周智2, 3,,,
张蓬涛2, 3,
1.河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院 保定 071000
2.河北农业大学国土资源学院 保定 071000
3.河北省农田生态环境重点实验室 保定 071000
4.四川轻化工大学 宜宾 644000
作者简介:温雪静, 研究方向为土地整治工程与土地利用规划。E-mail: wxj18731236073@qq.com
通讯作者:周智, 主要研究方向为土地整治工程与土地利用规划。E-mail: zhouzhi797825@163.com
Identification of key areas of territorial ecological restoration in Taihang Mountains — A case study of Tang County
WEN Xuejing1,,ZHOU Zhi2, 3,,,
ZHANG Meili1,
ZHANG Pengtao2, 3,
ZHANG Guijun2,
ZHANG Qinrui4
1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
2. College of Land and Resources, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
3. Key Laboratory of Farmland Ecological Environment of Hebei Province, Baoding 071000, China
4. Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Yibin 644000, China
Funds:This study was supported by the Hebei Social Science Development Research Project in 2021 (20210201298).
More Information
Corresponding author:E-mail: zhouzhi797825@163.com
摘要:诊断与修复国土空间关键区域是推进生态文明建设的必由之路。但目前我国站在“整体视角、系统治理、全域修复”的角度识别关键区域, 并加以保护的研究较为欠缺。本文选择典型生态型贫困区域太行山区唐县为研究区, 综合生境质量和生态服务价值确定生态质量, 进而确定生态源地, 运用最小累计阻力模型构建生态阻力面, 基于电路理论构建生态廊道及识别待修复关键区域, 并提出生态夹点区域优先保护、生态障碍点区域优先修复、生态断裂点区域加强维护、低生态质量区域提高生境质量防止破坏程度持续加深的修复建议。研究表明: 1) 2000年、2010年和2018年唐县遥感生态指数分别为0.57、0.64和0.56, 生态质量均处于良等, 生态质量为先上升后下降。2)综合3期生境质量和生态服务价值评价结果, 确定稳定性较好的生态源地共10处, 面积91.22 km2, 占总面积的6.4%, 主要分布在研究区北部和西南部, 土地利用类型为林地和水域; 识别生态夹点区域15处, 生态障碍点区域42处, 生态断裂点区域28处, 低生态质量区域面积178 km2, 约占全域总面积1/10。本文从整体连通性角度, 系统识别太行山区唐县国土空间修复关键区域, 并提出保护与修复措施, 为太行山区生态修复提供现实参考。
Abstract:Diagnosing and restoring key areas of territorial space is fundamental to promote the construction of ecological civilization. From the perspective of “holistic perspective, system governance and global restoration”, the identification of key areas and suggestions for restoration can make up for some deficiencies existing in current research. In this paper, Tang County, a typical eco-poverty area in Taihang Mountain, is selected as the research area. The ecological quality was determined by integrating habitat quality and ecological service value, and then determine the ecological patch with the best stability as the ecological source, the ecological resistance surface is constructed by using the minimum cumulative resistance model, the ecological corridor is constructed based on the circuit theory. In addition to the ecological pinch points, ecological obstacle points and ecological break points included in the existing studies, the low ecological key areas are supplemented to identify, which are obtained from the lowest grade patches extracted during ecological quality evaluation. Some suggestions were put forward, such as priority protection in ecological pinch area, priority restoration in ecological obstacle area, strengthening maintenance in ecological break area, and improving habitat quality in low ecological quality area to prevent further damage. Aiming at the ecological patches with high habitat quality and ecological service value, it is recommended that these patches should be ecologically protected by prohibiting the encroachment of non-ecological construction projects. For the key ecological areas where the land use types are woodland, grassland and farmland, it is recommended to plant plants adapted to the native environment to increase vegetation abundance, return farmland to forests, and return to grassland for ecological restoration. It is recommended to build culverts and tunnels for the smooth movement of organisms in the area of obstacles caused by the cutting effect of traffic roads. The distribution of low ecological quality areas is relatively scattered, so the degraded landscape during ecological restoration can be combined with the surrounding landscape to achieve the effect of improving ecological quality. In addition, attention should be paid to the environmental protection of rural residential areas and construction land. The restoration of construction land should actively respond to the rural revitalization strategy. It can develop sightseeing agriculture in some areas, control the development intensity of the southeast of the research area, and speed up the greening construction of villages. In this way, ecological restoration of low ecological quality areas will be carried out. The research showed that: The remote sensing ecological index of Tang County in 2000, 2010 and 2018 were 0.57, 0.64 and 0.56, respectively. The ecological quality was all in good grade, and the ecological quality increased firstly and then declined. We identified 10 of ecological sources with good stability, with an area of 91.22 km2, accounting for 6.4% of the total area, which mainly distributed in the north and southwest of the study area. The land use types were forest land and water area. We also identified 15 of ecological pinch points, 42 of ecological barrier points and 28 of ecological break points, and the area of low ecological quality was 178 km2, accounting for about 1/10 of the total area. From the perspective of overall connectivity, this study systematically identified the key areas of territorial space restoration in Tang County of Taihang Mountain, and put forward protection and restoration measures, which could provide a realistic reference for ecological restoration in Taihang Mountain.
Key words:Ecological restoration/
Habitat quality/
Ecological service value/
Remote sensing ecological index/
MCR model/
Circuit theory/
Key areas/
Tang County

Figure1.Position and elevation map of Tang County

Figure2.Spatial distribution of each level of habitat quality (a), ecological service value (b) in the study area in 2000, 2010 and 2018

Figure3.Distribution of ecological sources in 2000, 2010 and 2018 (a?c), and the selected ecological sources in the study area (d)

Figure4.Comprehensive resistance value (a) and minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) value (b) of the study area

Figure5.Spatial distribution of ecological corridors in the study area

Figure6.Distribution of ecological pinch (a), ecological barrier points (b), ecological break points (c) and low ecological quality area (d)

Table1.Coefficients of ecological service value of different land use types
生态系统一级服务功能 Ecosystem first level service function | 生态系统二级服务功能 Ecosystem secondary service function | 林地 Woodland | 草地 Grassland | 耕地 Farmland | 水域 Water area | 未利用地 Unused land | 建设用地 Built-up land |
供给服务 Supply service | 食物生产 Food production | 2250.86 | 1560.00 | 4925.14 | 1782.86 | 0 | 0 |
原料生产 Raw material production | 5170.28 | 2295.43 | 1092.00 | 512.57 | 0 | 0 | |
水资源供给 Water supply | 2674.28 | 1270.28 | ?5816.57 | 18 474.85 | 0 | 0 | |
调节服务 Regulation service | 气体调节 Gas regulation | 17 003.99 | 8067.42 | 3966.85 | 1716.00 | 44.57 | 0 |
气候调节 Climate regulation | 50 878.25 | 21 327.41 | 2072.57 | 5103.43 | 0 | 0 | |
净化环境 Environment purification | 14 909.13 | 7042.28 | 601.71 | 12 368.56 | 222.86 | 0 | |
水文调节 Hydrological regulation | 33 294.84 | 15 622.28 | 6663.42 | 227 849.00 | 66.86 | 0 | |
支持服务 Support service | 土壤保持 Soil conservation | 20 703.42 | 9828.00 | 2317.71 | 2072.57 | 44.57 | 0 |
维持养分循环 Nutrient circulation maintaning | 1582.28 | 757.71 | 690.86 | 156.00 | 0 | 0 | |
维持生物多样性 Biodiversity maintaning | 18 853.70 | 8936.57 | 757.71 | 5682.85 | 44.57 | 0 | |
文化服务 Cultural service | 美学景观 Aesthetic landscape | 8267.99 | 3944.57 | 334.29 | 4212.00 | 222.86 | 0 |

Table2.Factor weights and resistance coefficients of ecological resistance surface of Tangxian County
阻力系数 Resistance coefficient | 阻力因子 Resistance factor | |||
土地利用类型 Land use type | 生境质量 Habitat quality | 高程 Altitude (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | |
1 | 林地和水域 Woodland and water area | 0.8~1.0 | 40~191 | 0~5 |
2 | 草地 Grassland | 0.6~0.8 | 191~368 | 5~15 |
3 | 耕地 Farmland | 0.4~0.6 | 368~565 | 15~25 |
4 | 未利用地 Unused land | 0.2~0.4 | 565~830 | 25~35 |
5 | 建设用地 Built-up land | 0~0.2 | 830~1810 | >35 |
权重 Weight | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 0.1 |

Table3.Area proportion of each grade of comprehensive habitat quality in the study area from 2000 to 2018
等级 Grade | 2000 | 2010 | 2018 | |||||
面积 Area (km2) | 占比 Proportion (%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 占比 Proportion (%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 占比 Proportion (%) | |||
低 Low | 149.12 | 9.5 | 52.49 | 3.6 | 108.14 | 7.6 | ||
较低 Relatively low | 298.29 | 20.0 | 211.73 | 15.0 | 242.00 | 17.1 | ||
中等 Medium | 366.26 | 25.9 | 374.97 | 26.4 | 395.22 | 27.8 | ||
较高 Relatively high | 322.03 | 23.7 | 455.18 | 32.2 | 417.61 | 29.5 | ||
高 High | 281.17 | 20.9 | 322.50 | 22.8 | 253.90 | 18.0 |

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