

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

李祎1,2, 赵雯婷3, 李丹4, 陶现明1,2, 熊子义1,2, 刘京3, 张微3, 刘海渤5, 季安全3, 唐鲲4, 刘凡,1,2,6, 李彩霞,3 1. 中国科学院北京基因组研究所,中国科学院精准基因组医学重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学生命科学学院,北京 100049
3. 公安部物证鉴定中心,现场物证溯源技术国家工程实验室,法医遗传学公安部重点实验室,北京市现场物证检验工程技术研究中心,北京 100038
4. 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,中科院-马普学会计算生物学伙伴研究所,上海200031
5. 新疆生产建设兵团公安局,乌鲁木齐 833000
6. 荷兰鹿特丹伊拉兹马斯大学医学中心遗传鉴定系,鹿特丹 3000 CA,荷兰

The effect of EDARV370A on facial and ear morphologies in Uyghur population

Yi Li1,2, Wenting Zhao3, Dan Li4, Xianming Tao1,2, Ziyi Xiong1,2, Jing Liu3, Wei Zhang3, Haibo Liu5, Anquan Ji3, Kun Tang4, Fan Liu,1,2,6, Caixia Li,3 1. CAS Key Laboratory of Genomic and Precision Medicine, Beijing Institute of Genomics,Chinses Academy of Science, Beijing 100101, China
2. Life Sciences College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. National Engineering Laboratory for Forensic Science, Key Laboratory of Forensic Genetics of Ministry of Public Security, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Crime Scene Evidence Examination, Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing 100038, China
4. CAS-MPG Partner Institute and Key Laboratory for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, ;Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China
5. Institution of Forensic Science of Bingtuan Public Security Bureau, Urumqi 833000, China
6. Department of Genetic Identification, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam 3000 CA, The Netherlands

通讯作者: 刘凡,博士,研究员,研究方向:人类表型组学、法医DNA表型刻画、分子流行病学和生物信息学。E-mail: liufan@big.ac.cn 李彩霞,博士,主任法医师,研究方向:法医遗传学。E-mail: licaixia@tsinghua.org.cn

编委: 谢小冬

Fund supported: Supported by the National Key R&D Program of China.2017YFC0803501
Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund .2018JB046
Open Projects of National Engineering Laboratory for Forensic Evidence Traceability Technology (No. 2017NELKFKT05).
“the Open Project of Key Laboratory of Genomic and Precision Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences”, “The Thousand Talents Plan for Young Professionals” and “The Beijing Leading Talent Program ”.Z18110006318006
Biological Samples were Provided by National Science and Technological Resources Platform.YCZYPT[2017]01-3
Biological Samples were Provided by National Science and Technological Resources Platform .2017JB025

作者简介 About authors


外异蛋白受体基因(ectodysplasin A receptor,EDAR)是调控外胚层发育的重要基因。其关键错义突变EDARV370A的衍生等位基因370A在东亚和美洲原住民中具有很高的频率,但在非洲和欧洲罕见,该突变造成这些人群许多外胚层发育衍生表型的差异,包括东亚人特有的较直且厚的头发、较多的外泌汗腺、女性较小的乳房及铲形门齿等。目前,EDARV370A与同为外胚层衍生表型的人类头面部及耳部形态特征的关联尚不十分明确。本研究在715例新疆维吾尔族亚欧混合人群中,进行了EDARV370A与一系列系统的面部形态特征及耳朵形态表型的关联分析,以期更全面系统地理解EDARV370A对面部和耳朵形态的影响。研究表型包括利用本课题组近期发表的对三维面部照片自动化面部地标点标记方法获得的136个面部定量表型、1个下巴类型的定序分类表型以及6个耳朵形态的定序分类表型。研究发现EDARV370A与8个面部形态的定量表型、下巴类型以及3个耳朵形态定序分类表型显著相关(多重检验校正后P<0.05)。本研究结果进一步明确了EDARV370A的遗传多效性及其在亚欧混合人群中对面部和耳朵形态的影响。
关键词: EDARV370A;面部形态;耳朵形态;关联性;亚欧混合人群;新疆维吾尔族

The ectodysplasinA receptor gene (EDAR) plays an important role in the development of ectoderm. The derived G allele of its key missense variant EDARV370A is prevalent in East Asians and Americans, but rare in Africans and Europeans. This leads to distinct ectodermal-derived phenotypes between different continental groups, such as the straighter and thicker hair, more eccrine sweat glands, feminine smaller breasts, shovel incisors characteristic of East Asians. At present, we know little about the association between EDARV370A and facial and ear morphology characteristics. To better understand the effect of EDARV370A on craniofacial phenotypes, we systematically examined the association between EDARV370A and 136 facial quantitative phenotypes, one chin ordinal phenotype and six ear ordinal phenotypes in 715 Uyghurs. The quantitative phenotypes were derived by applying our automated landmark annotation method to facial 3D photos and the ordinal phenotypes were manually graded from facial 2D photos. The analysis identified significant association (P<0.05 after multiple testing correction) between EDARV370A and eight facial phenotypes, one chin phenotype and three ear morphology phenotypes. Our study thus elucidated the pleotropic effect of EDARV370A on craniofacial phenotypes in a European-Asian admixed Uyghur population.
Keywords:EDARV370A;facial morphology;ear morphology;association;European-Asian admixed population;Uyghur

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李祎, 赵雯婷, 李丹, 陶现明, 熊子义, 刘京, 张微, 刘海渤, 季安全, 唐鲲, 刘凡, 李彩霞. EDARV370A对新疆维吾尔族人群面部及耳朵形态的效应[J]. 遗传, 2018, 40(11): 1024-1032 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.18-268
Yi Li, Wenting Zhao, Dan Li, Xianming Tao, Ziyi Xiong, Jing Liu, Wei Zhang, Haibo Liu, Anquan Ji, Kun Tang, Fan Liu, Caixia Li. The effect of EDARV370A on facial and ear morphologies in Uyghur population[J]. Hereditas(Beijing), 2018, 40(11): 1024-1032 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.18-268

EDARV370A(rs3827760)是外异蛋白A受体基因(ectodysplasinA receptor, EDAR)上的一个错义突变,其衍生等位基因370A (G)的获得使EDAR的一个高度保守的缬氨酸改变为丙氨酸,影响了外异蛋白A (EDA)与其受体的结合效率,进而影响EDA通路下游的功能[1]。该突变发生在约3万年前并且在东亚地区经历了较强的正向自然选择[2,3,4],其衍生等位基因370A在东亚有极高的频率(0.873),而在欧洲和非洲人群中频率极低(0.011; 0.003)[3,4,5,6],因而造成了这些人群许多外胚层发育衍生表型的差异,如东亚人中常见的较直[7]且厚[8, 9]的头发[10]、较多的外泌汗腺[2]、女性较小的乳房[2]、铲形门齿[11,12,13]、下巴后缩[14]及耳垂附着[15, 16]等。




1 材料和方法

1.1 人群样本

样本采集自新疆维吾尔自治区图木舒克市,共计715例维吾尔族无关个体,其中男性688例,女性27例。年龄为16~59岁,平均年龄35.5岁。纳入研究的个体均符合以下要求:(1) 父母及祖父母均为维吾尔族;(2) 没有接受激素治疗;(3) 未患有甲状腺疾病,脑垂体疾病或肿瘤;(4) 没有因药物作用引起的生长发育问题,例如侏儒症,巨人症或肢端肥大症。研究人员通过手持Artec Spider扫描仪(Artec,卢森堡)结合相应软件对被要求保持中性表情的志愿者进行扫描获取三维面部数据,通过佳能EOS 5D Mark II照相机(Canon,日本)对固定位置的保持中性表情的志愿者拍摄获得正面和左右两侧的二维照片。本研究已通过公安部物证鉴定中心伦理委员会审查,所有受测者都签署了知情同意书。

1.2 面部特征和耳朵特征的获取

首先对三维照片进行质控,去除合成错误和不完整的样本照片。利用本课题组近期发表的三维高清头面部照片自动化提取地标点坐标的方法对照片进行了分析[18]。该方法首先定位鼻尖特征地标点并进行姿势的标准化,随后对于较易获得的6个特征地标点定位,再通过主成分分析以及启发式定位的方法对其余的10个地标点定位。1位研究人员检查了全部经地标点标注的照片并对定位不准确的地标点进行了人工纠正,最终获得了17个面部特征地标点的三维坐标(图1)。对获取的地标点坐标数据进行广义普鲁克分析(generalized procrustes analysis)以校正由于移位、转置、大小导致的偏差,进而得到17个地标点两两之间共136组的欧几里德距离(Euclidean distance)。用Z-score转化进一步对欧几里德距离数据进行标准化处理,并以正负3倍标准差为阈值进行异常值处理,最终得到用于后续分析的表型数据。



Fig. 1Position and definition of the 17 facial landmarks

7个面部和耳朵形态定序分类表型包括1个下巴表型和6个耳朵表型,依据文献报道方法[14, 17],制订表型的分类标准。分类等级均为3类(表1),图2展示了耳垂附着表型的分类标准。对于有遮挡的无法判断表型的样本记为缺失,不参与后续分析。为了保证分类结果的客观性和准确性,共有3个评级者同时对于同一张二维照片进行独立观察并记录分类等级。在观察之前会对所有评级者依据随机挑选的100张照片进行表型分类训练,以保证评级者对表型定义理解的一致。除耳垂类型使用3个评级者评分等级的众数作为表型之外,其他表型均使用3个评级者评分等级的均值作为表型参与后续的分析。

Table 1
表1 7个面部和耳朵形态定序分类表型的分类标准和数据特性
Table 1 The definition and grade of seven facial and ear ordinal categorical phenotypes and the characteristics of these phenotypic data
表型 有效样本(例) 分类1 (频率) 分类2 (频率) 分类3 (频率)
耳垂附着 705 无(0.10) 中等(0.54) 显著(0.36)
耳廓外展程度 707 外展(0.16) 中等(0.68) 紧贴(0.16)
下巴类型 686 后缩(0.05) 正常(0.46) 凸出(0.49)
耳垂类型 705 圆形(0.37) 方形(0.23) 三角形(0.40)
耳垂大小 709 小(0.06) 中等(0.83) 大(0.11)
对耳屏大小 697 微弱(0.13) 中等(0.46) 显著(0.23)
耳轮脚延伸程度 707 微弱(0.08) 中等(0.81) 显著(0.11)




Fig. 2The classification criterion of earlobe attachment

1.3 基因分型

DNA样本来源于外周静脉血,用EDTA-Vacutainer试管收集放置于-20℃下保存。根据标准程序,使用IlluminaInfinium Global Screening Array 650K型号(GSA) (Illumina,美国)对样品进行基因分型。SNP质量控制包括分型成功率>0.9,符合哈德温伯格平衡(P>0.001),和低频等位基因频率(MAF)>1%。本研究共有700 078个常染色体SNPs的基因分型通过质检,其中包括2号染色体EDARV370A (rs3827760)。

1.4 统计分析

(1) 利用一般线性回归模型(general linear model, GLM)进行EDARV370A与各表型的关联分析。基因型的赋值按照加性模型,该模型假设个体携带的突变型等位基因370A的数量与某特征的出现有累积效应。校正体重指数(body mass index, BMI)、性别和年龄等因素决定的表型差异,本研究使用基于加性模型假设的一般线性回归模型,如公式(1)所示:

$\begin{matrix} & {{y}_{i}}=(\alpha +{{\beta }_{ADD}}{{G}_{i}}+{{\beta }_{BMI}}BMI+{{\beta }_{AGE}}AGE+ \\ & \ \ \ \ {{\beta }_{SEX}}SEX+{{\beta }_{PC1}}PC1+{{\beta }_{PC2}}PC2+ \\& \ \ \ \ {{\beta }_{PC3}}PC3+{{\varepsilon }_{i}}) \\\end{matrix}$

$\begin{cases} G_{i}=0,如果个体携带0个等位基因370A \\ G_{I}=1,如果个体携带1个等位基因370A \\ G_{i}=2,如果个体携带2个等位基因370A \end{cases}$
$\begin{cases} SEX=1,如果个体性别为男性 \\ SEX=2,如果个体性别为女性 \\ \end{cases}$
(2) 为进行多重检验校正,对面部定量表型和耳朵相关表型分别使用有效的独立变量数构建了Bonferroni校正,其中的独立变量数通过矩阵谱分解(matSpD)的方法进行评估[19]

(3) 使用多元线性回归的方法评估了EDARV370A可以解释的经过性别,年龄,BMI以及前3个主成分校正的表型方差比例。使用模型如公式(5)所示:

$\text{Model}1:\text{Trait}\tilde{\ }\text{AGE}+\text{SEX}+\text{BMI}+\text{PC}1+\text{PC}2+\text{PC}3$

(4) 通过对370A纯合等位基因以及370V纯合等位基因个体的三维照片数据取平均值获得平均脸并使用R语言代码绘制三维脸图。

(5) 用R语言代码对来自千人基因组计划的2054例个体的EDARV370A基因型信息根据个体来源的26个采样地的坐标绘制了该突变的的全球频率分布图。

2 结果与分析


全部715例亚欧混合维吾尔族样本获得了EDARV370A基因分型,其3个基因型的频率分别为0.40 (370V/370V)、0.48 (370V/370A)和0.12 (370A/370A),满足哈德温伯格平衡(P>0.05)。本研究使用千人基因组计划数据库中26个人群2054名个体的EDARV370A基因型信息,绘制了EDARV370A全球频率分布(图3),显示等位基因370A在东亚人群中有较高的频率(0.873),在欧洲人群中频率较低(0.011),在非洲人群中频率极低(0.003)。该等位基因在本研究亚欧混合维吾尔族样本中的频率为0.36,介于欧洲和东亚群体的频率之间,符合预期。



Fig.3The global distribution of EDARV370A

2.2 EDARV370A与面部定量表型的关联分析

本研究共有612例维吾尔族样本的三维面部照片通过质控,包括590例男性,22例女性,平均年龄为34.9岁(标准差:9.72;附图1A),平均体重指数(BMI)为24.11 (标准差:3.93;附图1A)。性别、年龄和体重指数(BMI)均显示对多组面部形态定量表型显著相关。其中最显著的关联包括:女性鼻翼到鼻下点的距离比男性显著短(P<1.23×10-12),鼻子到上唇点的距离随年龄显著增加(7.84×10-14<P<2.03× 10-17),左右两耳根下点距离随体重指数(BMI)的增加显著增加(P = 4.34×10-114)。




对于136组面部定量表型,由matSpD方法评估其共有39个有效的独立变量,Bonferroni校正后阈值为(0.05/39 = 1.28×10-3)。线性回归分析显示,等位基因370A和8个面部定量表型的距离增加显著相关(图4)。其中,等位基因370A对眼外角点到耳根下点的两个距离有最显著的增加效应,包括左眼外角点到左耳根下点和右眼外角点到右耳根下点(ExL-ObiL和ExR-ObiR, P=2.39×10-5; P=2.49× 10-5)。其中EDARV370A最高可以解释经性别、年龄、体重指数和基因组前3个主成分校正后的左外眼角点到左耳根下点距离表型方差的2.86% (表2)。通过比较纯合等位基因370V个体和纯合等位基因370A个体的平均脸中右眼外角到右耳根下点距离,发现纯合等位基因370A个体平均脸中该距离长于纯合等位基因370V个体的平均脸,同时,370A也对2组左右对称的共4个面部定量表型有显著增加的效应:左眼内角点到左耳根下点(EnL-ObiL)、右眼内角点到右耳根下点(EnR-ObiR)、右鼻翼点到口裂点(AlR-Sto)和左鼻翼点到口裂点(AlL-Sto)。另外,370A对另2个面部定量表型也有显著增加的效应:鼻根点到右耳根下点的距离和右鼻翼点到下唇点的距离(N-ObiR和AlR-Li)。



Fig. 4The effect of EDARV370A on facial quantitative phenotypes in Uyghurs

Table 2
表2 EDARV370A对维吾尔族人群面部定量表型的相关性
Table 2 The association betweenEDARV370A and facial quantitative phenotypes
表型 简写 均值±标准差 Beta 标准误 P R2(%) 平均距离差(mm)
左眼外角点到左耳根下点 ExL-ObiL 92.34±5.18 0.21 0.05 2.39E-05 2.86 3.25
右眼外角点到右耳根下点 ExR-ObiR 92.99±5.45 0.20 0.05 2.49E-05 2.85 3.26
左眼内角点到左耳根下点 EnL-ObiL 106.57±5.25 0.18 0.05 6.30E-05 2.58 3.21
右鼻翼点到口裂点 AlR-Sto 38.93±2.46 0.20 0.05 2.05E-04 2.22 1.60
右眼内角点到右耳根下点 EnR-ObiR 106.74±5.53 0.17 0.04 2.20E-04 2.20 2.93
左鼻翼点到口裂点 AlL-Sto 38.95±2.44 0.19 0.05 3.85E-04 2.03 1.39
鼻根点到右耳根下点 N-ObiR 128.5±5.83 0.15 0.05 9.45E-04 1.76 2.73
右鼻翼点到下唇点 AlR-Li 46.43±3.41 0.19 0.06 1.24E-03 1.68 1.74



附表1 EDARV370A对新疆维吾尔族男性和女性面部形态及耳朵形态表型的相关性
表型 男性样本 女性样本
特征点1 特征点2 有效样本数 BETA 标准误 P 有效样本数 BETA 标准误 P
左眼外角点到左耳根下点 ExL ObiL 589 0.21 0.05 2.27E-05 22 0.14 0.25 5.87E-01
右眼外角点到右耳根下点 ExR ObiR 589 0.21 0.05 1.60E-05 21 -0.14 0.18 4.48E-01
左眼内角点到左耳根下点 EnL ObiL 588 0.19 0.05 6.92E-05 22 0.21 0.22 3.51E-01
右鼻翼点到口裂点 AlR Sto 588 0.19 0.05 4.62E-04 21 0.60 0.24 2.38E-02
右眼内角点到右耳根下点 EnR ObiR 589 0.17 0.05 2.42E-04 21 0.06 0.17 7.11E-01
左鼻翼点到口裂点 AlL Sto 586 0.18 0.06 1.19E-03 22 0.61 0.22 1.45E-02
鼻根点到右耳根下点 N ObiR 590 0.16 0.05 6.63E-04 21 -0.06 0.17 7.28E-01
右鼻翼点到下唇点 AlR Li 590 0.18 0.06 3.56E-03 22 0.76 0.31 2.62E-02
耳垂附着 / / 680 0.16 0.03 1.40E-06 25 0.06 0.17 7.40E-01
耳廓外展程度 / / 681 0.11 0.03 1.01E-04 26 0.01 0.11 9.10E-01
下巴类型 / / 660 -0.15 0.03 2.86E-06 26 -0.17 0.17 3.38E-01
耳垂类型 / / 679 0.14 0.05 5.69E-03 26 0.37 0.24 1.38E-01
耳垂大小 / / 683 0.05 0.02 1.10E-02 26 0.02 0.09 8.36E-01
对耳屏大小 / / 671 0.06 0.03 6.33E-02 26 -0.03 0.12 8.14E-01
耳轮脚延伸程度 / / 682 0.00 0.02 9.79E-01 25 0.30 0.11 1.05E-02




2.3 EDARV370A与1个下巴定序分类表型和6个耳朵定序分类表型的关联分析

7个定序分类表型包括1个下巴形态表型和6个耳朵定序分类表型。共有709例维吾尔族样本的二维维照片通过质控。包括683例男性,26例女性,平均年龄为35.6岁(标准差:10.17;附图1B),平均体重指数(BMI)为24.09 (标准差:3.91;附图1B)。性别、年龄和体重指数(BMI)显示与7个面部和耳朵形态定序分类表型有不同程度的相关性(附表2)。对于7个定序分类表型,由matSpD方法评估有7个有效的独立变量,Bonferroni校正后阈值为(0.05/7 = 0.007)。线性回归分析显示,EDARV370A和下巴类型以及3个耳朵分类表型显著相关。其中,等位基因370A对耳垂附着有最显著的效应(P = 3.72×10-7),可以解释经性别、年龄、体重指数(BMI)以及基因组前3个主成分校正后的耳垂附着表型差异的3.59% (表3)。另外,等位基因370A也会导致下巴后缩(P = 1.29×10-6),增加耳廓紧贴的程度(P = 7.43×10-5)以及三角形的耳垂(P = 2.26×10-3)。

附表2 年龄、性别及BMI在新疆维吾尔族人群中(n=709)对耳朵形态定序分类表型的影响
耳垂附着 下巴类型 耳廓外展程度 耳垂类型 耳垂大小 对耳屏大小 耳轮脚延伸程度
性别 -0.02 0.12 8.84E-01 -0.08 0.11 4.92E-01 0.33 0.10 6.25E-04 -0.39 0.17 2.54E-02 0.16 0.07 2.66E-02 -0.11 0.10 3.07E-01 0.07 0.08 3.72E-01
年龄 -0.01 0.00 2.54E-02 0.00 0.00 4.81E-02 -0.01 0.00 8.23E-10 -0.01 0.00 4.47E-02 0.01 0.00 1.08E-06 -0.01 0.00 9.83E-03 0.00 0.00 2.15E-02
0.03 0.01 4.51E-06 0.02 0.01 1.35E-03 0.05 0.00 3.39E-24 0.01 0.01 2.78E-01 0.01 0.00 1.50E-02 0.01 0.01 9.21E-03 -0.01 0.00 1.48E-02


Table 3
表3 EDARV370A对维吾尔族人群下巴及耳朵定序分类表型的相关性
Table 3 The association between EDARV370A and chin and ear ordinal categorical phenotypes
表型 Beta 标准误 P R2(%)
耳垂附着a 0.17 0.03 3.72E-07 3.59
下巴类型a -0.16 0.03 1.29E-06 3.34
耳廓外展程度a 0.11 0.03 7.43E-05 2.19
耳垂类型a 0.15 0.05 2.26E-03 1.31
耳垂大小 0.05 0.02 1.18E-02 0.89
对耳屏大小 0.05 0.03 6.60E-02 0.48
耳轮脚延伸程度 0.01 0.02 6.55E-01 0.03


3 讨论

本研究在715例欧亚混合代表人群—新疆维吾尔族群体中,系统性地研究了EDARV370A对面部形态和耳朵形态的影响。结合近期彭倩倩等[17]发表的相关研究,本研究同样使用维吾尔族群体来进行分析。维吾尔族群体作为一个典型的东亚和欧洲混合的群体,混合的时间约为800~2000多年前[20, 21]。有报道估测了维吾尔族个体的东亚和欧洲祖先成分约为50:50混合[20, 21],该特性减少了维吾尔族群体内的亚分层,并导致EDARV370A在群体中的多态性使其可以作为一个理想的进行关联分析研究的群体。另外,彭倩倩等[17]研究发现的370A等位基因对下巴后缩和三角形的显著影响在本研究中得到了验证,且效应值大小也是一致的。在彭倩倩等[17]研究分析的耳垂类型表型之外,本研究对于耳朵形态进行了更详细的表型分类,增加了额外的5个耳朵形态定序表型,其中EDARV370A对耳垂附着[16]、耳廓外展程度[15]和耳垂大小[15]等3个耳朵形态相关表型的显著作用[15]得到证实,且EDARV370A与对耳屏大小表型也存在建议性弱相关。过去的关于EDAR对面部形态影响的小鼠功能性实验,发现EDAR的功能保存的越完整,小鼠下颌骨的长度也越短[14, 22],EDAR突变小鼠相较于野生小鼠有更紧贴的耳朵[15],这与在本研究人群样本中观测到的EDAR对下巴形态以及耳廓外展程度的效应一致。此外,370A在世界范围内的频率分布和不同人群中的下巴形态分布也大体一致,例如,欧洲人高比例的下巴突出与370A的极低频率分布是一致的。





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


参考文献 原文顺序

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Genome-wide scans for positive selection in humans provide a promising approach to establish links between genetic variants and adaptive phenotypes. From this approach, lists of hundreds of candidate genomic regions for positive selection have been assembled. These candidate regions are expected to contain variants that contribute to adaptive phenotypes, but few of these regions have been associated with phenotypic effects. Here we present evidence that a derived nonsynonymous substitution (370A) in EDAR, a gene involved in ectodermal development, was driven to high frequency in East Asia by positive selection prior to 10,000 years ago. With an in vitro transfection assay, we demonstrate that 370A enhances NF- B activity. Our results suggest that 370A is a positively selected functional genetic variant that underlies an adaptive human phenotype.

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Tan J, Yang Y, Tang K, Sabeti PC, Jin L, Wang S . The adaptive variant EDARV370A is associated with straight hair in East Asians
Hum Genet, 2013,132(10):1187-1191.

URLPMID:23793515 [本文引用: 1]
Hair straightness/curliness is a highly heritable trait amongst human populations. Previous studies have reported European specific genetic variants influencing hair straightness, but those in East Asians remain unknown. One promising candidate is a derived coding variant of the ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR), EDARV370A (370A), associated with several phenotypic changes of epidermal appendages. One of the strongest signals of natural selection in human genomes, 370A, has risen to high prevalence in East Asian and Native American populations, whilst being almost absent in Europeans and Africans. This striking frequency distribution and the pleiotropic nature of 370A led us to pursue if hair straightness, another epidermal appendage-related phenotype, is affected by this variant. By studying 1,718 individuals from four distinctive East Asian populations (Han, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Li), we found a significant association between 370A and the straight hair type in the Han (p = 2.90 x 10(-6)), Tibetan (p = 3.07 x 10(-2)), and Mongolian (p = 1.03 x 10(-5)) populations. Combining all the samples, the association is even stronger (p = 5.18 x 10(-10)). The effect of 370A on hair straightness is additive, with an odds ratio of 2.05. The results indicate very different biological mechanisms of straight hair in Europe and Asia, and also present a more comprehensive picture of the phenotypic consequences of 370A, providing important clues into the potential adaptive forces shaping the evolution of this extraordinary genetic variant.

Fujimoto A, Kimura R, Ohashi J, Omi K, Yuliwulandari R, Batubara L, Mustofa MS, Samakkarn U, Settheetham- Ishida W, Ishida T, Morishita Y, Furusawa T, Nakazawa M, Ohtsuka R, Tokunaga K . A scan for genetic determinants of human hair morphology: EDAR is associated with Asian hair thickness
Hum Mol Genet, 2008,17(6):835-843.

URLPMID:18065779 [本文引用: 1]
Hair morphology is one of the most differentiated traits among human populations. However, genetic backgrounds of hair morphological differences among populations have not been clarified yet. In addition, little is known about the evolutionary forces that have acted on hair morphology. To identify hair morphology-determining genes, the levels of local genetic differentiation in 170 genes that are related to hair morphogenesis were evaluated by using data from the International HapMap project. Among highly differentiated genes, ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR) harboring an Asian-specific non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (1540T/C, 370Val/Ala) was identified as a strong candidate. Association studies between genotypes and hair morphology revealed that the Asian-specific 1540C allele is associated with increase in hair thickness. Reporter gene assays suggested that 1540T/C affects the activity of the downstream transcription factor NF-kappaB. It was inferred from geographic distribution of 1540T/C and the long-range haplotype test that 1540C arose after the divergence of Asians from Europeans and its frequency has rapidly increased in East Asian populations. These findings lead us to conclude that EDAR is a major genetic determinant of Asian hair thickness and the 1540C allele spread through Asian populations due to recent positive selection.

Fujimoto A, Ohashi J, Nishida N, Miyagawa T, Morishita Y, Tsunoda T, Kimura R, Tokunaga K . A replication study confirmed the EDAR gene to be a major contributor to population differentiation regarding head hair thickness in Asia
Hum Genet, 2008,124(2):179-185.

URLPMID:18704500 [本文引用: 1]
Hair morphology is a highly divergent phenotype among human populations. We recently reported that a nonsynonymous SNP in the ectodysplasin A receptor ( EDAR 1540T/C) is associated with head hair fiber thickness in an ethnic group in Thailand (Thai-Mai) and an Indonesian population. However, these Southeast Asian populations are genetically and geographically close, and thus the genetic contribution of EDAR to hair morphological variation in the other Asian populations has remained unclear. In this study, we examined the association of 1540T/C with hair morphology in a Japanese population (Northeast Asian). As observed in our previous study, 1540T/C showed a significant association with hair cross-sectional area ( P 02=022.702×0210 616 ) in Japanese. When all populations (Thai-Mai, Indonesian, and Japanese) were combined, the association of 1540T/C was stronger ( P 02=023.802×0210 6110 ) than those of age, sex, and population. These results indicate that EDAR is the genetic determinant of hair thickness as well as a strong contributor to hair fiber thickness variation among Asian populations.

Li XE, Zheng XT, Mou CY . Research advances of Edar signaling pathway in hair follicle development
Chin Bull Life Sci, 2017,29(01):62-69.

[本文引用: 1]

李雪儿, 郑昕婷, 牟春燕 . Edar信号通路调控毛囊发育的研究进展
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[本文引用: 1]

Kimura R, Yamaguchi T, Takeda M, Kondo O, Toma T, Haneji K, Hanihara T, Matsukusa H, Kawamura S, Maki K, Osawa M, Ishida H, Oota H . A common variation in EDAR is a genetic determinant of shovel-shaped incisors
Am J Hum Genet, 2009,85(4):528-535.

URLPMID:19804850 [本文引用: 1]
Shovel shape of upper incisors is a common characteristic in Asian and Native American populations but is rare or absent in African and European populations. Like other common dental traits, genetic polymorphisms involved in the tooth shoveling have not yet been clarified. In ectodysplasin A receptor ( EDAR), where dysfunctional mutations cause hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, there is a nonsynonymous-derived variant, 1540C (rs3827760), that has a geographic distribution similar to that of the tooth shoveling. This allele has been recently reported to be associated with Asian-specific hair thickness. We aimed to clarify whether EDAR 1540C is also associated with dental morphology. For this purpose, we measured crown diameters and tooth-shoveling grades and analyzed the correlations between the dental traits and EDAR genotypes in two Japanese populations, inhabitants around Tokyo and in Sakishima Islands. The number of EDAR 1540C alleles in an individual was strongly correlated with the tooth-shoveling grade (p = 7.7 × 10 6110). The effect of the allele was additive and explained 18.9% of the total variance in the shoveling grade, which corresponds to about one-fourth of the heritability of the trait reported previously. For data reduction of individual-level metric data, we applied a principal-component analysis, which yielded PC1-4, corresponding to four patterns of tooth size; this result implies that multiple factors are involved in dental morphology. The 1540C allele also significantly affected PC1 (p = 4.9 × 10 613), which denotes overall tooth size, and PC2 (p = 2.6 × 10 613), which denotes the ratio of mesiodistal diameter to buccolingual diameter.

Park JH, Yamaguchi T, Watanabe C, Kawaguchi A, Haneji K, Takeda M, Kim YI, Tomoyasu Y, Watanabe M, Oota H, Hanihara T, Ishida H, Maki K, Park SB, Kimura R . Effects of an Asian-specific nonsynonymous EDAR variant on multiple dental traits
J Hum Genet, 2012,57(8):508-514.

URLPMID:22648185 [本文引用: 1]
Dental morphology is highly diverse among individuals and between human populations. Although it is thought that genetic factors mainly determine common dental variations, only a few such genetic factors have been identified. One study demonstrated that a nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (370V/A, rs3827760) in the ectodysplasin A receptor gene (EDAR) is associated with shoveling and double-shoveling grades of upper first incisors and tooth crown size. Here, we examined the association of EDAR 370V/A with several dental characters in Korean and Japanese subjects. A meta-analysis that combined analyses of Korean and Japanese subjects revealed that the Asian-specific 370A allele is associated with an increase in the grades of shoveling and double shoveling, as previously found. We also showed a highly significant association between EDAR 370V/A genotype and crown size, especially mesiodistal diameters of anterior teeth. Moreover, we found that the 370A allele was associated with the presence of hypoconulids of lower second molars. These results indicated that the EDAR polymorphism is responsible, in part, for the Sinodonty and Sundadonty dichotomy in Asian populations, and clearly demonstrated that the EDAR polymorphism has pleiotropic effects on tooth morphology. As the 370A allele is known to be a most likely target of positive selection in Asian populations, some phenotypes associated with the variant may be 'hitchhiking phenotypes', while others may be actual targets of selection.

Tan JZ, Peng QQ, Li JX, Guan YQ, Zhang LP, Jiao Y, Yang YJ, Wang SJ, Jin L . Characteristics of dental morphology in the Xinjiang Uyghurs and correlation with the
EDARV370A variant. Sci China Life Sci, 2014,44(1):85-93.

[本文引用: 1]

谭婧泽, 彭倩倩, 李金喜, 关亚群, 张丽萍, 焦谊, 杨亚军, 汪思佳, 金力 . 新疆维吾尔族牙齿形态特征及其与EDARV370A相关性的研究
中国科学: 生命科学, 2014,44(1):85-93.

[本文引用: 1]

Adhikari K, Fuentes-Guajardo M, Quinto-Sanchez M, Mendoza-Revilla J Camilo Chacon-Duque J, Acuna- Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Lozano RB, Perez GM, Gomez-Valdes J, Villamil-Ramirez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva De Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Cheeseman M, Rosique J, Bedoya G, Rothhammer F, Headon D, Gonzalez-Jose R, Balding D, Ruiz-Linares A. A genome- wide association scan implicates DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, PAX1 and EDAR in human facial variation
Nat Commun, 2016,7:11616.

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Adhikari K, Reales G, Smith AJ, Konka E, Palmen J, Quinto-Sanchez M, Acuña-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Fuentes M, Pizarro M, Barquera Lozano R, Macín Pérez G, Gómez-Valdés J, Villamil-Ramírez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V Silva de Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Calderón R, Rosique J, Cheeseman M, Bhutta MF, Humphries SE, Gonzalez-José R, Headon D, Balding D, Ruiz-Linares A. A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci for variation in human ear morphology
Nat Commun, 2015,6:7500.

URLPMID:4491814 [本文引用: 5]
Here we report a genome-wide association study for non-pathological pinna morphology in over 5,000 Latin Americans. We find genome-wide significant association at seven genomic regions affecting: lobe size and attachment, folding of antihelix, helix rolling, ear protrusion and antitragus size (linear regression P values 2 × 10618 to 3 × 106114). Four traits are associated with a functional variant in the Ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR) gene, a key regulator of embryonic skin appendage development. We confirm expression of Edar in the developing mouse ear and that Edar-deficient mice have an abnormally shaped pinna. Two traits are associated with SNPs in a region overlapping the T-Box Protein 15 (TBX15) gene, a major determinant of mouse skeletal development. Strongest association in this region is observed for SNP rs17023457 located in an evolutionarily conserved binding site for the transcription factor Cartilage paired-class homeoprotein 1 (CART1), and we confirm that rs17023457 alters in vitro binding of CART1. The shape of the pinna varies widely in the general human population but the genetic basis of this variation is unknown. Here Adhikari et al. conduct a genome-wide association study in Latin Americans and discover seven gene regions influencing pinna morphology, including EDAR and TBX15.

Shaffer JR, Li J, Lee MK, Roosenboom J, Orlova E, Adhikari K 23andMe Research Team, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Gonzalez-Jose R, Pfeffer PE, Wollenschlaeger CA, Hecht JT, Wehby GL, Moreno LM, Ding A, Jin L, Yang Y, Carlson JC, Leslie EJ, Feingold E, Marazita ML, Hinds DA, Cox TC, Wang S, Ruiz-Linares A, Weinberg SM. Multiethnic GWAS reveals polygenic architecture of earlobe attachment
Am J Hum Genet, 2017,101(6):913-924.

URLPMID:29198719 [本文引用: 2]
The genetic basis of earlobe attachment has been a matter of debate since the early 20thcentury, such that geneticists argue both for and against polygenic inheritance. Recent genetic studies have identified a few loci associated with the trait, but large-scale analyses are still lacking. Here, we performed a genome-wide association study of lobe attachment in a multiethnic sample of 74,660 individuals from four cohorts (three with the trait scored by an expert rater and one with the trait self-reported). Meta-analysis of the three expert-rater-scored cohorts revealed six associated loci harboring numerous candidate genes, includingEDAR,SP5,MRPS22,ADGRG6(GPR126),KIAA1217, andPAX9. The large self-reported 23andMe cohort recapitulated each of these six loci. Moreover, meta-analysis across all four cohorts revealed a total of 49 significant (p < 5 10 8) loci. Annotation and enrichment analyses of these 49 loci showed strong evidence of genes involved in ear development and syndromes with auricular phenotypes. RNA sequencing data from both human fetal ear and mouse second branchial arch tissue confirmed that genes located among associated loci showed evidence of expression. These results provide strong evidence for the polygenic nature of earlobe attachment and offer insights into the biological basis of normal and abnormal ear development.

Peng Q, Li J, Tan J, Yang Y, Zhang M, Wu S, Liu Y, Zhang J, Qin P, Guan Y, Jiao Y, Zhang Z, Sabeti PC, Tang K, Xu S, Jin L, Wang S . EDARV370A associated facial characteristics in Uyghur population revealing further pleiotropic effects
Hum Genet, 2016,135(1):99-108.

URLPMID:26603699 [本文引用: 7]
An adaptive variant of human Ectodysplasin receptor, EDARV370A, had undergone strong positive selection in East Asia. In mice and humans, EDARV370Awas found to affect ectodermal-derived...

Guo J, Mei X, Tang K . Automatic landmark annotation and dense correspondence registration for 3D human facial images
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URLPMID:3724574 [本文引用: 1]
Background Traditional anthropometric studies of human face rely on manual measurements of simple features, which are labor intensive and lack of full comprehensive inference. Dense surface registration of three-dimensional (3D) human facial images holds great potential for high throughput quantitative analyses of complex facial traits. However there is a lack of automatic high density registration method for 3D faical images. Furthermore, current approaches of landmark recognition require further improvement in accuracy to support anthropometric applications. Result Here we describe a novel non-rigid registration method for fully automatic 3D facial image mapping. This method comprises two steps: first, seventeen facial landmarks are automatically annotated, mainly via PCA-based feature recognition following 3D-to-2D data transformation. Second, an efficient thin-plate spline (TPS) protocol is used to establish the dense anatomical correspondence between facial images, under the guidance of the predefined landmarks. We demonstrate that this method is highly accurate in landmark recognition, with an average RMS error of ~1.7 mm. The registration process is highly robust, even for different ethnicities. Conclusion This method supports fully automatic registration of dense 3D facial images, with 17 landmarks annotated at greatly improved accuracy. A stand-alone software has been implemented to assist high-throughput high-content anthropometric analysis.

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Correlated multiple testing is widely performed in genetic research, particularly in multilocus analyses of complex diseases. Failure to control appropriately for the effect of multiple testing will either result in a flood of false-positive claims or in true hits being overlooked. Cheverud proposed the idea of adjusting correlated tests as if they were independent, according to an 'effective number' (M(eff)) of independent tests. However, our experience has indicated that Cheverud's estimate of the Meff is overly large and will lead to excessively conservative results. We propose a more accurate estimate of the M(eff), and design M(eff)-based procedures to control the experiment-wise significant level and the false discovery rate. In an evaluation, based on both real and simulated data, the M(eff)-based procedures were able to control the error rate accurately and consequently resulted in a power increase, especially in multilocus analyses. The results confirm that the M(eff) is a useful concept in the error-rate control of correlated tests. With its efficiency and accuracy, the M(eff) method provides an alternative to computationally intensive methods such as the permutation test.

Xu S, Jin L . A genome-wide analysis of admixture in Uyghurs and a high-density admixture map for disease- gene discovery
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Am J Hum Genet, 2008,82(4):883-894.

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Front Physiol, 2011,2:15.

URLPMID:3082932 [本文引用: 1]
X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) is a genetic disorder due to a mutation of the EDA gene and is mainly characterized by an impaired formation of hair, teeth and sweat glands, and craniofacial dysmorphologies. Although tooth abnormalities in Tabby (Ta) mutant mice – the murine model of XLHED – have been extensively studied, characterization of the craniofacial complex, and more specifically the mandibular morphology has received less attention. From 3D micro-CT reconstructions of the left mandible, the mandibular outline observed in lateral view, was quantified using 2D elliptical Fourier analysis. Comparisons between Ta specimens and their wild-type controls were carried out showing significant shape differences between mouse strains enabling a clear distinction between hemizygous Ta specimens and the other mouse groups (WT and heterozygous EdaTa/+ specimens). Morphological differences associated with HED correspond not only to global mandibular features (restrained development of that bone along dorsoventral axis), but also to subtle aspects such as the marked backward projection of the coronoid process or the narrowing of the mandibular condylar neck. These modifications provide for the first time, evidence of a predominant effect of the Ta mutation on the mandibular morphology. These findings parallel the well described abnormalities of jugal tooth row and skeletal defects in Ta mice, and underline the role played by EDA-A in the reciprocal epithelial–mesenchymal interactions that are of critical importance in normal dental and craniofacial development.
相关话题/人类 表型 基因 数据 法医