

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

柴彦威1,, 谭一洺1, 申悦2,, 关美宝3
1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062
3. 美国伊利诺州大学厄巴纳—香槟分校地理及地理信息科学系,香槟 61820

Space-behavior interaction theory: Basic thinking of general construction

CHAIYanwei1,, TANYiming1, SHENYue2,, KWANMei-Po3
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
3. Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 61820, USA
通讯作者:通讯作者:申悦(1987- ),女,辽宁沈阳人,讲师,主要研究方向为城市社会地理学和行为地理学。E-mail: shenyue0519@163.com
-->作者简介:柴彦威(1964- ),男,甘肃会宁人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为时间地理学、社会地理学、城市与区域规划。E-mail: chyw@pku.edu.cn



It is growing to be the significant mission for the behavioral schools of geography to construct a generalized theory explaining the interaction between space and behavior. It is also an urgent realistic demand for current urban development and transformation in China to summarize the conceptual model and explanatory model of space-behavior interaction combined with China's reality. Firstly, this study builds the theoretical foundation of space-behavior interaction research which takes social-space theory as epistemology, behavioral geography and time geography as methodology, and activity-based approach as practical theory. Secondly, as for the research paradigm, the study argues the space-behavior interaction research needed to combine the place-based paradigm and people-based paradigm, facing current situation of China's urban development. Then this study makes an innovative attempt to propose basic thinking of space-behavior interaction theory construction. It needs to carry out research on spatial effects on behavior and behavioral effects on space to construct a generalized space-behavior interaction theory. On this basis, the diversity and similarity of space-behavior interaction in various cities, the trends and dynamics of spatial-behavioral interaction in different periods of time, the distinctiveness of various population segments, need be testified to improve the theory construction.

Keywords:space-behavior interaction theory;time geography;behavioral geography;urban planning and management

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柴彦威, 谭一洺, 申悦, 关美宝. 空间—行为互动理论构建的基本思路[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(10): 1959-1970 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201710012
CHAI Yanwei, TAN Yiming, SHEN Yue, KWAN Mei-Po. Space-behavior interaction theory: Basic thinking of general construction[J]. Geographical Research, 2017, 36(10): 1959-1970 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201710012

1 引言


2 空间—行为互动理论基础

-->Fig. 1The theoretical basis of space-behavior interaction

2.1 空间—行为互动的认识论基础

在对城市社会学的已有理论进行总结的基础上,戈特迪纳和哈奇森提出了城市研究的“社会空间视角”(social spatial perspective),以构建思考大都市生活的一个整合范式。社会空间视角将空间和区位视为日常社会关系的重要部分,结合社会空间辩证法的思想,将社会生态图示与政治经济图示加以整合,一方面强调空间对于社会生活、房地产对于经济和城市发展的重要性,另一方面致力于在城市分析中引入关于经济、政治和文化以及社会要素在大都市地区的发展中作用角色的思考[27,38]。社会空间观点整合了社会空间辩证法的基本思想,探讨空间与社会因素、空间与行为因素、空间与文化因素之间的关系,在探讨空间与行为因素的关系中强调社会行为与空间的互动,即空间以一种特有的方式影响人们的行为和互动,而个人通过人际互动改变了现有的空间安排,并建构新的空间来表达他们的欲求[27,39]

2.2 空间—行为互动的方法论基础

时间地理学源于瑞典著名人文地理学家哈格斯特朗(Torsten H?gerstrand)对计量革命时期区域科学研究范式的反思,他将时间和空间在微观个体层面上相结合,通过时空路径、时空棱柱、制约等概念及符号系统构建了时间地理学的理论框架,从人本主义思想和微观的角度出发研究问题,形成了自己独特的方法体系[3,7]。但其过于强调欧式空间和绝对时间的客观制约,忽视权力、能动性等关键问题,使其受到了哈维、吉登斯等社会科学领域****的批判[28]。面对质疑,时间地理学转向对时空间中生活关联性的思考,转向探索制约下的能动性,把时空路径作为制约和企划相互作用的结果,在原有的制约框架下加入了对主观能动性的考虑[44]

2.3 空间—行为互动的实践指导基础


3 空间—行为互动理论构建的基本设想

-->Fig. 2The construction of space-behavior interaction theory


3.1 空间—行为互动理论构建


3.2 空间—行为互动研究范式

3.2.1 基于空间的研究范式 空间是地理学的核心思想与传统,空间位置提供了一种具有整体性和综合性的理解途径,将在其他学科视角下相互独立的现象整合起来[62]。就像托布勒在在地理学第一定律中描述的,所有的事物都相互关联,然而它们的关系随相互间距离的增大而逐渐疏远[63]。人文地理学的空间思想曾出现过多次重大转向,从早期康德、哈特向的绝对空间观,到舍费尔与计量学派的空间几何学,再到人本主义的空间、激进主义的空间、后现代主义的空间,空间的内涵越来越丰富[64,65]。而空间研究在地理学,尤其在人文地理学中,一直保持着稳固而重要的地位,不断壮大的地理信息科学与地理信息系统也进一步巩固了其核心地位[66]。尤其在中国,“人地关系”的研究中“地”受到了更多的关注,在社区、城市、区域乃至国家等各个尺度层面进行基于空间的分析仍然占据着研究主流[67]
3.2.2 基于人的研究范式 20世纪60年代以后,在人文主义思潮的影响下,行为主义、人文主义地理学开始了对作为行为主体的人的正面关注。行为主义地理学、时间地理学、活动分析法等关注微观个体的理论与方法,为地理学提供了基于人的视角与方法论。例如,时间地理学出于对区域科学中的人的思考,提供了一种在时空间中从人的角度关注个体活动的视角。这些理论与方法一方面使非汇总的研究成为了可能,另一方面突破了传统地理学基于空间汇总的范式,使得在时空间中基于人的汇总成为可能。

3.3 空间—行为互动理论验证

3.3.1 不同空间尺度的空间—行为互动模式的多样性与共性验证 已有的中国城市时空间行为研究在空间上呈现出多尺度的特征,分别从城市尺度、城市内部尺度、社区尺度出发,透视城市空间与时空间行为的关系,理解城市空间重构的过程与模式[73-75]。大量的实证研究为互动理论框架提供了基础,但是,现有研究地区在地域上呈现出“大集中、小分散”和“东多西少”的局面,覆盖度与研究深度差异大,数据整合难度大;缺乏不同城市之间居民时空间行为的横向比较,难以总结不同规模、不同形态与结构、不同经济发展水平的城市空间与行为互动模式的多样性与共性。
3.3.2 不同时间尺度的空间—行为互动模式的阶段性与动态性验证 时间尺度方面,长时间尺度的时空间行为研究集中在迁居行为方面,以理解城市人口的空间再分配,以及社区人口构成的变化过程;短时间尺度研究多基于活动日志进行调查与分析,以理解城市空间中个体的行为组织[76-81]。已有研究局限于理解城市空间与居民行为的关联性,而未能通过控制居民对空间的自选择效应,有效地论证空间与行为互动中存在因果关系,缺乏从行为对空间选择与改造、空间对行为制约两个方面理解两者的相互关系,明确相互作用机理的研究。虽然存在同一城市多次调查的数据基础,但尚未进行不同时期的纵向对比与追踪分析,难以验证空间与行为互动模式的阶段性与动态性特征。
3.3.3 不同群体视角的空间—行为互动模式的特殊性验证 不同群体视角方面,已有研究在关注中产阶级居民的基础上,针对老年人、贫困人口和少数民族人口等特殊群体进行活动空间、可达性、社会交往等多方面研究,从行为差异阐述居民生活质量,反映社会公平问题[82-84]。研究已涵盖多类群体,但仍缺乏对不同人群的空间与行为互动模式的特殊性提炼。

4 结论与讨论

未来在空间—行为互动理论指导下,中国城市的时空间行为研究可以围绕如下几个核心方面,展开进一步的探索:① 研究内容上,关注从时空间行为透视社会公平、社会网络与社会变迁等社会空间维度的问题,拓展时空间行为与健康地理、出行行为与环境污染暴露、ICT使用与行为制约等前沿议题的研究;② 研究数据上,将手机、浮动车、公交IC卡、社交网络等城市空间“大数据”与活动日志、GPS等个人行为“小数据”相互补充与整合,为时空间行为研究提供覆盖多个地理尺度、高时空精度及属性丰富的数据基础;③ 研究尺度上,在时间方面结合长期行为与日常活动,分析日常生活方式的长期变化过程,挖掘社会变迁与生命历程对日常行为模式的累积影响;同时在空间方面拓展传统的城市内部空间尺度,进行中国与西方国家时空间行为的比较研究,通过不同发展阶段及制度、文化背景下的研究案例的相互补充,凝练一般化的时空间行为模式及空间—行为互动规律。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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The space–time behavior approach has become an influential methodology in Chinese urban geography. In this article I provide an overview of space–time behavior research in China, focusing on theoretical and methodological progress as well as key themes and findings from recent empirical studies. I argue that space–time behavior research offers a new perspective for understanding the complexity and diversity of human behavior patterns during the large-scale spatial and institutional transition in Chinese cities. Yet although Chinese urban geographers have made more methodological progress in data collection and analytic tools, theoretical development still lags behind compared to the space–time behavior approach in the West. The article concludes by discussing key theoretical and practical challenges for future development of space–time activity research in China.
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[Ye Chao.The origins of socio-space dialectic
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[35]Knox P, Pinch S.Urban Social Geography: An Introduction
. London: Routledge, 2014.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The 5th edition of this highly respected text builds upon the successful structure, engaging writing style and clear presentation of previous editions. Examining urban social geography from a theoretical and historical perspective, it also explores how it has developed into the modern day. Taking account of recent critical work, whilst simultaneously presenting well established approaches to the subject, it ensures students are well-informed about all the issues. The result is a topical book that is clear and accessible for students
[36]Soja E W.The socio-spatial dialectic
. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1980, 70(2): 207-225.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1980.tb01308.xURL [本文引用: 1]
[37]魏立华, 闫小培. 社会经济转型期中国城市社会空间研究述评
. 城市规划学刊, 2005, 12(5): 16-20.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2005.05.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wei Lihua, Yan Xiaopei.Summaries and analysis on studies about urban social space in China's socio-economic transition
. Urban Planning Forum, 2005, 12(5): 16-20.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2005.05.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[38]黄怡. 新城市社会学: 1970年代以来西方城市社会学的范式转变
. 同济大学学报社会科学版, 2011, 22(6): 53-57.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-3060.2011.06.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Huang Yi.The new urban sociology: The paradigm shift of Western urban sociology since 1970s
. Journal of Tongji University: Social Science Section, 2011, 22(6): 53-57.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-3060.2011.06.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[39]司敏. “社会空间视角”: 当代城市社会学研究的新视角
. 社会, 2004, (5): 17-19.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-8804.2004.05.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
正1995年,高特第纳(M·Gottdiener)和亨 切森(R·Hutchison)在《新城市社会学》一 书中,首次提出了城市研究的"社会空间视角"(Social Spatial Perspective)。这种方法一经提出就引起了城市学、地理学、建筑学和规划学等诸多学科的关注和讨论。2000年,该书出版了第2版。其中,作者更强调了环境是有意义的空间,空间的象征意义在城市研究中应与政治、经济、文化因素同等看待等观点,并对社会空间视角的应用进行了更为详细的论述。
[Si Min.Socio-spatial perspective: New insights into urban sociology
. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2004, (5): 17-19.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-8804.2004.05.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
正1995年,高特第纳(M·Gottdiener)和亨 切森(R·Hutchison)在《新城市社会学》一 书中,首次提出了城市研究的"社会空间视角"(Social Spatial Perspective)。这种方法一经提出就引起了城市学、地理学、建筑学和规划学等诸多学科的关注和讨论。2000年,该书出版了第2版。其中,作者更强调了环境是有意义的空间,空间的象征意义在城市研究中应与政治、经济、文化因素同等看待等观点,并对社会空间视角的应用进行了更为详细的论述。
[40]柴彦威, 申悦, 肖作鹏, .. 时空间行为研究动态及其实践应用前景
. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(6): 667-675.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Chai Yanwei, Shen Yue, Xiao Zuopeng, et al.Review for space-time behavior research: Theory frontiers and application in the future
. Progress in Geography, 2012, 31(6): 667-675.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[41]Cox K R.Bourgeois thought and the behavioural geography debate
. In: Cox K R, Golledge R G. Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited. New York: Methuen, 1981: 256-279.
[本文引用: 1]
[42]Aitken S C.Person-environment theories in contemporary perceptual and behavioural geography I: Personality, attitudinal and spatial choice theories
. Progress in Human Geography, 1991, 15(2): 179-193.
https://doi.org/10.1177/030913259101500204URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Theory development is a necessary part of any social science. In an attempt to bring some coherence to an eclectic behavioural geography, this first review outlines progress in understanding of person-environment relations with a focus on personality, attitudinal and spatial choice theories. -after Author
[43]柴彦威. 行为地理学研究的方法论问题
. 地域研究与开发, 2005, 24(2): 1-5.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2363.2005.02.001URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[Chai Yanwei.Methodological problems in behavioral geography study
. Areal Research and Development, 2005, 24(2): 1-5.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2363.2005.02.001URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[44]Lenntorp B.Time geography at the end of its beginning
. Geojournal, 1999, 48(3): 155-158.
https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007067322523URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract: No Abstract
[45]Richardson D B, Volkow N D, Kwan M P, et al.Spatial turn in health research
. Science, 2013, 339(6126): 1390-1392.
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1232257URL [本文引用: 1]
[46]Silm S, Ahas R.Ethnic differences in activity spaces: A study of out-of-home nonemployment activities with mobile phone data
. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2014, 104(3): 542-559.
The need to examine the entire scope of everyday activities of individuals in segregation studies has recently been recognized by social scientists and policy makers. To bring forth new insights into ethnic segregation through investigating the activities and movement undertaken by different population groups, we used mobile phone positioning data to compare the activity spaces of out-of-home nonemployment activities over a one-year period in Estonia and abroad. The results show that ethnicity has a significant influence on the activity spaces of individuals. The biggest differences between the two population groups occur in Estonia outside the respondents’ home city of Tallinn, where the Russian-speaking minority was found to visit 45 percent fewer districts than Estonians. Moreover, they exhibit a preference for districts that are more heavily populated by a Russian-speaking population. With respect to international travel, the Russian-speaking minority visits fewer countries and are 3.602times more likely to visit former Soviet Union countries than Estonians. The activity spaces of out-of-home nonemployment activities have fewer differences between the two groups in the respondents’ home city of Tallinn. Overall, our results show that ethnic differences have less effect on the everyday activity space and a greater influence on the choices made regarding long-distance travel.
[47]Kwan M P, Kotsev A.Gender differences in commute time and accessibility in Sofia, Bulgaria: A study using 3D geovisualisation
. The Geographical Journal, 2015, 181(1): 83-96.
Much research on human mobility patterns and accessibility to date has been conducted largely in Western European and North American countries, where the private vehicle is the main means for commuting. As a result, most studies focused largely on car‐based mobility (automobility) and accessibility, and relatively little is known about countries in other regions of the world. Based on an activity‐travel dataset collected in Sofia, Bulgaria and using 3D geovisualisation, this study attempts to fill this gap through examining gender differences in commute time and potential access to urban opportunities. The results reveal important gender differences in commute time and individual accessibility. Among the surveyed participants, women tend to spend more time on their commute trips and have more restrictive spatial reach to urban opportunities compared with men, largely as a result of their reliance on public transit as their primary mode of transport. Further, women have lower accessibility compared with men who used the same travel mode. This case study adds important new knowledge about a geographical area that has been under‐studied by Anglophone geographers. It also shows that GIS‐based geovisualisation and analysis are powerful tools for uncovering gender differences in the geographical distribution of commute time, which conventional quantitative methods cannot reveal.
[48]Neutens T.Accessibility, equity and health care: Review and research directions for transport geographers
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 43: 14-27.
Research at the confluence of accessibility, equity and health is flourishing. And yet, there is only slow and modest progress in terms of improving the spatial and temporal accuracy of measuring accessibility and equity of accessibility to health care services. This paper critically reviews the latest methodological and empirical research developments and trends in this area through a transport geography lens. More specifically, this paper discusses recent accomplishments in terms of modeling accessibility and provides a systematic and comprehensive literature review of their application in empirical studies of health care delivery. Based on this literature review a research agenda is put forward, identifying knowledge gaps that transport researchers can help to fill. These knowledge gaps pertain to the need for more spatially disaggregated, individualized and temporally-aware accessibility metrics, more sophisticated geocomputational tools to operationalize such metrics and improved measurement of equity considerations in empirical research.
[49]Delafontaine M, Neutens T, Schwanen T, et al.The impact of opening hours on the equity of individual space-time accessibility. Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems, 2011, 35(4): 276-288.
While many studies have concentrated on the effects of the spatial distribution of services on individual accessibility, only little is known about the ways in which equity of individual accessibility is affected by the temporal organisation of service delivery. This paper seeks to deepen our understanding about the relationship between accessibility, equity and the opening hours of public service facilities on the basis of space ime accessibility measures. Three approaches based on different equity principles are presented to schedule the opening hours of public service facilities: a utilitarian, an egalitarian and a distributive approach. A case study of public libraries in Ghent (Belgium) demonstrates the relevance of these approaches for amending the opening hours of public services to control the equity of accessibility levels across individuals.
[50]B?cker L, Dijst M, Prillwitz J.Impact of everyday weather on individual daily travel behaviours in perspective: A literature review
. Transport Reviews, 2013, 33(1): 71-91.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2012.747114URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In the light of growing societal interest for climate change adaptation and mitigation, insights into the meaning of weather conditions for travel behaviours—particularly walking and cycling—have become very important. Recently, various studies from transport, health and biometeorological disciplines have touched upon the relevance of weather for daily activities and travel, yet a review and critical assessment of the existing knowledge are lacking. Hence, the aim of this review is first to bring together these contributions and provide a systematic and comprehensive overview concerning the impact of weather conditions on daily travel activities. Second, the methodological, contextual and behavioural backgrounds of the studies will be discussed. The major conclusion is that the existing studies present an incomplete and fragmented picture of the impact of weather on travel behaviour, which makes effective planning for climate change a harsh job. In the conclusions, some lines for future research will be recommended.
[51]Katz P, Scully V J, Bressi T W.The new urbanism: Toward an architecture of community
. Environmental Protection, 1994, 17(2-3): 285-300.
https://doi.org/10.1023/B:RAEC.0000026836.66261.c1URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The costs, problems and realities of urban sprawl are everywhere. What has worked for the past 40 years can not be sustained or expanded further. New Urbanism, dynamic new planning and design concepts, is beginning to provide some hope that past mistakes of urban development need not be repeated. There is a broad and growing trend toward the restoration of community and a preservation of environmental resources. Almost a nostalgic return to smaller and more intimate neighborhoods, new urbanism integrates housing, shops, workplaces, parks and civic facilities into close-knit communities. Walkways, public places and parks are central to the planning. A wide range of housing styles offers affordability to all economic levels of a community. Public transportation is an important part of any design proposal. This book provides 24 case studies describing projects from Seaside in Florida to Cite Internationale in Canada and is an invaluable guide for architects, urban planners, civic leaders and concerned and interested citizens.
[52]Fainstein S S.New directions in planning theory
. Urban Affairs Review, 2000, 35(4): 451-478.
ABSTRACT The author examines three approaches to planning theory: the communicative model, the new urbanism, and the just city. The first type emphasizes the planner's role in mediating among "stakeholders," the second paints a physical picture of a desirable planned city, and the third presents a model of spatial relations based on equity. Differences among the types reflect an enduring tension between a focus on the planning process and an emphasis on desirable out- comes. The author defends the continued use of the just-city model and a modified form of the political economy mode of analysis that underlies it. The past decade has witnessed a reinvigoration of theoretical discussion within the discipline of planning. Inspired by postmodernist cultural critique and by the move among philosophers away from logical positivism toward a substantive concern with ethics and public policy, planning theorists have reframed their debates over methods and programs to encompass issues of discourse and inclusiveness. In the 1970s and 1980s, proponents of positivist scientific analysis battled advocates of materialist political economy. Although the divide between positivists and their opponents persists, other issues have come to define the leading edge of planning theory. Contempo- rary disagreements concern the usefulness of Habermasian communicative rationality, the effect of physical design on social outcomes (an old debate resurfaced), and the potential for stretching a postmarxist political economy approach to encompass a more complex view of social structure and social benefits than was envisioned by materialist analysis. Although discussions of
[53]Handy S.Smart growth and the transportation-land use connection: What does the research tell us?
. International Regional Science Review, 2002, 28(2): 146-167.
The connection between transportation and land use plays an important role in both explanations of sprawl and estimates of the costs of sprawl. Transportation and land use are inextricably linked in two basic ways and many more subtle ways. First, transportation investments and policies influence development patterns: commercial development stretches out along highway corridors, new subdivisions pop up after the new freeway opens, shopping malls and gas stations congregate at interchanges. In this way, transportation investments contribute to sprawl, but they can also be used as smart growth strategies to help to fight sprawl. Second, development patterns shape travel patterns: the design of suburban areas makes transit and walking a challenge, the separation between land uses in low ensity developments makes driving a necessity. In this way, sprawl contributes to automobile dependence, but smart growth policies to fight sprawl can reduce automobile dependence. Both theory and intuition tell us that this is the way the world works. But empirical evidence is surprisingly mixed, at least with respect to the impact we can expect from smart growth policies that depend on these relationships. The mixed evidence leaves plenty of room for debate.
[54]David W Chapman, Peter J Larkham.Urban design, urban quality and the quality of life: Reviewing the department of the environment's urban design campaign
. Journal of Urban Design, 1999, 4(2): 211-232.
This paper explores issues of ‘quality’ in urban design, principally through an evaluation of one UK government initiative. Between 1994 and 1996–97 the former Conservative government sought to promote ‘quality’ and ‘responsibility’ in the broad fields of urban and rural planning through the Department of the Environment's Quality in Town and Country (QTC) initiative. It was one of the more widely welcomed activities of this administration, but its achievements are questionable. One key component of the QTC initiative was the Urban Design Campaign (UDC), which sponsored 21 selected projects to provide case‐studies and demonstration projects, each tackling a difficult design and development challenge. This review, via the experience of two of the projects, addresses the questions of what lessons were learned from the UDC in terms of processes and outputs, and in responding to the rhetorical questions—particularly focusing on the nature of urban design in the development process and its relationship with the quality of life—posed in the original QTC discussion document. Lessons for the UK and other countries are discussed.
[55]Khalil H A.Enhancing quality of life through strategic urban planning
. Sustainable Cities & Society, 2012, 5: 77-86.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2012.06.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
For decades the sole measure of progress has been the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, there has been a growing criticism for the dependence on standard of living as the only measure of well-being. Although the concept of quality of life has been in the development discourse for some time now, measuring it in a city is quite difficult as the aspects to be measured are still questionable. Moreover, the relative weight for each aspect can generate an endless debate. There are a number of indices claiming to measure and rate quality of life in different cities or countries. This paper reviews a number of leading indices in the field as efforts of various companies and organizations. It argues what aspects comprise good quality of life. It debates that different perspectives of the concept exist, giving more importance to subjective perspectives, especially when prioritizing actions or projects to enhance quality of life in a certain city. The paper studies strategic urban planning of cities as a tool to improve quality of life. It compares the main sectors addressed in the process to quality of life aspects. It then studies 2 cities in Egypt as case studies to review how stakeholders prioritize projects according to what contributes in improving their quality of life. The analysis shows the similarities and diversities of perspective in the Egyptian context.
[56]Jones P M, Dix M C, Clarke M I, et al.Understanding Travel Behavior
. Aldershot, UK: Gower, 1983.
[本文引用: 1]
[57]Ettema D F.Activity-based travel demand modeling
. Eindhoven: Doctoral Dissertation of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1996.
[本文引用: 1]
[58]Timmermans H, Arentze T, Joh C H.Analysing space-time behaviour: New approaches to old problems
. Progress in Human Geography, 2002, 26(2): 175-190.
https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132502ph363raURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Time geography had led geographers to analyse and model activity-travel patterns since the 1970s. The notion that activity-travel patterns are highly constrained has been frequently used in analytical studies and models of space-time behaviour. The popularity of this field of research lost most of its momentum in geography in the 1990s, but is now the dominant approach among civil engineers in transportation research. This paper critically reviews these developments. It briefly summarizes recent developments in space-time research, focusing on empirical and modelling studies. Potential strengths and weakness of the various modelling approaches are discussed
[59]Pas E I.Recent advances in activity-based travel demand modeling
. Paper presented at Travel Model Improvement Program Activity-Based Travel Forecasting Conference Proceedings, June 2-5, 1996, Summary, Recommendations and Compendium of Papers, February 1997.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents an overview of recent and on-going advances in activity-based travel demand modeling, organized in terms of the methodologies employed (including computational process models, structural equation model systems, and hazard-based duration models) and the phenomena being modeled (including in-home and out-of-home activity participation, interpersonal dependencies, and daily activity-travel patterns). The paper sets the overview of the recent and on-going advances in activity-based travel modeling in the context of the long and rich history of activity-based travel analysis, which was first proposed about 20 years ago as an alternative to the trip-based modeling framework and the discrete choice, utility-maximizing models that were being incorporated into the trip-based travel demand modeling framework at that time. This paper finds that substantial progress has been made recently, and continues to be made, in advancing from activity-based travel analysis (with an emphasis on descriptive analysis and understanding), to activity-based travel forecasting models that can be used effectively for addressing contemporary policy and planning issues. The considerable recent effort and progress in activity-based travel modeling is attributed to technical, institutional and data availability factors.
[60]柴彦威, 沈洁. 基于活动分析法的人类空间行为研究
. 地理科学, 2008, 28(5): 594-600.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2008.05.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Chai Yanwei, Shen Jie.Activity-based approach to human spatial behavior research
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2008, 28(5): 594-600.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2008.05.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[61]约翰斯顿. 地理学与地理学家. 唐晓峰, 李平译. 北京: 商务印书馆, 1999. [本文引用: 1]

[Johnston R J.Geography and Geographers. Translated by Tang Xiaofeng, Li Ping. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1999.] [本文引用: 1]
[62]Berry B J L. Approaches to regional analysis: A synthesis
. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1964, 54(1): 2-11.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1964.tb00469.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
First page of article
[63]Tobler W R.A computer movie simulating urban growth in the Detroit region
. Economic Geography, 1970, 46(2): 234-240.
https://doi.org/10.2307/143141URL [本文引用: 1]
[64]石崧, 宁越敏. 人文地理学“空间”内涵的演进
. 地理科学, 2005, 25(3): 3340-3345.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2005.03.015URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
空间是人文地理学的核心概念之一,随着人文地理学经历三次变革:"区域差异-空间分析-社会 理论",空间的内涵也随之不断演进.从区域学派到空间分析,传统的空间认识使得人文地理学归属于自然科学范畴.1970年代以来人文地理学萌生了新的空间 认识,关注到空间的社会性,具有了更多的社会科学的特质.通过勾勒出人文地理学空间内涵演进的轨迹,提出空间内涵应是自然与社会属性相统一的观点.
[Shi Song, Ning Yuemin.Evolution on connotation of space inhuman geography
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2005, 25(3): 3340-3345.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2005.03.015URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
空间是人文地理学的核心概念之一,随着人文地理学经历三次变革:"区域差异-空间分析-社会 理论",空间的内涵也随之不断演进.从区域学派到空间分析,传统的空间认识使得人文地理学归属于自然科学范畴.1970年代以来人文地理学萌生了新的空间 认识,关注到空间的社会性,具有了更多的社会科学的特质.通过勾勒出人文地理学空间内涵演进的轨迹,提出空间内涵应是自然与社会属性相统一的观点.
[65]叶超. 人文地理学空间思想的几次重大转折
. 人文地理, 2012, 27(5): 1-5, 61.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Ye Chao.The significant turns of thoughts on space in human geography
. Human Geography, 2012, 27(5): 1-5, 61.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[66]Miller H.Place-based versus people-based geographic information science
. Geography Compass, 2007, 1(3): 503-535.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-8198.2007.00025.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Geographic information science and technologies are revolutionizing basic and applied science by allowing integrated holistic approaches to the analysis of geographic locations and their attributes. However, the increasing mobility and connectivity of many people in the world means that the relationships between people and place are becoming more subtle and complex, rendering a place-based perspective incomplete. This article discusses the need to move beyond a place-based perspective in geographic information science to include a people-based perspective (i.e., the individual in space and time). It reviews the theories and technologies that can support the people-based perspective and provides some example applications of the people-based perspective.
[67]汤茂林. 我国人文地理学研究方法多样化问题
. 地理研究, 2009, 28(4): 865-882.
[本文引用: 1]

[Tang Maolin.The diversification of research approaches in human geography in Chinese Mainland
. Geographical Research, 2009, 28(4): 865-882.]
[本文引用: 1]
[68]Harvey D.The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Conditions of Cultural Change
. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.
[本文引用: 1]
[69]Kwan M-P.Beyond space (as we knew it): Toward temporally integrated geographies of segregation, health, and accessibility
. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013, 103(5): 1078-1086.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2013.792177URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Many fundamental notions in geographic and social science research still tend to be conceptualized largely in static spatial terms, ignoring how our understanding of the issues we study can be greatly enriched through the lenses of time and human mobility. This article revisits three such notions: racial segregation, environmental exposure, and accessibility. It argues for the need to expand our analytical focus from static residential spaces to other relevant places and times in people's everyday lives. Mobility is an essential element of people's spatiotemporal experiences, and these complex experiences cannot be fully understood by just looking at where people live. As many social scientists are interested in studying segregation, environmental exposure, and accessibility, geographers can contribute to advancing temporally integrated analysis of these issues through careful examination of people's everyday experiences as their lives unfold in space and time. Interdisciplinary research along this line could have a broad impact on many disciplines beyond geography.
[70]Kwan M-P.Gender and individual access to urban opportunities: A study using space-time measures
. Professional Geographer. 1999, 51(2): 210-227.
Conventional accessibility measures based on the notion of locational proximity ignore the role of complex travel behavior and space–time constraints in determining individual accessibility. As these factors are especially significant in women's everyday lives, all conventional accessibility measures suffer from an inherent “gender bias.” This study conceptualizes individual accessibility as space–time feasibility and provides formulations of accessibility measures based on the space–time prism construct. Using a subsample of European Americans from a travel diary data set collected in Franklin County, Ohio, space–time accessibility measures are implemented with a network-based GIS method. Results of the study indicate that women have lower levels of individual access to urban opportunities when compared to men, although there is no difference in the types of opportunities and areas they can reach given their space–time constraints. Further, individual accessibility has no relationship with the length of the commute trip, suggesting that the journey to work may not be an appropriate measure of job access.
[71]Wong D W S, Shaw S L. Measuring segregation: An activity space approach
. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2011, 13(2): 127-145.
While the literature clearly acknowledges that individuals may experience different levels of segregation across their various socio-geographical spaces, most measures of segregation are intended to be used in the residential space. Using spatially aggregated data to evaluate segregation in the residential space has been the norm and thus individual segregation experiences in other socio-geographical spaces are often de-emphasized or ignored. This paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive approach in evaluating segregation beyond the residential space. The entire activity spaces of individuals are taken into account with individuals serving as the building blocks of the analysis. The measurement principle is based upon the exposure dimension of segregation. The proposed measure reflects the exposure of individuals of a referenced group in a neighborhood to the populations of other groups that are found within the activity spaces of individuals in the referenced group. Using the travel diary data collected from the tri-county area in southeast Florida and the imputed racial thnic data, this paper demonstrates how the proposed segregation measurement approach goes beyond just measuring population distribution patterns in the residential space and can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of segregation by considering various socio-geographical spaces.
[72]Wang D G, Li F, Chai Y W.Activity spaces and socio-spatial segregation in Beijing
. Urban Geography, 2012, 33(2): 256-277.
https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.33.2.256URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The widespread development of gated communities has generated much concern over urban fragmentation and social segregation. The social division and segregation between residents inside and outside urban enclaves exist not only in their residential spaces, but also in their values, social relations, and daily lives. In this study, it is argued that sociospatial segregation research should pay more attention to individuals' actual usage of urban space in their daily lives. By examining the activity space of the residents from different types of neighborhoods, a spatiotemporal approach to studying sociospatial segregation in Beijing, China is described. Significant differences are found in the usage of time and space between residents inside and outside the so-called privileged enclaves. Their activity spaces are found to vary significantly in terms of extensity, intensity, and exclusivity. The study suggests that the fragmentation of urban space is the result not only of residential segregation, but also of how different social groups spend their time and use urban space.
[73]Wang D, Chai Y.The jobs-housing relationship and commuting in Beijing, China: The legacy of Danwei
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2009, 17(1): 30-38.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2008.04.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
China’s market-oriented reform has not only revitalized the economy but also changed the physical structure of Chinese cities, which used to be largely determined by the socialist Danwei (or work unit) system. In order to understand the impacts of the reform and the influence of Danwei on jobs–housing relationships and commuting behavior, this study investigates whether there are differences in commuting behavior between individuals who live in houses provided by Danwei and those who reside in houses from private market sources in urban China. We apply the structural equations model to investigate the interactions between housing source (from Danwei or not), jobs–housing relationship, transport mode and commuting time in Beijing, the capital city of China. The results show that Danwei housing commuters have shorter commuting trips and higher usage of non-motorized transport mode than those who live in houses from the market sources. This finding implies that the diminishing influence of the traditional Danwei system and the market-oriented reform in urban development may have changed the jobs–housing balance and increased travel demand in Chinese cities.
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[Zhou Suhong, Liu Yulan.The situation and transition of jobs-housing relocation in Guangzhou, China
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[80]Cao X, Chai Y.Gender role-based differences in time allocation: Case study of Shenzhen, China
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ABSTRACT Previous studies on daily time allocation have shed light on individuals' trade-offs regarding time allocation within a fixed time budget. However, the interpersonal interactions of time allocation with a social network are far from understood, largely because of limited research in this area. Furthermore, few studies have focused on the residents of China, whose population is the largest in the world and whose culture is different from that of Western countries. Structural equation models are applied to data collected from 261 households in Shenzhen, China, to investigate the time allocation of male and female household heads on weekdays and weekend days. The results clearly show the household activity roles of Chinese residents: men dominate out-of-home activities, but women dominate in-home activities. Some insightful interpersonal interactions of activity participation between household heads also is offered.
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[Zhang Yan, Chai Yanwei.Characteristics of commuting pattern in Beijing: Based on the comparison of different urban residential areas
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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2009.05.019URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[Zhang Yan, Chai Yanwei.The spatio-temporal activity pattern of the middle and the low-income residents in Beijing, China
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[本文引用: 1]
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