The development and research characteristics of international social and cultural geography: Toward a quantitative analysis of published articles in Social & Cultural Geography
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主旨聚焦:通过对Social and Cultural Geography的刊文分析,希望促进国内地理****根据中国国情批判性地吸收研究新思想,形成独具特色的研究视角与研究风格,推动中国社会文化地理学的发展。
1 引言
文化地理学作为人文地理学的一个重要分支,历经90多年的发展[1],从最初伯克利学派的景观研究成长为20世纪80年代初兴起的涵盖一切社会行为、互动及日常生活实践所建构的情感、意义、价值等的新文化地理学[2],其与社会地理学在研究问题、关注群体上不断重叠,且在研究范式上也开始相互借鉴,研究边界逐渐模糊。一种由欧美地理学家们倡导的新的研究范式:社会文化地理学更是由此出现[3]。中国社会文化地理学研究起步较晚,1978年以前受苏联地理学思想的影响,人文地理学长期被简化为经济地理学和农业地理学,而与社会、文化相关的话题却鲜有****涉足[4-7]。直到20世纪80年代后期社会文化地理学研究逐步被引入国内后[8],中国作为一个庞大复杂的社会、文化系统以及其丰富的文化现象才逐渐被地理学家所关注。如何让中国社会文化地理学研究既能充分与国际研究接轨又能保持自身研究特色,成为当今国内社会文化地理学界的一个重要议题。近年随着“文化地理学专业委员会”的成立和“文化地理学年会”“社会文化地理国际高级研修班”的举办,以及国内外期刊对中国社会文化地理学提供的讨论平台,这个“新兴学科”也逐渐为学术界所关注。期刊是了解学科发展脉络和前沿研究动态的平台[9],因此对期刊文章内容的分析和梳理无疑是更快更准地了解学科发展历史和学科体系的重要方法,同时还可以从中找到学科的研究规律与范式。综合人文地理学国际三大核心期刊Annals of Association of American Geographers、Progress in Human Geography、Transactions of The Institute of British Geographers 10年间发文量前10位****的研究兴趣(表1),近80%涉足于社会文化地理学研究领域。可见社会文化地理学在人文地理学这个大学科中的重要地位。Social and Cultural Geography(以下简称为SCG)作为社会文化地理学研究的顶级国际期刊,是集空间、地方、社会与文化等话题研究的高端学术性平台。SCG于2000年创刊,在西方地理学“文化转向”的背景下诞生,对“转向”中兴起的包括认同、权利、性别、种族、消费、休闲、社区和日常生活等多样化的话题予以了充分的关注,也是对批判性人文地理学及相关领域的重要补充。SCG为SSCI收录期刊,同Annals of the Association of American Geographers、Gender, Place & Culture、Geopolitics等地理学刊物共属于泰勒弗朗西斯(Taylor & Francis)集团,2013年影响因子1.830,五年影响因子2.370。SCG已逐渐成为当今国际社会文化地理学领域的旗帜性刊物。为保持数据的整体性,本文集中以SCG创刊以来15年所有刊载文章作为研究分析对象,结合使用Citespace、Histcite文献计量分析软件及文本分析方法,对社会文化地理学与文化地理学间的关系以及SCG创刊至今所有文献进行全面系统的分析,力图从研究热点、研究趋势、研究理论、研究方法、资料收集及表现形式等方面进行梳理、总结,以期在研究内容与研究方法上对前人研究做出补充并为中国社会文化地理学的发展提供借鉴。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Research interests of the top 10 authors of the 'Three Journals'
作者 | 研究兴趣 | |
1 | Ron Johnston | Electoral and Social Geography,等 |
2 | Valentine Gill | Social Identities and Belonging, Urban Cultures,等 |
3 | Holloway Sarah | Geographies of Social Difference,等 |
4 | Andrew Jones | Political Science, Sociology,等 |
5 | James D Sidaway | Relations of States, Cities and Geopolitics,等 |
6 | Kevin Ward | Social Injustices, Urban Cultural,等 |
7 | Charles W J Withers | Historical Geography of Science,等 |
8 | Trevor Barnes | Economy,History of American Geography,等 |
9 | Katherine Gibson | Culture and Society, Economic Transformation,等 |
10 | Ryhs Jones | State and Group Identities,等 |
2 研究方法与数据来源
利用“Web of Science”(WOS)数据库搜索SCG所有登载文献,共934篇。在此基础上使用Histcite添加遗漏文献,增加至949篇,数据库完整性得到增强。但由于Histcite软件可视化效果较弱,因此结合Citespace和Histcite对研究热点、研究趋势等进行分析。Citespace为宏观知识计量的信息可视化检索技术,是信息检索和信息可视化结合所产生的新的研究领域,能提供较为直观的信息检索体验,是一种新的用户信息体验式检索模式[10]。近年为识别、跟踪学科最前沿研究,涌现了Paper-Lens(数据关系挖掘系统)、Temporal graph visualization(时序可视图系统)、TDA(汤姆森数据分析系统)等基于引文和被引文献的可视化分析系统。本文使用的是由美国德雷克赛尔大学华裔****陈朝美研究开发的JAVA程序Citespace软件,该软件被誉为全美最具特色和影响力的信息分析可视化软件之一[11]。它是基于“知识本身是不断变化的”这一假设,充分融合信息科学、统计学、计量学等学科中的聚类分析、多尺度分析、社会网络分析等方法[12,13]。通过对数据的挖掘、处理、计量等步骤对文献引用关系、研究变化趋势等方面进行分析,绘制整个学科或者是领域某段时期的发展轨迹与研究趋势[14]。这种方法既能揭示静态的“知识结构框架”,又能展现动态的“知识发展进程”,充分体现了知识在时间和空间上的发展与变化[15],在文献分析整理方面运用较多。目前国内关于Citespace工具的应用分析主要集中在心理学[16]、军事医学[17]、管理学[18]等领域,地理学界使用较少,仅李琬等利用该软件对相关地理分支学科进行了知识梳理[19-22],但在社会文化地理学研究领域的使用还暂未出现。在WOS数据库与Histcite补充文献的基础上,结合Citespace和Histcite软件分析及传统文献阅读方法从主观判断和客观计量分析两方面全面、综合地对SCG 2000-2015年所有文献进行统计研究,以求传统文献分析与计量软件分析相互呼应与验证,弥补软件与人工分析中内容的缺失与不足。这也是对社会文化地理学研究知识分析整理的新研究方法的尝试,以期对以前****社会文化地理学研究趋势分析在内容与方法上进行补充。
3 文献分析
3.1 期刊文献整体状况分析
2000-2015年间①(① 现Social and Cultural Geography2015年共出版了5期,由于文章撰写时长限制,分析仅到2015年第4期。),SCG共出版发行96期,949篇文章。按照内容,可分为实证性研究文章、综述、编辑话语、评论、会议论文、讣文、勘误表、信件和翻印这几种文章类型(表2),其中实证性研究论文、综述、会议论文所占比例较高,达86.7%,内容也最能反映社会文化地理学的研究主题、方向与研究方法的使用状况。这也是本文文本分析的主要讨论研究对象。从出版期来看,创刊年由于稿件的缺乏,SCG发行仅两期,为半年刊;2001-2004年每年4期,成为季刊;2005-2007年间转为双月刊;2008年至今每年固定8期,文献数目较为稳定。从2006年开始,SCG每年至少单独设立一到两个特(专)刊(Special Issue),讨论特定的社会主题或热点,其中2011年特刊数目最多,高达4个,分别为身体的关怀:实践的空间[23]、身体的约束:边界与能力[24]、建筑[25]、教育空间[26]。综合看来,SCG的文献量虽有些许波动,但总体上升趋势明显,其变化大致与社会地理学和文化地理学发展趋势与水平相匹配,充分体现了社会文化地理学是地理学界最具活力的学科之一,其研究议题的多样性与广泛度。Tab. 2
表2Social and Cultural Geography文章分类统计情况
Tab. 2Article types of the Social and Cultural Geography
刊文类型 | 刊文数量 | 本地引用 | 总引用 | |
1 | Article | 479 | 601 | 1590 |
2 | Book Review | 315 | 3 | 24 |
3 | Editorial Material | 67 | 132 | 634 |
4 | Review | 23 | 36 | 218 |
5 | Article; Proceedings Paper | 19 | 39 | 243 |
6 | Biographical-Item | 4 | 0 | 1 |
7 | Correction | 4 | 0 | 0 |
8 | Letter | 1 | 0 | 0 |
9 | Reprint | 1 | 3 | 21 |
3.2 文献作者分析
作为成果的主要生产者,****(作者)也是一个期刊、学科主要的生存发展力量。SCG成立至今的15周年里共汇集了1007位研究者的949篇研究成果,平均每篇1.1位作者,这也表明国际社会文化地理学的作者人群正在不断扩大。在SCG发文两篇及以上的作者共185位,其中Gordon Waitt产出最多,共发表8篇。单位机构发文量最多的依次为杜伦大学、华盛顿大学、伦敦大学、谢菲尔德等英美大学。亚洲仅新加坡国立大学进入了全球前15,内地高校也仅有华南师范大学和中山大学进入了全球发文量前100位。尽管SCG作为一个全球性的社会文化地理学研究刊物,占其主导、拥有主要发言权的还是英美国家的****。对作者所属区域进行分析,结果与研究机构所呈现的规律较为相似,欧美国家仍为文章生产大国。但是,值得惊喜的是,发文量前15名的国家(地区)中出现了以色列、中国、南非等这些非欧美区域的国家(地区),全球排名分别位于第12、第13和第15位。这也从另一方面印证了SCG的文章来源越趋扩散与多元,一些非英语国家的****也开始在SCG这个国际社会文化地理学舞台上崭露头角,与国际对话能力不断增强。然而,一般认为真正衡量一个作者影响力与成果认可度的是文章的引用率。对SCG所有作者文章进行引用率排名(表3),Christine Milligan、Joyce Davidson、Andrew Gorman-Murray、David Conradson、Ben Anderson、Julie Guthman、Chris Philo、Gordon Waitt、Tim Edensor、Susanne Freidberg为引用率最高前十名。其中,英国****以60%的所占比例,占据榜首,美国与澳大利亚并列第二。
Tab. 3
表3Social and Cultural Geography中全球被引用率最高的10位作者及学科归属
Tab. 3Authors and their disciplines of the top 10 citations in Social and Cultural Geography
作者 | 所属单位 | 作者 | 所属单位 | ||
1 | Christine Milligan | Institute for Health Research | 6 | Julie Guthman | Department of Geography |
2 | Joyce Davidson | Department of geography | 7 | Chris Philo | Department of Geography |
3 | Andrew Gorman-Murray | School of Social Sciences & Psychology | 8 | Gordon Waitt | Centre for Cultural Environmental Research |
4 | David Conradson | School of Geography | 9 | Tim Edensor | Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences |
5 | Ben Anderson | Department of Geography | 10 | Susanne Freidberg | Department of Geography |
将作者工作单位进行分类,发现作者的研究背景并不局限于社会文化地理学(地理学研究背景约占70%),文化研究、社会学、健康研究和环境研究背景的****也开始关注空间下社会和文化问题。地理学“文化转向”后,这种探讨空间下社会文化建构的研究视角也开始逐渐吸引不同学科领域研究者的兴趣,并推动社会文化地理学向一个跨学科领域发展。虽然以关注社会文化现象为重点的社会文化地理学其主要研究还是集中于对社会文化现象在空间、地方上的规律讨论,但其对学科边界的突破以及引领着地理学跨学发展的趋势不容忽视。综合分析作者研究领域,引用率前十的****中以性别研究最多,女性主义、同性恋、男性气质等都是近年****关注的重点;受后结构主义和现象学等理论思潮的影响,“非表征理论”成为社会文化地理学研究中的重要思潮[27],****们开始纷纷关注“身体化”的社会性,身体成为描述文化意义的一个重要维度,情感、认同等也为****们所提及。同时,随着“再物质化”的出现,****们开始关注在社会意义与符号建构过程中物质实体所承担的角色,Ben Anderson还于2004年在Geoforum组建了社会文化地理学中物质多样性[28]的研究专刊,以此来回应在不断建构与重构过程中物质实体的话语与文化意义。除此之外,引用率前十名****的研究方向中,交叉性学科研究所占比例高,包括城市社会文化、文化经济、历史文化、旅游文化、创业产业(乌托邦、创业工厂等)等。这些都表明随着社会的复杂度不断加深、学科的不断前进和发展,学科间融合性得到加强,这也预示着学界对社会文化地理学家的要求也会越发的提高,综合性得到加强。
3.3 研究区域分析
区域作为社会文化研究的空间承载体,对其总结可以充分反映学术界在全球区域范围的研究偏好与关注重点。通过对研究区域的统计分析,区际间存在着不同程度的研究不平衡,英美是最主要的研究案例地,占比超过40%,澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰依次为被研究区域第三、第四、第五名。将SCG出版年份分为前10年和后5年分析比较,发现主要研究区域变化不大,仍以欧美发达国家为主,但中国、新加坡、印度、南非等一些“非主流”国家也开始逐渐迈进大众视野,学术界对亚非等国家的关注开始不断增加,这些热潮的出现无疑依赖于研究区域全球转向趋势的出现,也更得益于这些地区社会文化地理学的蓬勃发展,研究区域与作者所属区域特征吻合度较高且本地特色较为明显。例如:印度研究主题主要集中在(后)殖民[29,30]、女性[31]、资本权利[32]等方面;南非则在种族、权利[33]等的研究较多,2010年还出现了对同性恋的关注。Andrew Tucker对南非同性恋政策出现后的一系列社会现象进行了讨论,认为只有把南非的种族主义与同性恋歧视联系在一起才能更好地理解:为什么同性恋者政策的推出,不仅没有转变大众对此的态度,相反歧视现象依旧存在[34]。地域特征较为明显。新加坡社会文化地理学与国际对话充分,研究主题也较为前沿新颖,动物[35,36]、文学[37]、后女权主义[38]等成为主要的讨论话题。随着中国社会、文化的“分划”与“变迁”,社会文化典型现象不断涌现[6],中国独特的地域与纷繁复杂的文化系统,不断刺激着国际社会文化地理学研究者的眼球。2000-2010年10年间以中国为研究案例地的文章仅有4篇[39],而2010-2015年(本文暂只考虑2015年前4期)四年多不到五年的时间内,已有9篇关于中国的研究,不到一半的时间,研究数量却增加了一倍。话题主要集中在权力与认同方面[40-42],其中独具特色的医疗旅游[43],女性公共休闲[44]等主题也受到了国内外****的关注。资料收集便利程度与可进入性等是影响研究区域选择的重要因素,SCG中文章研究案例地与作者所在区域也较为一致,跨国研究占比不超过7%。但随着全球化、现代化与工业化等的推进,国家间的边界开始变得模糊,世界成为一个不可分割的整体,跨国(地区)研究、跨国合作等成为新时期一个重要的学术发展形式。13篇中国研究文章中仅有4篇纯由中国人所写,其余皆出于国外尤其是英美研究者(机构)之手或由中外合作完成。
3.4 文章引用情况分析
本地引用文献代表着研究的前沿与方向,能反映近期学科的研究贡献和如今的研究热点。而被引用文献则是研究的前端与基础,是为期刊提供理论建构和核心概念的文章。本文从SCG本地引用文献和所引文献两方面进行分析,试图从研究前端与研究前沿两方面对社会文化地理学发展脉络进行梳理,为中国社会文化地理学更好地与世界融合提供路径。3.4.1 SCG本地引用率文献分析 论文引用率是衡量文献被其他国家或机构受认可程度的标志,也是期刊影响因子的重要测量指标。它不仅体现了作者写作水平和研究能力的高低,更反映了近期社会文化地理学的研究话题与热点。对SCG本地引用率最高的10篇文章进行分析(表4),研究主题大致可以分为情感与空间、关怀、宗教和城市、政策这几类,但其共同点是基本都与身体、具象化(embodiment)和情感理论相互交织。其中,情感研究主要集中在地方感[45]、地方记忆[46]两方面;关怀研究,社会文化地理学界对此关注较为充实,从关怀地理的综述[47]到给予关怀的体验[48]再到被关怀的人与空间[49]的研究,涵盖各个层面。在宗教研究方面,****们更多地是关注随着现代化、理性思维的推进,宗教神圣性与世俗性间关系的塑造与平衡[50,51]。同时,随着文化政治与具象化研究的不断隐现,从生活实践出发的日常生活中人对城市、空间与地方的体验与感知的建构或重构得到重视[52,53]。在引用率前10名的文章中,此话题赫然占据两篇。而且,Phil Jones自行车骑行行为对城市空间感知影响的研究也成为Jennie Middleton城市步行与身体感知及城市物质空间政策条件之间的关系一文中的引用文献,看似杂琐的日常生活行为与空间关系却饱含社会文化意义。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Papers of the top 10 citation rate
排名 | 作者,文章题目 | 本地引用次数 |
1 | Joyce Davidson, Christine Milligan Embodying Emotion Sensing Space: Introducing emotional geographies | 22 |
2 | Steven Hoelsche, Derek H. Alderman Memory and place: Geographies of a critical relationship | 15 |
3 | Hitchings Russell People, plants and performance: On actor network theory and the material pleasures of the private garden. | 14 |
4 | Jones Phil Performing the city: A body and a bicycle take on Birminghan, UK. | 12 |
5 | Banu G?kar?ksel Beyond the officially sacred: Religion, secularism, and the body in the production of subjectivity. | 12 |
6 | Conradson David Geographies of care: Spaces, practices, experience. | 11 |
7 | Milligan Christine Location or dis-location? Towards a conceptualization of people and place in the care-giving experience. | 10 |
8 | Middleton Jennie Sense and the city: Exploring the embodied geographies of urban walking. | 10 |
9 | Conradson David Spaces of care in the city: The place of a community drop-in center. | 8 |
10 | Howe Nicolas Secular iconoclasm: Purifying, privatizing, and profaning public faith. | 8 |
3.4.2 SCG引用文献分析 参考文献是为撰写或者编辑论文与著作而引用、参考、借鉴的有关文献信息资源,也可以从侧面反映出文章的理论建构和来源。对期刊参考文献进行分析无疑有利于促进对学科的了解以及对基础文献的掌握。从SCG中引用次数最多的10篇文献中可以看出(表5),其基础文献主要分为两类:① 空间、地方、文化和自然等基本理论及其概念之间的关系(如2、3、6、8、10);② 性别和差异的政治(如1、3、5、9)。在西方社会文化地理学研究中,空间和地方理论以及女性主义理论非常盛行,这也体现了人文主义和后结构主义等哲学思潮已和地理学研究深刻交织在一起。社会文化地理学作为中国新兴的一门学科,尤其要重视对空间与地方等核心的概念和理论的前端研究,以此来夯实社会文化地理学研究的理论框架。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Top 10 cited references
排名 | 作者,发稿年,著作名或者文章题目 | 总引用次数 |
1 | Sibley David,1995, Geographies of Exclusion | 43 |
2 | Cresswell Tim, 1996, Place Out Place: Geography, Ideology and Transgression | 27 |
3 | Massey Doreen,1994, Space Place and Gender | 26 |
4 | Whatmore Sarah,2002, Hybrid Geographies: Natures Cultures Spaces | 25 |
5 | Rose Gillian,1993, Feminism& Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge | 24 |
6 | Blunt Alison,2006,Key Ideas in Geography | 22 |
7 | Davidson Joyce,2004, Social& Cultural Geography | 22 |
8 | Massey Doreen B, 2005, For Space | 20 |
9 | Rose Gillian,1997, Progress in Human Geography and Gender or Something else | 20 |
10 | Bhabha Homi K,1994, The Location of Culture | 19 |
3.5 研究热点分析
文化地理学是一门拥有悠久历史的学科,卡尔·里特尔时期便已强调要关心人类文化与环境之间的相互关系。之后,美国****马什(G.P.Marsh)对人类活动对陆地改造的方式进行了研究,弗里德里克·拉采尔更是提出了文化与地理相结合的新研究模式[3]。随着美国人类学家克罗伯“地理要素重要性”思想与早期文化地理学思想的影响,由索尔倡导的以主张物质文化要素来研究区域人文地理特征的“伯克利学派”成为相当长一段时间世界文化地理学研究的依照[54]。第二次世界大战以后的文化研究开始借鉴于社会学的研究视角,关注文化跨社会阶层等方面的研究。20世纪70、80年代,由皮特·杰克森(Peter Jackson)倡导的新文化地理学成为新的研究热潮,新文化地理学认为文化是社会语境和社会实践的产物,社会和文化密不可分。国际上一种由文化地理学与社会地理学相结合的“社会文化地理学”随之出现[55]。这个由西方创始、发展的研究重点关注些什么,怎样才能更好的“西为中用”在当今中国社会文化地理学界讨论不休。使用Citespace软件进行SCG十五年研究热点分析(图1),横轴代表年份,圆圈代表聚类程度。圆圈半径越大,表明研究频次越高;颜色越偏向暖色,其被引时间越近;若出现红色外围,则表明其被引频次曾或仍在集聚增加。研究发现,社会文化地理学研究话题较为丰富,除了社会、空间、地方等地理学传统研究热点外,在研究内容上出现向非物质文化地理学(情感、关怀、身体等),少数群体(女性、流浪者、残疾人、儿童等)以及公共政策等转向的趋势。权力、认同、记忆、家、流动性、种族、宗教、性别、音乐、食物、教育等成为社会文化地理学新的研究热点。2004年Christine Milligan、Joyce Davidson对地理学中情感研究发展历程及什么是情感地理学的总结[56],成为SCG创刊以来引用率最高的文章。同年Steven Hoelscher和Derek H. Alderman通过大量的理论和经验研究梳理,理清了社会文化研究中记忆与地方之间纷繁复杂的关系[57],此后,情感、记忆、身份、认同等新兴词汇在各类地理研究刊物中层出不穷。国内朱竑等更是针对地方感、地方依恋、地方认同等概念进行了详细辨析[58],有力推动了中国社会文化地理学界情感研究的进程。
-->Fig. 1Topics of social and cultural geography
随着新文化地理学的发展,****们开始倾向于建造一个如皮特·杰克森(Peter Jackson)所描述的“彻底政治意义上的文化”[64],研究注意力向日常社会生活中被排斥与边缘化的弱势群体转移。种族问题得到关注,“种族歧视”“种族隔离”等现象中的移民[65-67]、身份认同[68]、平等[69]、民权[70]、医疗[71]、经济关系[72]等话题相互交融,齐头并进。政治作为一种日常文化表现的形式,其研究更是掺杂于各个主题,2006年设立的空间、政治、计算[73];2009年的边境地理[74]及2014年的植物政治学[75]特刊都预示着政治研究开始从传统、宏观研究向微观和日常化转变。
Tab. 6
表6Social and Cultural Geography专刊主题统计
Tab. 6Themes of special issue on Social and Cultural Geography
年份 | 期号 | 专刊主题 |
2014 | 8 | Vegetal politics: Belonging, practices and places |
6 | Public religion and urban in Europe | |
2013 | 7 | Marginalia, or the knowledge of excess |
5 | Gendered spaces of commoditized care | |
2012 | 2 | Critical geographies of drugs and alcohol |
2011 | 6 | Care of the body: Space of practice |
4 | The limits of the body: Boundaries, capacities, thresholds | |
3 | Practising architectures | |
1 | Education space: Embodied dimensions and dynamics | |
2010 | 3 | Scary cities: Urban geographies of fear, difference and belonging |
2009 | 8 | Trieste: Geographies beyond borders |
2008 | 6 | Spaces of technology / technologized spaces |
2007 | 1 | Lesbian geographies |
2006 | 5 | Space, politics, calculation |
4 | Post-human geographies |
-->Fig. 2Trends of the research hot spots in social and cultural geography
SCG近15年研究话题发展脉络实质上反映的是“文化转向”后新研究范式的确立以及这个学科在认知论上的不断发展和转变。虽然这种研究范式的转变始于20世纪80、90年代James Duncan、Peter Jackson等****对伯克利学派“超有机体”文化观的批判以及对文化与空间、文化与社会的重新审视[91]。他们强调空间与地方并非承载文化的容器而是文化的社会建构的重要维度,从而为“新文化地理学”的诞生提供了认知论的基础。社会文化地理学发展成为地理学内一个蔚然成观的学科还是在进入21世纪后,随着其理论体系和哲学基础逐渐成熟。SCG近15年研究话题的变化主要反映了西方社会文化地理学的如下特征:① 研究话题的深度和广度不断扩展,文化与社会问题相互交融已经成为一种趋势。这种研究话题的多样性,不应理解为西方****研究话题的分散化和破碎化,恰恰相反这正说明了文化在西方社会渗透于社会、经济以及政治生活的方法方方面面[2]。另外,受后现代和后结构主义思潮的影响,社会文化地理学家更倾向去从日常生活实践中而不是社会的“宏大叙事”中去探索文化意义的构建,更加关注不同社会群体的差异性和多元身份。② 研究的理论思潮和哲学基础不断丰富。“文化转向”后尤其以“非表征理论”(non-representational theory)和“再物质化”(re-materialization)两股思潮的影响最大。“非表征理论”重新审视社会文化知识并不仅仅是“表征”的产物,地理学家应该在日常生活实践本身去寻找文化的意义,这也诱导了地理学中微观的身体和情感研究的热潮。近期西方地理学的“情感转向”实质上也是长期以来理性为主导的地理学知识的解构和反思[92]。另一方面,“文化转向”在不断的自我反思和批判中发展。近期地理学家倡导“再物质化”(re-materialization),物质文化等话题重新受到关注,这也避免了社会文化地理学向过于“飘渺”的方向发展。总之,这些都体现了社会文化地理学在认知论上的不断转变和自我批评。
3.6 研究方法分析
根据劳伦斯·纽曼《社会研究方法: 定性和定量的取向》中定性资料收集与分析的相关内容[93],把SCG所有经验性研究文章分为实地调查与历史比较两类。实地调查研究中主要包含参与式观察、访谈(结构式、半结构式)、焦点小组、民族志(人种志)、生活史等资料收集方法。历史比较研究更多涉及的是档案资料、杂志、日记、文献等手段。本文根据该分类对SCG所有文章资料收集方法进行统计整理。社会文化地理学作为一个与社会学、人类学关系较为密切的学科,其研究方法主要以质性为主。对SCG文献进行统计,定量类研究文章占比不到5%,其中较为新颖的为Dharman Jeyasingham使用空间句法进行的分析。他以10年间英国公共厕所空间结构的变化规律来反映公众对同性恋态度的转变[94],弥补了身份认同研究中定量方法使用的不足,算是用定量方法分析社会权力与文化意义的创新。此外,还有不到3%的文章采用了定性与定量相结合的研究方法,而这些研究主要出于非英美研究者之手,例如2010年比利时研究者Nick Schuermans、Filip De Maesschalck采用焦点小组、访谈及建立模型等质性、定量相结合的方法解释了贫民郊区化的极端右派政策与种族主义和城市空间恐惧之间的关系[95]。除以上不到10%涉及定量研究的文章外,其余全部采用质性研究方法。质性研究中实地调查类文章相对较多,访谈、民族志(人种志)、参与式观察与焦点小组等是主要的资料收集方法。而历史比较研究中的日记、问卷等方法分析过程复杂性、不确质性影响因素较多,故使用频率相对较低。当今研究一般集中于多种资料收集形式,25%左右的文章使用了3种及以上的资料收集方式,一半以上的超过两种资料收集方法,这也与质性研究内生性特征[96,97]相呼应。而资料分析方法的选择及使用过程的准确性直接决定了结论的可信度,以及文章的科学性与逻辑性。SCG文献中资料分析方法较为固定,多为叙述与主题分析,二者所占比例高达70%,这与社会文化地理学研究中质性研究方法使用较为普遍有关。通过大量的社会素材挖掘,不断加深对社会文化的理解。此外,文本分析法、分析性比较法、例证法等也是社会文化地理学研究中较为常见的资料分析方法。就资料佐证与展现而言,西方研究者多善于使用各种“证据”来证明自己的可信度,其中文字资料使用最为广泛,被采访者访谈资料、日记等其他文本资料的完整展现都离不开文字的佐证。在文字资料佐证方面,西方****也并非是简单的进行信息摘取,而是通过较为严密、科学的语义编码、代码提取及抽象化处理等工作后,进行研究逻辑路线图的绘制,从而增加研究的严谨度与可信度。当然作为一门地理类学科,地图与照片等可视化资料也是使用较多的“原始性”佐证材料。
4 结论与讨论
社会文化地理学作为一门新兴传入中国的学科,发展势头较为迅猛,近年来中国****代表中国地理学界持续向世界发出声音[40,98-100]。但是,从总体上来看,国内社会文化地理学研究起步较晚、基础薄弱,与西方相比从研究主题到研究范式各个方面都存在着较大的差距。本文通过定性与定量相结合的方法,对西方社会文化地理学研究热点、研究区域、资料收集方法等方面进行梳理总结,认为国际社会文化地理学中“文化转向”较为彻底,研究话题紧贴时代背景,反映社会需求。尽管国内已有****开始涉足新文化地理学研究领域,但总体而言“文化转向”趋势不够明显,研究仍多集中在文化景观、文化区、文化扩散等传统文化地理学研究主题上[101],整体上呈内向型特征。实际上,中国历史文化悠久、民俗风情独特、社会现象多元,不乏宗教、民族、记忆、移民、流动性等与国际前沿话题一致的素材。同时,随着中国城镇化的快速推进,农民工、独生子女(父母)、三无老人、残疾人、小摊小贩、境外生育旅游(Birth Tourism)者、医疗旅游者、同性恋者等成为城市发展过程中的新兴群体;城中村(空心村)改造、城市公共空间建设(广场舞、休闲活动等)、政治权力、日常生活、家、关怀、身份认同等“边缘”话题也开始成为中国快速城镇化背景下的重要议题。
中国作为一个独特的社会文化地理学“研究范本”,国内****对新兴社会话题的研究明显不够,除农民工、同性恋等群体受到了少数社会文化地理学****的关注外[102,103],大部分边缘群体、话题都遭受忽视,且国内研究实证主义批判研究较少,社会文化地理学****应该承担起为社会不公和“边缘”群体发声的重任,借助后现代主义、女性主义、马克思主义等新的理论视角,挖掘中国内生性研究问题,反映社会事实,为“非精英”、“弱势群体”谋求权利,做到不仅在学术上能与国际接轨,知识贡献方面有所作为,在实际生活中更是能揭露社会本质,体现社会需求。同时回应杰克森(Peter Jackson)和科斯科罗夫(Denis Cosgrove)提出的“社会文化地理学是将注意力转移到很少被****尤其是地理学家关注的社会生活领域,建构一个‘彻底政治意义上的文化’”的研究目的[59]。在研究方法方面,中国同西方一样,多以定性研究为主,资料收集方式也较为相似,访谈、参与式观察、焦点小组等方法占据多数,但是在材料佐证与表现上,国内****多习惯以地图(传统地图、GIS地图、认知地图等)、表格等作为说明工具,而国外地理学界常使用的访谈文本、照片等方式在国内地理学核心期刊中较为罕见。同时,国内研究在文本、访谈等定性资料分析过程、表现形式等方面经验相对缺乏,在论证能力、表现方式上稍显不足,这也使中国社会文化地理学研究在某种程度上受到其他学科“科学性”的质疑。在定性资料分析过程中有针对性地选择合适的计算机辅助定性资料分析软件,可以从某种程度上弥补定性资料分析训练的不足,ATLAS.ti、HyperResearch、MAXqda、The Ethnograph以及QSR Nvivo等都是国外定性分析中使用较为广泛的分析软件,但对其使用也需批判性接收。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[45] | . [Abstract unavailable] |
[46] | . Current theoretical understandings of family-as-activity, as suggested by the terms ‘doing family’ or ‘families we choose’, locate family practices such as parenting, within the realm of the spatial. Feminist geography particularly has been instrumental in conceptualisations of parenting as a spatial project that involves constant renegotiation of the ‘everyday’ spaces of home, work and play. However, what are less evident in the literature are the specificities of the actual places and spaces of parenting: where parents go in the course of their parenting or how they actually use particular spaces. Furthermore, most scholarly work on parenting has been based on the theoretical and material experience of heterosexual parents, with the experiences of non-heterosexual parented families under-documented. Using data from a recent study with lesbian parents, this paper seeks to address some of these conceptual and empirical gaps, suggesting that an exploration of the everyday spatialities of same-sex parenting contributes, not only to expanding current geographic understandings of family and parenting, but also understanding of the material places where these identities—familial, parental, sexual—intersect. |
[47] | . In recent years, investigations of social or cultural memory have become a major field of inquiry throughout the humanities and social sciences. No longer the sole preserve of psychology, the study of memory now extends to anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, literary studies, communication, history and, increasingly, to geography. This article assesses some of the major trends in this burgeoning literature, especially those works spatial in nature, which we find to be of considerable cross isciplinary importance. Together, memory and place conjoin to produce much of the context for modern identities; providing a modest overview of that critical, dynamic relationship, this article serves as an introduction to this special issue of Social & Cultural Geography. |
[48] | [J]. From 2004 to 2007, a nonprofit organization in Seattle conducted over twenty-five street surveys in ten neighborhoods. Participants in these surveys collected geographic data about community ‘deficits’ and ‘assets’ using handheld devices, while walking around their local neighborhoods. These residents marked graffiti, litter, vacant buildings, and abandoned automobiles, as well as, ‘friendly’ business districts, appropriate building facades, and peopled sidewalks—all among their categories of interest, initially borrowed from a New York City foundation responsible for developing the handheld devices. Here, I analyze the geocoding protocol, ‘Training the Eye’, that was created by the New York City foundation and was adapted by the Seattle nonprofit. This technology of citizen engagement in governmental practice enacts an embodied cartographic vision that is productive of liminal subjectivities. These practices of geocoding, of assessing place in space, are intensely bodily, both in their messy enactment of digitally-extended vision and in their data-based imaginings of bodies at the margins. I draw upon theories of the cartographic gaze to discuss how technologies of vision constitute particular urban imaginations and discuss how subjects are formed through the discourses and practices of geocoding. |
[49] | . This paper explores the ways in which drop-in centres may at times function as spaces of care in the city. Drawing on participant observation research within a particular centre in Bristol, a city in south-west England, it focuses upon social relations within the drop-in space and the various subjectivities that were observed to emerge in this relational environment. Through a consideration of individuals who appeared to be positively assisted by their involvement in the drop-in, a sense is developed of the different ways in which such agencies may function as spaces of care. Use is made of Carl Rogers' notion of the core conditions for successful therapeutic encounter, as developed within the person-centred school of humanistic psychotherapy, to explicate these positive experiences. At the same time it was clear that some individuals found the drop-in to be a less than comfortable or even exclusionary environment. The paper concludes by reflecting on the broader significance of drop-in centres as caring environments and on the value of humanistic conceptions of therapeutic relation for interpreting organizational spacings of subjectivity. |
[50] | . Recent calls for new geographies of religion draw attention to how religion shapes the formation of subjectivity. Focusing on pious Muslim women's new veiling practices in Istanbul, I chart possible geographical analyses not only of religion but also of secularism as the two phenomena intersect and compete with one another in complex and often contradictory ways. I approach veiling as a gendered embodied spatial practice that reveals the intertwined production of bodies and subjectivities. Social meanings, the wider political context and spatial regimes that govern everyday life, as well as individual experiences, shape the production of corporeal piety. For the case I analyze, the hegemonic ideology of secularism, the highly politicized issue of veiling, and the informal and formal restrictions on the headscarf all come into play. This analysis offers new insights about the geographies of the body, subjectivity, and the city by highlighting the significant role religion and secularism play in their production. |
[51] | . Secularists tend not to destroy religious icons, but to displace them. This, too, is a form of iconoclasm. By excluding certain symbols from public places, they treat them as idols—threats to the freedom of rational, rights-bearing citizens and thus to the sacred spaces of the democratic nation-state. In so doing, they inscribe these supposedly neutral spaces with specific cultural and religious norms. Yet contrary to increasingly popular arguments on both the right and left, these norms vary greatly from place to place, audience to audience, actor to actor. This variety makes it difficult if not impossible to speak of a coherent secular spatiality, let alone a coherent secular subject. In the USA, iconoclastic performances produce secular places in great variety, some hostile to religion, others to religious nationalism, and others to the state. Focusing on legal conflicts over state-sponsored religious speech, this article aims to problematize the notion of ‘secular normativity’ by analyzing some of this geographical diversity. |
[52] | . Within UK pedestrian policy, walking is promoted as a sustainable mode of transport that benefits both the body and mind. However, much policy discussion assumes all walking to be the same and a largely self-evident means of transport, whilst many academic engagements with walking are highly abstract theorisations that lack any systematic empirical exploration of actual pedestrian practices. As such, there is little that unpacks the experiences of those who navigate, negotiate, and traverse the city streets in their day-to-day lives. In contrast, this paper aims to situate and understand the practice of everyday walking in the unfolding experiences of urban pedestrians. Walking is positioned and understood as a socio-technical assemblage that enables specific attention to be drawn to the embodied, material and technological relations and their significance for engaging with everyday urban movements on foot. The analysis draws upon in-depth interview and walking photo diary data from participants in the inner London boroughs of Islington and Hackney. Particular analytic attention to the different styles and conventions of urban walking and how these are intimately linked to bodily senses and the materiality of the city provides an opportunity for creating an increased engagement between urban and pedestrian policy and urban and social theory. |
[1] | . 文化地理学是人文地理学的一个分支学科,经过近90年的发展,逐步形成了稳定的学科研究框架及研究方法。本文基于对新旧文化地理学的教科书、经典著作、代表性文章的初步归纳,梳理出了有关文化地理学的4个方面内容:第一,文化地理学的核心概念为“文化区”和“地方”;第二,围绕核心概念,文化地理学的研究框架可分为两部分:文化区和地方的形成机制研究以及文化区和地方的尺度间转换研究:第三,针对形成机制和尺度转换的研究,文化地理学分别有不同的研究方法论;第四.文化地理学核心概念可以为其他人文地理学分支提供学术支撑。 . 文化地理学是人文地理学的一个分支学科,经过近90年的发展,逐步形成了稳定的学科研究框架及研究方法。本文基于对新旧文化地理学的教科书、经典著作、代表性文章的初步归纳,梳理出了有关文化地理学的4个方面内容:第一,文化地理学的核心概念为“文化区”和“地方”;第二,围绕核心概念,文化地理学的研究框架可分为两部分:文化区和地方的形成机制研究以及文化区和地方的尺度间转换研究:第三,针对形成机制和尺度转换的研究,文化地理学分别有不同的研究方法论;第四.文化地理学核心概念可以为其他人文地理学分支提供学术支撑。 |
[53] | . Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of street naming as a strategy for constructing ‘places of memory’. This paper draws upon Bourdieu's theory of symbolic capital to examine two key moments in the history of street renaming in New York City: the renaming of the avenues on Manhattan's Upper West Side in the latter nineteenth century and the street renamings in Harlem a century later. The aim of such a comparative case study approach is to demonstrate how the symbolic capital associated with street naming may be linked to an elite project of symbolic erasure and forced eviction, on the one hand, and the cultural recognition of a historically marginalized group, on the other. Both cases consider attempts to rename formerly numbered streets and avenues, and the benefit of considering them together is that they illustrate the multiple interests—as well as the exclusionary politics of race, class, and gender—involved in such shifts from ‘number’ to ‘name’. In doing so, this paper extends the current literature on street naming as a commemorative practice by linking it to a broader relational view of place-making, memory, and symbolic capital. |
[54] | . |
[2] | . 新文化地理学起源于20世纪80年代,是对传统文化地理学研究范式的激进反思甚至颠覆.首先,新文化地理学具有理论基础的统一性.其反对伯克利学派“超有机体”的文化观,认为“文化”并非具象的“物体”,而是在特定的社会情景或社会关系之下由社会群体自下而上地建构或生产的.自然、景观、地方、空间等地理学要素也并非“文化”被动的表达或容器,而是建构意义与价值系统的关键维度.其次,新文化地理学具有研究话题的多样性.这种多样性不应该被简单理解为研究视角的分散性或破碎性,而是新文化地理学的文化观带来的必然结果.新文化地理学关注草根群体自下而上的文化实践、不同群体与不同尺度的文化事项、以及瞬息万变的日常生活经验.因此,这极大地拓展了其研究话题的广度.目前,中国地理学中有关文化的研究还处在比较边缘化的位置,但现代中国社会的高速变迁迫切地要求文化地理****从文化的社会性与空间性出发,探讨社会成员赋予自然、景观、地方、空间等地理学要素的文化意义,以及文化这一维度在经济地理学、城市地理学等研究中的重要作用. . 新文化地理学起源于20世纪80年代,是对传统文化地理学研究范式的激进反思甚至颠覆.首先,新文化地理学具有理论基础的统一性.其反对伯克利学派“超有机体”的文化观,认为“文化”并非具象的“物体”,而是在特定的社会情景或社会关系之下由社会群体自下而上地建构或生产的.自然、景观、地方、空间等地理学要素也并非“文化”被动的表达或容器,而是建构意义与价值系统的关键维度.其次,新文化地理学具有研究话题的多样性.这种多样性不应该被简单理解为研究视角的分散性或破碎性,而是新文化地理学的文化观带来的必然结果.新文化地理学关注草根群体自下而上的文化实践、不同群体与不同尺度的文化事项、以及瞬息万变的日常生活经验.因此,这极大地拓展了其研究话题的广度.目前,中国地理学中有关文化的研究还处在比较边缘化的位置,但现代中国社会的高速变迁迫切地要求文化地理****从文化的社会性与空间性出发,探讨社会成员赋予自然、景观、地方、空间等地理学要素的文化意义,以及文化这一维度在经济地理学、城市地理学等研究中的重要作用. |
[54] | . |
[55] | . 自20世纪80年代中期以来,中国内地文化地理学是在引进国外文化地理学基础上发展起来的,审慎地借鉴国外文化地理学的发展经验,无疑会促进中国文化地理学的发展.作者从两个方面介绍了英美新文化地理学的两个特点,第一方面涉及景观分析的视角,首先新文化地理学不再侧重景观的形态研究,而是试图将景观的概念与其历史发展联系起来;其次,它注重分析景观的符号学意义,研究景观是由哪些符号构成了可供阅读的文本;第三,传统文化地理学对景观的研究集中在乡村地区,而新文化地理学则更多地研究城市的文化景观;第四,新文化地理学的景观研究具有很强的文化政治倾向.第二方面涉及文化的空间性.新文化地理学还将文化视为空间过程的媒介,强调文化渗透在生活的每个过程中,并决定着我们生活的空间性实践.所以新文化地理学重视空间,认为文化是通过空间组成的.作者还介绍了英美文化研究,并将之作为新文化地理学出现的学术背景.最后提出一个观点供读者讨论,即文化地理学是人文地理学的流派,而非人文地理学的一个分支.因为它以文化理论作为分析所有人文现象空间性的分析工具. |
[3] | |
[55] | . 自20世纪80年代中期以来,中国内地文化地理学是在引进国外文化地理学基础上发展起来的,审慎地借鉴国外文化地理学的发展经验,无疑会促进中国文化地理学的发展.作者从两个方面介绍了英美新文化地理学的两个特点,第一方面涉及景观分析的视角,首先新文化地理学不再侧重景观的形态研究,而是试图将景观的概念与其历史发展联系起来;其次,它注重分析景观的符号学意义,研究景观是由哪些符号构成了可供阅读的文本;第三,传统文化地理学对景观的研究集中在乡村地区,而新文化地理学则更多地研究城市的文化景观;第四,新文化地理学的景观研究具有很强的文化政治倾向.第二方面涉及文化的空间性.新文化地理学还将文化视为空间过程的媒介,强调文化渗透在生活的每个过程中,并决定着我们生活的空间性实践.所以新文化地理学重视空间,认为文化是通过空间组成的.作者还介绍了英美文化研究,并将之作为新文化地理学出现的学术背景.最后提出一个观点供读者讨论,即文化地理学是人文地理学的流派,而非人文地理学的一个分支.因为它以文化理论作为分析所有人文现象空间性的分析工具. |
[56] | . [Abstract unavailable] |
[4] | . No Abstract available for this article. |
[5] | . No abstract available. |
[57] | . In recent years, investigations of social or cultural memory have become a major field of inquiry throughout the humanities and social sciences. No longer the sole preserve of psychology, the study of memory now extends to anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, literary studies, communication, history and, increasingly, to geography. This article assesses some of the major trends in this burgeoning literature, especially those works spatial in nature, which we find to be of considerable cross isciplinary importance. Together, memory and place conjoin to produce much of the context for modern identities; providing a modest overview of that critical, dynamic relationship, this article serves as an introduction to this special issue of Social & Cultural Geography. |
[58] | . 论文在明确地方感、地方依恋与地方认同概念内涵的基础上,明晰了概念间的关系.研究表明:地方感是一个动态变化的包容性概念,包括地方依恋与地方认同2个维度;地方依恋与地方认同是2个相关但各具独特内涵的概念,研究过程中应对其进行有效区分;地方依恋会影响地方认同,二者都有助于地方感的构建;未来研究中应该从概念构建上突出地方本身的独特性和典型性,研究中应综合运用多种方法,空间上应区分地方感的不同空间尺度,时间上则应强调地方感研究的动态观点. |
[6] | . 自20世纪80年代以来,我国的文化地理学得到了长足的发展。本文搜集了1985--2004年的文化地理论文文献,将论文按地理类、学报类和其他类三类期刊进行统计分析,运用文献分析的方法,分析了我国文化地理学期刊载文数量的时空分布特点、作者生产率、作者地域分布和单位分布、论文资助情况以及文献研究的内容等方面的问题,揭示了近20年来我国文化地理学发展的状况和特点,为我国文化地理****了解和把握文化地理学研究热点和发展趋势提供依据。 . 自20世纪80年代以来,我国的文化地理学得到了长足的发展。本文搜集了1985--2004年的文化地理论文文献,将论文按地理类、学报类和其他类三类期刊进行统计分析,运用文献分析的方法,分析了我国文化地理学期刊载文数量的时空分布特点、作者生产率、作者地域分布和单位分布、论文资助情况以及文献研究的内容等方面的问题,揭示了近20年来我国文化地理学发展的状况和特点,为我国文化地理****了解和把握文化地理学研究热点和发展趋势提供依据。 |
[58] | . 论文在明确地方感、地方依恋与地方认同概念内涵的基础上,明晰了概念间的关系.研究表明:地方感是一个动态变化的包容性概念,包括地方依恋与地方认同2个维度;地方依恋与地方认同是2个相关但各具独特内涵的概念,研究过程中应对其进行有效区分;地方依恋会影响地方认同,二者都有助于地方感的构建;未来研究中应该从概念构建上突出地方本身的独特性和典型性,研究中应综合运用多种方法,空间上应区分地方感的不同空间尺度,时间上则应强调地方感研究的动态观点. |
[59] | . The film industry plays an important and largely under-theorized role in processes of urban change shaping the physical and cultural renderings of place in material and imaginative ways. In this paper, I examine the relationship between film and urban redevelopment at the Distillery District in Toronto, Canada. I argue that the film industry functioned as an important intermediary tenant at the site following its closure as an operating industrial plant in 1990, and prior to its redevelopment as an arts, culture, and entertainment centre in the early 2000s. By weaving together a set of interviews conducted with current tenants, planning material and media reports, and an analysis of feature films shot on location at the site, I map the inception of film production at the Distillery in the context of site planning, and the ways in which the memory of film practice is drawn into a contemporary strategy for place differentiation. |
[7] | . 1978年改革开放以来,人文地理学,作为地理学的重要分支学科,在为国家发展服务中发挥了重要的作用,与此同时,在国家发展的过程中学科发展蓬勃兴旺.然而,关于人文地理学的科学地位始终处在议论之中.尤其对人文地理学的研究方法长期处在争沦之中.在全球化的大背景下,世界需要了解中国.中国需要走进世界,发挥人文地理学的作用越来越重要.本文从地理学发展历程阐述人文地理学是地理学的重要组成部分:中国人文地理学的发展具有重要的地位和作用,一方面经济社会政治制度环境的转变需要中国人文地理学的发展,另一方而随着中国经济国际地位的增强,需要人文地理学为国家发展做出更重要的贡献.人文地理学具有自身的发展规律和研究方法,需要解放思想,注意在经济学的价值规律、社会科学的社会公平价值规律、自然科学的景观分析方法和历史学的历史分析方法以及数量分析等方面进一步深入挖掘.中国人文地理学研究,既需要对已有成果的概括提升,也需要有一种深度挖掘和创新的过程. . 1978年改革开放以来,人文地理学,作为地理学的重要分支学科,在为国家发展服务中发挥了重要的作用,与此同时,在国家发展的过程中学科发展蓬勃兴旺.然而,关于人文地理学的科学地位始终处在议论之中.尤其对人文地理学的研究方法长期处在争沦之中.在全球化的大背景下,世界需要了解中国.中国需要走进世界,发挥人文地理学的作用越来越重要.本文从地理学发展历程阐述人文地理学是地理学的重要组成部分:中国人文地理学的发展具有重要的地位和作用,一方面经济社会政治制度环境的转变需要中国人文地理学的发展,另一方而随着中国经济国际地位的增强,需要人文地理学为国家发展做出更重要的贡献.人文地理学具有自身的发展规律和研究方法,需要解放思想,注意在经济学的价值规律、社会科学的社会公平价值规律、自然科学的景观分析方法和历史学的历史分析方法以及数量分析等方面进一步深入挖掘.中国人文地理学研究,既需要对已有成果的概括提升,也需要有一种深度挖掘和创新的过程. |
[60] | . For all the mostly positive hype that surrounded the United Arab Emirate of Dubai's ever-expanding landscape mix—which includes skyscrapers, malls and palm tree-shaped islands—there is general agreement by commentators that everything in this fast-growing city cannot be as shiningly optimistic as it seems. Thus, although ambition is certainly one trait associated with the Emirate, another trait persistently linked with Dubai's landscapes by a variety of actors is fear. By drawing on qualitative research conducted in Dubai, it is the argument of this paper that (1) fears vary in source, trajectory, and intensity, and cannot be contained just to self/Other relationships and (2) that fear is one of many emotional categories which should be taken into account when writing of landscapes (in and beyond Dubai) and the work they do. |
[61] | . In this article, we discuss the recent success of extreme right politicians in the Flemish countryside. Because the Vlaams Belang, the dominant extreme right-wing party in Flanders, plays to racist attitudes and everyday fears, we study the interrelations between the rise of the extreme right, racism and a spatialized and racialized culture of fear. Based on a multi-level analysis of spatial variations of racism and a qualitative analysis of focus group interviews on fear of crime, we suggest that a rural or suburban vote for the extreme right Vlaams Belang has to be understood as a protest vote against the racialization and the insecurity of the central cities and as an anticipatory vote that has to stop the imagined infection of the ‘white’ and ‘safe’ countryside with urban ‘diseases’ like crime and foreigners. |
[62] | . In contemporary postindustrial cities, urban revitalization policies are discursively linked, in part, to urban fears and relations of threat. In Toronto, these tensions are inscribed in the city through new-build gentrification in the form of condominium development, a process that has created tens of thousands of securitized residential spaces. These spaces, I suggest, are produced in part through gendered ideologies about cities, bodies, safety and fear that (re)emerge or are (re)invigorated in the context of Toronto's revitalization hopes and fears. In this paper, I explore the gendered imagery of revitalization through condominium advertisements, and read these in relation to interviews conducted with women condominium owners. This exploration emphasizes the simultaneous commodification of pleasure and danger through gendered images and experiences. I argue that the dynamic tension between freedom and fear, excitement and anxiety, highlights the gendered constitution of the neoliberal makeover of the city, and the patriarchal power relations that continue to structure contemporary urban life. |
[63] | . In this paper I explore the connections between zombie films and bodies–cities. Common critical and popular analyses of zombie films focus on the body of the zombie, but pay little attention to surrounding spaces. Zombie films of the past ten years are increasingly being set in cities, a trend that I argue allows for the transfer of the ambiguous identity of zombie bodies to city spaces. The zombie outbreak creates an ‘other’-space that I term blank space in which previously rigidly codified spaces are subject to new constructions that reinscribe bodies with new, and potentially ‘other’, subjectivities. Through an analysis of six zombie films (Night of the Living Dead, Land of the Dead, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, 28 Days Later, and 28 Weeks Later), I argue that for geographers, zombie films can be read as expressions of a bodies–cities theory that emphasizes the role that spatial and bodily otherness plays in the constitution of bodies and cities. For bodies–cities theory, zombies offer a manifestation of the mutuality between bodies and cities that foregrounds corporeality while articulating the importance of difference and otherness for the constitution of bodies and cities. |
[8] | . 21世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域.在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域.同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一. . 21世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域.在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域.同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一. |
[64] | . Focusing on urban and rural environments, and also on popular culture and vernacular architecture, this draws on the literature of contemporary social and cultural theory to create a departure from traditional approaches to cultural geography. This title available in eBook format. Click here for more information.Visit our eBookstore at: www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk. |
[65] | . geographers with African Americans'. Three general research topics originating in that era persist to the present day, and they can be broadly identi ed as: spatial distribution and interaction, especially in relation to patterns and processes of residential segregation and racialized migration ows; economic and social issues, including debates on spatial mismatch, labour market participation, poverty and the so-called urban `underclass'; and political par- ticipation, particularly in the realms of elec- toral geographies, civil rights and af rmative action.In addition to embracing these relatively long-standing (and primarily empiricist) geo- graphic research traditions, contemporary geo- graphic literature also has engaged the broad-ranging concerns of critical `race' theory which generally challenges the essentialized given of a biologically determined racialized categorization in favour of the social (and pol- itical and economic and cultural) processes of racialization (see, e.g., Delgado 1995; Delgado and Stefancic 1997). Critical `race' theorists have convincingly argued that the belief that `race' is a biological category, i.e. that human beings can be divided into discrete social groupings called races on the basis of pheno- typic features, is an unacceptable avenue of inquiry.8 Hence the practice of writing the term `race' in quotes, to indicate its social construc- tion. However, to claim that race has no bio- logical underpinnings is not to argue that racialization, `the representational process whereby social signi cance is attached to cer- tain biological and/ or cultural characteristics' (Walter 1999a: 226), and racism, the systematic attachment of beliefs of inferiority to people of colour, are not real. Indeed, they have speci c material and ideological effects that vary over time and space. As Kobayashi and Peake (1994: 234) underscore, it is the `contingency of bio- logical categories which are chosen according |
[9] | . 台湾地理研究一直以来都是中国地理研究的重要组成部分。由于历史发展原因,大陆素来缺乏对其发展进行全景式的了解。本文以台湾《地理学报》自1962年创刊至2007年间发表的135篇人文地理成果为研究对象,分析探讨了台湾地区人文地理的发展现状、学科特点和发展脉络,反映出台湾人文地理学科发展的开放特点和受大陆重大事件影响的双重特性;人文地理研究呈现上升趋势,侧重于政治、社会、文化视角的研究,学科属性亦偏向后现代的文化、社会和制度等交叉研究层面;在空间方面,著作者和研究空间明显具有不均衡性。在对海峡两岸中国地理界权威期刊的对比和解读中可以发现,大陆人文地理依然热衷于地理空间事项特征的描述和分布研究,反映了两岸间经济社会水平发展的差异之影响。而两岸地理学界反映出在地理学理论探讨不足的问题应引起重视。 . 台湾地理研究一直以来都是中国地理研究的重要组成部分。由于历史发展原因,大陆素来缺乏对其发展进行全景式的了解。本文以台湾《地理学报》自1962年创刊至2007年间发表的135篇人文地理成果为研究对象,分析探讨了台湾地区人文地理的发展现状、学科特点和发展脉络,反映出台湾人文地理学科发展的开放特点和受大陆重大事件影响的双重特性;人文地理研究呈现上升趋势,侧重于政治、社会、文化视角的研究,学科属性亦偏向后现代的文化、社会和制度等交叉研究层面;在空间方面,著作者和研究空间明显具有不均衡性。在对海峡两岸中国地理界权威期刊的对比和解读中可以发现,大陆人文地理依然热衷于地理空间事项特征的描述和分布研究,反映了两岸间经济社会水平发展的差异之影响。而两岸地理学界反映出在地理学理论探讨不足的问题应引起重视。 |
[66] | . At the US exico border specific community organizations have played an important role in reinforcing and challenging dominant ideas about race and immigration through a series of protest and media campaigns. In this paper I explore the ways in which key community organizations have relied upon specific and specified constructions of race and ethnicity to redefine notions of borders and identities. I argue that an examination of debates around immigration reveals the centrality (and marginalization) of the images and spaces of the racialized immigrant body. An exploration of the ways in which policy, media, national and individual identities are mapped on to particular spaces provides an opportunity to interrogate and challenge the 'naturalness' of representations of race and immigration and the ways in which power is strategically located yet hidden in discussions of the border(s). |
[67] | . This paper argues that geographical research on immigration and geographical research on race and racism in the USA must be explicitly connected. Geographic processes such as globalization and urban development already link immigration with race and racism and suggest a need to conceptualize research agendas around immigration and race in relation to each other. Not only are racialized groups spatially connected in many neighbourhoods, cities and regions of the USA, but they are also linked through policies structured by the state at various scales and narratives produced about subordinated and racialized groups. In making this argument, I attempt to highlight work in geography, in related social sciences and in ethnic studies that demonstrates the necessity and usefulness of this approach. Geographers are uniquely positioned to illuminate how the construction of space, place and scale overlaps with the construction of racial-ethnic and immigrant identities and with racism itself. The paper argues that these and other research questions also benefit from linking race and immigration to gender, as some feminist geography and feminist studies have done. Likewise, ethnic studies offer a wealth of theoretical, methodological and empirical insight into linking immigration, race and racism in geographical work. |
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[68] | . Love is often portrayed as helping us overcome racism and other forms of prejudice, yet this article argues that imperatives towards love and romance-based marriage in Norwegian family reunification law constitute a racial project. Through a detailed reading of the 2004 Green Paper on a new Immigration Act, and a particular focus on the use of immigration law to combat forced marriages evident there, the centrality of romantic love in constructions of national subjects is considered. These constructions are seen to render some groups of Norwegian citizens simultaneously invisible as national subjects and hyper-visible as objects of national management. |
[69] | . This paper aims to provide an overview of socio-economic inequality experienced by Latinas and Latinos, suggesting that the increase in numbers and their dispersal throughout the country disrupts the traditional black–white paradigm used in race relations theory. Instead, I argue that the particular historical and geographical experiences of Latinas/os portend complex changes within labour markets and neighbourhoods and across families, ultimately challenging how we think about race relations in the USA. |
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[13] | . 科学知识图谱是显示科学知识的发展进程与结构关系的一种图形。它的悄然兴起,一方面是揭示科学知识及其活动规律的科学计量学从数学表达转向图形表达的产物,另一方面又是显示科学知识地理分布的知识地图转向以图象展现知识结构关系与演进规律的结果。这里,在介绍有关科学知识图谱基本概念的基础上,从数据库、数据格式及存取,数据分析算法,可视化和互动设计,科学计量学等方面阐述了有关科学知识地图绘制的最新进展,并展望了其应用前景。其进展表明,无论是对于科学技术研究,还是对于企业技术创新,科学知识图谱都是一种有效的知识管理工具。 |
[70] | . In 1997, the US Government revised its standards for the collection of data on race. Previous US government practice dating back to the first US Census in 1790 forced people into mutually exclusive categories. The new policy allows people to identify themselves as being of more than one race. The 2000 Census is the first major national data collection exercise to use this new system and its results will reveal both the promise and the perils of the new system. On the positive side, the new scheme allows people who think of themselves as 'mixed' to be counted as such in official data. However, multiple race responses complicate efforts to count minority populations eligible for civil protection and voting rights laws. Furthermore, the new systems pose new opportunities and challenges for social scientists concerned with the measurement of ethnic and racial inequality. The paper ends with a discussion of the implications of the new rules for the imagination of America's ethno-racial future through population projections. |
[71] | . The UK has a long history of recruiting foreign nurses to meet labour shortages. This article explores the ways in which a combination of institutional discrimination in recruitment and promotion and daily interactions and practices in the workplace practices constructed migrant nurses as less skilled and inappropriately embodied and so restricted their overall career trajectories. Based on qualitative research with migrant nurses of Caribbean and Asian origins who came to the UK in the post-war era, we show how race and ethnicity were the basis of initial restrictions in training leading to permanent stratification in the nursing labour force. In the interactive and emotional labours of caring, foreign-born nurses are subjected to stereotypical and normative assumptions about their attributes and skills from colleagues, managers and patients that affect their opportunities to progress within the National Health Service. We thus combine an analysis of institutional discrimination with an understanding of cultural practices in the workplace to explain their disadvantaged position. |
[72] | . This project offers a finer interpretation of whiteness by highlighting responses of white, working-class commercial fishermen and working-class African Americans to initiatives aimed at shifting Franklin County, Florida's economy from a production base to real estate and tourism development. We qualitatively examine the influence of working-class whiteness on workers' ‘structure of feeling’ or emotive responses regarding the move to post-production activities. Building on critical white studies, we argue that white fishermen have not been able to secure black support for the fishermen's resistance to restructuring because of differing structures of feeling these groups have towards economic diversification. In turn, alternative structures of feelings for whites and blacks derive from racialized, local landscapes and contemporary occupational segregation in fisheries. |
[73] | . react-text: 422 This chapter offers a brief contextualization of the key terms space, territory, and geography. It examines some of Foucault's most well-known and overt engagements with geography including the heterotopia and spatial partitioning. The chapter explores how Foucault went beyond these concepts to more richly worked geographical analyses in three areas: health, discipline, and governmentality.... /react-text react-text: 423 /react-text [Show full abstract] |
[13] | . 科学知识图谱是显示科学知识的发展进程与结构关系的一种图形。它的悄然兴起,一方面是揭示科学知识及其活动规律的科学计量学从数学表达转向图形表达的产物,另一方面又是显示科学知识地理分布的知识地图转向以图象展现知识结构关系与演进规律的结果。这里,在介绍有关科学知识图谱基本概念的基础上,从数据库、数据格式及存取,数据分析算法,可视化和互动设计,科学计量学等方面阐述了有关科学知识地图绘制的最新进展,并展望了其应用前景。其进展表明,无论是对于科学技术研究,还是对于企业技术创新,科学知识图谱都是一种有效的知识管理工具。 |
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[74] | . In this paper, I try to ‘think Europe’ through a cosmopolitan city like Trieste, and its recent and not so recent past. I develop my argument through the analysis of two powerful ‘myths’ that, I argue, limit understandings of Europe and the European project today: (1) the ‘myth of diversity’; and (2) the ‘myth of an identity in crisis’. In doing so, I rely in great part on the work of French sociologist and philosopher Edgar Morin and his conceptualisation of European identity as a permanent negotiation of difference; what Morin (1990) terms ‘a permanent dialogical simmer’. Starting from Morin's critical genealogy of European identity, I try to consider some of the ways in which we can go beyond territorial understandings of identity and citizenship, using Trieste's experience as a mirror of the broader European condition. |
[75] | . Cultural geography has a long and proud tradition of research into human-plant relations. However, until recently, that tradition has been somewhat disconnected from conceptual advances in the social sciences, even those to which cultural geographers have made significant contributions. With a number of important exceptions, plant studies have been less explicitly part of more-than-human geographies than have animal studies. This special issue aims to redress this gap, recognising plants and their multiple engagements with and beyond humans. Plants are not only fundamental to human survival, they play a key role in many of the most important environmental political issues of the century, including biofuels, carbon economies and food security. In this introduction, we explore themes of belonging, practices and places, as discussed in the contributing papers. Together, the papers suggest new kinds of 'vegetal politics', documenting both collaborative and conflictual relations between humans, plants and others. They open up new spaces of political action and subjectivity, challenging political frames that are confined to humans. The papers also raise methodological questions and challenges for future research. This special issue grew out of sessions we organised at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in New York in 2012. |
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[76] | . Abstract In this, my third and final review of social geography, I want to return to the theme on which I started (Peach, 1999). There is a fundamental, but hopefully fruitful, tension between the ways in which social and cultural geography consider matters of common interest. One of the consequences of the fashion for postmodernism in human geography is that cultural geography, with its emphases on hybridity, in-betweenness and flexibility, has claimed the epithet of 'new' while social geography, with its engagement in the 'real' world, with numbers and census categories, seems to have become, by default, 'the old'. Social geography is criticized for its empiricism, its use of received categories and supposed political incorrectness. New cultural geography teaches that everything is nuanced, plastic and fluid, so that the analysis of census-given ethnic or racialized categories may be represented as static and empiricist. However, what social geography does is crucial if we are not to be complacent in the face of injustices. Sue Smith has written eloquently on this dilemma in Ron Johnston's The challenge for geography (Smith, 1993a: 54; Johnston, 1993). |
[77] | . This article reviews geographical research on religion in the 1990s, and highlights work from neighbouring disciplines where relevant. Contrary to views that the field is incoherent, I suggest that much of the literature pays attention to several key themes, particularly, the politics and poetics of religious place, identity and community. I illustrate the key issues, arguments and conceptualizations in these areas, and suggest various ways forward. These 'new' geographies emphasize different sites of religious practice beyond the 'officially sacred'; different sensuous sacred geographies; different religions in different historical and place-specific contexts; different geographical scales of analysis; different constitutions of population and their experience of and effect on religious place, identity and community; different dialectics (sociospatial, public-private, politics-poetics); and different moralities. |
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[16] | . 以ISI Web of Science数据库中2004年至2013近10年的6486篇文献作原始数据,通过知识图谱工具CiteSpaceⅡ绘制国际军事心理学研究的结构框架图与发展进程谱,获得军事心理学相关的高学术影响力期刊、作者与经典文献,描绘了不同时期军事心理学研究的热点问题与前沿发展趋势。研究发现,在被引期刊方面"Psychological Bulletin"、"Jounal of Personality and Social Psychology"和"Journal of consultingand clinical psychology"的被引次数和中心性较高,期刊定位涵盖了临床咨询、管理心理、职业健康、军事战略、人因工程、认知神经、物质滥用等诸多领域。在被引作者方面,美国陆军怀特里德研究所的CharlesW.Hoge博士、美国心理学会军事心理学分会的主席Johnson,W.Brad教授,以及曾为美国海军在古巴和阿富汗服役Carrie H.Kennedy教授三者的被引频次较高,他们的研究方向分别是军人的心理健康与创伤后应激障碍、军人的训练、指导与教育、以及自杀预防、危机谈判、恐怖主义、战斗应激等军事相关的临床心理问题。研究热点分析得到了两个高频关键词群,分别是围绕Performance(绩效)的Depression(抑郁)、Stress(应激)、Task(任务)、Attitude(态度)关键词群,以及围绕Iraq(伊拉克)的Veteran(退伍士兵)、Post-traumatic-stress-disorder(创伤后应激障碍)、Social support(社会支持)、Care(看护)关键词群,从而揭示了军事心理学的两大类研究热点。综上所述,近十年来的军事心理学研究具有全程性服务的特点,其知识基础可以归纳为临床和作战两大方向,在心理训练、领导力开发、应激防护、创伤治疗、退伍军人康复等方面为军人提供贯穿终生的支持。而研究前沿在战争、灾难、恐怖主义等外因与研究方法、科学发现、理论进展等内因推动下表现出了较强的时效性。 |
[78] | . Based on a recent study of indigenous and migrant Muslims in Greece, this article provides an exploration of the spatial expressions of religious identity and practice among indigenous and migrant Muslims in Athens. Through a detailed analysis of ethnographic and visual material, we investigate the ways in which Muslim communities negotiate their religious identities and belonging in a city where there is no official mosque, considering that exclusionary perceptions of Islam constitute an important element of Greek national identity. The discussion concentrates on the management of visibility of Muslim identity through public displays of religious practices. Finally, we explore the ongoing debates surrounding the building of a Central Mosque in Athens as a symbolic claim to acceptance and recognition of Muslim presence and religious diversity in the Greek capital. |
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[16] | 以ISI Web of Science数据库中2004年至2013近10年的6486篇文献作原始数据,通过知识图谱工具CiteSpaceⅡ绘制国际军事心理学研究的结构框架图与发展进程谱,获得军事心理学相关的高学术影响力期刊、作者与经典文献,描绘了不同时期军事心理学研究的热点问题与前沿发展趋势。研究发现,在被引期刊方面"Psychological Bulletin"、"Jounal of Personality and Social Psychology"和"Journal of consultingand clinical psychology"的被引次数和中心性较高,期刊定位涵盖了临床咨询、管理心理、职业健康、军事战略、人因工程、认知神经、物质滥用等诸多领域。在被引作者方面,美国陆军怀特里德研究所的CharlesW.Hoge博士、美国心理学会军事心理学分会的主席Johnson,W.Brad教授,以及曾为美国海军在古巴和阿富汗服役Carrie H.Kennedy教授三者的被引频次较高,他们的研究方向分别是军人的心理健康与创伤后应激障碍、军人的训练、指导与教育、以及自杀预防、危机谈判、恐怖主义、战斗应激等军事相关的临床心理问题。研究热点分析得到了两个高频关键词群,分别是围绕Performance(绩效)的Depression(抑郁)、Stress(应激)、Task(任务)、Attitude(态度)关键词群,以及围绕Iraq(伊拉克)的Veteran(退伍士兵)、Post-traumatic-stress-disorder(创伤后应激障碍)、Social support(社会支持)、Care(看护)关键词群,从而揭示了军事心理学的两大类研究热点。综上所述,近十年来的军事心理学研究具有全程性服务的特点,其知识基础可以归纳为临床和作战两大方向,在心理训练、领导力开发、应激防护、创伤治疗、退伍军人康复等方面为军人提供贯穿终生的支持。而研究前沿在战争、灾难、恐怖主义等外因与研究方法、科学发现、理论进展等内因推动下表现出了较强的时效性。 |
[17] | . 目的分析认知神经科学的前沿热点和演化脉络。方法基于Java平台的知识图谱分析软件CiteSpaceⅡ。结果运用可视化分析对包括作者、机构、国别、关键词、被引文献等节点的分析,明确了开展认知神经科学研究的参照对象、准确识别到学科研究的前沿热点、快速确定了作为认知神经科学研究基础的经典文献、关键文献等。结论快速把握学科发展趋势、探测学科演进过程中的重要变化对于拓展认知神经科学研究具有重要指引作用。 |
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[81] | . The beach and the naked body are a casualty of the idealism that dominates social sciences. Despite the resurgence of work on embodiment, very few accounts have actually explored the centrality of the body on the beach. Drawing on ethnographic research on the island of Menorca (Spain), this article focuses on practices of nudity on the beach. Instead of giving priority to the representation and meaning of nudity, I am primarily concerned with how it feels to be nude and how nudity is experienced. I want to produce a lively account of the nude beach that makes space for sensuality and enchantment. To this end, I affirm the primacy of the haptic sense on the beach, thus balancing touch and sight, the proximal and the distal, the performative and the representational. Touch offers the opportunity to develop insights into the elusive experience of the beach, the expressive and ethical character of nudism and the interlacing of the body and the environment. The aims of this article are inspired by non-representational approaches in geography. This article attempts to develop this multivarious way of thinking and working in empirically orientated research. |
[17] | . 目的分析认知神经科学的前沿热点和演化脉络。方法基于Java平台的知识图谱分析软件CiteSpaceⅡ。结果运用可视化分析对包括作者、机构、国别、关键词、被引文献等节点的分析,明确了开展认知神经科学研究的参照对象、准确识别到学科研究的前沿热点、快速确定了作为认知神经科学研究基础的经典文献、关键文献等。结论快速把握学科发展趋势、探测学科演进过程中的重要变化对于拓展认知神经科学研究具有重要指引作用。 |
[18] | . 以Web of Science中1975—2009年的418篇危机管理论文为研究对象,采用文献计量方法,以信息可视化为手段,对国际公共危机管理研究现状进行了总结 分析。分析结果显示,从20世纪70年代起,国际公共危机管理研究悄然兴起,其研究范围从政治、自然灾难等事件向整个经济社会领域拓展,且危机事件类型也 日益多样化,对危机管理系统的建立和政府危机管理能力的提升提出更高要求。 以Web of Science中1975—2009年的418篇危机管理论文为研究对象,采用文献计量方法,以信息可视化为手段,对国际公共危机管理研究现状进行了总结 分析。分析结果显示,从20世纪70年代起,国际公共危机管理研究悄然兴起,其研究范围从政治、自然灾难等事件向整个经济社会领域拓展,且危机事件类型也 日益多样化,对危机管理系统的建立和政府危机管理能力的提升提出更高要求。 |
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[82] | . This paper explores the investment in the discursive and spatial construct of ‘lesbian community’. This ‘community’ is identifiable through the social spaces of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA), where sport and community are connected descriptively and interpretively. To do so, this paper discursively examines fan comments that define WNBA spaces as sites of community. This conversation is situated within the material and discursive context of these spaces, which are continuously remapped as heteronormative by the WNBA. Consequently, this paper concludes that uses of ‘lesbian community’ discourse within heteronormatively coded spaces points to a key strategy of creating safe spaces in an oppressive social climate. Moreover, ‘community’ discourse can be read as an assertion of empowerment in a time and place when lesbian spaces have been integrated and sometimes dissolved into the urban landscape, and when there is no clearly identifiable ‘lesbian space’. |
[83] | . This paper examines the politics of pleasure at the site of the carnival. Carnival spaces have long been celebrated as subversive where both sexualized and gender boundaries are contested and rendered contingent. The place and performance of ‘party’ in the spaces of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) Prides in Dublin and Brighton and Hove are the focus. Specifically, I address the parade through each city and the ‘party’ after this parade. Drawing on empirical research (221 self-reporting questionnaires undertaken by non-heterosexual women and qualitative research with forty-nine women) the paper examines the messy (re)constitution of Pride spaces through politics, fun and commercialization. I argue that the tensions between politics, the party and payment offer nuanced conceptualizations of Pride spaces in ‘liberal’ societies. Hedonistic Pride spaces, whilst challenging heteronormativity, are sites of fun. I argue they are best conceptualized as ‘parties with politics’, once again moving discussions of political action between the politics–party binary. In conclusion, I suggest that, alongside discussions of discriminations, abuse and prejudices, examinations of ‘sexual deviancy’ should include fun and partying in the performance of politics. Here, hedonism and enjoyment are read as central to a party with politics and thus the (re)constitution of sexed spaces, bodies and identities. |
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[20] | . 本文采用“Web of Science”数据库收录的1999-2013年期间发表的探讨时空关系相关文献,包括2263篇直接文献和这些文献引用的78139篇参考文献为基础数据,采用Histcite软件构建时空关系研究文献数据库,结合Citespace软件对该数据库进行文献引用关系和知识图谱的可视化处理,并对热点文献进行解读与分析,从而分析时空关系研究的研究热点和发展趋势.研究发现:2000年前后,时空关系研究与GIS结合逐步突破了传统时间地理学研究的技术瓶颈和研究框架,迅速进入了一个文献爆炸的阶段,研究的内容逐步从时空行为的描述转向对时空关系的解释.随着时空GIS技术的不断成熟,本领域的研究更多地把时空行为作为一种变量,对各种时空现象和社会问题进行解释,而不仅仅是一个被描述和解释的对象,其学科应用价值将逐步突显. |
[84] | . In this paper we examine the tensions inherent in the queer politics of Canada's first women-only bathhouse event, the 'Pussy Palace'. Organized by the Toronto Women's Bathhouse Committee (TWBC), this event is designed to provide women with a 'safe' and 'supportive' space in which to explore alternative gendered and sexualized identities. We draw on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with organizers, sponsors and participants of the Pussy Palace to consider how the process of 'queering space', which is often interpreted as libratory, can paradoxically discipline gendered and sexualized selves. We argue that queer identities and spaces can be distinct from and oppositional to gay and lesbian identities and spaces. With this argument we contribute to a substantial body of geographical literature on sexualities, and to more recent critical work on queer geographies. |
[85] | . The beach has long been a privileged site in Australian culture, and surfers have become icons of it. These men are often referred to as straight as steel, strong as granite, austere and inviolate. Drawing on over three decades worth of surfing I unpack this hegemonic understanding of men who surf, and reveal in its place the importance of feelings and bodies to their lives. Through an analysis of going surfing I articulate the role feelings and bodies play in how men belong, how they bond with their ‘turf’, come to understand themselves as masculine, and how they learn to do masculinity. |
[20] | . 本文采用“Web of Science”数据库收录的1999-2013年期间发表的探讨时空关系相关文献,包括2263篇直接文献和这些文献引用的78139篇参考文献为基础数据,采用Histcite软件构建时空关系研究文献数据库,结合Citespace软件对该数据库进行文献引用关系和知识图谱的可视化处理,并对热点文献进行解读与分析,从而分析时空关系研究的研究热点和发展趋势.研究发现:2000年前后,时空关系研究与GIS结合逐步突破了传统时间地理学研究的技术瓶颈和研究框架,迅速进入了一个文献爆炸的阶段,研究的内容逐步从时空行为的描述转向对时空关系的解释.随着时空GIS技术的不断成熟,本领域的研究更多地把时空行为作为一种变量,对各种时空现象和社会问题进行解释,而不仅仅是一个被描述和解释的对象,其学科应用价值将逐步突显. |
[21] | . 本文利用文献引文网络分析软件CiteSpace所绘制的科学知识图谱,分析城市更新知识域在上世纪末到本世纪前十年的发展趋势与动向。通过对城市更新相关研究领域的建模和可视化过程的再现,分析城市更新研究中的热点词汇的出现阶段与相互关系,分析表明城市转型作为城市更新的产生原因和动力机制,其相关理论和研究学派对于构建城市更新的理论分析框架具有重要借鉴意义;绅士化现象是城市更新在社会空间中的重要表现形式和作用效果;而城市更新作为一项城市开发活动,在经济、社会、环境等不同的应用领域引发了不同方面和维度的深入应用型研究。有关文化主导,去工业化背景下的新经济和可持续发展三个主题仍将在今后一段时间成为城市更新研究的主要方向。 |
[86] | . This paper engages with the ‘politics of recognition’ that inform much of our understanding of cultural diversity and young men's subjectivities. Drawing on data from several research projects on young people, gender and ethnicity, it explores issues around the nature of identity in everyday life. It argues that an emphasis on the primacy of ethnic or gender identity often embedded in the ‘politics of recognition’ fails to capture the complex nature of social being for young men. It argues that questions of legitimacy and competence arise in specific social settings and need to be addressed because they entail different logics of identification. Such an emphasis foregrounds the situated sociability of young men's identities: multiple and fluid attachments, the temporality of being, and the situated and provisional nature of subjectivity. |
[87] | . Drawing from our lace-based global ethnographies of out-of-the-way places in Australia, this paper explores ways that spatialized leisure-pleasures inform the production of intergenerational masculinities in globalizing remote places. We examine three kinds of amusement and three accompanying shades of masculinity; the sacrosanct, subversive and scorned. Sacrosanct masculinities involve spatially embedded, culturally sanctified leisure-pleasures and intergenerational continuity. Subversive masculinities involve leisure-pleasures that are spatially embedded but are also both culturally endorsed and unendorsed. While they involve the reproduction of sacrosanct masculinities, they usually also entail certain forms of cultural defiance across generations. Scorned masculinities involve leisure pursuits that tend to be spatially and culturally disembedded and unendorsed. Although scorned, they may also invoke the sacrosanct. These diverse masculine hues animate varying combinations of affective gender intensity. We illustrate these hues and explicate the links between masculinities, the social order and territoriality through the concepts of plaisir and jouissance. We seek to add to conceptualizations of masculinity in two ways. The first is by bringing together two lines of inquiry; those on masculinity and spatiality and those on masculinity and leisure. The second is by exploring conceptually and empirically the gendered spatial and temporal politics of masculine leisure-pleasures. |
[21] | . 本文利用文献引文网络分析软件CiteSpace所绘制的科学知识图谱,分析城市更新知识域在上世纪末到本世纪前十年的发展趋势与动向。通过对城市更新相关研究领域的建模和可视化过程的再现,分析城市更新研究中的热点词汇的出现阶段与相互关系,分析表明城市转型作为城市更新的产生原因和动力机制,其相关理论和研究学派对于构建城市更新的理论分析框架具有重要借鉴意义;绅士化现象是城市更新在社会空间中的重要表现形式和作用效果;而城市更新作为一项城市开发活动,在经济、社会、环境等不同的应用领域引发了不同方面和维度的深入应用型研究。有关文化主导,去工业化背景下的新经济和可持续发展三个主题仍将在今后一段时间成为城市更新研究的主要方向。 |
[22] | . 20世纪80年代以来,西方经济地理学与经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学等社会科学广泛融合,呈现出空前繁荣的局面。本文对这一时期西方经济地理学的思潮演变、热点研究领域以及政策研究等方面进行梳理。西方经济地理学在经历了地理学的“新经济地理学”和经济学的“新经济地理学”两个影响深远的变革后,研究领域和主题逐步走向多样化与复杂化。本文综述了8个热点研究领域,包括区域与地方发展、经济全球化、产业地理、劳动力地理、创新与创意地理、消费地理、环境经济地理和金融地理的研究进展,并讨论了经济地理学与政策研究的关系,最后总结了西方经济地理学的特点。 |
[88] | . (2014). Public religion and urban space in Europe. Social & Cultural Geography: Vol. 15, Public religion and urban space in Europe, pp. 591-602. doi: 10.1080/14649365.2014.922605 |
[89] | . This paper examines transient and semi-permanent Muslim spaces, their social construction, use, and relevance for diverse pious Muslims in Stuttgart, Germany. I describe the location, creation, negotiation, and maintenance of such spaces and analyze their position and contribution to a larger urban Muslim social geography. Based on several years of ethnographic fieldwork in Stuttgart, Germany, I illustrate how individuals mark or inhabit spaces momentarily or more permanently as Muslim spaces. I illustrate how at least for the length of a particular encounter, spaces are used in manners that reflect Islamic sensitivities and normativities. These spaces are ever more inseparably and irreversibly woven into the urban fabric. Over time they become and indeed some already have become integral parts of the cityscape. Some spaces in the process of recurrent islamically inspired uses become semi-permanent or even permanent Muslim spatialities, especially in contexts with considerable Muslim interaction or movement. The density of transient encounters and spaces over time contributes to the consolidation of an increasingly well-known and shared urban Muslim social geography. Within this spatiality, pious Muslims know that planned or unplanned encounters will be framed by Muslim beliefs and practices. Paying attention to the lusive evidence of the ordinary [Chauncey, G. (1994). Gay New York. New York: Basic Books, p. 10], I demonstrate how increasingly visible Muslim spaces and practices slowly become part of the urban fabric and every day culture. |
[22] | . 20世纪80年代以来,西方经济地理学与经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学等社会科学广泛融合,呈现出空前繁荣的局面。本文对这一时期西方经济地理学的思潮演变、热点研究领域以及政策研究等方面进行梳理。西方经济地理学在经历了地理学的“新经济地理学”和经济学的“新经济地理学”两个影响深远的变革后,研究领域和主题逐步走向多样化与复杂化。本文综述了8个热点研究领域,包括区域与地方发展、经济全球化、产业地理、劳动力地理、创新与创意地理、消费地理、环境经济地理和金融地理的研究进展,并讨论了经济地理学与政策研究的关系,最后总结了西方经济地理学的特点。 |
[23] | . Care—concept, emotion, practice, politics, moral exhortation—is a starting point for a range of critical geographies. Care affords geographers a richness of possibilities through which to engage critically with a range of politically charged discourses. This special issue offers a suite of ‘think’ pieces on geographies of care which provoke further examination of three challenges. First, we need conceptual strategies to explore the connections of care across different spatialities and temporalities. Secondly, biases within current research on care help make invisible the multiple sites through which our practices are shaped. Thirdly, certain concepts within the care lexicon have gone unchallenged such as dependency and vulnerability. We contemplate the potential of imagining care both as relation and as flow. The nodal characteristic of a relational care shapes how care flows through those nodes to focus on the spatial and temporal unevenness and inequalities in care, the processes eroding situated traditions of care, and the spaces and practices facilitating care of the body. |
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[24] | . To compress color image sequences, a novel color Block truncation coding (BTC) algorithm, called quaternion-moment block truncation coding (QMBTC), is presented in this paper. The QMBTC is derived by using quaternion arithmetic and the moment-preserving principle. To compress color image sequences for limited-color display, we combine the QMBTC with the procedures of coded/uncoded block determination and color palette design. The advantage of the proposed coder is in the low decoder complexity. It can decode the compressed image in real-time without the assistance of specific hardware for limited-color display. |
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[26] | . Overpopulation control is one of the main difficulties faced by China's rulers over the past sixty years. Policies aimed at controlling population growth have been polemic, as have their results. Considered lobe the most coercive method of demographic control, the One-Child Policy has changed the Chinese population's reproductive behaviour and has had important economic and social consequences. |
[27] | . Discusses the nonrepresentational research on cultural geography. Analysis on actions attributed to changes in human behavior; Details on the different lineage of cultural-social studies of work; Impact of human emotions on the shaping of cultural geography. |
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[28] | . matter(s) in social and cultural geography |
[29] | . This article explores how the postcolonial cities of Kolkata and London are remembered across space and time through the translocal memories of a religious minority, followers of the Hindu reform sect, known as the Brahmo Samaj. London Brahmos represent a miniscule translocal community, historically located in the urban culture of Kolkata and yet with a long tradition of travel and migration inside and outside India. Drawing on interviews with London Brahmos, who migrated to London from Kolkata from the 1950s onwards, the article focuses on the role of urban memory as a translocal and sensory practice, infused with enchantment. I start by considering how London and Kolkata are connected through translocal memories of mobility and dwelling. I then move on to contrast sensuous and sterile memories, which emplace translocal urban imaginaries of Kolkata and London and examine the limits of translocality to connect cities and lives through mapping a variety of situated urban sensescapes. |
[94] | . This paper concerns changes in the spatial structure of British public toilets for men over the last ten years from secluded, indistinctly public/private spaces towards open, largely public structures. It examines a number of past and present toilet spaces in the British city of Manchester using spatial syntax analysis to consider how spaces have been adapted and policed differently in order to reduce opportunities for sex between men. It considers how these changes relate to shifts in the legislative context and in planning and policing initiatives away from explicit homophobia towards policies of inclusion of certain sexual minorities. The paper concludes that the way in which inclusion and a post-homophobic context have been expressed through legislative changes and planning and policing initiatives in relation to public toilets has led to a more explicit heteronormalisation of public spaces. The discussion relates to current debates in cultural geography about the consequences of greater participation of sexual minorities in public and issues of surveillance, control and privacy in public spaces. |
[95] | . In this article, we discuss the recent success of extreme right politicians in the Flemish countryside. Because the Vlaams Belang, the dominant extreme right-wing party in Flanders, plays to racist attitudes and everyday fears, we study the interrelations between the rise of the extreme right, racism and a spatialized and racialized culture of fear. Based on a multi-level analysis of spatial variations of racism and a qualitative analysis of focus group interviews on fear of crime, we suggest that a rural or suburban vote for the extreme right Vlaams Belang has to be understood as a protest vote against the racialization and the insecurity of the central cities and as an anticipatory vote that has to stop the imagined infection of the ‘white’ and ‘safe’ countryside with urban ‘diseases’ like crime and foreigners. |
[30] | . In February 1946, 20,000 sailors of the Royal Indian Navy (RIN) mutinied over a number of grievances, from the poor quality of their food to demands for an independent India. Drawing on archival research in the UK and India, this paper uses this event, together with an examination of life in the RIN more generally, to explore how colonial discipline was organised and resisted in specifically maritime ways. By examining the practices and organisational structures of the RIN which attempted to discipline sailors, and in turn how these were resisted and negotiated, it is argued that the spatial politics of life in the Navy created distinctly maritime social and cultural relations. These maritime, naval understandings of space and place add to our understandings of the ways in which colonialism worked in practice. The paper therefore not only adds to work about colonialism's attempts to discipline and order its subjects but also contributes to debates on the geographies of the sea. |
[31] | . The ‘new Indian woman’ is often invoked in popular and academic discourse as the embodiment of a modern nation—the ‘new India’. Feminist studies of this figure typically focus on the body of the imagined ‘new woman’ as a site upon which modernity is inscribed, allowing little room for the agency of women who actively contest imposed identities and roles in the quintessentially modern project of self-determination. In this article I argue that narratives of food in contemporary fiction and fictionalised autobiographical writing by Indian women challenge both dominant feminist critiques of the ‘new woman’, and influential accounts of modernity as ‘rupture’ in masculinist theoretical literature. In these texts food, and particularly the practice of serving food to others, is used by women as a tool for gaining independence, as a weapon to combat oppression, and as a means of negotiating migrant identities, among other things. The texts thus demonstrate the importance of appreciating the gendered nature of modernity, recognising women's modernities to be genuinely transformative of the individual, as well as continuous with traditional and conventionally feminine practices rather than necessarily opposed to them. |
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[32] | . The origins of capitalist value theory lie in transformations of property through enclosure of commons-as-waste' and practices of commoning' that supported these. These processes, repeated with difference, remain with us. Capitalist value production becomes a structure of necessity in societies that are profit seeking rather than needs oriented; the history of capitalist value is one of the unrelenting attempts to subordinate needs-oriented forms of value production to its accumulative logic. In the process, it continuously casts certain people, places, and conducts as wasteful, superfluous, or residual. In short, capitalist value constantly battles to assert its normative superiority over and autonomy from other forms of value production that interweaves with it. Waste, immanent to capital's becoming-being, poses a jeopardy to capital accumulation: it is, on the one hand, capitalist value-in-waiting and on the other hand, it is an omnipresent logic of dissipation that evades or exceeds capital's dialectic, threatening its legitimacy and existence. |
[33] | . Against a backdrop of declining manufacturing employment, this article uses a study of the call center industry to argue that English language proficiency is central to new service jobs in post-apartheid South Africa. Drawing on research in Durban, we in this study show that access to call center work—especially the highest paid niches—is heavily mediated by English language skills generally attainable only at the most elite high schools. In doing so, we argue that access to English-medium education can challenge racial disadvantage, but simultaneously that English can help to consolidate white privilege through the continued association of a ‘prestigious’ accent with whiteness. The study accordingly reveals the importance of language in the changing intersectionality of race and class and, in doing so, underlines the value of social and cultural perspectives in labor geography. |
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[34] | . Much work has recently explored the remarkable legislative achievements that have benefited queer groups in South Africa. Less well understood has been an appreciation as to how the links between histories of racism and histories of sexuality deployed to legitimate such legal challenges may also have directly helped to entrench the ability of others to argue against queer rights. Drawing on the work of Stuart Hall, this article will explore how queer activist's association with an ideology of ‘equality’ (and the link between racism and sexuality-based discrimination) has not simply concluded discussion about the rights (or wrongs) of queer rights. Instead that association has helped align the issue of sexuality within a far broader debate as to what the ‘New South Africa’ should mean after a racist past. This may help us appreciate a so far little understood and yet key reason why homophobia remains such a pervasive problem in the country. |
[35] | . Ongoing human–long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) conflicts in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, have seen native macaques significantly affected, as residential development encroaches into animals' habitat, destroying important wildlife corridors. The search for a more humane treatment of these transgressive animals can be seen as an attempt to extend and include non-human animals within humanistic notions of ethics and care, in the process destabilizing the assumed divide between human/animal. Yet, a feasible solution is difficult to reach as National Parks Board (NParks), the state agency overseeing the conservation of reserves and wildlife, has to negotiate constantly between their goal of maintaining biodiversity and appeasing the complaining residents. The paper seek to understand urban–wilderness conflicts between human–macaque, showing that the divide between tamed/wild is multi-sited, ambiguous and constantly shifting. In this regard, we are especially interested in the role of intermediaries in initiating actions to ‘make discursive as well as material space’ for macaques in the reserve. Intermediaries, here referring to NParks and animal activists, are actors who do not reside near the reserve thus having no frequent encounters with wildlife, yet are enrolled as mitigators during instances of human–animal conflicts. |
[99] | . Enclave urbanism has deep historical roots in China, from the earliest forms of enclave residence, i.e. the walled city and courtyard housing, to the contemporary intricate mosaic of enclaves comprising danwei (work unit) compounds, gated commodity housing estates and migrant enclaves. Yet the evolution of enclave urbanism is not simply a convergence with Western urban forms, nor is it a process of historical succession or cultural inertia. The story of enclave urbanism is far more complicated. Exploring China's evolving urban enclaves and their socio-economic implications would add much richness and diversity to the international debates on enclave urbanism. The first half of the paper discusses the evolving processes and dynamics of China's enclave urbanism, with special reference to Guangzhou. The complex dynamics of China's enclave urbanism are evolving around various socio-economic, cultural, institutional and political forces, within which institutional arrangements for urban spatial organisation and social control are playing a fundamental role. To present a fuller picture of the plural socio-spatial connotations of China's enclave urbanism, the second half of the paper unpacks the heterogeneity of urban fabrics and examines how different social groups perceive and represent the social aspects of their lives. Featuring a high degree of heterogeneity within and between different types of neighbourhoods, enclave urbanism in China has entailed a complex relationship between urban form and social fabric. In addition, for various social groups, urban enclave living is endowed with very different social meanings. In gated commodity housing estates, enclave living is an expression of a safe, high-quality and privileged lifestyle. In urban villages, it is a compromise choice involving makeshift urban living resulting from suppressed rights to the city. And, in danwei compounds, it is a lingering lifestyle to which people used to be collectively assigned with no exercise of their own choice and from which they are now emotionally estranged. |
[100] | . The main purpose of this article is to examine the ways in which popular music in Guangzhou is implicated in the performance of places and identities, and how it is located in Guangzhou. Drawing on the qualitative methods of participant observation and interviews, this research analyses the popular music and musical performances in Guangzhou through three spatial dimensions: the place of Guangzhou, the performance venues and the human bodies. The findings of this research suggest that popular music in Guangzhou sets up the emotional communications and engenders different spaces for the participants to negotiate their embodied identities; popular music and musical performances make the connections between three spatial scales—the place of Guangzhou, the performance venues, and the human body—through its capacity of social mediation and the musical performances articulate the power relations between local residents, the local and national authorities, and the global. This research can be read as a contribution towards the wider literatures on musical performance and the exploration of doing/making place and place-based identity through popular music. |
[36] | . Drawing on the debate over dolphin captivity in Singapore, we examine the ways in which human–animal relationships are contested. Departing from most animal geography studies which often focused on the conflictual spatial transgressions of animals into human spaces, we use the idea of ‘captivity’ as a heuristic to posit that human–animal relationships are necessarily moral, spatially enmeshed in contestations over what is (un)natural and increasingly entwined in legal geographies. While such an argument mirrors other sites of animal captivity (for example, zoos), dolphin captivity sits in a more ambiguous legal terrain than most other captive animals in zoos. Moreover, the very ‘nature’ of dolphins makes debates over their ‘authenticity’ ever more complex. The moralities of cetaceans are simultaneously underpinned by questions of the spatial (‘captive sites’ and ‘open seas’), the socio-cultural (‘charismatic animals’) and the legal (‘regulatory frameworks governing their welfare and whether they are endangered or not’). Hitherto, cetaceans are less researched (compared to terrestrial creatures) in animal geographies with even fewer studies focusing on cetacean captivity. We call for an expanded notion of ‘captivity’ that is relative, relational and non-absolute and underpinned by the notions of ‘nature’. In so doing, we align ourselves more with the anti-captivity camp. |
[37] | . While the role of readers in literary geographies has been theoretically acknowledged, the methodological practice of engaging with multiple readers is little and far between. This gap between theory and practice has perpetuated understandings of texts as static representations and of readers as passive and homogeneous. Such problematic notions urgently need to be contested and this paper is one such attempt. Using a case study of Singapore poetry and its resistance to state-driven landscape change, I engage with twenty-one Singaporean readers through an online, asynchronous forum to demonstrate the challenging but rich process of studying reader reception. In doing so, I show how the dynamic co-enactment of responses by multiple readers-in-conversations leads to both complementarities and clashes. This not only reveals a more nuanced understanding of the author–text–reader(s) interactions, but also points to an inevitable politics of reading present in the study of all textual representations. |
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[38] | . One of the ways in which the heterosexualization of women's bodies is made apparent is through the blatant promotion of Ladies' Night at night clubs. These are typically weekly events, of which women are granted complimentary entry by club operators. Ladies' Night is thus popularly construed as a time and space in which men can gain access to many ‘heterosexy’ female bodies. The deliberate deployment of specific kinds of (post)feminine bodies and subjectivities—slim, savvy, and sassy—in club promotional material is often couched in discourses that highlight female expression, consumption, and autonomy. Such a celebratory rhetoric of women as empowered actors seems to suggest that traditional gendered expectations of women as self-reserved, timid and vulnerable to sexual aggression are archaic and are no longer valid. In light of this, I investigate how women negotiate a postfeminist terrain within the context of Singapore's night clubbing scene. By employing qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews, ethnographic work, and discourse analysis, I argue that clubs are paradoxical spaces for performing gendered and (hetero)sexualized selves that vacillate between affirming and subverting heteropatriarchal regimes. In so doing, this paper hopes to contribute to the scholarship on feminist geography by bringing recent debates on postfeminism into a productive conversation with the literature on (hetero)sexuality and space. |
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[102] | . 运用结构式访谈和深度访谈的调查方法,以城中村的农民工为研究对象,分析其医疗行为及空间特 征,并探讨其形成原因。研究发现:城中村的农民工医疗保健水平低,医疗机构的使用率低;在医疗制度不完善的背景下,农民工能动地通过各种途径解决医疗需 求,形成三种类型的医疗行为模式,即“自力更生”型、“社会资本”依赖型及“经济实力”型。结合医疗机构的空间分布,农民工医疗行为的空间特征符合距离衰 减规律,同时表现出明显的波动性,表现为一个跳跃式五圈层结构。本研究试图为改善农民工的健康行为模式提供科学基础,并在一定程度上补充国内城市保健地理 及行为地理的研究。 . 运用结构式访谈和深度访谈的调查方法,以城中村的农民工为研究对象,分析其医疗行为及空间特 征,并探讨其形成原因。研究发现:城中村的农民工医疗保健水平低,医疗机构的使用率低;在医疗制度不完善的背景下,农民工能动地通过各种途径解决医疗需 求,形成三种类型的医疗行为模式,即“自力更生”型、“社会资本”依赖型及“经济实力”型。结合医疗机构的空间分布,农民工医疗行为的空间特征符合距离衰 减规律,同时表现出明显的波动性,表现为一个跳跃式五圈层结构。本研究试图为改善农民工的健康行为模式提供科学基础,并在一定程度上补充国内城市保健地理 及行为地理的研究。 |
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[40] | . Place identity is a fluid construction that is in a constant dynamics of re-imagination. Changes in economic, social, cultural and political conditions lead individual and groups to re-imagine and rebuild their place-based identity. One major force that causes people's interruption in place identity is the rationalizing spatial process that reduces place into abstract space that is open to reorganization. In this paper, we investigate the interruption, reconfirmation and renegotiation of the place-based identity of local residents of the former municipal district of Dongshan, Guangzhou, China, after the official administrative establishment of Dongshan was cancelled by the Guangzhou municipal authority in 2005. Thirty-six in-depth interviews were conducted, and it is found that local Dongshan residents' place identity had generally been enhanced, rather than vitiated, after the 2005 change of administrative division, while discourses about interruptions in their place identity fill up their narratives. Although sensing obvious interruption in place-based identity, local Dongshan residents re-imagined the meanings of the place of Dongshan to build up culturally delimited borders that were conditioned by the name Dongshan, and this re-imagined place-based identity results from the local residents' renegotiation about what the place of Dongshan is and how their identities are connected to the place. |
[103] | . 性少数群体对于城市空间的利用是城市研究中的新兴话题。这类研究主要探讨"非主流"的社会身份如何通过对特定的社会空间的利用,引发空间意义的生产及社会关系的建构。本文以广州市X公园的"同志渔场"为案例,研究男同性恋者对于城市公共空间的利用与体验。研究认为,X公园的"同志渔场"不仅给性少数群体提供了性身份暂时解放的空间,亦是其不断体验自身"非正常"的身份标签的空间。同志的空间实践体现的不是对于主流的社会规范的抵抗。相反,他们的空间实践是明显地处在"非正常"这一身份标签的作用之下的。 . 性少数群体对于城市空间的利用是城市研究中的新兴话题。这类研究主要探讨"非主流"的社会身份如何通过对特定的社会空间的利用,引发空间意义的生产及社会关系的建构。本文以广州市X公园的"同志渔场"为案例,研究男同性恋者对于城市公共空间的利用与体验。研究认为,X公园的"同志渔场"不仅给性少数群体提供了性身份暂时解放的空间,亦是其不断体验自身"非正常"的身份标签的空间。同志的空间实践体现的不是对于主流的社会规范的抵抗。相反,他们的空间实践是明显地处在"非正常"这一身份标签的作用之下的。 |
[41] | . Following caterpillar fungus as it travels from the Tibetan Plateau to wealthy Chinese consumers, this article makes several interventions into geographical studies of commodity chains. First, it argues for an expansion beyond the usual call to connect the political economy of production with cultures of consumption; the cultural politics of production and political economies of consumption must also be considered. Second, it argues for bringing together political economy and more-than-human analytical approaches to commodity chains, showing how nature and the nonhuman play a key role in an assemblage that has allowed Tibetans to navigate livelihoods in a rapidly changing economy. This challenges a tendency to assume a universal figure of he human in more-than-human geographies. Third, by connecting the erasure of Tibetans from representations of various natures used to sell caterpillar fungus with the broader politics of Tibetans within the People's Republic of China, we show that commodity fetishism can conceal not just labor relations, but also political struggles not reducible to class. Finally, we show that following a small fungus can shed light on the unevenness of China's capitalist development obscured in monolithic narratives of China's rise, demonstrating the value of expanding commodity chain studies beyond those that end with Western consumers. |
[42] | . China has experienced massive rural–urban migration, producing the huge so-called ‘floating population’ (liudong renkou). This article attends to what it means to be thus between places by focusing on the embodied and emotional experience of migrant travel. Each year sees the Spring Festival rush (Chun Yun) with the largest annual movement of people as millions of these rural migrant laborers (nongmingong) return to their homes for the holidays. The Spring Festival rush is marked by huge crowds queuing overnight for train tickets, with throngs of migrants carrying woven bags of belongings and gifts on their shoulders, who end up standing in the overcrowded ‘hard-seat’ carriages of trains. By closely reading some of the poems from the emerging genre of ‘Hired laborers literature,’ this article explores migrants' affective and emotional journeys. It argues that this transit experience is one of the key shared sites of common identification for a migrant population whose mode of inhabitation is through circulation and mobility. It also argues that mobility creates shared experiences characterized by specific corporealities, material cultures, and senses of social stratification. |
[43] | . This paper explores the emotional geographies of State of the Heart and Larry's Kidney—two nonfiction narratives about medical tourism wherein American patients and their caregiver companions travel abroad for life-saving surgeries. The paper has two main goals: first, to illustrate the importance of emotional geographies in medical tourists' lived experiences of travel and tourism, as well as the giving and receiving of transnational health care and second, to generate empirical, theoretical, and methodological discussions between geographical, travel, tourism, and health studies on the relevance of emotional geographies. Medical tourists' experiences of travel and health care have been usually examined as spatially distinct rather than as entwined phenomena. We address the above goals by discussing how the narratives of traveling thousands of miles to a radically different socio-cultural milieu in order to receive essential medical care produce two interrelated emotional geographies: first, they demonstrate the existence of ‘emotional amplification’ (increase in the intensity of emotions) and ‘emotional extensivity’ (increase in the range of emotions) and second, they show how anxiety is underpinned by proximity to Otherness, uncertain boundaries, and isolated decision making. We conclude by briefly addressing how our examination of these narratives can be usefully expanded. |
[44] | . Feminist geographers and leisure scholars have long argued that one critical way to understand gendered norms and expectations is through examining women's access to and experiences of leisure activities. Set in the context of the rapid economic, political, and social changes that have taken place in Beijing over the past half century, this article draws on in-depth interviews and extensive participant observation to explore the role of newly available public leisure spaces in the lives and leisure of young women in Beijing, in particular by examining the way that these spaces provide an opportunity for the negotiation of new gender norms and identities. Through an analysis of the interaction of gender norms and practices with women's use of and behavior in public leisure spaces, we argue that women's behavior in public leisure spaces in contemporary Beijing remains strongly circumscribed by gendered norms. Rather than their presence itself constituting a challenge to gender expectations, in many cases their leisure behavior and experiences serve to reinforce the social norms that masculinize public leisure spaces. In spite of this, however, the findings of this research suggest that public leisure spaces may, in some cases, provide women with a place from which to challenge gender norms. |