

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

梁双波1,2,, 曹有挥1,2,, 吴威1,2
1. 中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室,南京 210008
2. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京 210008

Spatial-temporal evolution and influencing factors of Logistics Supply Chain in the Yangtze River Delta: Based on international freight forwarding enterprises data

LIANGShuangbo1,2,, CAOYouhui1,2,, WUWei1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China
2. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:曹有挥(1959-),男,江苏扬州人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事运输地理与区域发展研究。E-mail: yhcao@niglas.ac.cn
-->作者简介:梁双波(1979-),男,山东海阳人,博士,助理研究员,主要研究方向为区域经济与运输地理。E-mail: shbliang@niglas.ac.cn



With the rapid reconstruction of global industrial spatial organization, Logistics Supply Chain (LSC) is becoming a new topic of transportation geography. Understanding the spatio-temporal evolution of the LSC and its influencing factors can help policy makers more efficiently guide the regional spatial reorganization of the logistics in an integrative context. Based on the data of the relational international freight forwarding enterprises in 2005, 2010 and 2015, this paper explores the evolutionary process, the formed pattern and the influencing factors of LSC in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) on both the regional and provincial scales, by mainly using the complex network research method. The result implies that the LSC of YRD presents radial pattern characteristics, taking Shanghai as the core. Suzhou, Nantong, Jiaxing and other nodes surrounding Shanghai have developed rapidly. The degree of LSC integration in YRD is strengthening, while the connection between Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces grows slowly, with obvious disparities within the provinces. The organization-control capability of the nodes are remarkably different in the regional and provincial scales. Nanjing has always been the core node of LSC in Jiangsu. The core node of Zhejiang is composed of “dual-core structure” of Ningbo and Hangzhou, controlling regional and provincial elements respectively. The stability of LSC is getting better in the two scales, with the efficiency of LSC in the regional scale increasing, but the efficiency of LSC in provincial scales is obviously different. Based on the analysis, this paper presents the five-stage development model of LSC evolution, and currently the LSC of YRD is in the fourth development stage. The main influencing factors include the regional economic development and city location, macro policies and marketization, logistics integration and logistics resources coordination, global production network and logistics enterprise organization. Finally, the paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of LSC in YRD as follows: (1) Shanghai should strengthen connections with neighboring Suzhou, Nantong, Jiaxing and other nodes, jointly building an international supply chain center; (2) give full play to the advantageous functions of Ningbo and Hangzhou in LSC respectively as the dual cores by better consolidation and coordination; (3) fully enhance the cooperation between Yangzhou and Taizhou, so as to strengthen the radiation of Sunan (Southern Jiangsu) towards Subei (Northern Jiangsu).

Keywords:Logistics Supply Chain (LSC);spatial-temporal evolution;international freight forwarding enterprise;scale;Yangtze River Delta (YRD)

PDF (14281KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
梁双波, 曹有挥, 吴威. 长江三角洲地区物流供应链时空演化及其影响因素——基于国际货代企业数据的分析[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(11): 2156-2170 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201711010
LIANG Shuangbo, CAO Youhui, WU Wei. Spatial-temporal evolution and influencing factors of Logistics Supply Chain in the Yangtze River Delta: Based on international freight forwarding enterprises data[J]. , 2017, 36(11): 2156-2170 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201711010

1 引言

相关研究主要集中在以下几个方面:一是全球供应链中心形成与结构演变研究。如王辑宪等以香港为案例,通过构建多重贸易枢纽概念模型和物流价值链分层转换模型,分析了香港从货运枢纽向全球价值链管理中心转型的影响因素与转型路径[5]。O'Connor通过构建全球物流系数(Global Logistics Index)对全球城市区域物流活动区位进行了分析,认为全球城市正成为3PL、4PL等企业集聚的热点,上海—宁波可能演化成全球供应链管理中心[6]。但这种转变不仅需要基础设施的供给,更需要城市拥有综合性的物流服务能力[8]。在国内,王成金对物流企业空间组织网络进行了研究,分析了不同职能部门的区位取向[9]。曹卫东、梁双波等对苏州和上海物流企业、港航企业区位进行了相关研究[10-13]。宗会明、周素红等分析了全球生产网络(GPN)下深圳市物流业发展格局,探讨了全球化下地方综合服务型物流企业的空间网络组织[14]。二是基于运输(物流)组织的供应链中心发展研究。全球贸易网络的变化加快了供应链网络集成[15],围绕港口、机场物流组织展开的供应链中心相关研究应运而生,以港口、空港为枢纽的海运供应链(maritime supply chain)、海港物流链(maritime port logistics chain)、航运网络(shipping network)、海港陆向供应链整合(supply chain integration)、航空网络研究(aviation network)等领域研究成果显著。如Horst等从企业组织结构视角探讨了船公司、码头运营商、货代等在港口腹地供应链发展中的相互作用[16]。Lam以年箱位量(Annualized Slot Capacity)为表征参数分析了海运供应链服务模式[17],Ducruet等对全球海上集装箱航运网络和东北亚航运网络中心性等进行了分析[18,19],Li等则对全球海运网络的中心性变化展开了研究[20]。Notteboom等在港口区域化的相关研究中开始关注腹地供应链[21,22],Clott等探讨了芝加哥都市区港口陆向腹地供应链整合[23];航空网络则始终是运输地理****关注的重点领域[24-26]。总体上看,国内外****对物流供应链的研究基本是用运量航线数据,把物流业作为一个整体或对某类型物流进行分析,而运用关系型企业数据、定量测度物流供应链格局演化的专门研究较为薄弱。随着国际贸易的发展和全球物流网络一体化的推进,国际货运代理企业功能日益多元化,企业总部、子公司在不同城市的分布及彼此间联系,构成了城市—城市物流供应链功能联系集合。国际货代的网络化成为物流供应链格局的重要表征,这为其演化研究提供了新的视角和方向。

2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 数据来源与处理


2.2 模型方法

2.2.1 物流供应链网络演化测度模型 物流供应链时空演化主要体现为供应链节点间网络联系强度和方向的变化。根据国际货代企业职能部门在各城市分布的差异,城市a在区域物流供应链中的组织能力可以划分为主动组织能力(Cab,j,总部在城市a子公司在其他城市)和被动组织能力(Cba,k,总公司在其他城市子公司在城市a)两个方面。借鉴“连锁型网络模型”[27],Vij表示j公司在i城市的服务值(Vajj公司在a城市的服务值,Vbjj公司在b城市的服务值),以公司j表示的总部在城市a与子公司在城市b的物流供应链联系强度为:
在此基础上,引入弦图(Chord Diagram)揭示网络节点间拓扑关系和属性[29]。不同圆弧代表不同的供应链节点城市,值越大,圆弧越长。圆弧间连线为弦,弦的颜色表示节点间拓扑关系,粗细代表关联强度。
2.2.2 物流供应链复杂性结构测度模型 以2.2.1中城市—城市间物流供应链强度关联矩阵为基础,通过分析网络密度、凝聚子群密度、平均路径长度和中间中心性等指标[30],对物流供应链稳定性、组织性能与效率、节点中心性等进行研究,具体指标计算均借助Ucinet实现。

3 物流供应链多尺度时空演化分析

3.1 物流供应链网络总体演化特征

3.1.1 区域尺度网络演化特征 根据式(3)对城市间物流供应链联系强度的计算显示,以上海为核心、以沪甬、沪(苏)宁、沪杭为骨干链条的放射状物流供应链网络正加快形成(图1)。上海—宁波间的物流供应链联系始终处于首位,中外运、中海环球、亚东国际等知名国际货代企业纷纷在宁波成立子公司,两地物流供应链联系不断加强,3个年份的物流供应链联系强度(Cab)分别达到192、711和921,总部在上海、子公司在宁波的企业数量分别达到了56家、215家和271家;上海—南京间的物流供应链联系位居第二位,城市物流供应链联系强度分别达到120、276和303,总部在上海、子公司在南京的企业数量分别为26家、62家和69家。上海—苏州、上海—杭州间的物流供应链联系强度分别为87、207、261和51、108、135。此外,上海与苏南、苏中和苏北地区物流供应链主要节点的联系在不断加强,2015年上海—无锡、上海-南通和上海—连云港的物流供应链联系强度分别达到84、78和54;南京—无锡—苏州、杭州—宁波分别构成江苏和浙江省内骨干网络。
-->Fig. 1Spatial organization of LSC in the Yangtze River Delta from 2005 to 2015

3.1.2 省域尺度网络演化特征 根据式(3),在对城市间物流供应链联系强度计算的基础上,按照省域单元尺度进行合并分析发现(表1),长三角区域物流一体化在不断加强。浙江与上海的物流供应链联系相对更强,联系强度由2005年的274上升到2015年的1116,而沪—苏间联系强度由2005年的282上升到2015年的827。苏—浙间物流一体化仍存在一定障碍,物流供应链联系增长缓慢,由2005年的15上升到2015年的72,且呈波动态势。江苏和浙江省内的物流供应链联系区域差异明显,江苏的物流供应链以苏南内部、苏南苏中地区的联系为主体,苏北地区内部的物流供应链发育较弱,其中苏南内部城市物流供应链联系强度从2005年的396上升到2015年的576;苏南城市与苏中三市间的网络联系在加强,总联系强度从2005年的51上升到2015年的66;苏南与苏北城市间的物流供应链联系主要是围绕南京展开,但徐州、宿迁和淮安三个城市与其他城市的联系均较弱。浙江省的物流供应链以浙东北地区联系为主体,浙西南地区的网络联系较弱。其中浙东北(杭州、宁波、湖州、嘉兴、绍兴、舟山)内部城市物流供应链总联系强度从2005年的126上升到2015年的342,分别占整个网络的56.76%和47.5%。浙东北与浙西南间的网络联系从2005年的90上升到2015年的282,杭州在货代网络中的地位上升明显,衢州、丽水与其他城市的网络联系较弱。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Contact matrix of LSC on provincial scale

3.1.3 物流供应链功能演化特征 2005年、2015年单一功能、综合功能的国际货代企业数量分别为49家和278家、86家和850家。研究显示,拥有单一功能国际货代企业城市数量分别为16个和20个,企业基本倾向布局在沿江沿海港口城市和拥有机场的城市,如上海、南京、宁波、杭州、南通等地,联系方向主要是沪甬、沪宁、沪杭、甬杭、沪通(图2a、图2b),物流供应链功能以海运或空运服务为主体,主要开展专业化、单一化货代服务;拥有综合功能货代企业的城市数量分别为21个和25个,上海、南京、宁波、杭州企业集聚优势明显,苏州和南通的优势也开始显现,沪甬、沪宁、沪杭、沪苏、宁苏、杭甬等是主要的联系方向(图2c、图2d),物流供应链功能以“海运+空运”或者“海陆空”兼具为主,“海陆”或者“空陆”类型的企业极少,这与长三角独特区位有着极大关联。
-->Fig. 2Functional evolution pattern of LSC

3.2 物流供应链节点组织能力空间分异特征

3.2.1 区域尺度节点组织能力 根据式(4)的计算结果(表2)显示,上海、宁波、南京、苏州、杭州和无锡在物流供应链中的组织能力总体处于较强水平,其中上海稳居首位,宁波在2010年超过南京成为第二位枢纽。根据节点组织能力演变态势,可以划分成持续上升、持续下降、先升后降和先降后升等四种类型。持续上升型包括上海、宁波、连云港、舟山、湖州、宿迁和淮安,如上海的组织能力从2005年的7.177上升到2015年的8.631,淮安因2005年、2010年缺少国际货代企业布局,其组织能力的演化态势仍需进一步考察;持续下降型包括南京、苏州、无锡、南通、台州等城市,如南京的组织能力从2005年的4.811下降至2015年的3.015,降幅明显;先升后降型包括杭州、金华、台州、盐城等城市,杭州的组织能力变化幅度明显,分别上升、下降0.153和0.115;先降后升型只有常州,变动的幅度相对 较小。
3.2.2 省域尺度节点组织能力 运用式(4)分别对江苏、浙江省内城市的组织能力进行研究。计算结果(表3)显示,南京和杭州分别是各自省内物流供应链组织的核心,苏州、无锡分别是江苏的第二、第三位供应链枢纽城市;宁波对浙江省内节点的组织能力始终处于第二位,这也从一个侧面说明宁波在区域物流供应链中服务对象主要是浙江省以外的城市。根据节点组织能力演变态势,可以划分成持续上升、持续下降、先升后降和先降后升等四种类型。先降后升型包括南京、宁波、温州和丽水,这四个节点2015年的组织能力均低于2005年,说明其组织能力总体是下降态势;先升后降型包括苏州、常州、徐州、盐城和杭州、湖州、绍兴、金华、衢州和台州,其中苏州、湖州、衢州和台州2015年的组织能力低于2005年,其组织能力总体也是呈下降态势。持续上升型包括无锡、南通、连云港、淮安、宿迁和舟山,持续下降型包括泰州、扬州、镇江和嘉兴。节点在省域与区域尺度组织能力演变表现出较大差异,这说明尺度对节点组织能力具有明显影响。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Integrated organizational capability evolution of LSC nodes on regional scale

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Integrated organizational capability evolution of LSC nodes on provincial scale


3.3 物流供应链复杂性结构演化特征

3.3.1 物流供应链网络稳定性 物流供应链网络密度计算显示(表4),区域尺度上,长三角网络密度(D)从2005年的0.103持续增长到2015年的0.16,供应链协同稳定总体趋好;但从网络密度变化(△D)情况看,2010-2015年的△D为0.012,较2005-2010年的△D(0.045)有所下降,这显示区域物流供应链协同性在总体趋好的基础上又有所下降。省域尺度看,江苏和浙江的物流供应链网络密度均表现为持续上升趋势,分别从2005年的0.135和0.146上升到2015年的0.199和0.218,省域内部节点间物流供应链稳定性趋好。从2005-2010年、2010-2015年网络密度变化(△D)情况看,2005-2010年江苏和浙江的物流供应链网络稳定性强化程度均较高,浙江尤为明显。这说明省域尺度物流供应链协同性在总体趋好的基础也呈现一定的下降态势。凝聚子群密度(EI)的计算显示(表4),区域尺度上,EI从2005年的0.32下降到2010年的0.049,转而上升到2015年的0.091,这说明长三角内部子群与子群间联系开始加强,网络整体协同稳定性趋好,但其稳定性在2010年后又有所下降。省域尺度上,浙江的凝聚子群密度(EI)趋向于-1,且表现出持续降低态势,这说明浙江的供应链子群间联系紧密,网络整体协同稳定性较好,但2010-2015年的稳定性也有所下降。江苏的凝聚子群密度(EI)小于零且呈先变大后变小态势,这说明江苏省内子群间的联系是先松散后紧密,省内供应链在总体稳定的基础上呈现出一定波动。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Evolution of LSC network density and agglomerated subgroup density

3.3.2 物流供应链网络效率 平均路径长度是网络整体性的重要表征。对区域尺度、省域尺度物流供应链平均路径长度(L)的分析发现(表5),区域尺度上,长三角物流供应链平均路径长度呈下降的态势,L从2005年的2.143下降到2015年的2.031,这说明物流供应链网络空间组织性能和效率在不断提高。省域尺度上,江苏物流供应链平均路径长度(L)先降后升,从2005年的2.62下降到2010年的2.289,转而上升为2015年的2.306,但比2005年低,说明其性能和效率总体是上升趋势,但略有波动,这与无锡、南通、连云港等节点在省内组织能力的持续上升存在极大关联。浙江的物流供应链平均路径长度(L)先升后降,从2005年的1.4上升到2010年的2.038,转而下降到2.025,但仍高于2005年,这显示其性能和效率呈先下降后略有上升的态势,主要跟杭州、宁波节点在省内组织能力的演变有关。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Evolution of LSC average path length

3.3.3 节点物流信息控制能力 节点中间中心性计算显示(表6),区域尺度上,上海、宁波对物流资源信息控制能力始终位列前两位,但上海的控制能力在不断强化,其中间中心性(RBC)从2005年的27.379上升到2015年的43.376;宁波的区域尺度中间中心性(RBC)呈倒“V”型走势。南京的区域尺度中间中心性(RBC)则呈“V”型走势,RBC从2005年的12.234下降到2010年的7.053,而后又上升到18.877。连云港、杭州和苏州、南通对物流资源信息控制能力也保持较高水平,但苏州、南通和无锡的中间中心性总体呈下降态势,RBC分别从2005年的1.329、1.908和0.664下降到2015年的1.111、0.845和0.556;2005年的盐城、2015年的绍兴表现出一定的物流资源信息的控制能力,嘉兴在2010年后物流资源信息控制能力才出现并不断加强,其他城市的节点中间中心性则均为0。省域尺度上,南京对江苏省内物流资源信息控制能力始终处于首位,PBC从2005年的39.394上升到2015年的71.212;南通在江苏省内物流资源信息的控制能力超过苏州,始终处于第三位,三个年份PBC均为4.545;连云港和无锡的中间中心性较为稳定,盐城则下降幅度较大,从2005年的24.242降为0,其他城市的节点中间中心性则均为0。杭州对浙江省内物流资源信息的控制能力始终处于核心地位,2010年其中间中心性(PBC)达到61.852;宁波对省内物流资源信息的控制能力总体是上升态势,但有一定的波动性;嘉兴的信息控制能力也有了较大提升,其他城市的节点中间中心性则均为0。
Tab. 6
Tab. 6Intermediate centrality evolution of LSC nodes on regional and provincial scales


4 物流供应链时空演化模式与影响因素

4.1 物流供应链演化模式

-->Fig. 3Evolution pattern of LSC


4.2 物流供应链演化的影响因素

4.2.1 区域经济发展与城市综合区位 区域经济快速发展产生旺盛的运输需求,这刺激了物流业规模扩大,各类物流企业开始在优势交通区位城市集聚,并不断沿主要交通通道和运输联系方向向周边城市扩散,部分省域边界城市、沿海大型港口城市、省内枢纽节点城市组织能力得到提升,由此促进区域物流供应链发展演化。统计显示,2005-2015年长三角地区的地区生产总值和外贸进出口总额分别从41264亿元、5216.78亿美元增长到138126亿元、13416亿美元,年均增长12.8%和9.9%。上海、宁波、南京、杭州和无锡以及上海周边的节点城市如苏州、南通、嘉兴等得到快速发展。
4.2.2 宏观政策调控与市场化建设 长三角物流供应链的发展演化与政府宏观政策的调控引导,以及物流业市场化改革紧密相关。《长江三角洲地区区域规划》(发改地区[2010]1243号)、《长江三角洲城市群发展规划》(发改规划[2016]1176号)等对长三角港口、机场等重大基础设施建设提出明确要求,港口和航空枢纽间的分工协作受到重视,综合交通网络日益形成。依托港口枢纽,由沿海沿江港口物流园区—物流中心—配送节点、内陆无水港等组成的物流网络不断完善;港口、机场保税区、出口加工区等平台建设加快,这极大的推进了区域间物流分工协作,物流供应链得到快速发展。此外,随着2005年中国加入WTO后过渡期的结束,物流产业进入全面开放阶段,外资可以在华设立独资物流企业。如2005年长三角的国际货代机构数量(总部、子公司)为327家,到2015年底已达到941家。此外,结合上海自贸区的建设,允许外商在上海自贸试验区独资设立国际船舶运输企业,这将极大提升上海物流供应链枢纽节点功能。国际货代企业可以根据自身企业发展战略需要和市场需求,自主决定在长三角城市设置总部、子公司等,这促进了物流供应链网络发育,但同时也会加剧不同城市间竞争。
4.2.3 物流一体化与物流资源整合 从全球供应链发展趋势看,着眼于优化整个供应链网络,实现客户价值共同创造是供应链系统关注的重点,而上下游合作伙伴的动态选择则是网络整合的焦点[31]。物流业作为供应链的关键一环,全球物流网络一体化得到发展(图4),不同物流环节间、不同地区(城市)物流网络间合作加强[32],超级承运人、综合服务商出现并得到发展[33]。在此背景下,长三角门户枢纽城市纷纷加快提升物流服务能力,不断增强其在整个物流供应链中的竞争力,各省内部处于非优势交通区位的城市(如宿迁、淮安、衢州)主动加强与门户枢纽节点(如南京、宁波)联系,省域“轴辐”网络开始形成。如江苏围绕重点物流园区、主要港口等物流枢纽,加强物流衔接配套,苏南、苏中、苏北三大区域在口岸合作、物流园区运营、物流信息共享等方面的合作不断加强,区域物流联动格局形成。
图4物流供应链功能一体化注:据Robinson R改绘。
-->Fig. 4Function integration of LSC

4.2.4 全球生产网络与物流企业组织 跨国公司主导的全球生产网络重构是推动物流专业化的重要因素。随着全球化进程的推进,国内综合型物流企业空间扩张呈现出“先国内、后国际”的时间特征和“接触式扩散+跳跃式扩散”的空间扩张特征[34],企业空间组织不断演变。在此背景下,长三角作为我国对外开放的前沿,成为国际、国内综合物流企业区位首选地。如截至2015年底,上海已布局有全球第一大国际船舶管理公司全资子公司(上海卫狮船舶管理有限公司)、中国外运长航集团有限公司航运总部(中国经贸船务有限公司)等重点航运企业,总部在上海的外资船级社达15家(全国22家)。这对上海物流组织能力和长三角物流供应链效率发挥起到很大的促进作用。

5 结论与讨论

国际货运代理企业功能转型为物流供应链时空演化研究提供了新的视角。本文以长江三角洲为例,对物流供应链的时空演化及其影响因素展开研究,在供应链演化、供应链稳定性和效率、节点组织能力等方面取得一定进展,但有几方面仍需进一步关注:① 受数据限制,目前主要利用关系型数据对区域—省域尺度物流供应链展开分析,城市尺度内部、不同类型(内外资)货代数据的研究需要进一步深入。② 尺度对物流供应链演化具有一定的影响。目前研究初步揭示了区域—省域尺度物流供应链的演化特征和影响因素,但这种演化过程在不同尺度间是如何相互影响的,还有待深入。③ 物流供应链演化与城市(区域)生产、消费空间格局重构紧密相关,但这种交互的影响如何,该方面的研究尚待加强。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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This paper explores the critical challenges encountered in the transformation process of Hong Kong from a freight transport hub city to a knowledge-based global supply chain management center (GSCMC). The exploration involves an examination of the structural issues of the logistics industry in Hong Kong within the framework of global value chains (GVC). A questionnaire survey and a series of interviews were conducted to reveal the essential problems that the key parties of the Hong Kong logistics industry face if the transition of Hong Kong into a GSCMC is to be successful in all segments of the industry. Through a categorical analysis of logistics segments, the hurdles to the GSCMC as well as the institutional measures are also discussed in this paper.
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The aim of this paper is to extend and develop research surrounding the links between transport and urban regions. An understanding of transport activity has long involved the use of spatial frameworks, seen in the idea of a gateway city (with its surrounding hinterland) and in the identification of hubs or nodes. The particular framework used here is the global city region, a build-out from the much researched global city, and acknowledged as the most prominent feature of spatial development in the global economy. As these areas can accommodate important sea and airport infrastructure, the global city region can be expected to play a significant role in global logistics. Whether that significance extends just from the physical realm, as reflected in the infrastructure, or whether it is embedded in the scale and complexity of the advanced business services sector within the global city, is the issue that lies at the heart of the research. The research has set out to answer the question: ow important are these regions in logistics activity?. The question has relevance in the context of transport geography as it provides an urban structure perspective on what is commonly seen as separate port or airport activity. Its relevance is enhanced as its answer relies upon a simultaneous analysis of both sea and air freight activity. Results show these regions counted for a substantial and growing share of sea and air freight between 1996 and 2006. In accounting for that outcome the research explores the particular effect of infrastructure (showing that global city regions with multiple seaport and airports play a special role) and also isolates the links with global city functions. The paper concludes with some insight on the special challenge these places create for strategic urban planning policy.
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[9]王成金. 中国物流企业的空间组织网络
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(2): 135-146.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
物流企业是承担物流活动的专业化组织,是具有空间网络的企业形 式.基于相关研究的评述,分析了物流企业网络的基础理论,重点解析其空间体系、职能联系与运营机制.通过研究,认为物流企业由企业属性要素和物流属性要素 组成,其共同作用形成企业部门的职能分化和区位分离,由此形成物流企业网络,包括企业组分网络和物流运营网络.物流企业在城市和区域尺度构筑企业组分网 络,城市网络包括总公司、配送中心和营业点,总公司布局于市中心区,配送中心倾向于近郊区,营业点集中在物流密集区;区域网络包括总部、区域分公司、地方 分公司、办事处和受理点,总部布局于国内大城市,区域分公司倾向于各区政治经济中心,地方分公司集中在省会、经济中心和交通枢纽,办事处与受理点在企业网 络外部或内部空白处布局.物流运营网络由运输专线、配送体系和物流网络组成,运输专线形成支线和干线两类,是物流运营的基本途径;配送体系形成区域、城市 区域和城市三层,是物流企业提升竞争力的保障:运输专线和配送体系的交错、融合和优化,最终形成轴辐物流网络.
[Wang Chengjin.Spatial organizational network of logistics company in China.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2): 135-146.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
物流企业是承担物流活动的专业化组织,是具有空间网络的企业形 式.基于相关研究的评述,分析了物流企业网络的基础理论,重点解析其空间体系、职能联系与运营机制.通过研究,认为物流企业由企业属性要素和物流属性要素 组成,其共同作用形成企业部门的职能分化和区位分离,由此形成物流企业网络,包括企业组分网络和物流运营网络.物流企业在城市和区域尺度构筑企业组分网 络,城市网络包括总公司、配送中心和营业点,总公司布局于市中心区,配送中心倾向于近郊区,营业点集中在物流密集区;区域网络包括总部、区域分公司、地方 分公司、办事处和受理点,总部布局于国内大城市,区域分公司倾向于各区政治经济中心,地方分公司集中在省会、经济中心和交通枢纽,办事处与受理点在企业网 络外部或内部空白处布局.物流运营网络由运输专线、配送体系和物流网络组成,运输专线形成支线和干线两类,是物流运营的基本途径;配送体系形成区域、城市 区域和城市三层,是物流企业提升竞争力的保障:运输专线和配送体系的交错、融合和优化,最终形成轴辐物流网络.
[10]曹卫东. 城市物流企业区位分布的空间格局及其演化: 以苏州市为例
. 地理研究, 2011, 30(11): 1997-2007.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011110006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper studies spatial pattern and evolution location of urban logistics enterprises and reveals its general laws. Through establishing logistics space and attribute database of Suzhou during 1990-2007, with GIS spatial correlation analysis module and visualization, this paper applies quadrat, spatial autocorrelation and hotspot analysis to study urban logistics geographic distribution and evolution. The research shows the following results. (1) In recent 20 years, generally the logistics enterprise distribution has been in a state of agglomeration, but as time goes by, the decline of BPI marks a weakening tendency, for the logistics enterprise distribution expands from few intensive centers to other aggregation centers, lacking global higher and lower value centers. Thus, the distribution displays evolution and migration. (2) Globally, the hotspot of logistics enterprise distribution shows apparent expansion and migration. First, the area of hotspot evolves from singleness to multiplicity, and expands from downtown to sub-center towns. Second, the spatial expansion of hotspots shows the striking characteristics of being along the roads (G312 National Road and Shanghai-Nanjing Road) and river (Yangtze River). (3) Asset and non-asset logistics enterprises have significant differences in spatial distribution and pattern evolution: asset logistics hotspots have weakened in the downtown, further expansion and centrifugation, while non-asset logistics hotspots are mainly in the downtown, with obvious centralization and distribution along G312 National Road.
[Cao Weidong.Spatial pattern and location evolution of urban logistics enterprises: Taking Suzhou as an example.
Geographical Research, 2011, 30(11): 1997-2007.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011110006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper studies spatial pattern and evolution location of urban logistics enterprises and reveals its general laws. Through establishing logistics space and attribute database of Suzhou during 1990-2007, with GIS spatial correlation analysis module and visualization, this paper applies quadrat, spatial autocorrelation and hotspot analysis to study urban logistics geographic distribution and evolution. The research shows the following results. (1) In recent 20 years, generally the logistics enterprise distribution has been in a state of agglomeration, but as time goes by, the decline of BPI marks a weakening tendency, for the logistics enterprise distribution expands from few intensive centers to other aggregation centers, lacking global higher and lower value centers. Thus, the distribution displays evolution and migration. (2) Globally, the hotspot of logistics enterprise distribution shows apparent expansion and migration. First, the area of hotspot evolves from singleness to multiplicity, and expands from downtown to sub-center towns. Second, the spatial expansion of hotspots shows the striking characteristics of being along the roads (G312 National Road and Shanghai-Nanjing Road) and river (Yangtze River). (3) Asset and non-asset logistics enterprises have significant differences in spatial distribution and pattern evolution: asset logistics hotspots have weakened in the downtown, further expansion and centrifugation, while non-asset logistics hotspots are mainly in the downtown, with obvious centralization and distribution along G312 National Road.
[11]曹卫东. 港航企业区位特征及其空间关联: 以上海港口后勤区为例
. 地理研究, 2012, 31(6): 1079-1088.

[Cao Weidong.Study on location features and spatial correlation of port enterprises: Taking Shanghai port backup area as an example.
Geographical Research, 2012, 31(6): 1079-1088.]

[12]梁双波, 曹有挥, 吴威. 港口后勤区域形成演化机理: 以上海港为例
. 地理研究, 2011, 30(12): 2150-2162.

[Liang Shuangbo, Cao Youhui, Wu Wei.Evolutionary mechanism of port backup area: A case study of Shanghai.
Geographical Research, 2011, 30(12): 2150-2162.]

[13]梁双波, 曹有挥, 吴威. 上海大都市区港口物流企业的空间格局演化
. 地理研究, 2013, 32(8): 1448-1456.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Liang Shuangbo, Cao Youhui, Wu Wei.Spatial pattern evolution of port logistics enterprises in Shanghai metropolitan area.
Geographical Research, 2013, 32(8): 1448-1456.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[14]宗会明, 周素红, 闫小培. 全球生产网络(GPN)下的深圳市物流业发展格局研究: 对外贸易和物流视角
. 城市观察, 2011, S(6): 5-15.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-7178.2011.06.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本研究以对外贸易和物流为研究对象,选择国际化程度较高,物流业 发展国内领先的深圳市为案例,分析了深圳市在全球生产网络中物流业发展地位和发展格局。提出全球生产网络下物流业会有较大的发展,每个城市和地区都应积极 融入全球生产网络中;融入过程受到周边区域和城市的激烈竞争;港口和空港是城市融入全球生产网络的重要物流终端,政府应重视港口和空港货运发展,尤其是未 来空港货运发展。
[Zong Huiming, Zhou Suming, Yan Xiaopei. The development of logistics industry in Shenzhen under the global production networks: A trade and logistics perspective
. Urban Insight, 2011, S(6): 5-15.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-7178.2011.06.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本研究以对外贸易和物流为研究对象,选择国际化程度较高,物流业 发展国内领先的深圳市为案例,分析了深圳市在全球生产网络中物流业发展地位和发展格局。提出全球生产网络下物流业会有较大的发展,每个城市和地区都应积极 融入全球生产网络中;融入过程受到周边区域和城市的激烈竞争;港口和空港是城市融入全球生产网络的重要物流终端,政府应重视港口和空港货运发展,尤其是未 来空港货运发展。
[15]Seoane M J F, Laxe F G, Montes C P. Foreland determination for containership and general cargo ports in Europe (2007-2011).
Journal of Transport Geography, 2013, 30(1): 56-67.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.03.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Monitoring maritime cargo worldwide transport routes is currently a strategic aspect of any port authority activity. These types of vessels carry by-products from the transformation of raw materials, which used to be transported by the world fleet of bulk carriers. These cargoes are handled in different ways when loaded/unloaded, depending on the logistic modes: containerised or uncontainerised. Regardless of the advantages and drawbacks inherent to both choices, it can be deduced that the signing of a charter party depends largely on the value of the cargo being shipped. It can thus be observed that there is a correlation between the transport flow dynamics and the type of cargo being shifted. This article analyses the maritime cargo routes that affect the European Continent port system. The aim of this research is to describe how connectivity evolved between the difficult period from March 2007 to March 2011. Information of relevance to the way in which the world maritime traffic of uncontainerised (general cargo hereinafter) and containerised cargo evolved will be shown for that period. It was decided to use Graph Theory techniques additionally with statistical techniques, so it would be possible to describe the relative importance of each port in the world transport context.
[16]Horst M R V D, Langen P W D. Coordination in hinterland transport chains: A major challenge for the seaport community.
Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2008, 10(1-2): 108-129.
https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.mel.9100194URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Many different private companies shipping lines, terminal operating companies, forwarders, hinterland transport providers, and inland terminal operators are involved in hinterland transport. In addition, different public actors such as the port authority, customs, and infrastructure managers are involved. Creating effective hinterland transport chains requires the coordination between all these actors; coordination does not come about spontaneously. Its development may be hindered by free-riding problems, a lack of contractual relationships, information asymmetry, and a lack of incentives for cooperation. This paper presents analyses of the coordination problems in hinterland chains of seaports and arrangements to resolve these problems. The most relevant coordination problems in hinterland chains are discussed. Based on insights from institutional economics, four main categories of arrangements to improve coordination are identified: the introduction of incentives, the creation of an interfirm alliance, changing the scope of the organisation, and collective action. An analysis is presented of a substantial number of coordination arrangements in hinterland transport to and from the port of Rotterdam, thereby indicating how coordination could be improved.
[17]Lam J S L. Patterns of maritime supply chains: Slot capacity analysis.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2011, 19(1): 366-374.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.03.016URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper offers a tool for analysing patterns of maritime supply chains. The study uses empirical data on slot capacity deployed by container shipping lines for analysing ports (as nodes) and routes and shipping lines (as links) that are embedded within the maritime supply chain. The ports of Singapore and Hong Kong are chosen to illustrate the respective transhipment and gateway perspectives. Findings reveal that geographical location and changes in the constitution of players can have reverberations on the maritime supply chain dynamics that traverse the port. Furthermore, evidence from trade route data also shows that maritime supply chain dynamics associated with transhipment and gateway ports could be governed by different levels of scope economies, demand complementarity and market power. The paper illustrates the abundant potential of slot capacity analysis for academic and industry/market research. Thus, future research can be pursued in various contexts and for different applications.
[18]Ducruet C, Lee S W, Ng A K Y. Centrality and vulnerability in liner shipping networks: Revisiting the Northeast Asian port hierarchy.
Maritime Policy & Management, 2010, 37(1): 17-36.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088830903461175URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article is essentially an empirical investigation in the network analysis of inter-port traffic flows. Based on a database of vessel movements, it applies conventional techniques of network analysis to the graph of Northeast Asian liner networks in 1996 and 2006. Such an approach proves particularly helpful for analyzing the changing position of major hub ports and for revealing their respective tributary areas within the region. Despite rapid traffic growth at Chinese ports during the period under study, the latter seem to remain polarized by established hubs such as Korean ports and Hong Kong. This research reveals the strong relation between local port policies and the evolution of shipping network design.
[19]Ducruet C, Notteboom T.The worldwide maritime network of container shipping: Spatial structure and regional dynamics.
Global Networks, 2012, 12(3): 395-423.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2011.00355.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Port and maritime studies dealing with containerization have observed traffic concentration and dispersion throughout the world. Globalization, intermodal transportation, and technological revolutions in the shipping industry have resulted in both network extension and rationalization. However, lack of precise data on inter-port relations prevent the application of wider network theories to global maritime container networks, which are often examined through case studies of specific firms or regions. In this article, we present an analysis of the global liner shipping network in 1996 and 2006, a period of rapid change in port hierarchies and liner service configurations. While we refer to literature on port system development, shipping networks, and port selection, the article is one of the only analyses of the properties of the global container shipping network. We analyse the relative position of ports in the global network through indicators of centrality. The results reveal a certain level of robustness in the global shipping network. While transhipment hub flows and gateway flows might slightly shift among nodes in the network, the network properties remain rather stable in terms of the main nodes polarizing the network and the overall structure of the system. In addition, mapping the changing centrality of ports confirms the impacts of global trade and logistics shifts on the port hierarchy and indicates that changes are predominantly geographic.
[20]Li Z, Xu M, Shi Y.Centrality in global shipping network basing on worldwide shipping areas.
GeoJournal, 2015, 80(1): 47-60.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-014-9524-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Port and maritime studies dealing with containerization have observed close correlation between global liner shipping and world trade, and centrality in global shipping network (GSN) may change as the situation of world economy and trade changes. Meanwhile, the influence that shipping areas have on the GSN is much greater than any single port, and connections between these shipping areas affect the structure of the GSN. This paper wishes to understand the dynamic changing of the centrality in the GSN during the period from 2001 to 2012, which sees both booms and depressions in world economy and liner shipping. The paper divides global shipping into 25 areas from geographical perspective, and presents an analysis of each shipping area position in the GSN through indicators of centrality. The results reveal that to a large extent Europe is always in the center of the GSN from 2001 to 2012, but its central position is declining. Additionally, mapping the centrality distribution of those shipping areas in the latest year confirms their current positions in the GSN.
[21]Notteboom T, Rodrigue J P.Port regionalization: Towards a new phase in port development.
Maritime Policy and Management, 2005, 32(3): 297-313.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088830500139885URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Logistics integration and network orientation in the port and maritime industry have redefined the functional role of ports in value chains and have generated new patterns of freight distribution and new approaches to port hierarchy. Existing models on the spatial and functional evolution of ports and port systems only partially fit into the new freight distribution paradigm. This paper aims to add to existing literature by introducing a port regionalization phase in port and port system development. It is demonstrated that the regionalization phase and associated hinterland concepts demand new approaches to port governance and a functional focus that goes beyond the traditional port perimeter.
[22]Rodrigue J P, Notteboom T.Foreland-based regionalization: Integrating intermediate hubs with port hinterlands.
Research in Transportation Economics, 2010, 27(1): 19-29.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.retrec.2009.12.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Development and changes in port hinterlands have received considerable attention as they represent substantial opportunities to improve the efficiency of global freight distributions. Port regionalization was a concept brought forward by Notteboom and Rodrigue (2005) to articulate the emerging port hinterland dynamics in light of containerization, supply chain management and the setting of inland terminals. This paper expands this concept by focusing on a particular dimension of the regionalization paradigm concerning the evolving role of intermediate hubs. It is argued that, in addition to hinterland-based regionalization, there is also a foreland-based regionalization where intermediate hubs capture a maritime hinterland. This intensity and viability of processes of foreland-based regionalization depend on multiple geographical, technical and market-related factors, and this paper identifies and analyzes these underlying parameters. By doing so, it assesses whether foreland-based regionalization is simply a transitional phase in port development or, alternatively, represents emerging functional characteristics of contemporary freight distributions.
[23]Clott C, Hartman B C.Supply chain integration, landside operations and port accessibility in metropolitan Chicago.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2016, 51(2): 130-139.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.12.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61We discuss Chicago's freight bottleneck and implications for supply chain integration (SCI).61We analyze drivers of SCI in intermodal transport, and cases of Chicago infrastructure activity.61A Pareto analysis finds the key Chicago freight supply chain corridors.61Cases show that public/private infrastructure projects have difficulty addressing SCI challenges.61Deep inter-regional corridor functional cooperation on SCI is the key for success.
[24]王姣娥, 莫辉辉. 航空运输地理学研究进展与展望
. 地理科学进展, 2011, 30(6): 670-679.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
航空地理学是交通地理学的重要组成部分,且是其最年轻的学科分支。本文以中国和欧美主流航空地理学研究为考察对象,从历史演进、技术变革和制度变迁的综合视角将近百年航空地理学的发展历程分为4 个阶段:20 世纪50 年代前的学科起步发展阶段、50-70 年代的基础体系建构阶段、80-90 年代的理论框架完善阶段以及21世纪以来的理论与实践繁荣阶段。航空地理学传统研究主题包括史志与区域地理总图、机场格局与城镇关联体系、网络结构与组织效应及优化、航空布局与区域发展互动关系、机场布局规划及其影响因素、政策对航空业发展的影响等。近年来,国内外对航空运输地位与作用的重视程度与日俱增,加之航空数据可获得性不断提升,航空网络结构的复杂性、世界(中心)城市、机场体系与航空网络的演化规律与机理、航空系统的可持续发展等问题成为国际研究热点领域。早期,中国航空地理学研究与西方发达国家发展同步,但中期受历史原因的制约而大为滞后;近期,随着经济社会的快速发展,其研究任务与日俱增。国内学界不仅需要完成对20 世纪50 年代以来西方航空地理学基础理论的引入及实证研究,同时须建立航空地理学学科体系,并积极加入国际前沿性课题研究行列。
[Wang Jiao'e, Mo Huihui. Geography of air transportation: Retrospect & prospect.
Progress in Geography, 2011, 30(6): 670-679.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
航空地理学是交通地理学的重要组成部分,且是其最年轻的学科分支。本文以中国和欧美主流航空地理学研究为考察对象,从历史演进、技术变革和制度变迁的综合视角将近百年航空地理学的发展历程分为4 个阶段:20 世纪50 年代前的学科起步发展阶段、50-70 年代的基础体系建构阶段、80-90 年代的理论框架完善阶段以及21世纪以来的理论与实践繁荣阶段。航空地理学传统研究主题包括史志与区域地理总图、机场格局与城镇关联体系、网络结构与组织效应及优化、航空布局与区域发展互动关系、机场布局规划及其影响因素、政策对航空业发展的影响等。近年来,国内外对航空运输地位与作用的重视程度与日俱增,加之航空数据可获得性不断提升,航空网络结构的复杂性、世界(中心)城市、机场体系与航空网络的演化规律与机理、航空系统的可持续发展等问题成为国际研究热点领域。早期,中国航空地理学研究与西方发达国家发展同步,但中期受历史原因的制约而大为滞后;近期,随着经济社会的快速发展,其研究任务与日俱增。国内学界不仅需要完成对20 世纪50 年代以来西方航空地理学基础理论的引入及实证研究,同时须建立航空地理学学科体系,并积极加入国际前沿性课题研究行列。
[25]焦敬娟, 王姣娥. 海航航空网络空间复杂性及演化研究
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(5): 926-936.
[Jiao Jingjuan, Wang Jiao'e. Spatial structure and evolution of Hainan Airlines network: An analysis of complex network.
Geographical Research, 2014, 33(5): 926-936.]
[26]杜超, 王娇娥. 南方航空网络空间格局及市场范围
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(7): 1319-1330.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Du Chao, Wang Jiao'e. Spatial pattern of China Southern Airlines' network and its market coverage.
Geographical Research, 2015, 34(7): 1319-1330.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[27]Taylor P J.Specification of the world city network.
Geographical Analysis, 2001, 33(2): 181-194.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2001.tb00443.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract World cities are generally deemed to form an urban system or city network but these are never explicitly specified in the literature. In this paper the world city network is identified as an unusual form of network with three levels of structure: cities as the nodes, the world economy as the supranodal network level, and advanced producer service firms forming a critical subnodal level. The latter create an interlocking network through their global location strategies for placing offices. Hence, it is the advanced producer service firms operating through cities who are the prime actors in world city network formation. This process is formally specified in terms of four intercity relational matrices lemental, proportional, distance, and asymmetric. Through this specification it becomes possible to apply standard techniques of network analysis to world cities for the first time. In a short conclusion the relevance of this world city network specification for both theory and policy-practice is briefly discussed.
[28]王成金, 金凤君. 中国海上集装箱运输的组织网络研究
. 地理科学, 2006, 26(4): 392-401.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2006.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Marine container transportation is an important transportation organization model and impacted the evolution of world ports system. Now it is developing quickly in China and became a key factor to develop national economy. Research on the organization networks of marine container transportation became the importan field of transportation geography. Based on history research of container transportation in foreign countries and China, the author discussed the theory in detailed about liner ship transportation and spatial organization model of container transportation ub and Spoke System. Then the author chose 70 container shipping liner companies,360 ports(including 45 Chinese ports and 315 international ports)and the container shipping data at 1-7 on October in 2004 as the studying objects, and designed the spatial analysis model. Then the author took container transportation line, schedule, spatial relation and region system as studying aspect, and analyzed China container transportation organization networks, and summarized these conclusions: (1)Hong Kong port and Shanghai port have the most strong ability to organize marine container transportation; Shenzhen port, Ningbo port, Qingdao port, Xiamen port, Tianjin port and Dalian port have stronger organization ability;the ability of other ports to organize container transportation is very weak. (2)Different port has different main organization region. The northern ports and eastern ports in China have strong transportation relation with Japan and Korea, southern ports have stronger transportation relation with North America, Europe and Southeast Asia, which show China have stronger international economic relation with those regions. (3)There have six region organization systems of Hub and Spoke in China, including Dalian system, Tianjin system, Qingdao system, the eastern China system, the southern China system, Southeast of Fujian system, whose hub ports are Dalian port, Tianjin port, Qingdao port, Shanghai port, Shenzhen-Xianggang port which promote Chinese economy. These six organization systems formatted the basic networks of marine container transportation in China which is alike with its regional economic framework. (4)Chinese ports were belong to three international organization systems of container transportation, including Busan, Osaka-Kobe and Singapore system which constructed East Asia and Southeast Asia international organization systems of marine container,and whose hub ports including Busan port,Osaka port, Kobe port and Singapore port which control the international container flow in China.
[Wang Chengjin, Jin Fengjun.Organization networks of Chinese marine container transportation.
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2006, 26(4): 392-401.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2006.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Marine container transportation is an important transportation organization model and impacted the evolution of world ports system. Now it is developing quickly in China and became a key factor to develop national economy. Research on the organization networks of marine container transportation became the importan field of transportation geography. Based on history research of container transportation in foreign countries and China, the author discussed the theory in detailed about liner ship transportation and spatial organization model of container transportation ub and Spoke System. Then the author chose 70 container shipping liner companies,360 ports(including 45 Chinese ports and 315 international ports)and the container shipping data at 1-7 on October in 2004 as the studying objects, and designed the spatial analysis model. Then the author took container transportation line, schedule, spatial relation and region system as studying aspect, and analyzed China container transportation organization networks, and summarized these conclusions: (1)Hong Kong port and Shanghai port have the most strong ability to organize marine container transportation; Shenzhen port, Ningbo port, Qingdao port, Xiamen port, Tianjin port and Dalian port have stronger organization ability;the ability of other ports to organize container transportation is very weak. (2)Different port has different main organization region. The northern ports and eastern ports in China have strong transportation relation with Japan and Korea, southern ports have stronger transportation relation with North America, Europe and Southeast Asia, which show China have stronger international economic relation with those regions. (3)There have six region organization systems of Hub and Spoke in China, including Dalian system, Tianjin system, Qingdao system, the eastern China system, the southern China system, Southeast of Fujian system, whose hub ports are Dalian port, Tianjin port, Qingdao port, Shanghai port, Shenzhen-Xianggang port which promote Chinese economy. These six organization systems formatted the basic networks of marine container transportation in China which is alike with its regional economic framework. (4)Chinese ports were belong to three international organization systems of container transportation, including Busan, Osaka-Kobe and Singapore system which constructed East Asia and Southeast Asia international organization systems of marine container,and whose hub ports including Busan port,Osaka port, Kobe port and Singapore port which control the international container flow in China.
[29]陈伟, 刘卫东, 柯文前, . 基于公路客流的中国城市网络结构与空间组织模式
. 地理学报, 2017, 72(2): 224-241.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201702004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The multi-level perspective and multi-scalar city network have gradually become the critical pathways to understand spatial interactions and linkages. The road linkages represent distinguished characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, which is of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at regional scale. Based on the data of highway passenger flows between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper tries to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of China's city network, and further explores the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen the understanding of city network structure and provide new cognitive perspectives for the extant research. The empirical results are shown as follows: (1) It is immediately visible that the highway flows are extremely concentrated on the mega-regions of eastern coastal China and major economic zones in central and western China. And city networks based on highway flows demonstrate strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, which to a large extent has spatial coupling with the distributions of major mega-regions in China. It is a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scale and core-periphery structure. (2) A total of 19 communities that belong to important spatial configurations are identified through community detection algorithm, and we believe that they are urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors can be concluded in three aspects. Firstly, many communities have the same boundaries with provincial level administrative units, which reveals that significant administrative region economy still exists in contemporary China. Secondly, trans-provincial linkages can be formed through spatial spillover effects of mega-regions within specific communities. Thirdly, cities located in the marginal areas of provinces and attracted by powerful center cities in neighboring provinces may become increasingly disconnected with their own provinces and be enrolled into communities of neighboring provinces, which make contribution to the formation of the trans-provincial core-periphery structures. (3) Each community, with its distinguished city network system, demonstrates strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged with the features of a multi-level, dynamic and networked system. (4) From the morphology perspective, the spatial pattern of regional city networks can be basically divided into monocentric structure, dual-nuclei structure, polycentric structure and low-level equilibration structure, with the monocentric structure as the major type.
[Chen Wei, Liu Weidong, Ke Wenqian, et al.The spatial structures and organization patterns of China's city networks based on the highway passenger flows.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(2): 224-241.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201702004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The multi-level perspective and multi-scalar city network have gradually become the critical pathways to understand spatial interactions and linkages. The road linkages represent distinguished characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, which is of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at regional scale. Based on the data of highway passenger flows between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper tries to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of China's city network, and further explores the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen the understanding of city network structure and provide new cognitive perspectives for the extant research. The empirical results are shown as follows: (1) It is immediately visible that the highway flows are extremely concentrated on the mega-regions of eastern coastal China and major economic zones in central and western China. And city networks based on highway flows demonstrate strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, which to a large extent has spatial coupling with the distributions of major mega-regions in China. It is a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scale and core-periphery structure. (2) A total of 19 communities that belong to important spatial configurations are identified through community detection algorithm, and we believe that they are urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors can be concluded in three aspects. Firstly, many communities have the same boundaries with provincial level administrative units, which reveals that significant administrative region economy still exists in contemporary China. Secondly, trans-provincial linkages can be formed through spatial spillover effects of mega-regions within specific communities. Thirdly, cities located in the marginal areas of provinces and attracted by powerful center cities in neighboring provinces may become increasingly disconnected with their own provinces and be enrolled into communities of neighboring provinces, which make contribution to the formation of the trans-provincial core-periphery structures. (3) Each community, with its distinguished city network system, demonstrates strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged with the features of a multi-level, dynamic and networked system. (4) From the morphology perspective, the spatial pattern of regional city networks can be basically divided into monocentric structure, dual-nuclei structure, polycentric structure and low-level equilibration structure, with the monocentric structure as the major type.
[30]汪小帆, 李翔, 陈关荣. 复杂网络理论及其应用. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2006. [本文引用: 1]

[Wang Xiaofan, Li Xiang, Chen Guanrong.Complex Network: Theory and Application. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006.] [本文引用: 1]
[31]Stank T, Autry C, Daugherty P, et al.Reimagining the 10 megatrends that will revolutionize supply chain logistics.
Transportation Journal, 2015, 54(1): 7-32.
https://doi.org/10.5325/transportationj.54.1.0007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Many predictions were made in the growing field of supply chain management at the turn of the twenty-first century to establish the state of key concepts in the field as well as to motivate discussion, help guide resource allocation and implementation initiatives, and spark research to enhance understanding of many revolutionary supply chain management topics. The environment for supply chain activities has changed considerably since 2000, and many experts predict that even more significant change will occur over the next decade. This article will review industry progress on a set of 10 megatrends originally proposed in 2000, as well as extrapolate what the state of these trends may be over the next decade. In addition, new trends are identified that were not yet on the horizon in 2000, but will likely be influential in driving the changing supply chain over the next 10 years.
[32]Robinson R.Ports as elements in value-driven chain systems: The new paradigm.
Maritime Policy & Management, 2002, 29(3): 241-255.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088830210132623URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper argues that, with the rapid and pervasive restructuring of supply chains and of the logistics pathways in which ports are embedded, existing paradigms no longer offer adequate insights into the functions of ports or port authorities. Rather, ports must now be seen as elements in value-driven chain systems or in value chain constellations. They deliver value to shippers and to third party service providers; customer segmentation and targeting is on the basis of a clearly specified value proposition; and the port captures value for itself and for the chain in which it is embedded. The role of ports and port authorities, and the way in which they position themselves in the new business environments beyond 2001 must be defined within a paradigm of ports as elements in value-driven chain systems, not simply as places with particular, if complex, functions.
[33]Notteboom T E.Consolidation and contest ability in the European container handling industry.
Maritime Policy and Management, 2002, 29(3): 257-269.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088830210132614URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The first part of this paper brings into discussion some recent changes in the dynamics of the European container handling business, in particular as a result of vertical and horizontal integration strategies of container terminal operators. The industry structure has become sufficiently consolidated to raise a fundamental question about whether market forces are sufficient to prevent the abuse of market power. In this context, reference is made to the theory of contestable markets. The second part of the paper looks more closely to the issue of contestability by means of an exploratory and qualitative study of elements that could prevent other players entering or exiting the European container handling market. As such, a first indication is given of the degree of contestability in the container handling industry.
[34]宗会明, 周素红, 闫小培. 全球化下地方综合服务型物流企业的空间网络组织: 以腾邦物流为案例
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(5): 944-952.
[本文引用: 1]

[Zong Huiming, Zhou Suhong, Yan Xiaopei.Research on the spatial network of local comprehensive third-party logistics company under globalization: Taking Tengbang Logistics Company as a case.
Geographical Research, 2015, 34(5): 944-952.]
[本文引用: 1]
[35]王聪, 曹有挥, 陈国伟. 基于生产性服务业的长江三角洲城市网络
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(2): 323-335.
[本文引用: 1]

[Wang Cong, Cao Youhui, Chen Guowei.Study on urban network of Yangtze River Delta region based on producer services.
Geographical Research, 2014, 33(2): 323-335]
[本文引用: 1]
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Ye Lei, Duan Xuejun, Wu Wei.Spatial structure and efficiency of the urban network within the Yangtze River Delta based on traffic and information flow.
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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