1.云南省玉溪第一中学 玉溪 653100
2.玉溪师范学院资源环境学院 玉溪 653100
基金项目: 德国米苏尔发展基金会项目335-031-1028Z
通讯作者:陈祯, 主要研究方向为昆虫生态学、资源昆虫与生态农业。E-mail:cz@yxnu.net
Comparison of comprehensive benefits of traditional and hybrid rices -A case study of Hei'er Zhuang Nationality Village in Shizong County, Yunnan Province
GUI Zichang1,CHEN Zhen2,,,
LI Hongmei2,
1. Yunnan Yuxi No.1 Middle School, Yuxi 653100, China
2. College of Resources and Environment, Yuxi Normal Universtiy, Yuxi 653100, China
Funds: the Misereor Foundation335-031-1028Z
More Information
Corresponding author:CHEN Zhen, E-mail: cz@yxnu.net
摘要:通过结构式访谈并结合问卷调查,收集了云南省师宗县黑尔壮族社区农户2016年种植杂交水稻和传统水稻的相关资料,从生产资料投入、经济产出、生态影响以及稻作文化4个方面分析比较了当地种植的杂交水稻品种‘宜香725’和传统水稻品种‘黑尔糯稻’的综合效益,以期为稻种资源保护与可持续利用提供借鉴和参考。结果显示,从生产资料的投入来看,当地种植1季杂交水稻和传统水稻的成本总投入分别为7 960 ¥·hm-2和4 464.90 ¥·hm-2,杂交水稻总的投入成本是传统水稻的1.78倍;从经济效益来看,传统水稻的总产值为52 087.80 ¥·hm-2,杂交水稻的总产值为40 548.90 ¥·hm-2,传统水稻的总产值是杂交水稻的1.28倍;在利润方面,传统水稻的净利润和利润率分别为47 622.90 ¥·hm-2和91.42%,杂交水稻的净利润和利润率分别为32 588.55 ¥·hm-2和80.36%,种植传统水稻所获的净利润是杂交水稻的1.46倍,利润率比杂交水稻高11.06%;从生态影响来看,当地种植杂交水稻使用农药和化肥所带来的环境压力和风险要高于传统水稻,且传统水稻稻田的生物多样性明显高于杂交水稻稻田;从稻作文化来看,传统水稻品种与当地少数民族的饮食文化、节日庆典、宗教祭祀等民族传统文化息息相关,而杂交水稻品种不具有这方面的相关性。综合来看,当地种植的杂交水稻品种‘宜香725’的产量显著高于传统水稻品种‘黑尔糯稻’,而传统水稻‘黑尔糯稻’的综合效益显著高于杂交水稻‘宜香725’。
Abstract:Rice cultivation ensures long-term grain supply and food security. Yunan Province of China has the richest rice germplasm resources duo to its diversities of geomorphology, biology, climate and culture, and multi-ethnic groups. However, with rapidly pop-ularizing of hybrid rice in recent years, traditional rice varieties have been faced the risk of extinction (a huge loss of genetic resources) in Yunnan Province. Thus it was urgent and essential to develop conservation and sustainable utilization measures of traditional rice resources, especially in ethnic minority areas. Based on structured interview and questionnaire survey, data on hybrid rice variety 'Yi'xiang-725' and traditional rice variety 'Hei'er Sticky' were collected in Hei'er Zhuang Nationality Village in Shizong County in 2016. Based on production input, economic output, ecological effect and rice culture, the comprehensive benefits of traditional and hybrid rice varieties were compared. The results showed that hybrid rice grain yield was significantly higher than that of traditional rice. However, the comprehensive benefits of traditional rice were significantly higher than those of hybrid rice in the village. The total costs of cultivating one-season hybrid rice and traditional rice were respectively 7 960.35 ¥·hm-2 and 4 464.90 ¥·hm-2, the total input of hybrid rice was 1.78 times that of traditional rice. The total output values of traditional and hybrid rice varieties were 52 087.80 ¥·hm-2 and 40 548.90 ¥·hm-2, the output value of traditional rice was 1.28 times that of hybrid rice. The net profit and profit rate of traditional rice were respectively 47 622.90 ¥·hm-2 and 91.42%, which were 32 588.55 ¥·hm-2 and 80.39% for hybrid rice. The environmental stress and risk of hybrid rice cultivation were higher than those of traditional rice. Biodiversity in traditional rice field was obviously higher than that in hybrid rice field. The traditional rice was closely related with traditional ethnic culture such as food culture, festivals and religious sacrifices in the village. The study suggested that it was critical for sustainable development of rice production to protect and rationally utilize traditional genetic germplasm resources of rice in the region.
Key words:Rice/
Traditional variety/
Hybrid variety/
Comprehensive benefit/
Rice culture
Table1.Comparison of inputs between hybrid rice and traditional rice
品种类型 Rice type | 稻种 Seeds | 农药 Chemical pesticide | 化肥 Chemical fertilizer | 农家肥 Organic compost | |||||||||
用量 Usage amount (kg·hm-2) | 成本 Cost (¥·hm-2) | 使用次数 Usage frequency | 成本 Cost (¥·hm-2) | 用量 Usage amount (kg·hm-2) | 使用次数 Usage frequency | 成本 Cost (¥·hm-2) | 用量 Usage amount (kg·hm-2) | 使用次数 Usage frequency | 成本 Cost (¥·hm-2) | ||||
杂交水稻 Hybrid rice | 30.6±5.10a | 1 096.95±182.10a | 3.64±0.68a | 3 038.85±620.25a | 729.15±157.80a | 3.44±0.50a | 3 001.50±661.65a | 1 028.55±94.05a | 3.49±0.57a | 822.75±75.30a | |||
传统水稻 Traditional rice | 57.60±7.80b | 691.05±117.90b | 2.56±1.00b | 1 769.10±661.65b | 319.20±43.80b | 2.69±0.66b | 1 664.55±495.90b | 425.25±79.39b | 3.45±0.50a | 340.20±63.45b | |||
??不同字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。Different letters indicate significant differences at 0.05 level. |

Table2.Comparison of economic output between hybrid rice and traditional rice
品种类型 Rice type | 产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) | 售价 Price (¥·kg-1) | 总产值 Total output value (¥·hm-2) | 总成本 Total cost (¥·hm-2) | 净利润 Net profit (¥·hm-2) |
杂交水稻Hybrid rice | 8 644.80±1 055.25a | 4.67±0.63a | 40 548.90±8 253.90a | 7 960.35±887.40a | 32 588.55±8 170.20a |
传统水稻Traditional rice | 4 485.15±771.90b | 11.62±0.49b | 52 087.80±9 197.25b | 4 464.90±840.75b | 47 622.90±9 218.10b |

Table3.Rice culture of traditional rice variety 'Hei'er Sticky' in the study area
月份 Month | 与黑尔糯稻相关的传统文化活动 Traditional culture activity related to traditional rice variety ‘Hei’er Sticky’ | 食用类型 Edible type |
1 | 春节(祭铜鼓、祭田节)、元宵节 Spring Festival (worship rice field), Lantern Festival | 糯米粑粑 Sticky rice cake |
2 | 祭祖坟 Sacrifice ancestral grave | 白糯米饭、甜白酒 Glutinous rice, dessert wine |
3 | “三月三”保护生态祭祀活动, 约束村民行为, 传递文化 Worship ceremony based on ecological protection | 甜粑、酥粑、糯米粑粑 Sticky rice cakes |
4 | 男人节(婚后送晌午; 祭祀雨神, 祈求风调雨顺) Man’s Day of Zhuang Minority (worship rain god) | 糯米或糯米饭 Processed or unprocessed sticky rice |
5 | 根寿节(祭天); 女人节(招魂, 祭祀祖先; 给牛喂食粽子, 预示农业劳动得以完成) Genshou Day (worship heaven), Women’s Day (necromancy, ancestor worship) | 染花饭、包粽子 Dyed flowers rice, sticky rice dumplings |
6 | “叫谷魂”, 与农业生产有关 Belief in the soul of rice | 包粽子 Sticky rice dumplings |
7 | “祭鬼节” Worship Spirit Festival | 糯米饭 Glutinous rice |
8 | 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival | 糯米粑粑 Sticky rice cake |
9 | 霜降(庆祝节气的到来) Frost’s descent ceremony | 吃汤圆 Glue pudding |
10 | 国庆节 National Day | 糯米饭 Glutinous rice |

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