张晓煜1, 2, 3,,,
王静2, 3,
李红英2, 3
1.宁夏大学农学院 银川 750021
2.中国气象局旱区特色农业气象灾害监测预警与风险管理重点实验室 银川 750002
3.宁夏气象科学研究所 银川 750002
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41675114
作者简介:杨豫, 主要从事果树生理生态研究。E-mail:17614731944@163.com
通讯作者:张晓煜, 主要从事酿酒葡萄气象研究。E-mail:zhang_xynet@163.com
Comparing the cold resistance of roots of different wine grape varieties
YANG Yu1,,ZHANG Xiaoyu1, 2, 3,,,
CHEN Renwei1,
LIU Zhaoyu1,
LI Fanghong1,
FENG Rui1,
WANG Jing2, 3,
LI Hongying2, 3
1. College of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China
2. Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring, Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, China Meteorological Administration, Yinchuan 750002, China
3. Ningxia Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Yinchuan 750002, China
Funds: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China41675114
the Key R & D Program of Ningxia2018BFH03012
the Natural Science Foundation of NingxiaNZ16202
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Xiaoyu, E-mail:zhang_xynet@163.com
摘要:越冬冻害是制约中国北方酿酒葡萄产业发展的限制性因素之一,葡萄根系的抗寒能力很弱且随品种遗传性状差异而变化。为鉴定不同品种酿酒葡萄根系抗寒性,为葡萄越冬冻害的监测、预警和防御提供理论依据。本研究以贺兰山东麓‘赤霞珠’‘美乐’‘马瑟兰’‘威代尔’‘西拉’‘北玫’‘北红’‘龙眼’8个品种酿酒葡萄根系为试材,测定其在模拟自然降温冷冻过程中的生理响应指标(过冷却点、结冰点、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、电导率及半致死温度)。运用相关分析与聚类分析方法,综合评价8个品种酿酒葡萄根系的抗寒能力。研究结果表明:1)可溶性蛋白含量显著影响葡萄根系组织的抗寒性。2)供试的8个品种葡萄根系抗寒能力可分为3类:弱抗寒型(‘赤霞珠’‘美乐’‘西拉’),过冷却点-3.8~-3.2℃,结冰点-2.8~-2.3℃,半致死温度-4.34~-3.19℃;中抗寒型(‘北玫’‘马瑟兰’‘威代尔’),过冷却点为-5.4~-4.4℃,结冰点在-4.1~-3.7℃,半致死温度-5.90~-4.43℃;强抗寒型(‘北红’‘龙眼’),过冷却点在-6.4~-6.3℃,结冰点-5.2~-4.8℃,半致死温度-6.55~-6.11℃。3)根系抗寒能力在不同品种间有显著性差异,8个品种葡萄根系的抗寒能力强弱顺序为:‘北红’ > ‘龙眼’ > ‘北玫’ > ‘威代尔’ > ‘马瑟兰’ > ‘赤霞珠’ > ‘美乐’ > ‘西拉’。过冷却点、结冰点温度可以作为评价葡萄抗寒性的重要指标。研究结果对于完善葡萄抗寒性评价方法及指导防寒减灾工作具有重要意义。
Abstract:Winter freezing injury of wine grape refers to the phenomenon in which grape tissue cells are injured or even killed when they are exposed to temperatures lower than 0 ℃. Northern China in winter is colder and drier than areas of similar latitude elsewhere in the world. Winter freezing injury is one of the most significant limiting factors restricting the development of wine grape cultivation in northern China. Different parts of the grapevine vary in their resistance to cold. The root has the least resistance as it does not have the process of dormancy in winter. However, the cold tolerance level of the root depends on the genetic character of the wine grape varieties. An investigation into the cold resistance of roots of different wine grape varieties should provide scientific guidance on the monitoring, early warning, and prevention of winter-freezing injury of wine grape in northern China. In this paper, roots from eight common varieties of wine grape, such as 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Merlot', 'Marselan', 'Vidal', 'Syrah', 'Beimei', 'Beihong' and 'Longyan', in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain were selected and tested. The freezing experiment on these roots was carried out by an artificial freezing system simulating the natural cooling and freezing processes. The temperatures of the supercooling point and the frozen point, the concentrations of the soluble sugar and the soluble protein, the relative electronic conductivity, and the semi-lethal temperature of the roots were measured in the laboratory. The critical temperatures for roots of different varieties were further identified using correlation analysis and cluster analysis. After that, the cold resistance abilities of roots of eight tested wine grapes were comprehensively analyzed for the indicators mentioned above. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) The content of soluble protein in the root significantly affected the cold resistance ability of wine grapes. 2) The cold resistance ability of roots from the eight varieties could be grouped into three categories: the light cold resistance type ('Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Merlot', 'Syrah'), for which the supercooling point was -3.8 ℃ to -3.2 ℃, the frozen point was -2.8 ℃, to -2.3 ℃, and the semi-lethal temperature was -4.34 ℃ to -3.19 ℃; the moderate cold resistance type ('Beimei', 'Marselan', 'Vidal'), for which the supercooling point was -5.4 ℃ to -4.4 ℃, the frozen point was -4.1 ℃ to -3.7 ℃, and the semi-lethal temperature was -5.90 ℃ to -4.43 ℃; the strong cold resistance type ('Beihong', 'Longyan'), for which the supercooling point was -6.4 ℃ to -6.3 ℃, the frozen point was -5.2 ℃ to -4.8 ℃, and the semi-lethal temperature was -6.55 ℃ to -6.11 ℃. 3) The cold resistance abilities of roots of the eight varieties varied from strong to light in this order: 'Beihong' > 'Longyan' > 'Beimei' > 'Vidal' > 'Marselan' > 'Cabernet Sauvignon' > 'Merlot' > 'Syrah'. The results showed that both temperatures of the supercooling point and the frozen point for the grape roots could be used as indicators to evaluate the cold resistance ability of grapes.
Key words:Freezing injure/
Wine grapes/
Cold resistance/
Supercooling point/
Soluble protein

Figure1.Simulation diagram of supercooling point (T1) and freezing point (T2) of grape root in cooling process

Figure2.Frequency of grape variety 'Beimei' root supercooling point temperature in different range of temperature (n=25)

Figure3.Cluster analysis of cold resistance of roots of wine grape varieties based on overcooling point and freezing point

图中不同小写和大写字母表示品种间可溶性蛋白含量和可溶性糖含量在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure4.Soluble protein and soluble sugar contents in the roots of 8 wine grape varieties
Different lowercase letters and capital letters show significant differences in soluble protein content and soluble sugar content among varieties at P < 0.05 level, respectively.

Table1.Varieties and sources of wine grape used in the experiment
品种Variety | 来源Source |
威代尔Vidal | 银川市永宁县巴格斯酒庄Chateau Bacchus, Yongning County, Yinchuan City |
龙眼Longyan | 山西省清徐县园艺场Horticultural Field of Qingxu County, Shanxi Province |
北玫、北红Beimei, Beihong | 银川市永宁县玉泉营西夏王葡萄基地 Chateau Xixia King, Yuquanying, Yongning County, Yinchuan City |
美乐、马瑟兰Merlot, Marselan | 银川市西夏区美贺庄园Chateau Mihope, Xixia District, Yinchuan City |
赤霞珠、西拉Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah | 银川市贺兰县金山村观兰酒庄Guanlan Vineyard, Jinshan Village, Helan County, Yinchuan City |

Table2.Temperature ranges of root supercooling point and freezing point of 8 wine grape varieties
品种variety | 温度范围Temperature range (℃) | 样本量Sample quantity | |
过冷却点Supercooling point | 结冰点Freezing point | ||
北红Beihong | –7.2~–4.4 | –6.8~–3.4 | 24 |
北玫Beimei | –6.2~–4.5 | –5.5~–2.8 | 25 |
龙眼Longyan | –6.8~–4.6 | –5.7~–3.6 | 15 |
威代尔Vidal | –6.1~–3.7 | –5.4~–2.6 | 20 |
西拉Syrah | –3.5~–2.9 | –3.0~–1.8 | 25 |
美乐Merlot | –4.4~–2.9 | –3.5~–2.0 | 15 |
马瑟兰Marselan | –5.5~–3.3 | –4.9~–2.6 | 16 |
赤霞珠Cabernet Sauvignon | –4.1~–3.2 | –3.3~–2.4 | 18 |

Table3.Temperatures of supercooling point and freezing point of roots of 8 wine grape varieties
品种Variety | 温度Temperature (℃) | 过冷能力Supercooling ability | |
过冷却点Supercooling point | 结冰点Freezing point | ||
北红Beihong | –6.3±1.08aA | –5.2±0.97aA | 1.1 |
北玫Beimei | –5.4±0.47bBC | –3.8±0.42cC | 1.6 |
赤霞珠Cabernet Sauvignon | –3.8±0.34cdDEF | –2.8±0.35dDE | 1.0 |
龙眼Longyan | –6.4±0.73aA | –4.8±0.60bAB | 1.6 |
马瑟兰Marselan | –4.4±1.03cCD | –3.7±0.92cC | 0.7 |
威代尔Vidal | –5.2±0.95bBC | –4.1±0.85cBC | 1.1 |
西拉Syrah | –3.2±0.15dF | –2.3±0.33dE | 0.9 |
美乐Merlot | –3.7±0.55cdDEF | –2.7±0.54dDE | 1.0 |
表中同列数据后不同大、小写字母分别表示品种间在P < 0.01和P < 0.05水平差异显著。The capital and lowercase letters in the same column mean significant differences among varieties at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively. |

Table4.Changes of low temperature on relative conductivity and their semi-lethal temperature (LT50) of 8 wine grape varieties roots
品种Variety | 相对电导率Relative conductivity | y′ | LT50 (℃) | ||||
4 ℃ | –2 ℃ | –4 ℃ | –6 ℃ | –8 ℃ | |||
龙眼Longyan | 0.296 4 | 0.323 9 | 0.434 1 | 0.435 9 | 0.642 1 | y′=0.105 9x+0.646 6 | –6.11 |
北玫Beimei | 0.336 4 | 0.336 3 | 0.453 2 | 0.525 8 | 0.572 2 | y′=0.085 4x+0.503 8 | –5.90 |
赤霞珠Cabernet Sauvignon | 0.345 2 | 0.403 2 | 0.455 3 | 0.567 2 | 0.686 2 | y′=0.098 2x+0.426 3 | –4.34 |
北红Beihong | 0.273 6 | 0.357 3 | 0.395 8 | 0.458 2 | 0.599 5 | y′=0.104 5x+0.684 6 | –6.55 |
马瑟兰Marselan | 0.377 4 | 0.438 5 | 0.469 7 | 0.505 8 | 0.603 2 | y′=0.069 3x+0.307 3 | –4.43 |
威代尔Vidal | 0.371 5 | 0.377 9 | 0.420 0 | 0.524 4 | 0.605 9 | y′=0.076 2x+0.407 8 | –5.35 |
西拉Syrah | 0.327 9 | 0.391 4 | 0.512 6 | 0.620 8 | 0.649 9 | y′=0.119 1x+0.379 6 | –3.19 |
美乐Merlot | 0.358 5 | 0.422 1 | 0.507 3 | 0.542 6 | 0.624 2 | y′=0.088 5x+0.320 9 | –3.63 |

Table5.Correlation analysis of root cold resistance of wine grape
相关指标 Related index | 半致死温度 Semi-lethal temperature | 过冷却点 Supercooling point | 结冰点 Freezing point | 可溶性蛋白 Soluble protein | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar |
半致死温度Semi lethal temperature | 1.000 | ||||
过冷却点Supercooling point | 0.964** | 1.000 | |||
结冰点Freezing point | 0.881* | 0.957** | 1.000 | ||
可溶性蛋白Soluble protein | –0.817* | –0.726* | –0.548 | 1.000 | |
可溶性糖Soluble sugar | –0.632* | –0.556 | –0.344 | 0.525 | 1.000 |
*和**分别表示P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平显著相关。* and ** mean significant correlation at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively. |

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