刘爽1, 2,,,
1.东北林业大学经济管理学院 哈尔滨 150040
2.东北农业大学马克思主义学院 哈尔滨 150030
作者简介:尚杰, 研究方向为生态农业经济研究。E-mail: 13576274061@163.com
通讯作者:刘爽, 研究方向为生态农业经济研究。E-mail: 2521900433@qq.com
Linkage preference and heterogeneity of small farmers and the eco-agricultural industry chain: Based on the choice experiment method
SHANG Jie1,,LIU Shuang1, 2,,,
CHEN Ximing1
1. College of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
2. College of Marxism, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
Funds:The study was supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China (20FGLB059)
More Information
Corresponding author:E-mail: 2521900433@qq.com
摘要:小农户与生态农业产业链衔接是小农户与现代农业发展有机衔接的重要途径, 对小农户富裕及生态农业发展有着重要意义, 然而现有研究针对性不足制约了相关实践的开展。本研究立足于小农户主体意愿, 在对相关理论进行分析的基础上, 应用随机参数Logit模型就小农户与生态农业产业链衔接偏好及其异质性来源进行深入分析。相对现有研究, 本研究在概念、研究视角、研究方法方面进行了拓展, 可为小农户发展生态农业相关政策设计提供参考和支持。研究表明, 小农户与生态农业产业链衔接存在偏好。1)小农户更愿意通过“小农户+龙头企业”路径及“小农户+电商平台”路径与生态农业产业链衔接, 其系数分别为4.60及2.10; 2)相对于股份合作, 小农户对于合约协作以及务工参与等利益联结机制有着显著偏好, 其系数分别为7.47及5.41; 3)小农户对于产业链服务的偏好依次为农资供应服务、农业生产技术指导服务、资金信贷服务、加工及物流服务, 系数分别为3.96、2.94、1.82和1.49; 4)小农户在政策扶持上更偏好农业补贴, 系数为2.10; 5)小农户与生态农业产业链衔接偏好存在异质性, 小农户年龄及其生态农产品种植面积对衔接效用具有正向影响, 小农户受教育水平在一定程度上制约了衔接效用的发挥。在此基础上, 进一步从路径建设、机制设计、服务体系、资金需求等方面提出了建议。
Abstract:The connection between small farmers and the ecological agriculture industry chain is an important way to establish an organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development, which is significant to the farmer’s prosperity and the development of ecological agriculture. However, the lack of pertinence in existing research restricts the development of related practices. This study aimed to understand the connection preferences of small farmers and the ecological agriculture industry chain and the source of their preference heterogeneity, further providing references for the design of related policies to promote the connetcion of small farmers with the ecological agriculture industry chain. Compared with existing researches, this research had expanded the concepts, research perspectives, and research methods, providing reference and support for small farmers in developing ecological agriculture-related policy design. In this article, based on the willingness of small farmers, we analyzed the related theories. First, we analyzed the organic connection between small farmers and the ecological agriculture industry chain; second, referring to the existing research results, we constructed a collection of choices for the connection of small farmers and the ecological agriculture industry chain. Among them, four types of attributes were set in the selection set design: linkage path, interest linkage mechanism, service type, and policy support type; finally, we conducted a household survey of 588 small farmers involved in ecological agriculture activities in Jiangxi Province. In this study, the random parameter Logit model was used to analyze and discuss the connection preferences of small farmers with the ecological agriculture industry chain, and the sources of heterogeneity. Research showed that there was a preference for the connection between small farmers and the ecological agriculture industrial chain: 1) In terms of linkage path selection, small farmers were more willing to connect with the ecological agriculture industry chain through the “small farmers + leading enterprises” path and the “small farmers + e-commerce platform” path, with coefficients of 4.60 and 2.10, respectively. 2) In terms of the choice of interest linkage mechanism, compared with the joint stock partnership, small farmers had a significant preference for contract cooperation and migrant work participation in employment and other interest linkage mechanisms, with coefficients of 7.47 and 5.41, respectively. 3) In terms of the provided service type, the preferences of smallholders for industry chain services were agricultural material supply, agricultural technical guidance services, capital and credit services, and processing and logistics services, with coefficients of 3.96, 2.94, 1.82, and 1.49, respectively. 4) In terms of the policy support type, small farmers preferred agricultural subsidies in policy support, with a coefficient of 2.10. 5) There was heterogeneity in the preference of small farmers to connect with the ecological agriculture industrial chain. The age, education level, and planting area of the ecological agricultural products of the interviewed farmers were the primary heterogeneity sources. Among them, the age of farmers and planting area of the ecological agricultural products positively impacted the connection of small farmers with the ecological agriculture industry chain. To a certain extent, the education level of small farmers restricted the connection effect. According to these research results, when designing policies, the accessibility to the ecological agriculture industrial chain should be improved, the standardization of the industrial chain benefit linkage mechanism be promoted, the construction of a socialized service system suitable for the development of small-scale ecological agriculture be accelerated, and the funds needed by small farmers to develop ecological agriculture be enriched.
Key words:Small farmers/
Ecological agriculture/
Industry chain/
Modern agriculture/
Interest link/
Choice preference
Table1.Selection of attributes and level setting of small farmers and ecological agricultural industrial chain connection
属性 Attribute | 水平 Level | ||||
衔接路径 Linkage path | 小农户+合作社 Small farmers + cooperative | 小农户+龙头企业 Small farmers + leading enterprises | 小农户+电商平台 Small farmers + e-commerce platform | ||
利益联结机制 Interest linkage mechanism | 随行就市 Line with market | 合约协作 Contract collaboration | 务工参与 Migrant work participation | 股份合作 Joint stock partnership | |
提供服务类型 Provide service type | 资金信贷服务 Capital and credit services | 农资供应服务 Agricultural materials supply services | 农业生产技术指导服务 Agricultural production technical guidance services | 加工及物流服务 Processing and logistics services | 市场信息服务 Market information services |
政策扶持类型 Type of policy support | 农业补贴 Agricultural subsidies | 政策性金融支持 Policy-based financial support |

Table2.Selection set examples of small farmers and ecological agriculture industrial chain connection
参与方式一 Participation mode 1 | 参与方式二 Participation mode 2 | 参与方式三 Participation mode 3 | |
衔接路径 Linkage path | 小农户+电商平台 Small farmers + e-commerce platform | 小农户+电商平台 Small farmers + e-commerce platform | 两种方式都不选 Neither way is chosen |
利益联结机制 Interest linkage mechanism | 务工参与 Migrant work participation | 随行就市 Line with market | |
提供服务类型 Provide service type | 农业生产技术指导服务 Agricultural technical guidance services | 农业生产技术指导服务 Agricultural technical guidance services | |
政策扶持类型 Type of policy support | 农业补贴 Agricultural subsidies | 政策性金融支持 Policy-based financial support | |
您的选择($\checkmark$) Your choice ($\checkmark$) | ( ) | ( ) | ( ) |

Table3.Description of the selection variables of small farmers and ecological agricultural industrial chain
变量名称 Variable | 变量符号 Variable symbol | 变量定义与赋值 Variable definition and assignment |
小农户+龙头企业 Small farmers + leading enterprises | FL | 当受访者选择FL时, 衔接路径赋值为: FP=0; FL=1 When respondents selected FL, the linkage path was assigned: FP=0; FL=1 |
小农户+电子平台 Small farmers + e-commerce platform | FP | 当受访者选择FP时, 衔接路径赋值为: FP=1; FL=0 When respondents selected FP, the linkage path was assigned: FP=1; FL=0 |
小农户+合作社 Small farmers + cooperative | FC | 当受访者选择FC时, 衔接路径赋值为: FP=0; FL=0 When respondents selected FC, the linkage path was assigned: FP=0; FL=0 |
随行就市 Line with market | LMR | 当受访者选择LMR时, 利益联结机制赋值为: LMR=1; OC=0; LP=0 When respondents selected LMR, the interest linkage mechanism was assigned: LMR=1; OC=0; LP=0 |
合约协作 Contract collaboration | OC | 当受访者选择OC时, 利益联结机制赋值为: LMR=0; OC=1; LP=0 When respondents selected OC, the interest linkage mechanism was assigned: LMR=0; OC=1; LP=0 |
务工参与 Migrant work participation | LP | 当受访者选择LP时, 利益联结机制赋值为: LMR=0; OC=0; LP=1 When respondents selected LP, the interest linkage mechanism was assigned: LMR=0; OC=0; LP=1 |
股份合作 Joint stock partnership | JS | 当受访者选择JS时, 利益联结机制赋值为: LMR=0; OC=0; LP=0 When respondents selected JS, the interest linkage mechanism was assigned: LMR=0; OC=0; LP=0 |
资金信贷服务 Capital and credit services | FDS | 当受访者选择FDS时, 提供服务类型赋值为: FDS=1; ASS=0; TGS=0; PLS=0 When respondents selected FDS, the provided service type assignment was assigned: FDS=1; ASS=0; TGS=0; PLS=0 |
农资供应服务 Agricultural material supply services | ASS | 当受访者选择ASS时, 提供服务类型赋值为: FDS=0; ASS=1; TGS=0; PLS=0 When respondents selected ASS, the provided service type assignment was assigned: FDS=0; ASS=1; TGS=0; PLS=0 |
农业生产技术指导服务 Agricultural technical guidance services | TGS | 当受访者选择TGS时, 提供服务类型赋值为: FDS=0; ASS=0; TGS=1; PLS=0 When respondents selected TGS, the provided service type assignment was assigned: FDS=0; ASS=0; TGS=1; PLS=0 |
加工及物流服务 Processing and logistics services | PLS | 当受访者选择PLS时, 提供服务类型赋值为: FDS=0; ASS=0; TGS=0; PLS=1 When respondents selected PLS, the provided service type assignment was assigned: FDS=0; ASS=0; TGS=0; PLS=1 |
市场信息服务 Market information services | MIS | 当受访者选择MIS时, 提供服务类型赋值为: FDS=0; ASS=0; TGS=0; PLS=0 When respondents selected MIS, the provided service type assignment was assigned: FDS=0; ASS=0; TGS=0; PLS=0 |
农业补贴 Agricultural subsidies | AS | 当受访者选择AS时, 政策扶持类型赋值为: AS=1 When respondents selected AS, the type of policy support was assigned: AS=1 |
政策性金融支持 Policy-based financial support | PFS | 当受访者选择PFS时, 政策扶持类型赋值为: AS=0 When respondents selected PFS, the type of policy support was assigned: AS=0 |
性别 Gender | SEX | 男=0; 女=1 Male=0; female=1 |
年龄 Age | AGE | ≤18=1; 19~30=2; 31~45=3; 46~60=4; >60=5 |
受教育水平 Level of education | ED | 小学及以下=1; 初中=2; 高中及中专=3; 大专=4; 本科及以上=5 Primary and below=1; junior middle school=2; high school and secondary school=3; junior college=4; undergraduate and above=5 |
兼业情况 Part-time work | PT | 以其他业务为主以农业为辅=1; 其他业务及农业并重=2 农业为主其他业务为辅=3; 全职农户=4 Non-agricultural work as the primary business, with agriculture as the secondary business=1; other business and agriculture with equal importance=2; agriculture is the primary business and non-agricultural work is the secondary business=3; full-time farmer=4 |
从事生态农业时间 Time to engage in ecological agriculture | TIME | 1年及以下=1; 1~5年=2; 6~10年=3; 11~15年=4; >15年=5 one year and below=1; 1?5 years=2; 6?10 years=3; 11?15 years=4; >15 years=5 |
生态农产品种植面积 Ecological agricultural products planting area | AREA | ≤0.335 hm2=1; 0.335~0.670 hm2=2; 0.670~1.005 hm2=3; 1.005~1.34 hm2=4; >1.34 hm2=5 |
与合作社合作经验 Cooperation experience with cooperatives | FCE | 没有=0; 有=1 No=0; yes=1 |
与龙头企业合作经验 Working experience with leading enterprises | FLE | 没有=0; 有=1 No=0; yes=1 |
与电商平台合作经验 Experience with e-commerce platforms | FPE | 没有=0; 有=1 No =0; yes =1 |

Table4.Basic characteristics of samples
调查内容 Investigation content | 选项 Option | 频数 Frequency | 频率 Rate (%) | 调查内容 Investigation content | 选项 Option | 频数 Frequency | 频率 Rate (%) | |
性别 Gender | 男 Male | 504 | 85.71 | 从事生态农业时间 Time to engage in ecological agriculture (a) | <1 | 16 | 2.72 | |
女 Female | 84 | 14.29 | 1~5 | 109 | 18.54 | |||
年龄 Age | ≤18 | 0 | 0.00 | 6~10 | 379 | 64.46 | ||
18~30 | 68 | 11.56 | 11~15 | 82 | 13.95 | |||
31~45 | 267 | 45.41 | >15 | 2 | 0.34 | |||
46~60 | 152 | 25.85 | 生态农产品种植面积 Ecological agricultural products planting area (hm2) | <0.335 | 8 | 1.36 | ||
>60 | 101 | 17.18 | 0.335~0.670 | 232 | 39.46 | |||
受教育水平 Level of education | 小学及以下 Primary and below | 169 | 28.74 | 0.670~1.005 | 322 | 54.76 | ||
初中 Junior middle school | 390 | 66.33 | 1.005~1.340 | 21 | 3.57 | |||
高中及中专 High school and secondary school | 18 | 3.06 | >1.340 | 5 | 0.85 | |||
大专 Junior college | 8 | 1.36 | 与合作社合作经验 Cooperation experience with cooperatives | 有 Yes | 323 | 54.93 | ||
本科及以上 Undergraduate and above | 3 | 0.51 | 没有 No | 265 | 45.07 | |||
兼业情况 Part-time | 以其他业务为主以农业为辅 Non-agricultural work as the primary business, with agriculture as the secondary business | 6 | 1.02 | 与龙头企业合作经验 Working experience with leading enterprises | 有 Yes | 167 | 28.40 | |
其他业务及农业并重 Other business and agriculture pay equal importance | 173 | 29.42 | 没有 No | 421 | 71.60 | |||
农业为主其他业务为辅 Agriculture is the primary business and non-agricultural work is the secondary business | 261 | 44.39 | 与电商平台合作经验 Experience with e-commerce platforms | 有 Yes | 112 | 19.05 | ||
全职农户 Full-time farmers | 148 | 25.17 | 没有 No | 476 | 80.95 |

Table5.Analysis on linkage preference of small farmers and eco-agricultural industry chain
变量 Variable | 均值 Mean value | 标准差 Standard deviation | |||
估计系数 Estimated coefficient | 标准误差 Standard error | 估计系数 Estimated coefficient | 标准误差 Standard error | ||
小农户+电商平台 Small farmers + e-commerce platform | 2.10* | 1.13 | |||
随行就市 Line with market | 0.90 | 0.83 | |||
合约协作 Contract collaboration | 5.41*** | 1.85 | |||
资金信贷服务 Capital and credit services | 1.82** | 0.77 | |||
农资供应服务 Agricultural material supply services | 3.96*** | 1.19 | |||
农业生产技术指导服务 Agricultural technical guidance services | 2.94** | 1.31 | |||
农业补贴 Agricultural subsidies | 2.10*** | 0.64 | |||
小农户+龙头企业 Small farmers + leading enterprises | 4.60** | 1.81 | 5.83*** | 1.70 | |
务工参与 Migrant work participation | 7.47*** | 2.61 | 2.66*** | 1.03 | |
加工及物流服务 Processing and logistics services | 1.49*** | 1.05 | 4.93*** | 1.68 | |
Log likelihood | ?300.86 | ||||
LR chi2(3) | 24.23 | ||||
Prob > chi2 | 0.00 | ||||
*、**和***分别表示在P<10%、P<5%和P<1%的水平显著。衔接路径偏好估计中, “小农户+合作社”是参照; 利益联结机制偏好估计中, 股份合作是参照; 产业链服务偏好估计中市场信息服务是参照。*, ** and *** indicate significant at the levels of P<10%, P<5% and P<1%, respectively. The “small farmers + cooperative” is the reference in the convergence path preference estimation; the “joint stock partnership” is the reference in the benefit connection mechanism preference estimation; and the “market information services” is the reference in the industry chain service preference estimation. |

Table6.Analysis of the linkage preference heterogeneity between small farmers and ecological agriculture industrial chain
变量 Variable | 模型1 Model 1 | 模型2 Model 2 | 模型3 Model 3 | 模型4 Model 4 | 模型5 Model 5 | |||||||||
系数 Coefficient | 误差 Error | 系数 coefficient | 误差 Error | 系数 Coefficient | 误差 Error | 系数 Coefficient | 误差 Error | 系数 Coefficient | 误差 Error | |||||
小农户+电商平台 Small farmers + e-commerce platform | 2.14* | 1.21 | 2.08* | 1.16 | 2.07* | 1.13 | 2.15* | 1.15 | 2.14* | 1.20 | ||||
随行就市 Line with market | 1.04 | 0.91 | ?4.40* | 2.30 | 1.14 | 1.82 | 0.95 | 2.04 | ?2.65 | 2.02 | ||||
合约协作 Contract collaboration | 5.03*** | 1.78 | 5.52*** | 1.97 | 5.34*** | 1.86 | 5.60*** | 1.91 | 5.59*** | 1.98 | ||||
资金信贷服务 Capital and credit services | 1.61** | 0.76 | 1.93** | 0.83 | 1.81** | 0.77 | 1.90** | 0.78 | 1.92** | 0.83 | ||||
农资供应服务 Agricultural material supply services | 3.82*** | 1.18 | 4.19*** | 1.29 | 3.91*** | 1.19 | 4.04*** | 1.23 | 4.18*** | 1.30 | ||||
农业生产技术指导服务 Agricultural technical guidance services | 2.77** | 1.27 | 3.01** | 1.37 | 2.89** | 1.31 | 3.04** | 1.34 | 3.11** | 1.38 | ||||
农业补贴 Agricultural subsidies | 2.03*** | 0.63 | 2.18*** | 0.67 | 2.07*** | 0.63 | 2.14*** | 0.65 | 2.18*** | 0.68 | ||||
小农户+龙头企业 Small farmers + leading enterprises | 4.36** | 1.79 | 4.65** | 1.89 | 4.56** | 1.82 | 4.79** | 1.89 | 4.83** | 1.95 | ||||
务工参与 Migrant work participation | 7.24*** | 2.56 | 6.86** | 3.12 | 9.78*** | 3.48 | 5.03* | 2.85 | 2.99 | 3.01 | ||||
加工及物流服务 Processing and logistics services | 0.96 | 1.12 | 2.03 | 2.54 | 1.93 | 1.97 | 0.95 | 2.42 | 0.74 | 2.61 | ||||
“小农户+龙头企业”$ \times $性别 “Small farmers + leading enterprises” $ \times $ gender | ?0.62 | 1.42 | ||||||||||||
务工参与$ \times $性别 Migrant work participation $ \times $ gender | ?1.89 | 1.36 | ||||||||||||
加工及物流服务$ \times $性别 Processing and logistics services $ \times $ gender | 1.67 | 2.08 | ||||||||||||
“小农户+龙头企业”$ \times $年龄 “Small farmers + leading enterprises” $ \times $ age | 1.70** | 0.73 | ||||||||||||
务工参与$ \times $年龄 Migrant work participation $ \times $ age | 2.82 | 1.11 | ||||||||||||
加工及物流服务$ \times $年龄 Processing and logistics services $ \times $ age | 4.98 | 1.69 | ||||||||||||
“小农户+龙头企业”$ \times \mathrm{受} $教育水平 “Small farmers + leading enterprises” $ \times $ education level | ?0.16 | 0.97 | ||||||||||||
务工参与$ \times \mathrm{受} $教育水平 Migrant work participation $ \times $ level of education | ?1.31* | 0.81 | ||||||||||||
加工及物流服务$ \times \mathrm{受} $教育水平 Processing and logistics services $ \times $ level of education | ?0.26 | 0.93 | ||||||||||||
“小农户+龙头企业”$ \times $兼业情况 “Small farmers + leading enterprises” $ \times $ part-time work | ?0.02 | 0.60 | ||||||||||||
务工参与$ \times $兼业情况 Labour participation $ \times $ part-time work | 0.92 | 0.74 | ||||||||||||
加工及物流服务$ \times $兼业情况 Processing and logistics services $ \times $ part-time work | 0.21 | 0.77 | ||||||||||||
“小农户+龙头企业”$ \times $生态农产品种植面积 “Small farmers + leading enterprises” $ \times $ ecological agricultural products planting area | 1.36* | 0.74 | ||||||||||||
务工参与$ \times $生态农产品种植面积 Migrant work participation $ \times $ ecological agricultural products planting area | 1.84* | 0.98 | ||||||||||||
加工及物流服务$ \times $生态农产品种植面积 Processing and logistics services $ \times $ ecological agricultural products planting area | 0.35 | 0.97 | ||||||||||||
Log likelihood | ?299.19 | ?297.79 | ?299.28 | ?299.90 | ?297.03 | |||||||||
LR chi2(3) | 23.79 | 24.98 | 24.01 | 23.83 | 27.45 | |||||||||
Prob > chi2 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||||||||
*、**和***分别表示在P<10%、P<5%和P<1%的水平上显著。模型1将“小农户+龙头企业”、务工参与、加工及物流服务作为随机参数变量时, 将“小农户+电商平台”、随行就市、合约协作、资金信贷服务、农资供应服务、农业生产技术指导服务、农业补贴作为固定变量, 并进一步引入性别与“小农户+龙头企业”等随机变量的互乘项。模型2到模型5前期设置与模型一相同, 不过模型2引入的是年龄与随机变量的互乘项, 模型3引入的是受教育水平与随机变量的互乘项, 模型4引入的是兼业情况与随机变量的互乘项, 模型5引入的是生态农产品种植面积与随机变量的互乘项。*, ** and *** indicate significant at the levels of P<10%, P<5% and P<1%, respectively. For Model 1, “small farmer + leading enterprises”, migrant work participation, processing and logistics services are random parameter variables, “small farmers + e-commerce platform”, line with marker, contract collboration, capital and credit services, agricultural material supply services, agricultural technical guidance services, and agricultural subsidies are taken as the fixed variables. And Mode 1 further introduces the multiplication term between sex and random variables such as “small farmers + leading enterprises”. Model 2?5 preliminary settings are the same as Model 1. However, the Model 2 introduces the multiplication term of age and random variables, Model 3 introduces the multiplication term of education level and random variables, Model 4 introduces the multiplication term of the part-time work and the random variables, Model 5 introduces the multiplication term of the planting area of ecological agricultural products and the random variables. |

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