

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

陈建民扬州大学生物科学与技术学院,扬州 225009

Recommendations to define generation and apply generation symbols in plant genetics

Jianmin ChenCollege of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

编委: 张飞雄
基金资助: 江苏高校生物技术品牌专业建设工程资助项目资助.PPZY2015C212

Fund supported: Supported by Top-notch Academic Programs Project of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (TAPP).PPZY2015C212

作者简介 About authors

关键词: 植物遗传学;世代交替;新世代;遗传组成;世代符号

Genetics is the science of studying the inheritance and variation of organisms. It is one of the biological disciplines that explore the rules of the structure, function, variation and transmission of genes. The concept and category of generation in plant genetics is a simple issue, but the usage of generation symbols is arbitrary so far. Different symbols are often used to express the same type of hybrid offspring, such as the traditional hybrid expressed in F1 or F0, and the regenerated plants in the tissue culture are expressed in R or R0 or R1, which leads to the fuzzy basic concepts of genetics. According to new generations generated by different methods and their genetic composition, the paper puts forward some suggestions to apply symbols to the new generation, so as to facilitate the study and research of plant genetics.
Keywords:plant genetics;metagenesis;new generation;genetic composition;generation symbol

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陈建民. 植物遗传学中的世代及符号应用的建议. 遗传[J], 2018, 40(6): 508-514 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.18-071
Jianmin Chen. Recommendations to define generation and apply generation symbols in plant genetics. Hereditas(Beijing)[J], 2018, 40(6): 508-514 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.18-071

生物的世代交替(metagenesis或alternation of generations)是指在其生活史中,产生孢子的孢子体(sporophytes)世代(无性世代)与产生配子的配子体(gametophytes)世代(有性世代)有规律地交替出现的现象[1]。世代交替在植物的生活史中表现明显,而在动物的生活史中表现不明显。有世代交替的生物从一个生殖期到下一个生殖期为一个世代(generation)。生物在世代之间的表型相似现象就是遗传(inheritance),而世代之间的表型不同现象就是变异(variation)。动物世代交替与植物世代交替因生长发育及胚胎形成不同而在新世代的表现形式上有所区别。一般而言,动物的新世代是从受精卵开始,受精卵进行分裂和分化形成胚胎,发育成新世代, 而大多数被子植物的新世代是从双受精产生的受精卵和初生胚乳核发育成种子开始。因此可以认为种下一粒种子,该种子发芽长大直至开花结果,获得新的种子,即为一个世代。种子是由不同世代来源的细胞组成,胚和胚乳是双受精的产物,是新世代的组织,而种子的种皮或果皮却来自于母体组织,非受精产物,是上个世代的组织。因此,动物和植物在世代交替的形式上有所不同,但遗传及变异规律上是相同的。


1 新世代创建途径和符号使用现状

孟德尔利用豌豆人为组配杂交组合创造新世代,对该世代的后代进行系统研究,揭示了遗传学的分离和独立分配规律,奠定了遗传学的基础,并建立了经典遗传学研究的一般方法。植物遗传学研究中通常要通过不同途径产生特定遗传基础的新世代,研究新世代繁衍后代的表型从而获得遗传和变异的特点,同时利用该世代的遗传重组所产生的新变异。在植物遗传学中,用同种内不同表型或遗传基础的个体作为亲本进行人工杂交产生的种子为新世代,称为杂种一代( the first filial generation),以符号F1表示[2,3,4,5],F1种子的胚和胚乳是双亲遗传基础异质结合的产物,而种皮或果皮则来自母本。F1自交产生F2,F2自交产生F3,以此类推。该概念和世代符号已成为共识而被广泛使用,但也有用F0表示该种子世代[6,7,8,9,10],F0自交产生F1

远缘杂交是指植物不同种、属间的杂交,对产生新的遗传变异和物种进化具有重要意义。现在一般认为普通小麦就是约1万年前自然界的3个物种,即一粒小麦(Triticum monococcum, AA),方穗山羊草(Aegilops tauschii syn. Ae. squarosa, DD)和拟斯卑尔脱山羊草(Ae. Speltoides, BB)远缘杂交的结果[11,12]。远缘杂交能将不同种属个体的遗传基础结合在一起,是创建植物新的遗传变异和新物种的重要途径,也是遗传学和物种进化研究的重要方法。不同种属间的杂交可通过不同的途径产生杂种,如杂交后产生种子或通过胚拯救产生杂种植株,或通过体细胞融合后培养再生杂种植株,这些杂种称为杂种一代,以F1表示[13,14,15,16,17,18]。但也有以F0表示[19,20,21,22,23],甚至在同一篇文章中利用F0和F1表示同一世代[21, 23]。种间、属间、科间甚至科以上植物之间的嫁接(grafting)是无性繁殖方法之一,是一种距今已经超过两千年的简单实用的育种方法,是否产生基因交流的无性杂种一直颇受争议。近年来,通过 Southern、 ISSR 和RAPD等分子生物学技术证明嫁接后砧木(rootstock)和接穗(scion)间发生了遗传物质的交流[24,25,26]。辣椒嫁接诱导的果形等变异可通过种子而稳定地遗传,嫁接成功的当代植株及其接穗上的果实记为G[27,28]或T1[29]

利用植物某种器官的体细胞或性细胞进行组织培养产生后代,是通过脱分化产生愈伤组织及愈伤组织的再分化产生再生植株(regeneration plant)。由于再生植株是通过有丝分裂而产生,理论上该植株的遗传组成和供体相同。如在培养过程利用物理或化学方法诱导基因突变,产生的再生植株将存在变异,其突变位点的基因型为杂合,遗传组成就不同于供体。培养过程即使不进行基因突变诱导,但培养基中多种化学试剂可能诱导基因产生变异,导致获得的再生植株遗传组成不同于供体。如何表示这些再生植株呢?不同作者利用了不同的符号。例如,从水稻愈伤组织获得再生苗的自交后代就发生了株型变异,并以D2表示再生苗的自交后代[30]。但也有以R1[31]和R0[32]表示水稻愈伤组织分化的再生植株,使用的符号明显不同。还有用R0表示组织培养产生的拟南芥和玉米再生植株[33,34],也有以R表示油菜的再生植株[35]。通过小麦与高冰草属间体细胞融合产生了杂种植株,从该不育植株的子房诱导的愈伤组织再生植株以F0表示,由再生植株自交产生的种子记为F1[20]


远缘杂交使种、属间植物的不同基因组或染色体融合而产生新种质,需要较长时间才能形成可稳定遗传的个体,而转基因技术打破了不同种属间基因交流的屏障,使不同物种间可以进行单个基因的交流,这无疑是快速增加变异的一个重要途径。首例农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)转化烟草愈伤组织获得植株的报道中没有提及世代符号[44]。基因枪转化大豆和小麦的愈伤组织所获阳性植株以R0表示,R0的自交后代以R1表示[45,46]。经基因枪或农杆菌转化产生的转基因阳性小麦和水稻植株习惯以T0表示[47,48,49]。随着转基因技术的发展,人们可以不通过愈伤组织而进行转基因。拟南芥的蘸花法或其他植物的活体转化,当代转化植株以T0表示,收获的种子以T1表示[50,51,52],也有以T0表示当代转化植株和收获的种子[53]。基因敲除可以准确地进行基因功能分析,目前用CRISPR/Cas9技术产生的当代转化植株也称为T0[54,55],但该群体中除存在单突变外,还存在纯合突变的类型,情况比基因导入的转化植株复杂。

2 相对统一世代符号的建议


Table 1
表1 植物遗传学中杂种新世代的符号
Table 1 Symbol of new hybrid generation in plant genetics
产生途径 杂合基因型来源 已使用符号 建议使用符号 符号意义
传统杂交 种内 F1, F0 F1 当代种子或植株
远缘杂交 种、属间 F1, F0 F1 当代种子或植株
嫁接 科、种、属间 T1, G G1 当代植株或接穗的果实
组织培养 体细胞变异 R, R0, R1, D1, F0 R1 当代再生植株
基因突变 物理化学诱变 M0, M1 M1 诱变的当代种子或植株;诱变花粉后的杂交种子;诱变营养器官而产生的植株
转基因 基因导入或敲除 R0, T0, T1 T1 当代阳性植株或种子


传统的种内杂交产生杂种新世代,利用F1表示当代种子和该种子长成的植株。远缘杂交是种、属间的杂交,如双亲直接杂交产生种子,或双亲杂交后通过胚拯救产生植株,或双亲体细胞融合后再通过细胞培养产生植株等,这些种子或植株,其染色体来自不同的亲本,在没有染色体加倍前是杂合的,等同于传统的种内杂种新世代,利用F1表示。通常远缘杂交的F1在形成配子时,由于双亲染色体的同源性低,使得染色体的配对和分离异常,从而产生没有功能的配子,也就是F1杂种不育。通过加倍F1中双亲染色体数产生双二倍体(amphidiploid)就可克服F1不育,如萝卜甘蓝(Raphanobrassica)[13]和小黑麦(Secale sylvestre)[56,57]。双二倍体的双亲染色体在减数分裂中正常配对和分离,后代通常成为比较稳定的种、属间杂种。F1植株经染色体加倍也可能是双亲的部分染色体倍加而成为部分双二倍体(partial amphidiploid),其后代染色体数将继续发生变化,染色体数介于双亲染色体数中间类型的植株不稳定而消失,只有接近亲本染色体数目的个体才比较稳定而保留。由于部分双二倍体后代还存在大量的分离,所以人们对部分双二倍体也称为F1,其自交后代为F2。成功嫁接株的砧木和接穗间发生了遗传物质的交流,可以产生遗传变异,新世代就是遗传组成变化的接穗,如接穗上产生果实,其果实也不同于原来接穗上的果实,因此,为了避免同一符号表示不同来源的杂种新世代,建议以G1表示嫁接植株和其接穗产生的果实。


物理或化学诱变产生的新世代,因同源染色体上的等位基因同时发生突变的概率很小,诱变后代的遗传组成就相当于传统杂交产生的杂种,其相关位点的基因型为杂合。现在普遍以M0表示处理的当代种子,以M1表示播种后形成的植株。建议诱变的种子和该种子形成的植株均以M1 (M1 generation)表示。诱变的对象时有不同,完整植株为M1,诱变花粉后进行人工授粉收获的种子也以M1表示;诱变处理营养器官而产生的当代植株以M1表示,M1代确定后,M1个体自交产生M2,M2个体自交产生M3


3 结 语



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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普通小麦“济南177”与紫外线照射的高冰草原生质体在PEG诱导下融合,获杂种再生植株。取杂种子房诱导产生愈伤组织并再生植株,经染色体和同工酶鉴定,它们仍保留杂种性质。其中两株移栽成活并结实,杂种性质也经表型,染色体,同工酶和RAPD分析得到证明。在F0和F1代植株根尖细胞中,均发现高频率也存在着染色体断片。从F2代花粉母细胞减数分裂的染色体数目及行为发现,杂种细胞染色体数目主要分布在18Ⅱ ̄22Ⅱ
夏光敏, 向凤宁, 周爱芬, 王槐, 何世贤, 陈惠民 . 小麦与高冰草属间体细胞杂交获可育杂种植株
植物学报, 1999,41(4):349-352.

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普通小麦“济南177”与紫外线照射的高冰草原生质体在PEG诱导下融合,获杂种再生植株。取杂种子房诱导产生愈伤组织并再生植株,经染色体和同工酶鉴定,它们仍保留杂种性质。其中两株移栽成活并结实,杂种性质也经表型,染色体,同工酶和RAPD分析得到证明。在F0和F1代植株根尖细胞中,均发现高频率也存在着染色体断片。从F2代花粉母细胞减数分裂的染色体数目及行为发现,杂种细胞染色体数目主要分布在18Ⅱ ̄22Ⅱ

Wang SY, Yun JF, Li L, Zhu L . Barriers and fertility restoration of widecross hybrids of perennial herb in Triticeae
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王树彦, 云锦凤, 李莉, 朱琳 . 禾本科小麦族植物远缘杂交的障碍及其克服
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高强, 王惠林, 郑健, 李俊阁 . 不同组合对三倍体西瓜F0代单瓜可育种子数量的影响
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Ruan RW, Fu DX, Dai XM . Analysis of heterosis and heredity of main yield characters in wheat
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阮仁武, 傅大雄, 戴秀梅 . 小麦主要产量性状的杂种优势和遗传分析
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Stegemann S, Bock R . Exchange of genetic material between cells in plant tissue grafts
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URLPMID:19407205 [本文引用: 1]
Tissue grafting includes applications ranging from plant breeding to animal organ transplantation. Donor and recipient are generally believed to maintain their genetic integrity, in that the grafted tissues are joined but their genetic materials do not mix. We grafted tobacco plants from two transgenic lines carrying different marker and reporter genes in different cellular compartments, the nucleus and the plastid. Analysis of the graft sites revealed the frequent occurrence of cells harboring both antibiotic resistances and both fluorescent reporters. Our data demonstrate that plant grafting can result in the exchange of genetic information via either large DNA pieces or entire plastid genomes. This observation of novel combinations of genetic material has implications for grafting techniques and also provides a possible path for horizontal gene transfer.

Zhou ZL, Tang J, Zhang YG, Zhao DL . Study on gene transfer between different sweet potato varieties after grafting
Acta Agric Jiangxi, 2009,21(8):17-18.

[本文引用: 1]

周志林, 唐君, 张允刚, 赵冬兰 . 嫁接后甘薯品种间基因渗透的研究
江西农业学报, 2009,21(8):17-18.

[本文引用: 1]

Chen H, Wang YQ . RAPD analysis of tissues of grafting union in tomato and eggplant
Acta Hortic Sin, 2006,33(3):565.

URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
以一个与甘蓝显性核不育相关的差异表达片段序列为信息探针, 在NCBI与TAIR网站数据库中进行同源EST序列搜索, 经人工拼接、RT - PCR克隆与序列分析验证, 获得了青花菜快速碱化因子RALF(Rapid Alkalinization Factors) 基因的cDNA全长序列, 命名为<EM>BoRALFL</EM>1 (GenBank序列登录号DQ059310)。该cDNA全长240 bp, 编码79个氨基酸, 与电子克隆获得的序列完全相同。序列分析表明, 编码蛋白存在前导信号肽与多个磷酸化位点, 与同源基因RALFL8核酸序列在88 bp上有82%的一致性, 推导的氨基酸序列在74个氨基酸上存在56%的一致性, 不同植物间氨基酸序列N - 端差异大, C - 端具有较高的保守性。
陈红, 王永清 . 番茄与茄子嫁接接合部愈伤组织的RAPD分析
园艺学报, 2006,33(3):565.

URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
以一个与甘蓝显性核不育相关的差异表达片段序列为信息探针, 在NCBI与TAIR网站数据库中进行同源EST序列搜索, 经人工拼接、RT - PCR克隆与序列分析验证, 获得了青花菜快速碱化因子RALF(Rapid Alkalinization Factors) 基因的cDNA全长序列, 命名为<EM>BoRALFL</EM>1 (GenBank序列登录号DQ059310)。该cDNA全长240 bp, 编码79个氨基酸, 与电子克隆获得的序列完全相同。序列分析表明, 编码蛋白存在前导信号肽与多个磷酸化位点, 与同源基因RALFL8核酸序列在88 bp上有82%的一致性, 推导的氨基酸序列在74个氨基酸上存在56%的一致性, 不同植物间氨基酸序列N - 端差异大, C - 端具有较高的保守性。

Taller J, Yagishita N, Hirata Y . Graft-induced variants as a source of novel characteristics in the breeding of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Euphytica, 1999,108(2):73-78.

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A line with genetic changes that was obtained from selfed seeds of the scion of an intraspecific pepper graft was used as a source of new characteristics in this breeding experiment. Five new variant lines and several sublines were bred by the use of this graft-induced variant strain and two other cultivars. Gradual introduction of the desired quantitative traits and selection resulted in combinations which significantly outperform the parental lines. Our breeding aim was to combine the two-lobed fruit shape that is characteristic for the graft-induced variants with thick pericarp, high sugar content, large fruit size, and significantly reduced or eliminated pungency in the new variants. A bushy plant type, typical for the graft-induced variants could be maintained in some selected sublines. The use of the three different genotypes resulted in many favorable combinations of quantitative traits, and lines were selected with the most valuable new characteristics. However, not all of these expressed the two-lobed fruit apex of the graft-induced variants. Our results reveal that the new characteristics which are induced by grafting are stable, new traits, and can be used as a novel genetic source in the breeding of pepper.

Taller J, Hirata Y, Yagishita N, Kita M, Ogata S . Graft- induced genetic changes and the inheritance of several characteristics in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Theor App Genet, 1998,97(5-6):705-713.

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The general characteristics of several graft-induced changes in pepper were investigated in a cross experiment. F 1 , F 2 , and BC 1 progenies derived from crosses of the original stock and scion cultivars ‘Spanish Paprika’ and ‘Yatsubusa’, respectively, as well as their graft-induced variant strain G 5 S 25 were analyzed for inheritance of the most conspicuous graft-induced variant traits. As part of a research program with the aim of revealing the mechanism of graft induction, the present study was carried out to examine the stability of the phenotypic changes and the characteristics of the graft-induced variants. For the fruit apex, a two-gene system was suggested, with other factors having a modifying influence. One of the two apex genes acted for pointed fruits and the other for inverted-blunt fruits. The inverted-blunt gene, the apex gene of the stock, was unambiguously present in the graft-induced variants, while the pointed gene that acted in the dominant mode in the original scion was inactive and expressed only under certain conditions in a mosaic state. The stable inverted-blunt cultivar used for the stock maintained certain factor(s) for pointed fruit, but the presence of that factor(s) could not be detected in graft-induced variants. The results of pungency analysis suggested a gene for non-pungency that appeared to be introduced in the graft-induced variants. The fruiting habit and fruiting direction that appeared in a mosaic state in graft-induced variants were found to combine factors of the stock with the appropriate characteristics of the scion asymmetrically. The bushy plant type appeared in a transgressive state in the variants, showing a definitely higher number of branches on the main stem and more frequent ramifications on the complete plant than on either the stock and scion cultivars or the progency derived from sexual crosses. A change in mature fruit color from red to yellow occurred in an early generation of graft-induced variants. Our results demonstrate that some of the characteristics of the stock were introduced into the progeny obtained from selfed seeds of the scion and that novel characteristics appeared as a result of graft induction.

Tsaballa A, Athanasiadis C, Pasentsis K, Ganopoulos I, Nianiou-Obeidat I, Tsaftaris A . Molecular studies of inheritable grafting induced changes in pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit shape
Sci Hortic, 2013,149:2-8.

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Vegetable grafting is used extensively today by farmers primarily for facing soil borne problems – among other benefits – despite some unfavorable fruit quality effects observed in certain rootstock-scion combinations. Fruit shape is a characteristic known to be affected by grafting. Herein, working with pepper graftings between two pepper genotypes (cultivars) differing in fruit shape, we observed fruit shape changes after grafting the round shaped cultivar, cv. “Mytilini Round” (scion) on the long shaped cultivar, cv. “Piperaki Long” (rootstock). Furthermore, the phenotypic changes observed in scion fruits were inherited for two generations of seed derived progenies indicating that the changes imposed on scion are heritable. PCR amplifications using six inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers showed that progenies developed from seeds collected from the modified scion fruits had a genetic profile more similar to the scion genetic profile and less similar to the rootstock profile indicating that only minor genetic changes occurred in the scion during grafting. The change in the fruit shape was not found to be accompanied by extended DNA sequence changes in pepper CaOvate sequence, a gene shown before to be involved in determining fruit shape in pepper, although a slight difference in CaOvate gene expression was found. Overall, understanding the molecular mechanisms that probably underline graft-induced changes paves the way to a better knowledge over the rootstock-scion interactions, the role of rootstock in scion performance and eventually the improved quality and fruit harvest from grafted vegetable plants.

Fu SY, Yu PT, Zhang P, Li H . Transplantation and D2 analysis of regenerated rice plantlets from tissue culture
Acta Agric Univ Jiangxi, 1991,13(4):362-365.

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傅世耀, 余沛涛, 张平, 李宏 . 水稻组织培养再生植株的移土栽培及D2代分析
江西农业大学学报, 1991,13(4):362-365.

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Sun JH, She JM, XF . Selection of mutants of
Xanthomonas oryzae by tissue culture in rice. I. In vitro induction and screening mutants resistant to Xanthornonas oryzae from callus culture in rice. Acta Genet Sin, 1986,13(3):188-193.

Magsci [本文引用: 1]
选用感病品种南粳34去壳籽粒的愈伤组织,接种白叶枯病病原菌菌株Ks 8--4, 共同培<BR>养,以期筛选抗菌愈伤组织。在365块接菌愈伤组织中,有63块局部生长,从中得到抗菌新愈伤组织“ 块,并分化出再生植株。鉴定再生植株当代R,45株,有44株抗病,1株感病。部分株系得到了R2, R3代植株,多代鉴定表明,其抗病性是稳定的和可遗传的。
孙立华, 佘建明, 吕学锋 . 用组织培养法筛选水稻抗白叶枯病突变体I.水稻愈伤组织抗白叶枯病病原菌的选择及其再生植株的抗病性鉴定
遗传学报, 1986,13(3):188-193.

Magsci [本文引用: 1]
选用感病品种南粳34去壳籽粒的愈伤组织,接种白叶枯病病原菌菌株Ks 8--4, 共同培<BR>养,以期筛选抗菌愈伤组织。在365块接菌愈伤组织中,有63块局部生长,从中得到抗菌新愈伤组织“ 块,并分化出再生植株。鉴定再生植株当代R,45株,有44株抗病,1株感病。部分株系得到了R2, R3代植株,多代鉴定表明,其抗病性是稳定的和可遗传的。

Yuan YX, Wan ZG, Sun BY . Regeneration of rice mutants harbouring Ac/Ds elements via tissue culture
Seed, 2009,28(2):9-11.

URL [本文引用: 1]
用含Ac/D s转座元件的水稻种子为实验材料,从成熟胚盾片诱导愈伤组织,并经分化培养获得一定量的再生植株(R0),经田间栽培收获再生植株的成熟种子(R1)。对获得的111株再生植株(R0)叶片取样,提取基因组DNA,采用PCR方法检测其Ac/D s插入。结果表明,有94%的再生植株含有Ac/D s,6%的再生植株仅含Ac。只带有Ac而无D s的再生植株是由于D s切离而丢失,其具体机制目前还不清楚,有待进一步研究。因此,利用组织培养的方法获得更多的突变体来构建突变体库是可行的。
袁云香, 万志刚, 孙丙耀 . 水稻Ac/Ds组织培养获得再生植株突变体
种子, 2009,28(2):9-11.

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用含Ac/D s转座元件的水稻种子为实验材料,从成熟胚盾片诱导愈伤组织,并经分化培养获得一定量的再生植株(R0),经田间栽培收获再生植株的成熟种子(R1)。对获得的111株再生植株(R0)叶片取样,提取基因组DNA,采用PCR方法检测其Ac/D s插入。结果表明,有94%的再生植株含有Ac/D s,6%的再生植株仅含Ac。只带有Ac而无D s的再生植株是由于D s切离而丢失,其具体机制目前还不清楚,有待进一步研究。因此,利用组织培养的方法获得更多的突变体来构建突变体库是可行的。

Jiang CF, Mithani A, Gan XC, Belfield EJ, Klingler JP, Zhu JK, Ragoussis J, Mott R, Harberd NP . RegenerantArabidopsis lineages display a distinct genome-wide spectrum of mutations conferring variant phenotypes
Curr Biol, 2011,21(16):1385-1390.

URLPMID:21802297 [本文引用: 1]
Multicellular organisms can be regenerated from totipotent differentiated somatic cell or nuclear founders []. Organisms regenerated from clonally related isogenic founders might a priori have been expected to be phenotypically invariant. However, clonal regenerant animals display variant phenotypes caused by defective epigenetic reprogramming of gene expression [2], and clonal regenerant plants exhibit poorly understood heritable phenotypic (“somaclonal”) variation []. Here we show that somaclonal variation in regenerant Highlights? Regenerant Arabidopsis lineages display heritable phenotypic variation ? Regenerant Arabidopsis lineages display elevated genome-wide DNA sequence mutation ? Regenerant DNA sequence mutations comprise a distinct molecular spectrum ? Regenerant base substitution mutations confer heritable phenotypic variation

Stelpflug SC, Eichten SR, Hermanson PJ, Springer NM, Kaeppler SM . Consistent and heritable alterations of DNA methylation are induced by tissue culture in maize
Genetics, 2014,198(1):209-218.

URLPMID:25023398 [本文引用: 1]
Plants regenerated from tissue culture and their progenies are expected to be identical clones, but often display heritable molecular and phenotypic variation. We characterized DNA methylation patterns in callus, primary regenerants, and regenerant-derived progenies of maize using immunoprecipitation of methylated DNA (meDIP) to assess the genome-wide frequency, pattern, and heritability of DNA methylation changes. Although genome-wide DNA methylation levels remained similar following tissue culture, numerous regions exhibited altered DNA methylation levels. Hypomethylation events were observed more frequently than hypermethylation following tissue culture. Many of the hypomethylation events occur at the same genomic sites across independent regenerants and cell lines. The DNA methylation changes were often heritable in progenies produced from self-pollination of primary regenerants. Methylation changes were enriched in regions upstream of genes and loss of DNA methylation at promoters was associated with altered expression at a subset of loci. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) found in tissue culture regenerants overlap with the position of naturally occurring DMRs more often than expected by chance with 8% of tissue culture hypomethylated DMRs overlapping with DMRs identified by profiling natural variation, consistent with the hypotheses that genomic stresses similar to those causing somaclonal variation may also occur in nature, and that certain loci are particularly susceptible to epigenetic change in response to these stresses. The consistency of methylation changes across regenerants from independent cultures suggests a mechanistic response to the culture environment as opposed to an overall loss of fidelity in the maintenance of epigenetic states.

Sacristán MD . Selection for disease resistance inBrassica cultures
Hereditas, 1985,103(S3):57-63.

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Wang D, Ren SX, Li WF, Su QZ, Su J . Plant growth of E-beam irradiated or ion implanted seeds of ornamental Celosia
J Rad Res Rad Proc, 2006,24(3):188-192.

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利用电子束和氮离子、氢离子注入处理普通鸡冠花干种子,试验结果表明,两种诱变处理均能显著 抑制鸡冠花植株的生长、发育,并能有效地诱发花性状变异,变异株率可达0.59%-2%。电子束处理鸡冠花干种子的半致死剂量(LD50)经测定为 1.2kGy左右;离子注入处理的半致死剂量随注入离子种类不同而不同,N^+注入的半致死剂量(LD50)为1.6×10^17/cm^2,H^+注入 的半致死剂量应低于1.6×10^16/cm^2。鸡冠花干种子电子束处理的适宜剂量为1.5kGy左右,离子注入处理的适宜方法是 N^+1.6×10^16/cm^2。同时鸡冠花对高剂量辐照较不敏感,是一种耐强辐照的资源。
王丹, 任少雄, 李卫锋, 苏乾治, 苏军 . 电子束和离子注入处理鸡冠花种子对当代(M0)植株生长发育影响的初步研究
辐射研究与辐射工艺学报, 2006,24(3):188-192.

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利用电子束和氮离子、氢离子注入处理普通鸡冠花干种子,试验结果表明,两种诱变处理均能显著 抑制鸡冠花植株的生长、发育,并能有效地诱发花性状变异,变异株率可达0.59%-2%。电子束处理鸡冠花干种子的半致死剂量(LD50)经测定为 1.2kGy左右;离子注入处理的半致死剂量随注入离子种类不同而不同,N^+注入的半致死剂量(LD50)为1.6×10^17/cm^2,H^+注入 的半致死剂量应低于1.6×10^16/cm^2。鸡冠花干种子电子束处理的适宜剂量为1.5kGy左右,离子注入处理的适宜方法是 N^+1.6×10^16/cm^2。同时鸡冠花对高剂量辐照较不敏感,是一种耐强辐照的资源。

Parry MA, Madgwick PJ, Bayon C, Tearall K, Hernandez-Lopez A, Baudo M, Rakszegi M, Hamada W, Al-Yassin A, Ouabbou H, Labhilili M, Phillips AL . Mutation discovery for crop improvement
J Exp Bot, 2009,60(10):2817-2825.

URLPMID:19516074 [本文引用: 1]
Increasing crop yields to ensure food security is a major challenge. Mutagenesis is an important tool in crop improvement and is free of the regulatory restrictions imposed on genetically modified organisms. The forward genetic approach enables the identification of improved or novel phenotypes that can be exploited in conventional breeding programmes. Powerful reverse genetic strategies that allow the detection of induced point mutations in individuals of the mutagenized populations can address the major challenge of linking sequence information to the biological function of genes and can also identify novel variation for plant breeding. This review briefly discusses recent advances in the detection of mutants and the potential of mutagenesis for crop improvement.

Jia SG, Li XA, Morton K, Avoles-Kianian P, Kianian SF, Zhang C, Holding D . A population of deletion mutants and an integrated mapping and exome-seq pipeline for gene discovery in maize
Gene, Genom, Genet, 2016,6(8):2385-2395.

URLPMID:4978893 [本文引用: 1]
To better understand maize endosperm filling and maturation, we used -irradiation of the B73 maize reference line to generate mutants with opaque endosperm and reduced kernel fill phenotypes, and created a population of 1788 lines including 39 Mo17 F2s showing stable, segregating, and viable kernel phenotypes. For molecular characterization of the mutants, we developed a novel functional genomics platform that combined bulked segregant RNA and exome sequencing (BSREx-seq) to map causative mutations and identify candidate genes within mapping intervals. To exemplify the utility of the mutants and provide proof-of-concept for the bioinformatics platform, we present detailed characterization of line 937, an opaque mutant harboring a 6203 bp in-frame deletion covering six exons within theOpaque-1gene. In addition, we describe mutant line 146 which contains a 4.8 kb intragene deletion within theSugary-1gene and line 916 in which an 8.6 kb deletion knocks out aCyclin A2gene. The publically available algorithm developed in this work improves the identification of causative deletions and its corresponding gaps within mapping peaks. This study demonstrates the utility of -irradiation for forward genetics in large nondense genomes such as maize since deletions often affect single genes. Furthermore, we show how this classical mutagenesis method becomes applicable for functional genomics when combined with state-of-the-art genomics tools.

Shi HC, Li Q, Ke YP, Yuan JC, Yu XJ, Cao LZ, Lang DF . Effects of 60Co-γ ray irradiation mutation on maize inbred lines R08 and 48-2
Southwest China J of Agric Sci, 2011,24(5):1836-1641.

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石海春, 李奇, 柯永培, 袁继超, 余学杰, 曹林志, 梁德凤 . 60Co-γ射线对自交系R08和48-2的诱变效应
西南农业学报, 2011,24(5):1836-1641.

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Zhang ZW, Wang D . Effect of electron beam irradiation on growth and development of induced Gladiolus
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为了探讨电子束对唐菖蒲诱变育种的可行性和不同剂量的电子束对植株生长发育的影响,用能量为3MeV的电子束辐照唐菖蒲"江山美人"和"超级玫瑰"球茎。在苗期及初花期,电子束诱变处理有显著抑制植株的生长和发育的趋势。在初花期,随着剂量的增大,唐菖蒲"超级玫瑰"细胞间隙CO2体积分数和光合速率均受到刺激作用而增大(P0.05);唐菖蒲对电子束辐照的半致死剂量在品种间存在差异,"江山美人"比"超级玫瑰"有更强的电子束耐受性;电子束处理唐菖蒲"超级玫瑰"球茎的半致死剂量(LD50)应为240 Gy,"江山美人"的半致死剂量(LD50)则大于240 Gy。
张志伟, 王丹 . 电子束处理对唐菖蒲M1代植株生长发育的影响
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为了探讨电子束对唐菖蒲诱变育种的可行性和不同剂量的电子束对植株生长发育的影响,用能量为3MeV的电子束辐照唐菖蒲"江山美人"和"超级玫瑰"球茎。在苗期及初花期,电子束诱变处理有显著抑制植株的生长和发育的趋势。在初花期,随着剂量的增大,唐菖蒲"超级玫瑰"细胞间隙CO2体积分数和光合速率均受到刺激作用而增大(P0.05);唐菖蒲对电子束辐照的半致死剂量在品种间存在差异,"江山美人"比"超级玫瑰"有更强的电子束耐受性;电子束处理唐菖蒲"超级玫瑰"球茎的半致死剂量(LD50)应为240 Gy,"江山美人"的半致死剂量(LD50)则大于240 Gy。

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陈凌, 张文玲, 张敏, 李政, 李凌 . 化学诱变剂EMS筛选越橘茎尖抗旱突变体的初步研究
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采用含有化学诱变剂EMS的石蜡油,直接处理玉米自交系黄早4和7922的成熟花粉,并结合M2代突变基因的等位性测验,对花粉化学诱变创造特用玉米进行了研究。结果表明,在不同EMS处理浓度下,白色胚乳基因贝的诱变率平均为35.22‰,最高达到150.38‰, 1.67×10-3可作为EMS诱发y1基因突变的参考浓度。糖胚乳基因sul,孺胚乳基因wx1
赵永亮, 宋同明, 马惠平 . 利用花粉化学诱变快速创造特用玉米新种质
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采用含有化学诱变剂EMS的石蜡油,直接处理玉米自交系黄早4和7922的成熟花粉,并结合M2代突变基因的等位性测验,对花粉化学诱变创造特用玉米进行了研究。结果表明,在不同EMS处理浓度下,白色胚乳基因贝的诱变率平均为35.22‰,最高达到150.38‰, 1.67×10-3可作为EMS诱发y1基因突变的参考浓度。糖胚乳基因sul,孺胚乳基因wx1

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A Ti plasmid mutant was constructed in which all the on-cogenic functions of the T-DNA have been deleted and replaced by pBR322. This Ti plasmid, pGV3850, still mediates efficient transfer and stabilization of its truncated T-DNA into infected plant cells. Moreover, integration and expression of this minimal T-DNA in plant cells does not interfere with normal plant cell differentiation. A DNA fragment cloned in a pBR vector can be inserted in the pGV3850 T-region upon a single recombination event through the pBR322 region of pGV3850 producing a co-integrate useful for the transformation of plant cells. Based upon these properties, pGV3850 is proposed as an extremely versatile vector for the introduction of any DNA of interest into plant cells.

Christou P, Swain WF, Yang N, Mccabe DE . Inheritance and expression of foreign genes in transgenic soybean plants
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Abstract DNA-coated gold particles were introduced into meristems of immature soybean seeds using electric discharge particle acceleration to produce transgenic fertile soybean plants. The lineages of integrated foreign DNA in two independently transformed plants were followed in the first (R(1)) and second (R(2)) generation of self-pollinated progeny. One plant (4615) was transformed with the Escherichia coli genes for beta-glucuronidase and neomycin phosphotransferase II; the other (3993) was transformed only with the gene for beta-glucuronidase. Segregation ratios for the introduced gene(s) were approximately 3:1 for plant 4615 and 1:1 for plant 3993 in the R(1) generation. DNA analysis showed 100% concordance between presence of the foreign gene sequences and enzyme activity. Moreover, all copies of the foreign genes are inherited as a unit in each plant. Plant 3993 segregated in a 1:1 ratio in the R(2) generation. R(1) plants derived from plant 4615, which expressed both genes, gave either 100% or 3:1 expression of both genes in the R(2) generation, demonstrating recovery of both homozygous and heterozygous R(1) plants. Our results show that foreign DNA introduced into soybean plants using electric discharge particle acceleration can be inherited in a Mendelian manner. Results also demonstrate cotransformation of tandem markers and show that both markers are inherited as closely linked genes in subsequent generations. These results indicate that whole plants can be derived from single transformed cells by a de novo organogenic pathway.

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Nature Biotechnology journal featuring biotechnology articles and science research papers of commercial interest in pharmaceutical, medical, and environmental sciences.

An HL, Wei ZM, Huang JQ . Gold particle amount per bombardment of wheat transformation by biolistic method and phenotypic character analysis of transgenic plants and their progenies
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用基因枪法将雪花莲外源凝集素基因(gna)转移到优良籼型杂交稻恢复系蜀恢527中,通过PCR、PCR Southern blotting和Southern blotting等分子方法检测证明,外源基因已稳定遗传到转基因第三代(T2)。转基因第一代植株(T0)在株高和结实率上与相应的组培、种子实生苗植株相比,发生明显的不可遗传的变异。随着繁殖代数的增加,转基因植株恢复到与对照植株一致。还讨论了DNA微量提取法在转基因后代筛选中的运用。
马炳田, 李平, 朱祯, 周开达 . 转抗虫基因优良籼型恢复系的获得及其外源基因的遗传稳定性研究
中国水稻科学, 2002,16(3):211-215.

URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
用基因枪法将雪花莲外源凝集素基因(gna)转移到优良籼型杂交稻恢复系蜀恢527中,通过PCR、PCR Southern blotting和Southern blotting等分子方法检测证明,外源基因已稳定遗传到转基因第三代(T2)。转基因第一代植株(T0)在株高和结实率上与相应的组培、种子实生苗植株相比,发生明显的不可遗传的变异。随着繁殖代数的增加,转基因植株恢复到与对照植株一致。还讨论了DNA微量提取法在转基因后代筛选中的运用。

Zhao TJ, Zhao SY, Chen HM, Zhao QZ, Hu ZM, Hou BK, Xia GM . Transgenic wheat progeny resistant to powdery mildew generated by
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Keshamma E, Rohini S, Rao KS, Madhusudhan B, Kumar MU . Tissue culture-independent in planta transformation strategy: an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer method to overcome recalcitrance in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.)
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Das P, Joshi NC . Minor modifications in obtainable Arabidopsis floral dip method enhances transformation efficiency and production of homozygous transgenic lines harboring a single copy of transgene
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Zhang H, Zhang JS, Wei PL, Zhang BT, Gou F, Feng ZY, Mao YF, Yang L, Zhang H, Xu NF, Zhu JK . The CRISPR/Cas9 system produces specific and homozygous targeted gene editing in rice in one generation
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Wang YP, Cheng X, Shen QW, Zhang Y, Liu JX, Gao CX, Qiu JL . Simultaneous editing of three homoeoalleles in hexaploid bread wheat confers heritable resistance to powdery mildew
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In the progeny of euploid plants in a line of hexaploid Triticale 39 monosomics and 15 trisomics were cytologically identified. No significant deviation from a random distribution between the genomes of the two united species, i.e. one third rye chromosomes and two thirds wheat chromosomes was found.

Bento M, Pereira HS, Rocheta M, Gustafson P, Viegas W, Viegas W, Silva M . Polyploidization as a retraction force in plant genome evolution: sequence rearrangements in Triticale
PLoS One, 2008,3(1):e1402.

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Abstract BACKGROUND: Polyploidization is a major evolutionary process in plants where hybridization and chromosome doubling induce enormous genomic stress and can generate genetic and epigenetic modifications. However, proper evaluation of DNA sequence restructuring events and the precise characterization of sequences involved are still sparse. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Inter Retrotransposons Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP), Retrotransposons Microsatellite Amplified Polymorphism (REMAP) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) largely confirmed the absence of any intraspecific variation in wheat, rye and triticale. The comparative analysis of banding profiles between wheat and rye inbred lines revealed 34% of monomorphic (common to both parental species) bands for the ten different primer combinations used. The analysis of triticale plants uncovered nearly 51% of rearranged bands in the polyploid, being the majority of these modifications, due to the loss of rye bands (83%). Sequence analysis of rye fragments absent in triticale revealed for instance homology with hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGP), a protein that belongs to a major family of inducible defence response proteins. Conversely, a wheat-specific band absent in triticale comprises a nested structure of copia-like retrotransposons elements, namely Claudia and Barbara. Sequencing of a polyploid-specific band (absent in both parents) revealed a microsatellite related sequence. Cytological studies using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) with REMAP products revealed a widespread distribution of retrotransposon and/or microsatellite flanking sequences on rye chromosomes, with a preferential accumulation in heterochromatic sub-telomeric domains. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Here, we used PCR-based molecular marker techniques involving retrotransposons and microsatellites to uncover polyploidization induced genetic restructuring in triticale. Sequence analysis of rearranged genomic fragments either from rye or wheat origin showed these to be retrotransposon-related as well as coding sequences. Further FISH analysis revealed possible chromosome hotspots for sequence rearrangements. The role of chromatin condensation on the origin of genomic rearrangements mediated by polyploidization in triticale is also discussed.
相关话题/遗传 种子 基因 组织 植物