification that is occurring today in Peckham 09“ a similarly mixed and counter-cultural area of South London. Whilst we identify continuities between the gentrification process in these two areas separated by a decade of boom and recession, we suggest that the Peckham example demonstrates the need for a more developed approach to the issue of social mixing than that implied by the social tectonics metaphor. Specifically, we argue that there is a need to explain how the presence of classed and ethnic 0900others0964 can be central to the formation of identities within some middle-class fractions in such enclaves in the inner city, and how attitudes and neighbourhood practices can change over time.
[44]Burger M J, Knaap B V D, Wall R S. Polycentricity and the multiplexity of urban networks
. European Planning Studies, 2014, 22(4): 816-840.
https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2013.771619URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Empirical studies on polycentric urban regions (PURs) tend to analyse their spatial organization by examining only one type of functional linkage between cities. However, it has generally been accepted that urban networks are multiplex phenomena and that spatial interactions between cities can take many different forms, for example, commuting, shopping trips, and inter-firm trade. The spatial organization of each of these functional linkages is not necessarily identical, and, therefore, a region can appear to be polycentric and spatially integrated based on the analysis of one type of functional linkage but monocentric and loosely connected based on the analysis of another type of functional linkage. The aim of this paper is to stimulate further discussion on the multiplexity of urban networks with regard to the relational complexity of urban regions. Focusing on one PUR (Randstad Holland), we compare the geographical scope and spatial structure of different functional networks within it. Our results indicate that the spatial organization of the urban network depends on the lens through which it is assessed.
[45]Small K A, Song S.Population and employment densities: Structure and change
. Journal of Urban Economics, 1994, 36(3): 292-313.
https://doi.org/10.1006/juec.1994.1037URLPMID:12290251 [本文引用: 1]摘要
We examine spatial patterns and their changes during the 1970s for the Los Angeles region by estimating monocentric and polycentric density functions for employment and population. Downtown Los Angeles is clearly identified as the statistical monocentric center of the region and it is the most consistently strong center in the polycentric patterns. Polycentric models fit statistically better than monocentric models and there was some shift in employment distribution toward a more polycentric pattern. These findings verify the existence of polycentricity in Los Angeles and demonstrate for the first time that employment and especially population follow a polycentric pattern based on exogenously defined employment centers. The results confirm that both employment and population became more dispersed during the 1970s. (EXCERPT)
[46]Krugman P.Geography and Trade. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991. [本文引用: 1]
[47]Horner M W, Marion B M.A spatial dissimilarity-based index of the jobs-housing balance: Conceptual framework and empirical tests
. Urban Studies, 2009, 46(3): 499-517.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098008100992URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Current measures of the jobs—housing balance such as jobs—housing ratios and theoretical minimum commutes are conceptually limiting. They fail to capture either multi-dimensional opportunities for possible spatial interaction or differential accessibilities to employment within a realistic commuting framework. A more comprehensive view of spatiality in the jobs—housing balance may be achieved by considering measures of spatial separation, such as those used to study segregation patterns. The purpose of this research is to show how segregation measures may be used to analyse residential—workplace separation. A new index is designed that incorporates spatial interaction concepts from location-based accessibility models. Mathematical properties of the new index are demonstrated along with an analysis that measures the jobs—housing balance. Development of this conceptual and analytical framework bridges previously unblended literatures in segregation indices and the jobs—housing balance.
[48]薛领, 翁谨. 中国大都市多中心空间演化过程的非均衡动态模拟
. 地理研究, 2013, 32(2): 285-294.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013020009URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Xue Ling, Weng Jin.Non-equilibrium dynamic simulation of spatial evolution of the polycentric structure in metropolitan areas of China
. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(2): 285-294.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013020009URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[49]吴江洁, 孙斌栋. 居民就业可达性的空间分布及对收入的影响: 基于上海都市区的实证研究
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1744-1754.
[Wu Jiangjie, Sun Bindong.Job accessibility and its impact on income: Outcomes from Shanghai Metropolitan Area
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(9): 1744-1754.]
[50]邓羽, 司月芳. 北京市城区扩展的空间格局与影响因素
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(12): 2247-2256.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201512004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Deng Yu, Si Yuefang.The spatial pattern and influence factors of urban expansion: A case study of Beijing
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(12): 2247-2256.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201512004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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